What did MJ like to eat?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What did MJ like to eat? What did his diet consist of?

The only stuff that I know is that he fasted on Sundays and in he LOVED KFC(just like me).

I also know he liked to eat lots of healthy foods.

But does anyone know what kind?

In the MJ: Conspiracy book it tells what the menu was for his private jet flights. That was interesting as well.
I've read the title and my first thought was: KFC!!!:lmao:
Michael and his KFC (organic if you peel the skin off!) is becoming legendary I think.
I was thinking that next time i go up to his Grave that i woud take him a Bucket of KFC (in mexico they do that becuse its belived that the dead can smell the food that love ones bring)
As I know,Michael was a vegetarian......and I know he ate healthy food. I read too in MJ's Conspiracy that he used to ate chicken from KFC,but I really don't think so....
As I know,Michael was a vegetarian......and I know he ate healthy food. I read too in MJ's Conspiracy that he used to ate chicken from KFC,but I really don't think so....
He did eat KFC chicken.
I always find this concept so weird...

Like do you think he ever ate gum? & did he drink coffee?
his brazilian cook, Dona Remi, told that Michael enjoyed to eat beans, rice, watermelon, vegetables pancake and crepe.
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He said in one of his videos and in his book that he Loved Mexican food. He also Loved KFC =)
KFC (when he wasn't being vegetarian.. which he said he actually started to clear up his skin and loose weight)

He said he liked Mexican food very much...and fruit and vegetables. His chef said he'd eat Sushi with lots of wasabi (very hot) sauce.

Someone said he was on a macrobiotic diet once..and was going to fast for a week after he'd finished it, so he had a challege with this guy to fast for a week, sunday-sunday, but the guy caught MJ sneakily eating chicken from the fridge on the tour bus on the saturday night before the end of the fast.

Gum yehh I've seen a video of him chewing like mad.

Sweets of course.
is it true that he would lose 10 pounds in weight a night when on tour? from sweat and movement?

I just cant believe that, i mean there would be nothing left of him :/
he stopped at KFC when he came back to Gary as well.

and he did like Mexican food.

...Hes my type of man.:p
I red that he eats KFC a lot and organic and healthy food and also he loved gum..Michael was chewing a lot gum and guess what it was his favorite?BIG RED :laugh:
is it true that he would lose 10 pounds in weight a night when on tour? from sweat and movement?

I just cant believe that, i mean there would be nothing left of him :/
I heard less than 10 pounds, but I also heard he had to load up on food (mostly protein and carbs) before a show.
When I read that part in the Conspiracy book about the KFC, I was rolling with laughter. :rofl: Actually that was probably the only part in the book where I was laughing out loud. I knew he loved KFC, but I didn't know he loved it so much to eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. :lol:

Also I read or saw something somewhere that he liked Almond milk. I'm not really sure what that is. :scratch:
wrong thread sorry
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Yeah... the KFC thing... I have to say that is something that disappointed me a quite a bit. I had always heard he was a vegetarian.

There's a video on YouTube in which they hand him over a dead chicken for him to feed a crocodile... and he kept saying that it was so sad... he seemed sorry about the chicken, so how could he just then go and eat them himself?. He wasn't being very consequent (if that is a word in English).
Maybe he was an "occasional vegetarian" for health reasons (weight etc.) instead of anti-animal eating principles.
Yeah... the KFC thing... I have to say that is something that disappointed me a quite a bit. I had always heard he was a vegetarian.

There's a video on YouTube in which they hand him over a dead chicken for him to feed a crocodile... and he kept saying that it was so sad... he seemed sorry about the chicken, so how could he just then go and eat them himself?. He wasn't being very consequent (if that is a word in English).

if people are honest, they can't tell for sure what his eating habits were..even Kenny Ortega is quoted twice..saying two different things. don't even know if those are both his quotes with the way print media is, these days. so, indicting MJ isn't really fair...we don't really know what to indict him for. there just are a lot of mystery things about MJ, and people aren't always willing to admit that.
Maybe he was an "occasional vegetarian" for health reasons (weight etc.) instead of anti-animal eating principles.

I agree. He said in his book that being a vegetarian he is a lot slimmer and his skin cleared up..

He said he ate KFC, there are photos of him at KFC. And there were stories of him eating KFC at his memorial. Magic Johnson was talking about ordering chicken at Neverland (i think?) and the chef brought Magic grilled chicken but brought Michael a bucket of KFC .. the guy was a bit jealous of that! Theres also the photo of him sneakily eating chicken when he was supposed to be on a fast. So he did eat it at least at some points in his life.
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I bet he lived on Candy and KFC :D And the occasional McDonalds... :)
Yeah... the KFC thing... I have to say that is something that disappointed me a quite a bit. I had always heard he was a vegetarian.

There's a video on YouTube in which they hand him over a dead chicken for him to feed a crocodile... and he kept saying that it was so sad... he seemed sorry about the chicken, so how could he just then go and eat them himself?. He wasn't being very consequent (if that is a word in English).

I eat chicken but I wouldn't want to feed one to a crocodile.
Yeah... the KFC thing... I have to say that is something that disappointed me a quite a bit. I had always heard he was a vegetarian.

There's a video on YouTube in which they hand him over a dead chicken for him to feed a crocodile... and he kept saying that it was so sad... he seemed sorry about the chicken, so how could he just then go and eat them himself?. He wasn't being very consequent (if that is a word in English).
Well, it did look like a "sad chicken". :lol:
Seriously, nothing's that black and white. I enjoy eating chicken but I wouldn't be able to watch one being killed. That doesn't mean a person hypocritical or inconsistent.

BTW, has anyone mentioned that Michael loved enchiladas?
And he was a big fan of finger food. Fun and convenient to eat. :)