What do you think Michael is doing right now?

How would this look like? Are these souls round us, but we cant see them? Or where are they, are they just living 1 big dream together?
From what I've heard their world looks similar to ours just 1 billion times more beautiful - and even more. Everything there can be created by thought. Time does not exist either there, not as we know it at least. Also, there are many levels to heaven. The more evolved soul the higher the level it would be in. In addition, from many accounts it is said their reality is even more real than what we think is real now in this world.
a sleep at peace not aware of anything. what sort of punishment would it be to see all the pain that everyone is in over what has happened but not to be able to do a thing about it. i dont want him to see the hell everyone is going through i love him to much for that
From what I've heard their world looks similar to ours just 1 billion times more beautiful - and even more. Everything there can be created by thought. Time does not exist either there, not as we know it at least. Also, there are many levels to heaven. The more evolved soul the higher the level it would be in. In addition, from many accounts it is said their reality is even more real than what we think is real now in this world.

That is exactly what I believe! I truly believe it so much, I think of it as if it's been proven by fact. However, I have read that heaven is so beautiful, it is beyond what any human mind can imagine.
I think he is enjoying being anonymous and doing all the normal stuff he couldn't.singing and being free from anxiety,able to sleep.Being able to rest and smiling with his eyes once more!I think he probably talks with his kids and is amused that the tabloids are hardly able to survive without him.
Seriously though i think he is finally free in a way wasn't possible on this earth......happy too that he made such an impact on so many people all over the earth!
I like to think he is a bird able to fly freely everywhere and sing beautifully!
OMG you guys I'm so sad thinking about this, that Michael is somewhere different to us right now.
He has been united with his brother. I'm sure they are cherishing each other (oh Lord I'm in tears) and Michael is having a lovely time catching up with all his grandparents and other family that went before him.
He is lovingly looking down on, looking after, and comforting his three precious babies.
He is also loving his parents, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews and all the rest of his family and friends from where he is.
I think he hears our prayers and smiles when he hears them, or when God relays them to him.

I just hope he is happy. I hope he is at peace.

The thing that breaks my heart is the thought that he might be lonely. For his children especially. :cry: :cry:
OMG you guys I'm so sad thinking about this, that Michael is somewhere different to us right now.
He has been united with his brother. I'm sure they are cherishing each other (oh Lord I'm in tears) and Michael is having a lovely time catching up with all his grandparents and other family that went before him.
He is lovingly looking down on, looking after, and comforting his three precious babies.
He is also loving his parents, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews and all the rest of his family and friends from where he is.
I think he hears our prayers and smiles when he hears them, or when God relays them to him.

I just hope he is happy. I hope he is at peace.

The thing that breaks my heart is the thought that he might be lonely. For his children especially. :cry: :cry:
He won't be lonely in the spirit world. That's just not possible. lol He'll be worrying about his children, family and fans of course but the spirit world knows how to take care of newly-arrived souls. :)
I think he got to the gates and was greeted by Elvis who said "you did WHAT with my daughter?!?!" and then kicked M.J's ass, while Charlie Chaplin laughed silently in the backround. Ha-ha :) :p
I think he's watching over his kids and his mother.
I think he is overwhelmed by love, not just by celebrities like James Brown and Princess Diana, but by all the fans and children. I reckon there's a huge queue of fans waiting to meet him, and every sick child he ever came across is now being read a story by him like in the painting at Neverland and the picture in his Dancing the Dream book.
Ryan White was probably leaning on the gate watching the whole Elvis/Michael thing, and then after, when Mike looked up, Ryan just smirked and said "what took you so long Applehead?!"
I think he got to the gates and was greeted by Elvis who said "you did WHAT with my daughter?!?!" and then kicked M.J's ass, while Charlie Chaplin laughed silently in the backround. Ha-ha :) :p
I think he's watching over his kids and his mother.
I think he is overwhelmed by love, not just by celebrities like James Brown and Princess Diana, but by all the fans and children. I reckon there's a huge queue of fans waiting to meet him, and every sick child he ever came across is now being read a story by him like in the painting at Neverland and the picture in his Dancing the Dream book.
Ryan White was probably leaning on the gate watching the whole Elvis/Michael thing, and then after, when Mike looked up, Ryan just smirked and said "what took you so long Applehead?!"

That made me smile, it was beautiful. Thank you.
He is sat on a cloud, swinging his legs over the side, singing "My Way" with Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley, while Charlie Chaplin plays piano just a couple of clouds away. Michael forgets the words and laughs, then Elvis gives him a playfull punch on the shoulder and says "come on man, this is the big finish"...
He won't be lonely in the spirit world. That's just not possible. lol He'll be worrying about his children, family and fans of course but the spirit world knows how to take care of newly-arrived souls. :)

God I love you, you are so spiritual.

