What do you think of Randy Taraborelli?

Depends on his source really. The stories he heard directly from the family back when he interviewed them are reliable. The ones he heard from unnamed sources are not always reliable. He also often makes up dialogues (he obviously was not in the room, so he could not possibly know what was said in such details).
I found his book in the 1990's before the internet and before I was park of the fan communities. Back then when I had no other resources I thought the book was amazing. Yes he was around Michael which gives those early years parts credibility, but its the later years, when he wasnt there and didnt have contact and he fills out the events with stories and conversations he doesnt have first have experience of that I dont like.

It bugs me that he is seen as an official source.
I found his book in the 1990's before the internet and before I was park of the fan communities. Back then when I had no other resources I thought the book was amazing. Yes he was around Michael which gives those early years parts credibility, but its the later years, when he wasnt there and didnt have contact and he fills out the events with stories and conversations he doesnt have first have experience of that I dont like.

It bugs me that he is seen as an official source.

Yes! :) It was the same for me. The book ("The Magic and the Madness") was like a treasure box to me back then 😅
Yes! :) It was the same for me. The book ("The Magic and the Madness") was like a treasure box to me back then 😅

Exactly. But then as I got older and then had the internet and could find other resources, things in the book just didnt add up. As a gateway to Michael, for a new young casual fan, its fine.
Exactly. But then as I got older and then had the internet and could find other resources, things in the book just didnt add up. As a gateway to Michael, for a new young casual fan, its fine.
True ... I loved the many pictures in the book. Not only about Michael but also about his family. They were the first pictures, aside from some magazine pictures (and those in MOONWALK), that I saw about his life.
Depends on his source really. The stories he heard directly from the family back when he interviewed them are reliable. The ones he heard from unnamed sources are not always reliable. He also often makes up dialogues (he obviously was not in the room, so he could not possibly know what was said in such details).
Keep in mind that unnamed sources are not necessarily unreliable sources.

For instance, the things that these unnamed sources told John Randy Taraborrelli regarding Michael Jackson's publicity stunts in the '80s turned out to be all of them true.

These unnamed sources must remain confidential due to the nature of these sources' employment in the record industry, because revealing their names can lead for example to being fired from their positions.
I don't know him that much, but I don't like him because of what he said about Michael in a crappy report broadcast on a bogus channel in France. He mocked him by saying theoretically: "I hope you don't take him seriously in this video. None of the gangsters would have been afraid of him. He's dressed ridiculously. We made fun of him despite his efforts. I understand."

The video is in French but there are subtitles.

Met Michael a few times in his youth and has made a career out of being his "friend" and writing books on him.

Credibility? 0%
oh.. well thb I didn't read the book. ( 😅 ) my friend just got it so I got as well
yeah I think so. he met Mike so that kinda reassures reliability. I think he cool imo
⬆️don't listen to this girl she don't read anything lol
oh.. well thb I didn't read the book. ( 😅 ) my friend just got it so I got as well

⬆️don't listen to this girl she don't read anything lol

You have the right to make mistakes, everyone does. And then you're right, maybe he's reliable because he still met Michael. I can't argue with the authenticity of his words but his behavior hasn't always been kind to Mike :/
Was he present at the 05 trial? I honestly can't remember but he said that in court Michael walked past him and that Michael smelled like mothballs.

Not very nice.
For instance, the things that these unnamed sources told John Randy Taraborrelli regarding Michael Jackson's publicity stunts in the '80s turned out to be all of them true.

Turned out to be true? To this day, there's still no evidence that any of those stories are true.


Turned out to be true? To this day, there's still no evidence that any of those stories are true.


Keep in mind that Michael Jackson had a history of faking injuries publicly in order to gain attention and sympathy.

Bob Jones (Michael Jackson's chief of Public Relations) also wrote in his book that the singer faked that injury at the 1993 Soul Train Awards.
Keep in mind that Michael Jackson had a history of faking injuries publicly in order to gain attention and sympathy.

Bob Jones (Michael Jackson's chief of Public Relations) also wrote in his book that the singer faked that injury at the 1993 Soul Train Awards.
Bob Jones also said under oath that his book was full of made-up lies, so...

I don't know what "history of faking injuries" you are talking about, only tabloids and unreliable sources ever claimed he faked his injuries and illnesses. The same sources who claimed he didn't have vitiligo. Not only did the autopsy report confirmed he had vitiligo, it also listed several scars which proved injuries that the tabloids claimed were faked.
Bob Jones also said under oath that his book was full of made-up lies, so...

I don't know what "history of faking injuries" you are talking about, only tabloids and unreliable sources ever claimed he faked his injuries and illnesses. The same sources who claimed he didn't have vitiligo. Not only did the autopsy report confirmed he had vitiligo, it also listed several scars which proved injuries that the tabloids claimed were faked.
Like, when he arrived to court late and dressed in his pyjamas (on March 10th, 2005).

The singer claimed that he fell while he was coming out of the shower and he injured his body.

It was the day when the boy Gavin Arvizo was due to testify against him.

Or, like when he did not show up to court (in 2002) and he claimed that a spider had bitten him severely.

It appears that Michael Jackson actually faked these injuries because for example:

Outside the court (on March 10th, 2005), he made swift turns to wave to his fans (which indicated that he had no injury at all).

