What are are your wishes/ thoughts/ideas for Lady Gaga in regards of the MJ Costumes?

I'll never gonna trust someone who used the flag of being bullied, misunderstood and tormented when she was a student and the reality is that she was popular and a privileged girl who attended the same highschool Paris Hilton did. If that's not manufactured, then what is it?
What the actual..? :busted: that's news to me..honestly bullying and harassment in school aren't to be taken lightly or used to seek publicity, if she lied about it then that's gross and I've lost the small amount of respect I had for her..no matter what people say.
What exactly is she basing this on? Who is she to say if she was a popular student or not? And why would Paris Hilton have anything to do with it?
Why would she make up being bullied?

Your making things up to justify your argument...
What exactly is she basing this on? Who is she to say if she was a popular student or not? And why would Paris Hilton have anything to do with it?
Why would she make up being bullied?

Your making things up to justify your argument...

Seriously? I clearly see your a Gaga fan but come on. It's obvious why someone would say something like this. To attract a certain audience of 'Oh, the same thing happened to me, she understands me' or 'Oh that poor girl' and then maybe they'll start to give her time and eventually $$$. The only reason people are a little wary right now are because we know these pieces are integral parts of history, and should be treated properly, but at the minute some of us can only see the woman who wore meat, and they may be scared she'll wear them but do something to them. Okay the Beatles probably felt the same way when MJ bought the catalogue but he didn't do anything drastic with the catalogue did he.
Seriously? I clearly see your a Gaga fan but come on. It's obvious why someone would say something like this. To attract a certain audience of 'Oh, the same thing happened to me, she understands me' or 'Oh that poor girl' and then maybe they'll start to give her time and eventually $$$. The only reason people are a little wary right now are because we know these pieces are integral parts of history, and should be treated properly, but at the minute some of us can only see the woman who wore meat, and they may be scared she'll wear them but do something to them. Okay the Beatles probably felt the same way when MJ bought the catalogue but he didn't do anything drastic with the catalogue did he.

Been reading through this thread it looks (although off topic) interesting and appropriate. I always knew Lady Gaga went to the same school as Paris Hilton but I never thought about her pretending things happened to her so people can relate to it. If it's true it fits very well. When Michael bought the catalogue he did so something drastic which was buying it and receiving money whenever it's played like a radio station etc BUT even though that is a little mean but business at the same time if it's true PRETENDING things happened to you like bullying so more people can relate to you and generally get more fans = money is a COMPLETELY different situation. It's just messed up!

I tried to find the video where former classmates told she wasn't bullied at all, nor treated as an outcast but it's no longer available. In my experience, popular, privileged girls aren't bullied and I find it absolutely vile and despicable just because she wanted to get more acceptance, love and attention.

Why do I make a big deal over such vile lie? Because I had to deal with bullys and I bet millions more as well for 9 years of my life, being rejected and treated like a freak just because it wasn't my choice to born with spastic paraparesis, needing a ****ing walker to walk and stand still. I wish nobody had to go through such horrible trauma, I also wish those bastards stopped bullying poeple for the fact of being different but there's no justification to make up such thing.

If you like her music, each his own, I respect that but I have no need to lie just because I can't stand that woman and I have zero respect for her.

I hope she doesn't copy Michael's style, music and actions ever again...
Since when does bullying stop the richer the environment financially?? What does any of this "people who attend rich schools don't get bullied" nonsense (nonsense in more than one sense!!) have to do with her buying MJ costumes?? Way OT.

I know it's off topic, I just stayed the reason I don't trust her promises on Michael's clothes, I'm really hoping I'm mistaken but she's a compulsive liar (lied about being bullied, poor, having to work after school.)

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Since when does bullying stop the richer the environment financially?? What does any of this "people who attend rich schools don't get bullied" nonsense (nonsense in more than one sense!!) have to do with her buying MJ costumes?? Way OT.

Well said. Paris said in Oprah and other programs that she is being bullied, and she goes private school.
There are many forms of bulling, and I'm sure if Gaga says she was bullied, it was REAL for her.
Unless you were Gagas bestie in school, there's no way to say she was bullied or not.
Just person saying she wasn't could be lying themselves, or wasn't around her enough to know.
Weird how it's come to debating if she was in fact bullied in school or not.