People like you make me so hopeful.
i think he is teaching elvis to moonwalk
He is probably very busy: waterparks, cool rides, creampiefights, waterfights and this above hahaha! Just beeing the kid he never got the chance to be.
And he comes everynight to tell his kids a good night story.
See you at the waterpark Mike! ;)
he's in Las Vegas with Elvis :p

seriously, I think he's laughing that adorable, high cackling/screaming laugh of his at all the antics we're all getting up to. I'd also like to think he's watching over his children and his mother (and as someone else said -- all the children of the world) and imparting some divine comfort to the lot of us who feel such enormous sadness at his passing.
After my grandfather had died we recieved a lot of visiting in strange ways from him...so it is possible I think.
I think he's up there laughing and cracking jokes with James Brown, Princess Diana, Brandon and all the other people he meets. Maybe he's preforming his o2 concerts over there instead haha :)
Of course he's watching over his children and loved ones constantly, but I like to believe he's at peace now. I like too, but honestly... I don't really. Sorry. And unfortunately he's crying when he sees the fans that are there with him, that just aren't supposed to be. Not yet.

I think he's proud of us, and when he's got the time and takes a break, maybe when his kids are asleep, I think he checks in on us too.
I think he's watched over many of us several times, even if it's just for a few moments to see how we're doing. And yes, I do think he's proud of all of us. No I don't think, I'm sure.
This is just what I like to believe….
When Michael’s mind & soul became free & left his Earthly body, they merged & became one.
This oneness became incredibly light, soaring into heaven on a cloud. All the beautiful experiences he’d created on Earth came with him & intensified, and took him to Heavens highest sphere – a sphere too beautiful to even imagine.
On arrival in Heaven, he received a standing ovation, surrounded by millions of angels.
In Heaven, you can create anything simply by thought. The home Michael always envisioned was there waiting in Heaven… his very own heavenly, eternal Neverland… only a million times better, and unimaginably beautiful.
Although all the physical problems he suffered in life disappeared at the point of crossing over, and his spiritual body returned to its most perfect state, his mind & soul are still healing. The condition of the mind & soul in Heaven depends on a person’s state of mind when they were on Earth. All the things a person experienced in life, good & bad, remain with them, they do not go away, if anything they are intensified because the mind reaches its highest level of consciousness.
The angels are now with him, healing him.
But because his energy was so strong in life, that too is intensified in Heaven. He is able to cross back over to watch over his loved ones, his children. And he does this often, either in the form of telepathy, sending somebody a thought or visiting them in their dreams, or using his spiritual body to reach out to his loved ones, and this would explain his presence that is still felt. Or simply in the form of a star, shining down over all of us, before he melts back into Heaven ♥
I believe he's doing many things at once. I believe he's watching over his children and family partly a little sad that he had to leave so suddenly but also overjoyed to see them in a whole new perspective, being able to see their spirits and seeing that he truly was a wonderful father and that they have wonderful things a head of them. He's probably also very excited to be able to experience the music of paradise to hear, feel, and even see music so much better. It's very likely he's come in contact with James Brown, Elvis, Princess Diana, Brandon, and so many more :group: and he's probably even making new music while trying to teach the angles how to moonwalk.
I truly believe he's at peace. Just because he's passed on doesn't mean he can't still enjoy the things he did on earth. He still has the same spirit so he still has his loving, humorous nature and those things about him have probably even become greater. Heck he's probably in middle of pulling a prank on one of the angels. :burstbubble
We also know how curious and adventurous he was here on earth so he's probably asking everyone questions on everything he sees and is just enjoying taking in every sight and sound.
I know it's still very heart breaking to think about MJ being gone but just think, you'll be able to see him again. What I believe is that yeah at times time here on earth feels like an eternity but in the perspective of eternity life here on earth is like a small bead on an eternal strand of thread. So while we're still on earth on that little bead of time let's take the valuable time to spread Michael's message of healing the world and keeping his memory alive and before we know it we'll be in his arms with him smiling down at us.:hug:
From what I've heard their world looks similar to ours just 1 billion times more beautiful - and even more. Everything there can be created by thought. Time does not exist either there, not as we know it at least. Also, there are many levels to heaven. The more evolved soul the higher the level it would be in. In addition, from many accounts it is said their reality is even more real than what we think is real now in this world.

You know.. Im so afraid of death and yet somehow cant stop watching those ''life after death'' shows.. I really believe there is something beyond the physical life.. And what you just described sounds SO COMFORTING.. I really really really hope its true. And I believe it is!!!
I can see Michael infront of me comforting and taking care of his children while they cry and miss their daddy.. I bet Michael is stroking their heads and going ''Dont cry.. Im still here, Im still your daddy, you just cant see me.. But if you try hard enough you might be able to feel my presence.. I didnt go nowhere.. Im here everyday..''
Having waterfights and playing games with Elvis, Princess Diana, James Brown and Brandon, laughing and having fun like the kid he never got to be and teaching everyone to moonwalk :D But he visits his children,family and fans in spirit and in their dreams :)
I'm having a really bad, I've spent the day watching Michael's videos and reading this has me in tears again. I believe he is amongst family and fans. Michael I miss you so much it hurts.
As much as i wanna believe in life after death. Michael Jackson is dead, and he is not with us anymore. He is sleeping forever.

I want to believe that you come to paradise and meet all your friends when you die. But that sounds to good to be true, it is just wishful thinking.

When you die, it must feel like sleeping. Without a working body you can not "feel" anything? No dreams, nothing.

the most depressive post ever... i couldn't calm myself all day :(

(not blaming you by the way...)