What Are You Gonna Do On June 25th, 2010?

I've been ignoring this thread...omg just thinking that this June will be one year...and then before we know it, it will be 2 years... woah. Time is really going on without Michael? It's kind of crazy to think about...and just...sad. So sad. :cry:

I wish I could spend the day with other fans. Don't think that will happen though. So I'll probably just spend the day like any other, but participate in the Major Love Prayer and maybe see if some people here want to stargaze together at the same time while thinking of Michael. I did this last year and it was magical. :heart:

Hugs to everyone. :group:
I'm still not sure what I'm going to be doing on the 25th. Part of me wants to just go to work that day and pretend that its not happening, and the other part of me wants to get on a plane and go to CA. Last year going out to NL and being with other fans made the situation bearable....but I'm not sure if I could handle going to see him at Forest Lawn. *sigh*I want to be around other fans thats for sure. Being alone would just be too heartbreaking. I don't know, my plans are still up in the air......If anyone is in the MD/DC area and is interested in taking a trip to CA, hit me up and maybe we can coordinate or whatever.
Well i know i want be listening to the radio stations because i know his music will be played all day and people will reflecting on their memories of him the media will contintue on with there never ending stories of him. Before I go to work that day i will say a prayer like i always do than come home and relax to some of his joints and have my own reflection of MJ continue that day very warm and quiet moment with him with prayer. Its still hard for meI grew up him his listening to music and videos always played in my house so i'm just think of him as being on vacation enjoying his life in another life spreading his love to others with his speeches love, and kindness. I can't believe June is two months away its going to be a very hard summer a year of his death in June and a year of my aunt in July.
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Are you going with MJFSC? I want to go ahead and book my flight and stuff, but I don't know what all is going on. I'll be going alone, but I don't wanna be alone. =/ We need a thread for this in the meet-up section.
There will definitely be many people there all day long(solo and with groups), so don't worry about being alone. :hug:That's where I will be for the second part of the day; I will be at Neverland for the first part probably.
There will definitely be many people there all day long(solo and with groups), so don't worry about being alone. :hug:That's where I will be for the second part of the day; I will be at Neverland for the first part probably.

Aww, that sounds nice. What's up with Neverland now? Would we be allowed to visit? And thanks. :flowers: I'm just really shy (especially in groups.) I just made a separate thread, though.
Aww, that sounds nice. What's up with Neverland now? Would we be allowed to visit? And thanks. :flowers: I'm just really shy (especially in groups.) I just made a separate thread, though.
We can't go into Neverland, so there's really not much to do there. It feels so sacred to me there, though, so I go whenever I can.

Don't worry about going to FL alone--almost everyone goes alone the first time and I promise you will leave feeling an incredibly deep connection to the others there. I'm really shy, too, and close up a lot when I'm there but you will not feel alone or awkward, just surrounded by love.
I think I may have an MJ marthon. I'll probaly watch MJ on Youtube like I did that day.
I will be at Forest Lawn in Glendale, California with a huge bouquet of flowers and probably tears streaming down my face. I miss you Michael.

Me too. I plan on going out there. I'm looking for a fan group to hang with because I know I'm gonna have a hard time that day.:(
I have a huge exam on june 25th. - That day is NOT going to be fun.
I will be with my MJ friends in San Antonio

most likely going to the Zoo, then to a Park, and probably do a vigil for MJ. Next day we'll go to Seaworld.
I will go to the stadium were Michael had the concert, from there I will go on the biggest park in Bucharest, were is an alley with his name and to the orphanage were Michael donated money. I will listen to his music (like every day) and I will cry.
Ciupa, will do. :hug:
For those who cannot be there but want to send something, here are some ways to do so.
This is a group collecting money to fill Holly Terrace with roses on June 25:
These are two groups that deliver things to Michael:

I'm taking a few things from people as well and would be happy to take more--just PM me.
The European Jackson Event in Holland........

With international performers and FREE ENTRANCE !!!

To those of you who are in US and can go to the Forest Lawn cemetery,please light a candle from me.

I have already made plans to have that week off. I want to spend some time there and not rush. Meet other fans. Light a few candles and yes I will light candles for those who cannot be there. I'm bringing things from fans, like angels, cards and some messages that they wanted to give to Michael for FL. Not to mention flowers.
It's going to be emotional, but I will find strength once I am there with the Jackson fan family.

For those who can't go I can bring something if you like...it's up to you.
I don't know what to do.
I have been running away from this question, but the time has come for me to face it. I have 1000% clear I want to pay my respects to MJ someday, but I would love to do this on my own, alone, silently and quietly. I see there are going to be thousands of fans during that week and I am afraid it would be very difficult (if even possible) to get any close to FL...

It would be such a long and expensive journey from my country to LA that if I miss the chance to be there, it would be useless.

I just can believe we are talking about this :cry:

I don't know what to do. That day scares me to death.
I'll probably play his CDs all day and watch all my DVDs. It seems like time went by so fast. I remember being sad cause it had been a month since he passed, now it's almost a year.
Don't know if this was mentioned yet or not but I just found out about it http://mjworldcry.com/ Definitely doing this on June 25th! :angel:

I really want to participate in the world cry event too but no one has signed up for LA yet. I remember when I found out about this earlier in the year I thought it was absolutely a beautiful idea.
Oh God, I don't know what I'll do. Just thinking about it is making me tear up. :cry: I want to celebrate his life and remember all the music, but memories from when I heard the news last year keeps popping in my head. Ugh, I really don't know what I'm going to do. :( I can't believe it's almost a year now. :cry:
I've booked the day off work, so I'll be on my own at home. I might visit Roundhay Park where I saw him on his 30th Birthday & in 92....not sure...

I just know I couldn't be at work again as I was last year, having to watch it all unfold on the TV screens....
I've booked the day off work, so I'll be on my own at home. I might visit Roundhay Park where I saw him on his 30th Birthday & in 92....not sure...

I just know I couldn't be at work again as I was last year, having to watch it all unfold on the TV screens....

Yes, same here.
I will also try to take that day off work too. No way in being there, when my heart and mind will be far, far away. It's going to be a very strange day.

At this moment I think I might do the same I did on his Bday last year: leaving the city and travel far away, with no phones, tv, internet, nothing but me and my pain and tears. What else is needed after all? My MJ friends, yes... but.... I don't know if this 25th I will be able to even look at their faces.

This is a mess.................

all bad....

all wrong. so wrong :no:
I was thinking of doing my own Michael Jackson Marathon, like I'm gonna watch Moonwalker, This Is It, Miss Castaway, The Wiz, Devotion and his short films.