What do you think of Randy Taraborelli?

Keep in mind that Michael Jackson had a history of faking injuries publicly in order to gain attention and sympathy.
According to who??

And what injuries did he fake for publicity?

Please list them, since they were "for publicity" it should be public record

I'll wait

Bob Jones (Michael Jackson's chief of Public Relations) also wrote in his book that the singer faked that injury at the 1993 Soul Train Awards.
You mean the same Bob Jones who admitted on the stand under oath that most of the stuff he wrote in that book were lies? and that he wrote the book to get revenge because Michael fired him? The same Bob Jones who then went on to publish the same book he admitted was filled with lies, so he could make money?

THAT Bob Jones?? Yeah he's certainly credible.
Like, when he arrived to court late and dressed in his pyjamas (on March 10th, 2005).

The singer claimed that he fell while he was coming out of the shower and he injured his body.
Proof he didn't fall out of the shower and hurt his back? Do you have a doctors note saying he was not injured?

It was the day when the boy Gavin Arvizo was due to testify against him.

Or, like when he did not show up to court (in 2002) and he claimed that a spider had bitten him severely.

It appears that Michael Jackson actually faked these injuries because for example:

Outside the court (on March 10th, 2005), he made swift turns to wave to his fans (which indicated that he had no injury at all).

In 2002, he found the photos of him unflattering that were taken the previous day (from inside the court room), and thus he simply decided to not show up to court the following day.

So these pics of this big ass spider bite are fake?

@etoile 37, entomologist and researcher Rick Vetter (of University of California, Riverside) was familiar with the area around the singer's estate.

Rick Vetter examined carefully the photos of that alleged spider bite, and he concluded that Michael Jackson's claims are a bunch of crap:

"The fact that Michael Jackson says he has a spider bite is a bunch of crap ... The only poisonous spider crawling around [Michael] Jackson's neighborhood would be a black widow, whose bite does not cause swelling ... [Michael] Jackson has no idea what he's talking about" (Rick Vetter, New York Post Interview)

That is a good point.

Thanks to Seth Riggs, people know the real reason behind Michael Jackson's first nose job in 1979.
Because Michael was always at Neverland right?

You clearly know nothing about Michael.

accusing someone of lying about very real injuries is gross. You should be ashamed.

As for the racist cops and their little videos. I don't believe a word they say. Videos can be edited and manipulated. They lied and did all kinds of unethical crooked stuff in their pursuit of Michael so their words have no credibility.
I don't believe he was hurt during remember the time. The fact that he didn't include it in the tour & probably still no time to rehearse it... he faked it. I just don't believe he had hurt himself dancing. That was the same excuse for his 1st nose job when we all know that was not true.
You people are sick.

And Michael never claimed he got a nose job because he broke it. He NEVER said that. That is a myth spread by people like Taraborelli.
SO because he met Michael one or two times in the late 1970s that means the ridiculous stories he wrote about the things that supposedly happened in the 90s, that he definitely was not present for, are reliable?
again I didn't actually read the book and I did say I was wrong so yea. sorry
You people are sick.

And Michael never claimed he got a nose job because he broke it. He NEVER said that. That is a myth spread by people like Taraborelli.
I'm sick?? (Cough cough, sniff sniff🤧) 🙄
Smh alright I'll be sure to get checked out since you diagnosed me dr.kelley
I'm sure I've seen a (vh1??) mockumentary with the same name before? Correct me if I'm wrong but lardass, j randy tabloidelli and bob jones were components. It ws just the usual bullshit of oh he was so amazing than after thriller he became a weirdo, pedo allegations, publicity stunt marriages, can he make a comeback?
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@Victorious, I have answered to your question, but my answer was later deleted.
It was deleted? Why? I myself do appreciate your input since I want to know what really happened. Michael implying bruises on himself and lying in advance of a huge courtcase just seem really far stretched to me.. Especially if the other choice is believng the police investigating themselves.

So I believe some fans are in contact with Thomas Mesereau? Any chance of hearing his side of events again..? It's time to clear up this for good as well imo
It was deleted? Why? I myself do appreciate your input since I want to know what really happened. Michael implying bruises on himself and lying in advance of a huge courtcase just seem really far stretched to me.. Especially if the other choice is believng the police investigating themselves.

So I believe some fans are in contact with Thomas Mesereau? Any chance of hearing his side of events again..? It's time to clear up this for good as well imo
Thomas Mesereau's side of these events is irrelevant.

During the period of Michael Jackson's arrest, booking, and alleged police manhandling, Mark Geragos was the singer's defense attorney.

