What do you think Michael is doing right now?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Planet earth
Yeah strange question you might ask.. Im trying to add some light to this tragic situation and keep his memory alive.. Remember, there is no right or wrong here.. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.. What do you think Michael is doing right now? Personally, I want to believe he is here on earth with his family, taking care and watching over his children and his parents and his siblings.. Singing to them.. And watching their every move.. I believe he is with the people who he was closest to.
This is clever, gives us room for imagination and allows us to stretch our visionary boundaries.
I get similar vibes for what he's doing now to your signature photo.
He's somewhere extremely beautiful, natural and pristine. Sitting on a rock or on a bench, arms folded, and breathing silently.
PS: Get creative, can't wait to read this thread!
As much as i wanna believe in life after death. Michael Jackson is dead, and he is not with us anymore. He is sleeping forever.

I want to believe that you come to paradise and meet all your friends when you die. But that sounds to good to be true, it is just wishful thinking.

When you die, it must feel like sleeping. Without a working body you can not "feel" anything? No dreams, nothing.
I believe there are two parts to a human. A body and a soul. Michael had a body for his dancing and singing, and he had a really big soul. There is no way his soul could have just died with his body.. When his body died, his soul left it and went on. His soul is still here, he may sing, he may speak but we just cant hear him anymore. His body was his shell, his machine to create music and dance.. But his soul, his message, the person he was on the inside..
I dont believe that can ever die!
^^ thats interesting, i need to really think about life after death. What happens with your pets that you love? they have a soul too?
what do i think he's doing - laughing at all the controversy and conspiracy theories!
I thought of something.. It would be nice if this is the case.. Michael arriving to the other side and is greeted by Freddy Mercury and James Brown and is comforted and hugged and told what a good job he has done on earth and that he is not alone and they start dancing and singing and laughing and cracking jokes.. Freddy tells Michael he has been watching over him since he passed away and that he never left his side... And James goes on to say the same thing.. James never left Michael, he was there the entire time.. And that they are happy to have Michael to have him on their side.. Laughing, singing.. dancing.. Cracking jokes..
what do i think he's doing - laughing at all the controversy and conspiracy theories!

to be honest I think he'd be more likely looking over his children. Also have you not seen videos where Michael mentions conspiracy himself? his 60 min interview, Harlem talk, Sony speech...
He is sitting on the edge of his Giving Cloud and laughing but at the same time worried about how stupid and fucked up this world down here is...
I find it hard to believe he's at peace with all the crap going on down here and the fact he's had to leave his beautiful children. :( I hope I'm wrong but I find it hard to believe.
Interesting topic! Let me try.

* "Due to my strong personal conviction, I wish to stress that this imagination of mine is in no way endorse belief in the occult" This is only my fictional imaginations.

In our universe that have no end, is there not something out there? Are we truely alone in this planet? My imagination tells me that this planet we live in is only part of a dimension. There is another dimension that we cannot see, like we cannot hear some sound frequencies, we cannot see the UV light, we cannot see the radio wave. This is all because our abilities are locked up inside our flesh. Energy cannot be destroy, they can only transform to another energy.

The creator of this universe, the one who control all things are both made up of good and bad energy. These forces had always be in a balance. That is why there is always good and bad people in this world. God is the being of good energy, a beautiful power that rule everything that have good vibrations and the Satan is the being of the bad energy. These two powers, the good and evil are always at war. Both will try to win it and take over the kingdom of the eternal universe.

We are the soldiers at our probation period on earth. Love is the ultimate power that will gain you the gates of heaven and Hate is the energy that will lead you to the eternal fire. When we die, the more love and beautiful feelings in our hearts turns to good vibrations and we float up to heaven and become angels. However, if our feelings of Hate or greed or anything of evil is more than our feelings of love, it will pull us down to hell. Beings living in hell are called demons. The Angels and the Demons are always at war. One day the good will prevail and there will be peace again in every dimension, peace again in our world.

I would imagine Michael on another mission now. His mission to touch the hearts of so many people and bring the feelings of love into thier lifes and heal the planet earth is completed. God needs him for a mission in heaven. There, Michael would lead an army of angels to heal the world from above, to bring as many people to the kingdom of Heaven. To save them and influence more people to do good things so the army in heaven will be larger.
In death he was able to do that. A lot of fans and non-fan that turned to a fan are being save. His music is being played again very often once more. His music will help alot of people to bring out the goodness in them. He watch from above, smiling.

When he is free, he would write songs or visit other angels or friends that he known from earth. His fans in heaven would sometimes organise a choir to sing his songs and perform for him. And you can just imagine the priceless smile on his face!

I guess this is all he is doing for now.

Do you people believe in the End of the World? When that moment happens, it will be the untimate battle between good and evil. The Angels and Demons will clash and I believe the good and the power of love will prevail. And then the world will be recreated once again, filled with only good people who's hearts is full of love. Here, Michael can choose to do what ever he wants. He can choose a normal life and live happily with his family and children or become a performer again but this time, the media only write good things about him and everyone in this newly rebuilt planet is kind to each other! ;-)
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Resting...Hopefully he's found the peace and tranquility he never had while here.
I think he is watching over those beautiful children of his, sad that he had to leave them but happy of the time he got to spend with them. Then i think every once in a while he glances at his fans and is proud of us all for carrying on his legacy keeping the music alive and celebrating his life in the way only MJ fans know how.xxxx
Watchin over the one he loves is definitely a thing he will do..but i think Michael is plantin plants..or maybe sittin down drinkin tea/coffee and relax himself..He is always doin his thing..even tho he is no longer in this world but he is still livin..Probably Writin letters and tries to send as many to each single fans as possible..I strongly believe we will receive Michael's message somehow and somewhere.
He has finally got a chance to interview Michelangelo. And he's having a fun dancing with James Brown. Catching up with princess Diana.
Looking over friends and family and reconnecting with old friends such as James Brown :angel:
He must be signing autographs for older fans and famous people. Chatting with James Brown and Freddie, having a laugh with Elvis on who's the real King (and talking about Lisa), asking Walt endless questions... :lol: Of course he must be worried about his family and kids too, so he must check on them constantly too.

I do believe strongly in the immortality of the soul, I don't know how people who don't cope...
I think he's in heaven peeling chicken to make it organic before he eats it. Many heavenly chickens have rested in eternal peace since Michael's arrival there.


On a serious note, I think he is in heaven and is watching over and taking care of his children, friends and family. I also believes he visits the fans too. I believe he's visited me too.

Human beings never die. Our bodys get seperated from our souls and we live in another world. That's all.
I reckon he's up there looking over his friends, family and fans, maybe even preforming for his old friends and fans that have passed too. Where ever he is, what ever he's doing, I hope he's happy.
How would this look like? Are these souls round us, but we cant see them? Or where are they, are they just living 1 big dream together?
I think souls are among us, sometimes visit us and protects us. My family member died recently, I definitely believe she comes around ever so often..