In 2002, he found the photos of him unflattering that were taken the previous day (from inside the court room), and thus he simply decided to not show up to court the following day.
Outside the court (on March 10th, 2005), he made swift turns to wave to his fans (which indicated that he had no injury at all).
Yes but I believe he said something like 'It hurted but I still wanted to wave at my fans' himself in the Ed Bradley 60 Minutes show..?
Like, when he arrived to court late and dressed in his pyjamas (on March 10th, 2005).

The singer claimed that he fell while he was coming out of the shower and he injured his body.

It was the day when the boy Gavin Arvizo was due to testify against him.

Or, like when he did not show up to court (in 2002) and he claimed that a spider had bitten him severely.

It appears that Michael Jackson actually faked these injuries because for example:

Outside the court (on March 10th, 2005), he made swift turns to wave to his fans (which indicated that he had no injury at all).

In 2002, he found the photos of him unflattering that were taken the previous day (from inside the court room), and thus he simply decided to not show up to court the following day.

Both of those injuries were real and confirmed by the autopsy report.

Quote from the autopsy report:

"The following scars are present:

10. On the anterior right shin is a 5 x 2-1/2 inch area of hyperpigmentation."

This scar matches the spider bite that was on his right shin:


This is what Michael said happened on the day he went to court in pajamas:

"I was coming out of the shower, and I fell. And all my body weight – I mean I’m pretty fragile – and all my body weight fell against my rib cage. And I pretty much huh… I bruised my lung very badly. My lung on the right is very much... I’m in pain as we speak. And I can go into court every day in immense pain, in agonizing pain. And I sit there and I’m strong, I try to be as strong as I can. What we’re looking for is the coughing of blood now. The doctor said it can be very, it’s still very dangerous as we speak."

The autopsy report confirmed he had scars from a lung injury:

"The above findings reflect a depletion of structural and functional reserves of the lung. Reserve depletion is the result of widespread respiratory bronchiolitis and chronic lung inflammation in association with fibrocollagenous scars and organizing/recanalizing thromboemboli of small arteries. It should be noted that the above lung injury with reserve loss is not considered to be a direct or contributing cause of death. However, such an individual would be especially susceptible to adverse health effects."
Yes but I believe he said something like 'It hurted but I still wanted to wave at my fans' himself in the Ed Bradley 60 Minutes show..?
This Ed Bradley 2003 Interview is an interview where Michael Jackson's words should be taken with a pinch of salt.

For example, the singer claimed that he was brutalized (by police officers) during his booking on child molestation charges, but sheriff Jim Anderson later played videotapes and audiotapes that disproved these Michael Jackson's claims.

Sheriff Jim Anderson played a videotape that showed police officers gently cuffing the singer on his wrists.

Sheriff Jim Anderson also played an audiotape which was recorded during Michael Jackson's ride to the police station, in which the singer said he felt "fine" and "wonderful" and even he whistled and sang to himself.
I don't believe he was hurt during remember the time. The fact that he didn't include it in the tour & probably still no time to rehearse it... he faked it. I just don't believe he had hurt himself dancing. That was the same excuse for his 1st nose job when we all know that was not true.
@etoile 37, entomologist and researcher Rick Vetter (of University of California, Riverside) was familiar with the area around the singer's estate.

Rick Vetter examined carefully the photos of that alleged spider bite, and he concluded that Michael Jackson's claims are a bunch of crap:

"The fact that Michael Jackson says he has a spider bite is a bunch of crap ... The only poisonous spider crawling around [Michael] Jackson's neighborhood would be a black widow, whose bite does not cause swelling ... [Michael] Jackson has no idea what he's talking about" (Rick Vetter, New York Post Interview)
I don't believe he was hurt during remember the time. The fact that he didn't include it in the tour & probably still no time to rehearse it... he faked it. I just don't believe he had hurt himself dancing. That was the same excuse for his 1st nose job when we all know that was not true.
That is a good point.

Thanks to Seth Riggs, people know the real reason behind Michael Jackson's first nose job in 1979.
I don't really know enough about him, I read his magic and the madness book decades ago, it was interesting if not a bit tabloid heavy at times.

I think he spoke well of Michael in the David Guest documentary, he gave an honest and fair assessment of Michael I felt
guys hes a good guy he was friiends s with mike when they were teenagers and hes always kind to michael jackson fans on facebook. He has a dog named axel which he post pics of regularly
@etoile 37, entomologist and researcher Rick Vetter (of University of California, Riverside) was familiar with the area around the singer's estate.

Rick Vetter examined carefully the photos of that alleged spider bite, and he concluded that Michael Jackson's claims are a bunch of crap:

"The fact that Michael Jackson says he has a spider bite is a bunch of crap ... The only poisonous spider crawling around [Michael] Jackson's neighborhood would be a black widow, whose bite does not cause swelling ... [Michael] Jackson has no idea what he's talking about" (Rick Vetter, New York Post Interview)

I guess the scar described in the autopsy report just magically appeared on his shin then. This expert is forgetting something: Michael Jackson traveled a lot. You can bring back all sorts of critters in your luggage. The bite was from a brown recluse spider.