Anyhoo, The Monster Ball Tour was awesome. Can't wait until march when Born This Way Ball Tour comes to my state!
TBH, I think it's kind of selfish. She's not going to make a museum to show these off, knowing there are fans who will die to own this stuff, she goes and buys it for herself. Unless she gives some of the stuff away for a good cause, or even just gives them to Michael fans in some sort of contest, I'm going to continue thinking it's selfish of her.

And knowing her, I'm willing to bet at least one of these outfits will end up in a music video of hers. I just know it, and she's going to use Michael's image for profit, to benefit her and solely her. However, I hope I'm wrong.
TBH, I think it's kind of selfish. She's not going to make a museum to show these off, knowing there are fans who will die to own this stuff, she goes and buys it for herself. Unless she gives some of the stuff away for a good cause, or even just gives them to Michael fans in some sort of contest, I'm going to continue thinking it's selfish of her.

And knowing her, I'm willing to bet at least one of these outfits will end up in a music video of hers. I just know it, and she's going to use Michael's image for profit, to benefit her and solely her. However, I hope I'm wrong.

She'll probably glue one ram/goat head to each shoulder and replace the buttons with the all seeing eye... Then throw some meat on it.

TBH, I think it's kind of selfish. She's not going to make a museum to show these off, knowing there are fans who will die to own this stuff, she goes and buys it for herself.

They were up for auction...
If some random rich dude bought it, he may not have put them out in a museum either.
So... what about it?

It's weird to demand/expect her to just buy it and donate it back to the estate or to parade them around.

I bet if she does sell them or have them on display, you'll find something wrong with that too.
I see your Gaga fan coming out as well. I gave arguments why I don't trust in that woman (she even said in interviews that an artist is a liar) and where those arguments came from, if you want to have your eyes blindfolded is up to all of you and if you have better arguments to refute me, tell them and not give just your opinions.

Nobody has said she should give the items to the Estate for free or just because. What WhoIsIt said about donate them for a good cause is a perfect valid argument.
You can't expect us to be jumping up and down over this, because indeed ANYONE would be getting complaints and criticism over it. Not just Lady Gaga, the fact that some of you are her fans is a different matter and so it bothers you. But, again, Mother Theresa would be hammered over this too, so I'm not surprised at how this has turned out. Duplicates or not, people just want to have access to them somehow, the MJ community is like that you cannot blame us, since Michael is gone we feel the need to care/watch over those items no matter what "rich dude/gal" owns 'em now.
I actually couldn't care less about her as an artist, I'm too old for this. :woohoo:, I got kids, hehe.
I don't care for meat dresses, I don't like her voice and am easily bored by her songs. I am actually frequently annoyed with the latest meat dress drama.
I'm more of a MJ and Beethoven kinda gal.

But I get frequently enraged over hypocrisy, particularly among MJ fans. You can't claim wanting to Heal The World and deny others their perception of their own lives. (i.e., bullying. I also have plenty experience with that myself and to this day my parent don't understand why I hated school. "But you always liked it!"). Particularly knowing Michael's life I find it fairly naive and insulting to just believe a bunch of random people on a smear attack - don't care who gets smeared. Gaga or John Doe. MJ fans need to practice what they preach - how many nasty people said just about anything about Michael, things far worse - just because he was famous and a target?

MJ fans, practice what you preach.

Having said that - I knew the thread would go there, so no surprise.
^^ Well said....I was gonna post something similar....I'm not a Gaga fan by any means, I like some of her music....It really has nothing to do with being a fan or not....Some people are acting like she's already cut up Michael's clothes into Meat Dress Part 2....