Thomas Mesereau came much later and he represented Michael Jackson from April (2004) onwards, when Mark Geragos was no longer in Michael Jackson's defense team.
Thomas Mesereau's side of these events is irrelevant.

During the period of Michael Jackson's arrest, booking, and alleged police manhandling, Mark Geragos was the singer's defense attorney.

Thomas Mesereau came much later and he represented Michael Jackson from April (2004) onwards, when Mark Geragos was no longer in Michael Jackson's defense team.

I thought Mesereau did talk about this too, he might know more. And Geragos would be even better to contact.

Anyway, do you believe Michael commited the bruises on himself or not? I ask because to me it seems very extreme to do, especially in comparison to a police officer denying misconduct of his own men
@Sensual visionary, Santa Barbara District Attorney's Office released a statement that also proves that there was no police manhandling towards Michael Jackson:

"Mr. Jackson was treated with courtesy and professionalism throughout the process. At no time was he mishandled or subjected to any form of mistreatment. His attorney and security staff thanked members of the Sheriff's Department for the professionalism demonstrated throughout the course of the process ... There have been no complaints lodged by Mr. Jackson or his attorney" (Santa Barbara District Attorney's Office)

Santa Barbara County Sheriff Jim Anderson also revealed that the handcuffs were removed within only 40 seconds of Michael Jackson arriving at the police station.

It is clear also that Mark Geragos made no complaint about Michael Jackson's wellbeing during the entire booking process.

@Victorious, I believe that there was no police manhandling towards Michael Jackson.

It is worth noting also that Canadian investigative journalist Ian Halperin revealed that Michael Jackson learned the trick of playing the victim (so as to gain sympathy whenever such need arose) from his close, long-time friend Elizabeth Taylor.
Santa Barbara District Attorney's Office released a statement that also proves that there was no police manhandling towards Michael Jackson[…]
Let's remember who was the District Attorney at the time.
How is a statement from them a proof of anything?

Michael’s home had just been raided by 60+ officers. How, at that point during a demeaning and traumatizing process would he be expected to make a formal complaint the first thing he does, and even trust any of these same authorities to treat him justly?
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@Sensual visionary, Santa Barbara District Attorney's Office released a statement that also proves that there was no police manhandling towards Michael Jackson:

"Mr. Jackson was treated with courtesy and professionalism throughout the process. At no time was he mishandled or subjected to any form of mistreatment. His attorney and security staff thanked members of the Sheriff's Department for the professionalism demonstrated throughout the course of the process ... There have been no complaints lodged by Mr. Jackson or his attorney" (Santa Barbara District Attorney's Office)

Santa Barbara County Sheriff Jim Anderson also revealed that the handcuffs were removed within only 40 seconds of Michael Jackson arriving at the police station.

It is clear also that Mark Geragos made no complaint about Michael Jackson's wellbeing during the entire booking process.

@Victorious, I believe that there was no police manhandling towards Michael Jackson.

It is worth noting also that Canadian investigative journalist Ian Halperin revealed that Michael Jackson learned the trick of playing the victim (so as to gain sympathy whenever such need arose) from his close, long-time friend Elizabeth Taylor.

'Playing the victim' by creating bruises on yourself seems pretty extreme tbh
Please stop entertaining this waste of conversation with renowned bot MJ_frenzy. He posts blatant misinformation on the daily, this is no different.
I see what you mean. I very much like to see different opinions but if sources like Ian Halperin are used I give up..
Please stop entertaining this waste of conversation
I feel it's the role of a community to address any drawn conclusions and sources before they sow confusion among potentially thousands of readers. It's really quite easy, and at its best should cultivate an openly inquisitive mindset rather than stifling it.

Imho, constant name calling is more likely to keep others further attached to certain views about things with whatever sources we access, and a way to build common ground in the long run is to respectfully share what we believe.

The world is poisoned as it is and we're all too easily hurt in our respective isolation 🫂
I feel it's the role of a community to address any drawn conclusions and sources before they sow confusion among potentially thousands of readers. It's really quite easy, and at its best should cultivate an openly inquisitive mindset rather than stifling it.

Imho, constant name calling is more likely to keep others further attached to certain views about things with whatever sources we access, and a way to build common ground in the long run is to respectfully share what we believe.

The world is poisoned as it is and we're all too easily hurt in our respective isolation 🫂
This is true in 99% of conversations, but with frenzy I have not seen him attempt this in over 6 years.
I understand that this forum sometimes has uncomfortable discussions that could warrant some minor arguing but this is just WRONG. Why are there people in here spewing hateful rhetoric when we, the fans, have literal proof and receipts disproving the lies they’re saying?

