What Are You Gonna Do On June 25th, 2010?


Proud Member
Jul 4, 2009
The Netherlands
Don't want to make anyone upset or forcing to think about this date, but I was wondering what you are gonna do on June 25th.....? :angel:

It's coming pretty close and I haven't really thought about what I wanna do (besides joining the Major Love Prayer)....obviously I want to stand still, be with the MJ fans I have around me and remember Michael on that day, but I also heard there'll be some tribute events going on, is there more information on that?

Anyone planning to visit an event somewhere in the world..? Or just doing MJ related stuff all day / sleep through the day to get it over with? What could we do together - as in joining for a minute of silence/no posting/lit candles/I don't know what? Might be good to be doing something together.

Just thinking out loud here - feel free to share your thoughts! :huggy:
Re: What are you gonna do on June 25th, 2010?

Last year that was awful day for me because my best friend started dating with the girl I had crush on, so I was very broken then. But now I am dating this girl, I have been dating her almost four months. So I think I spend time with her on June 25th 2010. ;) Of course I listen Michael and so on but this is just something that I can't get out of my mind.
Re: What are you gonna do on June 25th, 2010?

There is gonna be an MJJC meet in London if you're up for that? I'm almost certain I'll go straight to it after work but still dont want to think of it completely yet though :( I'll be taping up my fingers on that day so I have something physical to remember whilst at work.
I don't know. Probably I will meet with other fans in Moscow and we will light candles at the Michael place we have here near the US embassy... After that I will probably invite several close friends to my place and we will watch videos and remember Michael...
I don't know what to do. This question has been on my mind for a few weeks now. I feel like I should do something but don't know what and whenever I ahve gone to fan meet ups or anything like that there seems to be something uncomfortable like a bit cold I don't know we are all here for Michael so never really sure why its that way. I think I might just take the day off work and have some time on my own listening to Michael's songs and reflecting on his beautiful life and all the memories. I definitely don't want to go to the O2 again, that place just tears me up now.
Honestly, I really don't know. I'm not sure if I'll be able to leave the house though. I don't know. I've thought about this, what I'll do, but I don't really want to think about it I guess? It's going to be a tough day though. I'll listen to Michael's music of course, probably all day. I might try to go out with my friends or boyfriend to get my mind off of it or I might stay inside and listen to his music. I want to try to celebrate him that day though, not mourn him. I don't want to cry, I want to smile for him.
I'm going to the MJJC meet up in London. Just want to spend the day remembering the man we love. I'm scared about thinking about June if I'm honest-the 25th of each month is hard enough for me. I don't know how I'll react so definitely need my family with me.
I was thinking about this earlier, I really have no idea though, because if I do nothing all day I'll just sit around thinking about last June 25th, but I won't feel like doing anything else :(.
^^ I feel the same, really confused about what to do on this difficult day.
I don't know, I'll probs just stay at home and listen to his muisc. I won't feel like doing anything. I don't really wanna think about but it keeps popping in my head because its not that long away :cry:
Honestly, I really don't know. I'm not sure if I'll be able to leave the house though. I don't know. I've thought about this, what I'll do, but I don't really want to think about it I guess? It's going to be a tough day though. I'll listen to Michael's music of course, probably all day. I might try to go out with my friends or boyfriend to get my mind off of it or I might stay inside and listen to his music. I want to try to celebrate him that day though, not mourn him. I don't want to cry, I want to smile for him.

i completley understand what your saying i want to smile for him im thinking i may do the same and play his music allday long at home though were i am most comfortable, but im not to sure yet xxx
Thanks for sharing guys! :huggy: Feelin' you all.

There is gonna be an MJJC meet in London if you're up for that? I'm almost certain I'll go straight to it after work but still dont want to think of it completely yet though :( I'll be taping up my fingers on that day so I have something physical to remember whilst at work.
Yeah maybe, I was thinking about that. I'll need to read about the details first though, if it's able to arrange and who's coming with me and stuff. Gon' keep it in mind!

I definitely don't want to go to the O2 again, that place just tears me up now.
Yeah me neither, that's what's making this kind of hard....where is that right place to get together, you know? Obviously you could go to Forest Lawn or one of the HIStory statues, but we don't really have like this kind of 'official' comforting memorial place, I wouldn't exactly know where to go right now. :(

I don't want to cry, I want to smile for him.
Same. Although I'm afraid I'll cry, but gonna try to smile most of it for him.
Ill simply reflect. Im sure his videos will be shown all over the music channels so I will watch all them. Cant believe it will have been a year soon.
Oh gosh, I don't even know. Apart of me wants to do nothing but stay inside and be in silence and reminisce of all the years he's been with us. Then the other part of me wants to be amongst the fans and celebrate his life. I don't know yet.
I'm gonna be all on my own :cry: I think I'm going to start to build a shrine and maybe plant a tree in MJ's honour, but the main thing I will do is cry probobly :cry:
Nothing different from what I do every single day...just listen to his music.

And then feel like clubbing a baby seal (not really) because people will moan and act surprised about all the media coverage he will probably get on that day.

My cousin is getting married that day, so I will be attending her wedding... but of course I will be remembering Michael also :heart: I know he will be on my mind. It will be an emotional day that's for sure... :sigh: :teary_eyed:
I will be at Forest Lawn in Glendale, California with a huge bouquet of flowers and probably tears streaming down my face. I miss you Michael.
Me and my 3 girls will probably play his music and videos and check out any TV specials if they're any good.
I don't make idea
The fan club in my city is thinking make a kind of tribute party but it will not be on 25th because the World Cup of Football. My country literally stops because the football, nothing works. Maybe our tribute will pass to 26th or 27th
If there will be a mjjc meet up here where i live, i might go 2 that.
Gee, it really won't be that long until it's June again... :cry:
The 25th is supposed to be the first day of my summer vacation, but am I looking forward to it..not really. :( It's also the day when you're supposed to be celebrating Midsummer. I will rather celebrate Michael, if I'm strong enough...
Well, whatever it's going to be, I will be thinking of Michael and listening to his music. In a way it would be great to do something with other fans, but it's not very likely to happen... Maybe it's not a bad thing since it means I may not be able to think of him all the time :sigh:
Well I'm just going to wacth his music videos on youtube, interviews, & also his performances. & also listen to his music like his #1s album that I borught last year!