What did MJ like to eat?

There's more than one type of Vegetarian. If Chicken was the only meat product he ate, he'd still be considered a vegetarian.
No he wouldn't. If you eat meat and fish you are not vegetarian. If you eat only fish you are pestitarian.

It seems to me that Michael didn't eat a lot of meat and fish and went in and out of the vegetarian/vegan lifestyle over the years, then stuck with a wholefoods diet. He also incorporated raw food into his diet, like juices, salads and granola with nutmilk, which is very good for you.
how it always seemed to me was he would take a 'soul food saturday when he wasn't working really hard. soul food is good home cooking greens chicken brown beans baked mac n cheese fried potatos corn beard thats what i grew up eating.
OMG, you're making me hungry. Just throw some grits in there... : drool: But I'm stuck in Germany where you can't even buy grits.... aghghgh...
Michael said that he would prefer not to eat something was alive before and it is dead in his plate. But his doctors forced him, he said, to eat fish and chicken. This is from rabbi Shmuley book.

But is it a direct quote of his, or something that Schmuley says?.

In any case, if true, he should just have changed doctors :).
There's more than one type of Vegetarian. If Chicken was the only meat product he ate, he'd still be considered a vegetarian.

Oh no, he wouldn't.

There is indeed more than one type of vegetarian, but none of them eats meat (and chicken counts as meat, so does fish). Unless we can say a semi-vegetarian is a vegetarian :).

A vegetarian doesn't eat animals. That's basically it. But, to be detailed:

There's octo-vegetarians, who eat eggs apart from fruits and vegetables.
There's lacto-vegetarians, who eat dairy products apart from fruits and vegetables.
There's lacto-ovo-vegetarians, who eat dairy products and eggs apart from fruits and vegetables.
We could say vegans - who eat no product that is of animal origin at all (staff like eggs, dairy products, honey) and who don't use anything that is of animal origin (like leather, fur... according to most people staff like wool as well) - are a type of vegetarians as well. I'd say they are, but I'm sure many people would disagree.
No he wouldn't. If you eat meat and fish you are not vegetarian. If you eat only fish you are pestitarian.

It seems to me that Michael didn't eat a lot of meat and fish and went in and out of the vegetarian/vegan lifestyle over the years, then stuck with a wholefoods diet. He also incorporated raw food into his diet, like juices, salads and granola with nutmilk, which is very good for you.

It is very posible he went in and out of being a vegetarian. A lot of people do.
it's also possible he stayed vegetarian in the later years. a lot of people do that, too.

nobody said he never ate chicken in his entire life..but..in the later years, he stated, himself, to Billy Bush, that he was into herbs, and was careful what he put in his body..and, of course, there's the moment with Will I Am, where he talked about riding on horses and picking apples from trees. and Will I Am was annoyed cus he said he was HUNGRY. lol. but he ended up going for the apples with MJ. sometimes, after time passes, some people just get more streamlined and modified, after having splurged in an earlier time, because the body just became much more sensitive..

yeah...there are the vans filled with burger wrappers and the stops at KFC, but, in those times, there were also many other people in the vehicles. people who may not have subscribed to MJ's possible new diet. and, of course, MJ's known as being generous. he may have served the 'house' (company in his vehicle..)

sorta like handing pizzas to the masses, but not necessarily eating one, himself..

being a vegetarian or vegan doesn't necessarily screw up the body. different people have different tastes, just like different people couldn't relate to MJ being really skinny..it doesn't mean that it hurt MJ.
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OMG, you're making me hungry. Just throw some grits in there... : drool: But I'm stuck in Germany where you can't even buy grits.... aghghgh...

I hear that. I have searched high and low and keep getting offered polenta.

Not. The. Same.

Plus I can't find green chilis.

OMG, you're making me hungry. Just throw some grits in there... : drool: But I'm stuck in Germany where you can't even buy grits.... aghghgh...

What are 'grits'? I recently read a book which mentioned them but it seemed to have a negative connatation...?
KFCKFCKFCKFC!! I thought that all fans knew that Michael had a weakness for that fingerlickin' good stuff! ;) haha!

Kentucky fried chicken is horrifically cruel factory farmed meat. If people want to eat fried chicken please make it free range animals for the animals sake and for our planet.

This is from Peta and I can't do a full search on the cruelty because I can't stomach it. I am disappointed that Michael ate KFC, as a compassionate person that care about animals and people and the planet. I can ony assume he was not aware of the cruelty as I'm certain he would not have done other wise.


Crammed by the thousands in factory-farm sheds, bred and drugged so that many become crippled under their own weight, and slaughtered using a process that guarantees that many will be drowned or burned in scalding-hot water while they are still conscious, chickens raised and killed for KFC know only misery. Yet the fast-food chain has done nothing to prevent the worst types of cruelty to chickens inflicted by its factory-farm and slaughterhouse suppliers.
Oy vay! Who gives a crap about him being vegetarian or not. His life was his to live and if he received any enjoyment out of eating KFC, well good for him! I love animals and I hate the thought of something dead on my plate, YET I eat meat. Why, because I tried being a vegetarian and then smelled a hamburger and had to have it after 8months of eating a vegetarian lifestyle. Couldn't resist but I tried. Why judge, damn can't he have anything that is just his decision to make without fans weighing in to judge. Worry about your own food intake.
Kentucky fried chicken is horrifically cruel factory farmed meat. If people want to eat fried chicken please make it free range animals for the animals sake and for our planet.