....I mean, when Mike bought the Beatles catalogue, I've no doubt there were probably Beatles fans ready to rip him to shreds over it.....And for what? Same thing happening here....
It's not about practicing what you preach or hypocrisy at least not from my side, I'm just speaking my mind, that's what the thread asked what are YOUR wishes, so there you have it, plus I'm all about honesty I even have a quote related to that as a signature.. Anyway, some of you might not agree with the rest of us who wanted something different to be done with the outfits but to each his own. Plus many of us weren't even old enough to understand the Beatles catalogue issue. And, in those days there weren't social networks or forums to vent about it. If there were enough Beatles fans upset about that then, somehow it would've hit the newspapers or radio. I don't know if that happened but this is NOW and things have turned out this way, it cannot be helped. That being said, I doubt there's anything we can do about it now..and well that sucks.
Plus many of us weren't even old enough to understand the Beatles catalogue issue. And, in those days there weren't social networks or forums to vent about it. If there were enough Beatles fans upset about that then, somehow it would've hit the newspapers or radio. I don't know if that happened but this is NOW and things have turned out this way, it cannot be helped. That being said, I doubt there's anything we can do about it now..and well that sucks.

I was too young too to understand to whole thing + I had no interest to Beatles anyway(then), but did hit the radio and newspapers. Those who listened and read, still carries on their misconception with them, and teaching their kids that MJ was baddie and stole The Beatles catalogue under Paul.
They are so consumed with their hate towards MJ that they never stopped thinking that MJ did a big favour to the Beatles, by allowing to use their songs in some commercials and introducing their songs wider and younger audience. Without MJ doing this, The Beatles music would have been mostly only heard in England in pubs and by old geezers (shortly put).;-)

Have a look at the comments below this ytube video

and what happen after the commercial

There are tons of articles regarding MJ and Beatles music commercial issue if you want to look up in Google, and MJ is potrayed as baddie for allowing it:smilerolleyes:

Anyways, back to Lady Gaga, I'm not fan of her either but aren't we basically put the cart before horse? We have no idea what she is going to do with the costumes, but there are people already accusing her for all sort of things that she has yet to do?
Hunterr;3750326 said:
It's weird to demand/expect her to just buy it and donate it back to the estate or to parade them around.

Well, I don’t think we can demand her to do anything with the clothes. She has the right to do anything she wants with the clothes because they are hers now. They were for sale and she bought them. She hasn’t done anything wrong here, she had every right to buy stuff that was for sale. But this is a discussion forum and this is a thread asking for your opinion on what you’d like Gaga to do with the clothes she bought. Of course she doesn’t have to loan them to a museum or anything, and we can’t demand that of her, but I don’t see anything wrong with people saying that’s what they’d like her to do. Isn’t that what this thread is about?
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I was too young too to understand to whole thing + I had no interest to Beatles anyway(then), but did hit the radio and newspapers. Those who listened and read, still carries on their misconception with them, and teaching their kids that MJ was baddie and stole The Beatles catalogue under Paul.
They are so consumed with their hate towards MJ that they never stopped thinking that MJ did a big favour to the Beatles, by allowing to use their songs in some commercials and introducing their songs wider and younger audience. Without MJ doing this, The Beatles music would have been mostly only heard in England in pubs and by old geezers (shortly put).;-)

Have a look at the comments below this ytube video

and what happen after the commercial

There are tons of articles regarding MJ and Beatles music commercial issue if you want to look up in Google, and MJ is potrayed as baddie for allowing it:smilerolleyes:

Anyways, back to Lady Gaga, I'm not fan of her either but aren't we basically put the cart before horse? We have no idea what she is going to do with the costumes, but there are people already accusing her for all sort of things that she has yet to do?

LOL old geezers, thanks for that. I knew Michael had been accused of "stealing" but since I understood that wasn't the case I just let it slip and never was interested or read articles about it. Now, as I can see Michael's move was beneficial for the Beatles legacy, but I don't see how Lady Gaga buying MJ's clothes will be good for his? So yeah, it's a different situation. Anyway, we have no idea what she'll do but since she's known for her..particular style/eccentricities people here can only speculate and usually, what comes to mind is something, well, eccentric or unpleasant. :smilerolleyes:
At least we know Michael donated millions of dollar to different charities and I bet part of the money came from the royalties of The Beatles catalogue. What I don't understand is why Paul lied so shamelessly if the catalogue was for sale 10 years and no one else bought it.

