What did MJ like to eat?

KFC, Spicey Foods, Banana Cream Pie, and Orange Gaterade

what was his favorite candy anyone know?
Maybe he was an "occasional vegetarian" for health reasons (weight etc.) instead of anti-animal eating principles.

I just read this the other day - Michael said he didn't like to eat meat because he didn't like to see anything on his plate that was alive and is now dead. But his doctors or somebody made him eat chicken and fish to be healthy.

Wish I could find it. I think it's in Shmuley's book...going to go look.
I eat chicken but I wouldn't want to feed one to a crocodile.

But the chicken was already dead. It wasn't like he was feeding the crocodrile a live chicken... The thing is, he felt kinda guilty (from what it seems in the video), so shouldn't he have felt guilty about eating a chiken as well?.

Anyway, why would you have a problem feeding it to a crocodrile and not about eating it yourself?.
Well, it did look like a "sad chicken". :lol:
Seriously, nothing's that black and white. I enjoy eating chicken but I wouldn't be able to watch one being killed. That doesn't mean a person hypocritical or inconsistent.

BTW, has anyone mentioned that Michael loved enchiladas?
And he was a big fan of finger food. Fun and convenient to eat. :)

Well, I wouldn't say hypocritical, but it does mean the person is being inconsistent.
I'm sorry to say but I know it's bad to stereotype but the KFC things proves MJ was black

Nevermind.. I just really need to scroll on by foolish comments... which is what been doing most of the time around here lately....

Not you Carina sweetie...The post above you..
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this thread makes me wanna go thru his garbage at his house to see what junks he threw out.
I'm sad that Michael has not been completely vegetarian like me. lol! I do not eat anything of animal origin.

But I've read somewhere that I do not remember now that Michael has always been fond of sweets. Chocolates? Does anyone know about it?
how it always seemed to me was he would take a 'soul food saturday when he wasn't working really hard. soul food is good home cooking greens chicken brown beans baked mac n cheese fried potatos corn beard thats what i grew up eating.
I remember hearing or reading some where that his favorite kind of chocolate was milk chocolate. And according to this site:


Michael's favorite things to drink is:

mineral water (e.g. Evian, Perrier), fruit juice (orange), vegetable juice (carrot), Gatorade (during concerts)

His favorite foods are:

Mexican, exotic, spicy & vegetarian food, Sushi, pizza, chicken, fish, fresh fruits, popcorn, vanilla ice with cookie pieces, sunflower seeds, glazed doughnuts, frosted flakes with milk, M&Ms
He was a vegetarian, but had an occasional KFC run is that really so bad?

Well, if he ate chicken (or "had an occasional KFC run", whatever that means :)) , then he was not a vegetarian.

If he did care about animals though, but just found it sometimes too hard to be consistent, I don't think it's that bad. Dissapointing nontheless.

He might still have considered himself to be a vegetarian though. Paul McCartney has said he was a vegetarian since the very early 1970's, but it has been said he ate meat from time to time until the early 80's (who knows if it's true though).
I remember hearing about the time someone was @ his house & MJ's butler came out with a bucket of KFC lol
i remember when i was startin to become fan of MJ i was on youtube and i heard it about it and he got me in to eatting KFC :lol: thanks MJ know i can't stop :toofunny: cause my father say too me that if i eat too much chicken i'll trun into chicken but the way my brother inlaw say that i'll trun into chickenthriller :toofunny: i through that was funny :D i just through to share it with you :D
i remeber someone saying he loved cheese enchiladas with a lot of chilli sauce. also his chef said he ate granola too before the concerts. also in one of the leaked home movies you can hear him talking to prince and paris and he sounds like he has a mouth full of granola.

also sounds to me like michael was a pescatarian. and anyway why does it matter? michael can do what he likes. i'm sure most of you eat meat :p
I remember hearing or reading some where that his favorite kind of chocolate was milk chocolate. And according to this site:


His favorite foods are:

Mexican, exotic, spicy & vegetarian food, Sushi, pizza, chicken, fish, fresh fruits, popcorn, vanilla ice with cookie pieces, sunflower seeds, glazed doughnuts, frosted flakes with milk, M&Ms

Those are some of my favourite foods of mine too! Glazed doughnuts are a thing that I want to stop eating as they are so bad for you but everytime I go past a doughnut shop I cant resist buying them. But I balance it out by eating a lot of fruit.
Those are some of my favourite foods of mine too! Glazed doughnuts are a thing that I want to stop eating as they are so bad for you but everytime I go past a doughnut shop I cant resist buying them. But I balance it out by eating a lot of fruit.

Omigoodness, Krispy Kreme... when the HOT sign is on... Mmmmm.
Don't forget tootsie rolls!!
There's a picture in the man in the mirror section of him eating one while watching MSG.
It's my favorite candy.
Ever since I saw him in that damn picture I've had 3 huge bags of them with 400 pieces in each bag. That was a week ago!!
I'm gonna be fat by Christmas.
Michael said that he would prefer not to eat something was alive before and it is dead in his plate. But his doctors forced him, he said, to eat fish and chicken. This is from rabbi Shmuley book.
Well, if he ate chicken (or "had an occasional KFC run", whatever that means :)) , then he was not a vegetarian.

If he did care about animals though, but just found it sometimes too hard to be consistent, I don't think it's that bad. Dissapointing nontheless.

He might still have considered himself to be a vegetarian though. Paul McCartney has said he was a vegetarian since the very early 1970's, but it has been said he ate meat from time to time until the early 80's (who knows if it's true though).

There's more than one type of Vegetarian. If Chicken was the only meat product he ate, he'd still be considered a vegetarian.
What did MJ like to eat? What did his diet consist of?

The only stuff that I know is that he fasted on Sundays and in he LOVED KFC(just like me).

I also know he liked to eat lots of healthy foods.

But does anyone know what kind?

In the MJ: Conspiracy book it tells what the menu was for his private jet flights. That was interesting as well.

BBQ Chicken
Mash Potatoes
Cob Corn
Sweet Potatoes Pies