What are are your wishes/ thoughts/ideas for Lady Gaga in regards of the MJ Costumes?

If some random rich dude bought it, chances are he bought it because he's a fan, he would have no name, he wouldn't be widely known throughout the media, and with that, the odds are he bought them because he genuinely enjoys them. I personally don't believe Gaga is the Michael Jackson fan that she attempts to portray she is. .

Often "rich dudes" do not buy memorabilia because they are fans but because they think of it as an investment that will be worth more as time passes. Just saying...
She only worn the jacket and clove in 1 fashion show, there were about 10 other fashion models wearing Mj's costumes, but they are not called all sort of names!

About those fashion shows, all the models looked absolutely ridiculous, not only Lady Gaga.


No one can wear Michael's clothes but Michael himself. Just for putting an example, imagine if Michael had bought Elvis' iconic black leather suit and the also iconic Jimi Hendrix' military jacket because he's a fan an d then he decided to wear those distictive items, could you imagine their fans reactions. HOW DARED HE!, HOW COULD HE! Those clothes were exclusively created for Elvis and Jimi to wear them... The same aversion I had with Gaga and the models when I saw them wearing Michael's costumes...


I have avoided this thread for a reason...I didn't want to post something in anger. I was angry about the sale of Michael's clothes..probably like alot of you that already posted. Now I have time to think about this Lady GaGA as the buyer. I am not really a GAGA fan. But if I look at this situation with a clear mind I guess I am happy that these pieces of Michael will all be kept together..well they were bought together and I DO hope she keeps them all. TBH... I would probably flip out if I ever seen her or anyone else wearing them...in my mind they are STILL Michael's clothes. I would like to see them in some kind of museum so that us the fans can see them up close and personal. I DO know that now GaGa ownes them...I cannot tell her what to do with them...she wouldn't listen anyway...lol. I just don't want to see her coming out wearing these clothes in video's...that would be WAY to hard to handle from a mental point of view, IMO..Just because you bought something that belonged to another artist and you own it...that STILL doesn't give you the right to TRY and wear it...I am not saying that just because its Michael. IMO...I would feel like that about any artist...their costume wardrobes are taken VERY seriously by that particular artists fans. Each costume MJ wore has such vivid memories to HIS fans and no other artist could EVER do them justice. So as I said ,..I just hope she puts them somewhere that they will get the love and attention that they deserve. I hope she is being kind to MJ's costumes. ..sigh.
Please tell me this is some serious photo shop!!! :swoon:
'Cause if this show really happened :puke:
It's not Photoshop sadly, it happened and it was TACKY as hell to wear Michael's signature outfits with some ugly arse masks and other accessories they put on those models and L.G.. :trish:
It's not Photoshop sadly, it happened and it was TACKY as hell to wear Michael's signature outfits with some ugly arse masks and other accessories they put on those models and L.G.. :trish:


I would now like to go back in time before ever having seen the pictures.

I mean I wouldn't mind it if it had been an MJ fashion show where modelr wore his costumes in order to remind us of them and of Michael, if it was some kind of Michael oriented show, but this is a disgusting joke. To change these legendary outfits and Michael's legendary fashion sense is extremely bad taste. I don't think a true fan would ever do this.
I'm glad I got to see these pieces when they were on display here in Ireland over the summer before the auction. Lady GaGa bought them fair and square, people moaning over that fact need to build a bridge... It was an auction, she put her money where her mouth is and it could have gone to far worse people in fairness. Michael liked her debut album and artistry in the time he knew of her in 2009 as we know, and she has made a promise to maintain and care for the pieces. Anyone who purchased them couldn't keep every fan happy. If she treats the pieces with care I'll be happy even if they never go on public display again.
People aren't "moaning". We aren't, we're simply stating our opinions which is the topic here. Wishes/thoughts etc.
People aren't "moaning". We aren't, we're simply stating our opinions which is the topic here. Wishes/thoughts etc.

There's plenty of moaning about her having them on this thread. The posts about what they'd like GaGa to do with them are fun speculation but I don't see the point in people on here asking why does she have to have them and how it would be selfish for her to do anything but put them in a giant MJ museum she should finance and let MJ fans in to look at them.
If you see as "moaning" some of us being upset the way she wore and ridiculed Michael's pearl jacket with those stupid "Mickey Mouse wannabe ears" and fearing she could probably wear more of his costumes is up to you. One of the main purposes of a discussion forum is to express the suff we like and the stuff we don't like releated, in this case to Michael Jackson.