This is from Peta and I can't do a full search on the cruelty because I can't stomach it. I am disappointed that Michael ate KFC, as a compassionate person that care about animals and people and the planet. I can ony assume he was not aware of the cruelty as I'm certain he would not have done other wise.


Crammed by the thousands in factory-farm sheds, bred and drugged so that many become crippled under their own weight, and slaughtered using a process that guarantees that many will be drowned or burned in scalding-hot water while they are still conscious, chickens raised and killed for KFC know only misery. Yet the fast-food chain has done nothing to prevent the worst types of cruelty to chickens inflicted by its factory-farm and slaughterhouse suppliers.

Thank you for posting that. I had been wondering if I should post info about what do chicken go through for people to eat them later on...

And KFC is one of the worst as far as cruelty goes.
Oy vay! Who gives a crap about him being vegetarian or not. His life was his to live and if he received any enjoyment out of eating KFC, well good for him! I love animals and I hate the thought of something dead on my plate, YET I eat meat. Why, because I tried being a vegetarian and then smelled a hamburger and had to have it after 8months of eating a vegetarian lifestyle. Couldn't resist but I tried. Why judge, damn can't he have anything that is just his decision to make without fans weighing in to judge. Worry about your own food intake.

nobody is judging him. you're really spinning that. everybody on here is speculating. nobody knows any more than what color is his toothbrush. and because u smell a hamburger and give in, doesn't mean that's true for everybody else. if anything, you are judging by the way your body acts, and are thinking that's true for everybody else's body. this is just a speculation thread. there's no need to get explosive about it.
What are 'grits'? I recently read a book which mentioned them but it seemed to have a negative connatation...?
The best way I have to explain to you is to point you toward Wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grits :)

I hear that. I have searched high and low and keep getting offered polenta.

Not. The. Same.

Plus I can't find green chilis.

Yeah, good luck on the chiles, unless you go mail order. Try searching for 'american food' on like google.de and you can find some places in Germany, Austria, even the Netherlands that specialize in that. You just can't find everything you want from one source. And be prepared to pay a very pretty price. Imports, you know. Some expats have reported that down in Munich you can even find corn tortillas on occasion :wild: But I live nowhere near there. Here it's like a special treat to get a glimpse of pinto beans, lol.
Kentucky fried chicken is horrifically cruel factory farmed meat. If people want to eat fried chicken please make it free range animals for the animals sake and for our planet.

This is from Peta and I can't do a full search on the cruelty because I can't stomach it. I am disappointed that Michael ate KFC, as a compassionate person that care about animals and people and the planet. I can ony assume he was not aware of the cruelty as I'm certain he would not have done other wise.


Crammed by the thousands in factory-farm sheds, bred and drugged so that many become crippled under their own weight, and slaughtered using a process that guarantees that many will be drowned or burned in scalding-hot water while they are still conscious, chickens raised and killed for KFC know only misery. Yet the fast-food chain has done nothing to prevent the worst types of cruelty to chickens inflicted by its factory-farm and slaughterhouse suppliers.

It is a very good point. Thank you for posting it. I think Michael didn't know about it, but he said he doesn't like anything dead on his plate. I do not eat meat myself anymore, it makes me sick. Animals go through a very cruel process before they become food.
I think just KFC could remind him his childhood which was taken from him. He was born in a poor state Indiana and Kentucky is just next door. KFC is not food for rich ppl.
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nobody is judging him. you're really spinning that. everybody on here is speculating. nobody knows any more than what color is his toothbrush. and because u smell a hamburger and give in, doesn't mean that's true for everybody else. if anything, you are judging by the way your body acts, and are thinking that's true for everybody else's body. this is just a speculation thread. there's no need to get explosive about it.

I'm definitely not spinning this and I am certainly not explosive about it. That is a little dramatic. What I was doing was simply expressing my opinion and offering a possible expl for his meat consumption. I did not know opinions were not allowed here. And if you go back and read, some ppl WERE actually judging. If the shoe does not fit you, why are you so offended?
Oy vay! Who gives a crap about him being vegetarian or not. His life was his to live and if he received any enjoyment out of eating KFC, well good for him! I love animals and I hate the thought of something dead on my plate, YET I eat meat. Why, because I tried being a vegetarian and then smelled a hamburger and had to have it after 8months of eating a vegetarian lifestyle. Couldn't resist but I tried. Why judge, damn can't he have anything that is just his decision to make without fans weighing in to judge. Worry about your own food intake.

Well, people who care about animals DO care about them suffering and being killed. Whoever eats them. So sorry, but it's not like someone eating meat it's just their bussiness. They're certainly affecting others.