What Are You Gonna Do On June 25th, 2010?

well if im not off screw it im calling in and remembering my boy. in my own way at home videos movies cds.
I really don't know yet. I am thinking over the idea of going to Thrill the World in NYC, but I don't know if it will be feasible or not. All I know is that I don't want to be alone that day. :cry:
I'll probably take the day off from work and watch youtube videos, listen to his music all day, and watch any specials on TV if there are any here. I felt lonely last year going to a tribute on August 29th between all these MJ fans I don't know and since I'll feel rotten anyway I think I prefer to stay at home....
Not entirely sure though on what to do exactly and where...
Wish I could go to Forest Lawn, but the money-tree dried up and died
I will be not believing it's a year already. :( Since last June has been like living in a fog...

I'd rather not commemorate that day. I'd rather commemorate August 29, his birthday.
I don't know. The time has elapsed so fast. It's already difficult enough to believe it has been an entire year. That date makes me terribly sad and I will probably sit and cry all day or something. I don't fancy thinking about it, but it's a legitimate question. The time is drawing closer, and every passing minute makes the fact that he is dead more and more real.
I honestly dont know what to do. Didnt even want to think about it until recently when realizing its actually one year. I wish I could go to Forest Lawn, I wish I could go somewhere where I can feel closer to Michael somehow. I wish we could skip that day every year and celebrate him on the 29th aug only. I wish he was still here with us. I wish he knew exactly how much we loved him, how truly, passionately, devoted we were. Although we were strangers to him, I wish he knew what he was to us, a father, a brother, a lover, a friend, a humanbeing. :cry:

I miss him so much
I will do on June 25th, what I do on the dates Freddie Mercury and John Lennon both passed....listen to my cd collection and watch videos.

If I have to drive around town for whatever reason, MJ will be BLASTING from my car sterio.
I'm currently trying to get that night off, as I have to work night shift that night....and if I can get it off, I'll be watching and listening to Mike.....all night and all day....
I'm not going to do anything...I'm going to act like it's just a regular day. For myself, I just don't want to focus on the fact that he is gone and that it's the day he died. Too hard. I do the same thing when the anniversary of my father's death happens each year, because I don't want to dwell on his death. That's just what works for me.
I think i will take the train to Glasgow scotland and have a shopping spree and stay there for a few nights :) it might cheer me up. I am definitely not working that day -_- on the night time i might toast michael with a few glasses of bubbly to celebrate how great he was :cheers:Although i will be deeply saddened

I was going to Alton Towers theme park but cant get the coach there :mello: its a treck from Birmingham if you dont drive
I might go there for his birthday
oh i understand greatlyTinaG

Thanks very much....it's actually quite a challenge for me this year. My father died on June 26th. Sigh. :cry: I really didn't need another death so close together!