It's true we don't know yet what she will do with clothes but given her past action to Michael's pearl jacket and his glove, I'm affraid and I bet many more, she'll MAYBE ridicule other clothes of his.
It's true we don't know yet what she will do with clothes but given her past action to Michael's pearl jacket and his glove, I'm affraid and I bet many more, she'll MAYBE ridicule other clothes of his.

She only worn the jacket and clove in 1 fashion show, there were about 10 other fashion models wearing Mj's costumes, but they are not called all sort of names!

Lady Gaga ?@ladygaga
The 55 pieces I collected today will be archived & expertly cared for in the spirit & love of Michael Jackson, his bravery, & fans worldwide

I don't see anything in her tweet, she is going to turn those costumes to mashed meat dress:)
To me key word is "archived", and I hope meaning of archive means same to her as it means to me:)
I hope she takes care of them. I don't mind her having them - at least we know who has them. They could have ended up with anyone and we wouldn't know what that person would do with them. I don't feel Gaga is more of a risk than any other buyer.
They are so consumed with their hate towards MJ that they never stopped thinking that MJ did a big favour to the Beatles, by allowing to use their songs in some commercials and introducing their songs wider and younger audience. Without MJ doing this, The Beatles music would have been mostly only heard in England in pubs and by old geezers (shortly put).;-)

LOL seriously?? Michael did the Beatles a favour? And Gaga is the devil for buying these clothes? Buying the Beatles catalog was a business decision. Nothing else. And everything that has been done with it since, was to make sure it makes money. And any other person buying that catalog would have done the same. The Beatles would have only been heard in England? Yeah, right.

Anyways, back to Lady Gaga, I'm not fan of her either but aren't we basically put the cart before horse? We have no idea what she is going to do with the costumes, but there are people already accusing her for all sort of things that she has yet to do?

Exactly. So far we have no idea what she's doing with it, but she makes it sound that she will do right. I guess we just have to wait and see.
TBH, I think it's kind of selfish. She's not going to make a museum to show these off, knowing there are fans who will die to own this stuff, she goes and buys it for herself. Unless she gives some of the stuff away for a good cause, or even just gives them to Michael fans in some sort of contest, I'm going to continue thinking it's selfish of her.

Wow, some of you people really crack me up. Suppose Gaga would have not bought these items, what do you think would have happened with it?? Yes, someone else would have bought it. Geez. How is one selfish for buying something that is offered for sale??

If fans on this board could have afforded some of the stuff, they would have bought it themselves. I know I would.
What about the guy that bought the Thriller jacket? No one's said anything regarding that but Gaga's a different story?
I read she's putting them in a temperature controlled room
in her basement which to me isn't all that bad tbh
They were up for auction...
If some random rich dude bought it, he may not have put them out in a museum either.
So... what about it?

It's weird to demand/expect her to just buy it and donate it back to the estate or to parade them around.

I bet if she does sell them or have them on display, you'll find something wrong with that too.

Yet, you don't know me. Stop acting like you do. Like I said, I'd prefer it if she sold the stuff to a charity, or gave them away to fans in a contest. That alone proves your bolded statement wrong. If some random rich dude bought it, chances are he bought it because he's a fan, he would have no name, he wouldn't be widely known throughout the media, and with that, the odds are he bought them because he genuinely enjoys them. I personally don't believe Gaga is the Michael Jackson fan that she attempts to portray she is. I just don't get that aura from her, like I get from Tracy Morgan, Chris Tucker, ?uest Love, or even Chris Brown. The fact that she bidded on them anonymously, only to leak the fact that she was the anonymous bidder who brought them, implies to me that she did it for attention as opposed to an actual interest in Michael Jackson and his sense of fashion.

And like I said before, knowing her, I wouldn't be surprised if one of these outfits ended up in a music video of hers. This thread was for us to voice our thoughts on her buying them. I voiced my thought, there's nothing in the rules that states my thought had to be pro-Gaga. You don't like how I feel, tough noogies. I'm entitled to my opinion.

Heck, I just realized you're banned, so all of what I just wrote was a lost cause.