What Are You Gonna Do On June 25th, 2010?

I think I'll be going to the MJJC meet up in London with my 2 friends thats if we can all get the day off work (we all work in the same place!) So very much doubt that all 3 of us will be able to have that day off but we're gonna try!!!

Otherwise I'll just listen to his music and watch all the music channels that will most proabably playing all his stuff :) :)
I'm afraid to think at that day... It will be very sad...as it was June 25th 2009....:cry::cry::cry: Me and a friend want to bed a tree which I don't know for sure how is called....I think it's name is "Love tree" , because it has leaves in form of heart .... after this....I don't know what I'm gonna do....
Im going to Forest Lawn with flowers and something special made by me. I need to be close to him on that day, and especially I need to be close to the fans. Its gonna be such a hard day, I cant believe in just a few more months it will be one year:(
Honestly I'll probably be knocked out in bed all day. Just like I was last year. :(
Im going to Forest Lawn with flowers and something special made by me. I need to be close to him on that day, and especially I need to be close to the fans. Its gonna be such a hard day, I cant believe in just a few more months it will be one year:(

Are you going with MJFSC? I want to go ahead and book my flight and stuff, but I don't know what all is going on. I'll be going alone, but I don't wanna be alone. =/ We need a thread for this in the meet-up section.
I'm afraid to think at that day... It will be very sad...as it was June 25th 2009....:cry::cry::cry: Me and a friend want to bed a tree which I don't know for sure how is called....I think it's name is "Love tree" , because it has leaves in form of heart .... after this....I don't know what I'm gonna do....

did say you want plant a tree?
its a nice idea so far im stack for ideas what i on june 25 2010
I'm gonna stay up all night on June 24th and just sleep through June 25th. I'm just gonna wake up on June the 26th. Call it unhealthy but in July, I slept alot of my pain away.
Same as last year.. crying all day
I can't go out and celebrate it.
^ Im going to plant a tree too aswell, in my back garden, I think I'll put flowers, candels and pics and other stuff there too, its hard to think about it :(
^^ I feel the same, really confused about what to do on this difficult day.

Me too. I'd like for a meetup, but the last time I tried, it didn't work except with one person. So I'm not trying that again, except maybe with this one person from here. But I don't know yet either.
I don't know yet, but I've got to do something. I'll be doing Major Love Prayer (http://www.majorloveprayer.org) like usual on the 25th, but I feel I'll really need to be with other fans that day. It's going to be really tough to take :cry: I found that being outside with flash mobs and stuff going on really helped me on Aug 29th (which also would've been our concerts weekend). Don't have enough money to fly anywhere, though. Wish we could go to L.A., but there's just no way. We'll probably hang around here somewhere around here in Germany.
This is the day I dislike because of Michael's death. I dont know what's I'm going to do. I still cant believe Michael is gone. I know it's been like so many months and almost a year but I still cant take that fact. One minute I'm watching and enjoying his videos then another minute I realize that what left on earth now only memories of Michael :(
I'll get on with the day and my life like every other day ... that's all you can do really.
My brother and I are probably going just watch videos and play our MJ CDs super loud. (But we do that almost every day). But if there are any fan gatherings in chicago, I wanna go.
It is something that I really don't want to think about. I am crying now just thinking about it. I probably just stay in bed and sleep. To keep me from thinking about it. Cause I know I am going to be a real mess that horrible day.
I really don't know. :cry: Hopefully when that horrible day comes I will be dead. And sadly if not I am going to try and do every single thing possible by trying not to think about it. After all of these horrible past month I am still crying over him every single day. I am crying over him now. I am going to be in deep mourning for him for the rest of my life. And I will be crying for him every single day for the rest of my life.
I really don't know. :cry: Hopefully when that horrible day comes I will be dead. And sadly if not I am going to try and do every single thing possible by trying not to think about it. After all of these horrible past month I am still crying over him every single day. I am crying over him now. I am going to be in deep mourning for him for the rest of my life. And I will be crying for him every single day for the rest of my life.

:hug:....you made me cry...:cry:
I'll be at a Bon Jovi gig at The O2. Rumour has it the band are preparing a tribute at the show on the 25th :)