The spider bite the #1 example. I did a virtual tour of Neverland seminar a couple weeks ago with Brad Sundberg and the person who took the picture of the spider bite was literally in the chat. That was the first time I’d ever heard of it. They said that there are more images of the spider bite that were given to court to prove it happened but were never, and should never be, released to the public. They said it was very graphic and Michael was in a lot of pain due to the bite.

Mods? Admins? Anyone? I’m not saying people aren’t allowed to have opinions or thoughts, but these seem like trolls and nothing is being done? We’re fans of Michael. We’re supposed to defend him and support him TOGETHER. God I miss the times when fans did nothing but support Michael.
@Gaz buddy, please? Maybe read through it and make your own decision? Thank you.
I can't stand the bloke (Taraborelli) he was nothing more than a tabloid sensationalist capitalising of all the things Michael did that made the news for all the wrong reasons so he could sell his books. Blokes a leach in my book. Tabloid journalism at it's finest, all at the cost of Michael.

As for the rest, everything is opinion and speculation which should be taken at face value, at the end of the day no one knows other than Michael and those around him, unless they speak here directly everything posted is to be taken with the grain of salt it deserves.

Fans posting in a forum who didn't even know him are 'NOT' credible, instead it's nothing but personal opinion.

You guys need to realise that when replying to others.
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@SmoothGangsta, @Moonstreet: Unlike you, I am not a member of that Michael Jackson online fan forum where members there create threads in order to bad-mouth @MJJCommunity and its owner @Gaz.
@Gaz buddy, please? Maybe read through it and make your own decision? Thank you.
@Mister_Jay_Tee, that is very hypocritical on your part, considering that there are quotes from you where you speak badly of @MJJCommunity and its staff.
I understand that this forum sometimes has uncomfortable discussions that could warrant some minor arguing but this is just WRONG. Why are there people in here spewing hateful rhetoric when we, the fans, have literal proof and receipts disproving the lies they’re saying?

The spider bite the #1 example. I did a virtual tour of Neverland seminar a couple weeks ago with Brad Sundberg and the person who took the picture of the spider bite was literally in the chat. That was the first time I’d ever heard of it. They said that there are more images of the spider bite that were given to court to prove it happened but were never, and should never be, released to the public. They said it was very graphic and Michael was in a lot of pain due to the bite.

Mods? Admins? Anyone? I’m not saying people aren’t allowed to have opinions or thoughts, but these seem like trolls and nothing is being done? We’re fans of Michael. We’re supposed to defend him and support him TOGETHER. God I miss the times when fans did nothing but support Michael.
Show me specifically these parts that you find them "hateful rhetoric" towards Michael Jackson.
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@SmoothGangsta, @Moonstreet: Unlike you, I am not a member of that Michael Jackson online fan forum where members there create threads in order to bad-mouth @MJJCommunity and its owner @Gaz.

🤣🤣 oh sweetie, seriously. Theres a whole history of which you know nothing about. Fact is that this forum is a shell of what it was in 2009, when Michael was alive. Also fact is that I am an original MJJForum member. People may not like me, thats fine, but I have personal first hand experience of the fan community both online and in real life. While me and @Gaz may not see eye to eye on some things, fact is BOTH of us have been part of the fan community for over 25 years. He also has personal first hand experience of the fan community both online and in real life. Just because he may have issues with me and I may have issues with him, I will always respect the fact that he is an OG fan, like me. Just because we are all part of the same community and are here for Michael, does not mean we all have to be friends. Being able to disagree with a person but being able to respect their experience in the fan community is a sign of maturity.
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🤣🤣 oh sweetie, seriously. Theres a whole history of which you know nothing about. Fact is that this forum is a shell of what it was in 2009, when Michael was alive. Also fact is that I am an original MJJForum member. People may not like me, thats fine, but I have personal first hand experience of the fan community both online and in real life. While me and @Gaz may not see eye to eye on some things, fact is BOTH of us have been part of the fan community for over 25 years. He also has personal first hand experience of the fan community both online and in real life. Just because he may have issues with me and I may have issues with him, I will always respect the fact that he is an OG fan, like me. Just because we are all part of the same community and are here for Michael, does not mean we all have to be friends. Being able to disagree with a person but being able to respect their experience in the fan community is a sign of maturity.
I can't even remember what our disagreements were lol which shows how insignificant they are :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: