What do you think Michael is doing right now?

Watching all over us and his family, children. Giving advise.
he is standing next to me and giggling becouse I'm looking at his pics and making love face. I can hardly hear his laugh :D
Oh yeah, I also see him every where and smiling all the time ;)
Can feel his energy.
He's listening to our conversations about him, and blushing like crazy when we mention the gold pants / thong :p
CaptainEo - He is definitely eating a bucket of KFC right now.
Probably talking with Michelangelo, asking questions, while they have a painting art lesson. :lol: Can you picture that? XD I can. Michael in apron and a paintbrush in his hand whipping the brush in the air to big canvas, and just paint everywhere.
cracking up at all these new-fangled "fans" that seem to be coming out of the woodwork, watching over us; his true fans who have loved him for his entire career.

So, the only true fans of Michael's are the ones who have been fans his whole career?

What about the fans who weren't born or old enough to know Michael throughout his entire career? That's not really a fair thing to say.

Anyway, I think Michael is looking out for his children right now. I sure hope he is anyway. They need it. Also, smiling at all the love that is being given to him throughout the whole world. :)
As much as i wanna believe in life after death. Michael Jackson is dead, and he is not with us anymore. He is sleeping forever.
When you die, it must feel like sleeping. Without a working body you can not "feel" anything? No dreams, nothing.

why do you think about so negative?????
i will not say that your answer is wrong since all of us didn't know...
but i think Michael not just sleeping only, He has gone to his home and might has appeared in someone's dream. He not just for sleeping. since he knows that he still has something to do. Michael loves his family and fans, so he will care about them and listen to them.so can you tell me how can him be sleeping??????
In this world, he was peter pan, after he died, he also was the peter pan...
so at less we can dream, dream something about him~~~
Hope he's haunting some people who wronged him. I say he should. He's also eating some KFC. That one I know is true.
haunting is not a word i will use
michael likes visting me for unknown reason
i don't think i did or say anything wrong to michael but for unknown
reason michael feels he can talk to me or has a message for me?
i can amiange michael drinking coffee flower milkshake
singin a place with no name
why do you think about so negative?????
i will not say that your answer is wrong since all of us didn't know...
but i think Michael not just sleeping only, He has gone to his home and might has appeared in someone's dream. He not just for sleeping. since he knows that he still has something to do. Michael loves his family and fans, so he will care about them and listen to them.so can you tell me how can him be sleeping??????
In this world, he was peter pan, after he died, he also was the peter pan...
so at less we can dream, dream something about him~~~

I wanna believe in life after death, but if I think whats most likey going to happen when you die i feel that you are no longer here. I might be wrong and i hope I am too. I want to belive. I rellaly wanna know what happen when you die.
I wanna believe in life after death, but if I think whats most likey going to happen when you die i feel that you are no longer here. I might be wrong and i hope I am too. I want to belive. I rellaly wanna know what happen when you die.
If you like, you could buy a couple of relevant books. They explain a lot about what happens after you die. There are thousands of such books, maybe try some of the most well known like James van Praagh or Doreen Virtue. Also Dr. Raymond Moody (he's a scientist who first tried to explain the afterlife). Approach with an open mind and you won't be disappointed. :)
I imagine Michael kneeling by running water (i.e. stream or river), surrounded by a healthy forest looking up and flashing that wonderful smile of his. :D That's the only thing I see when I think of Michael.
In response to Rainbow Angel.

Michael is okay. He is happy i know.

There is not going to be an end to the world. 2012 does not mean the world is going to end. It just means there is going to be a shift in consciousness and more people will awaken to who they really are.
I'm not making fun of the new fans. I didn't mean it like that at all. What I meant by that was the people who had so much negative to say about MJ seem to have all kinds of accolades to give him now that he's left us now. I just don't like that two or three weeks before his untimely death all this different people were so quick to say negative stuff about him and unfortunately it took his death for them to realize that they were wrong.

I'm very sorry....I truly did not mean to offend anyone by my post.
I bet that right now he's having fun and meeting everyone up in heaven, but in the future he's gonna be creating even more great music up there with help from the other greats like Elvis, John Lennon, James Brown etc. for when all us fans get to meet him again :D
This thread made me cry :cry: … Some of the posts were so moving…

I believe he's in heaven, watching over his beloved ones and all of his fans that are still on Earth … I can imagine him surrounded by all the love, the joy and the happiness he showed us while he was living here :)

And maybe he’s flying with Peter Pan to do some moonwalk on the moon :D
Breaking the largest selling album record in heaven.

Do you know how amazing that sounds...
Can't wait to get there. :]

I love this thread. It really makes me smile.

I'm not making fun of the new fans. I didn't mean it like that at all. What I meant by that was the people who had so much negative to say about MJ seem to have all kinds of accolades to give him now that he's left us now. I just don't like that two or three weeks before his untimely death all this different people were so quick to say negative stuff about him and unfortunately it took his death for them to realize that they were wrong.

I'm very sorry....I truly did not mean to offend anyone by my post.

It's totally cool, I must have misinterpreted your post. It's all good.
:cry: :cry:
Ya'll are making me cry.

I think he's spreading his magic, laughing, dreaming, resting, playing, singing, dancing, skipping, writing - loving. He's watching his beatufuil children and sending them the biggest kisses and cuddles and holding their hands...he's whispering to them secret stories that only they can hear, wiping away their tears and letting them they know that their Daddy loves them so, so much. I think he's sending all his love to the rest of his family - letting them know that he is okay and that he loves them and wants them to be happy. He is telling his fans that he adores us, he is thanking us for all our love and he wants us to know that we are so important to him. He's also telling us to look into the sky, listen to the wind, the ocean, the stars, the moon...he is in it all and he is looking after us. He's climbing a tree right now, the most beatufuil tree imaginable lit up by little candles and shooting stars. He is holding a crystal and his eyes are closed and he is simply enjoying his new peace. And then he's up, doing a little boogie with James Brown and dancing wildly!
:cry: :cry:
Ya'll are making me cry.

I think he's spreading his magic, laughing, dreaming, resting, playing, singing, dancing, skipping, writing - loving. He's watching his beatufuil children and sending them the biggest kisses and cuddles and holding their hands...he's whispering to them secret stories that only they can hear, wiping away their tears and letting them they know that their Daddy loves them so, so much. I think he's sending all his love to the rest of his family - letting them know that he is okay and that he loves them and wants them to be happy. He is telling his fans that he adores us, he is thanking us for all our love and he wants us to know that we are so important to him. He's also telling us to look into the sky, listen to the wind, the ocean, the stars, the moon...he is in it all and he is looking after us. He's climbing a tree right now, the most beatufuil tree imaginable lit up by little candles and shooting stars. He is holding a crystal and his eyes are closed and he is simply enjoying his new peace. And then he's up, doing a little boogie with James Brown and dancing wildly!

:cry: :cry:
Ya'll are making me cry.

I think he's spreading his magic, laughing, dreaming, resting, playing, singing, dancing, skipping, writing - loving. He's watching his beatufuil children and sending them the biggest kisses and cuddles and holding their hands...he's whispering to them secret stories that only they can hear, wiping away their tears and letting them they know that their Daddy loves them so, so much. I think he's sending all his love to the rest of his family - letting them know that he is okay and that he loves them and wants them to be happy. He is telling his fans that he adores us, he is thanking us for all our love and he wants us to know that we are so important to him. He's also telling us to look into the sky, listen to the wind, the ocean, the stars, the moon...he is in it all and he is looking after us. He's climbing a tree right now, the most beatufuil tree imaginable lit up by little candles and shooting stars. He is holding a crystal and his eyes are closed and he is simply enjoying his new peace. And then he's up, doing a little boogie with James Brown and dancing wildly!

OMG :cry:
Im glad this thread is alive. Keep them coming. I enjoy reading them. Bless you all.

Im listening to PYT demo version right now and his voice is so beautiful.. Im surrounded by Michaels spirit..

been watching ghost vids for 3 hrs and iam pretty sure there is an afterlife.
so my guess is hes now watching over his children and his love ones including his fans.
:cry: :cry:
Ya'll are making me cry.

I think he's spreading his magic, laughing, dreaming, resting, playing, singing, dancing, skipping, writing - loving. He's watching his beatufuil children and sending them the biggest kisses and cuddles and holding their hands...he's whispering to them secret stories that only they can hear, wiping away their tears and letting them they know that their Daddy loves them so, so much. I think he's sending all his love to the rest of his family - letting them know that he is okay and that he loves them and wants them to be happy. He is telling his fans that he adores us, he is thanking us for all our love and he wants us to know that we are so important to him. He's also telling us to look into the sky, listen to the wind, the ocean, the stars, the moon...he is in it all and he is looking after us. He's climbing a tree right now, the most beatufuil tree imaginable lit up by little candles and shooting stars. He is holding a crystal and his eyes are closed and he is simply enjoying his new peace. And then he's up, doing a little boogie with James Brown and dancing wildly!

Aww that's so beautiful. :cry:
I'm sure that he is looking at the stars right now... the sky is so incredible clear... stars are so bright just like MJ's eyes. I love looking at the stars.. now it get some new sense for me :)