What are are your wishes/ thoughts/ideas for Lady Gaga in regards of the MJ Costumes?

The estate said they had several items, so most likely they have duplicates of the iconic items that were auctioned off. I think Gaga might wear some of them at events. She obviously will take good care of them and hold on to them hoping they will increase in value.
It doesn't bother me the fact she bought the items, it bothers me if she wears them is gonna ridicule them like she did with the pearl jacket and his glove.

This absolutely ridiculous and dumb:


That kind of ears only look good in Minnie or Mickey Mouse.


Yeah, she's TOTALLY ridiculing his iconic outfits...

Well I might be in the minority here (not a fan of hers at all) but I don't trust her or her team in general. Sucking up to fans is what she does best so of course she will promise to treat the clothes well.
She bought them, she owns them now. I guess thats the end of it.

What bothers me more is that she has a history of copying other artists (including David Bowie, Madonna , Grace Jones and more) and it seems she is now turning to Michael.
Yes, I know she has claimed to be a fan (who isn't?) before but recently she is starting to hang on to MJ more.
All of a sudden articles are coming out about her never looking in mirrors (sound familar?), her 'catching' fans in her house and offering them food (sound familiar?) and more. I wouldn't be surprised if all of a sudden she is going to be "inspired" by Michael.

I've already seen non-MJ fans on other boards noticing it as well but since she is a woman the comparisons aren't as out there as with Justin Bieber, etc.
Not outright using his stuff but slowly and surely like she did with Madonna. I hope not because to me that's just wrong. Little off topic maybe but still. ;)

I know most here will probably disagree (many of you seem to like her) and that's fine. This is just my opinion.
I hope these were just duplicates and the estate had copies or something. I don't think they would let a collection like this go to waste if they didn't have better stuff already with them.
And if they don't then I guess they have a reason for not buying these. If Micheal didn't feel strongly about keeping them then I guess selling them off is an ok option.
I hope his kids are okay with it mostly.
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I know I'm not gonna change your mind Hunterr to stop being a Stephanie Germanotta fan but you're not gonna change mine on thinking she's a ridiculous, pretentious woman who has no shame to copy many acclaimed artists. The jacket and the glove don't even fit her propperly, Michael is obviously taller and those ears made her look dumb.

As long as she doesn't wear Michael's iconic costumes ever again or trying to fool her fans and MJ fans somehow, I won't be mad at her.
How is she fooling anyone? Wat?

And would you feel the same way if Joe Blow bought the outfits?
They were put up for auction, so someone was gonna get them anyway.

It's up to her if she wants to give/sell back to estate (which if they really wanted, they would reached out for them).

Some of the outfits even have a signature on it. I don't think gaga is gonna rock the bad tour outfit with the autograph on it.

I didn't say she has fooled the fans, I said: "IF she fools her fans and MJ fans SOMEHOW" talking about if she doesn't keep her promise to not take care of the items and treating them with respect.

And apparently you didn't read my entire post, I said it didn't bother me the fact she bought the items, it would bother me if she wears them like she did with his pearl jacket and his glove.
my wishes? my thoughts? very simple...
i dont want her to "archive" and "expertly care for them" :puke:
this bastard of a :censored: should give the items back, to the estate, and the estate should make a museum! the estate should make the money, not her.
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She's not going to give them away to anybody for FREE, let alone the estate.
She's not going to give them away to anybody for FREE, let alone the estate.

noone said that she should give them away for free. sadly, she will earn money with this. its the same when the media is making money with weird michael jackson stories.
but its simple that the items DOES NOT belong to her. gaga & mj items = horrible!!!!
the estate should have them. noone else. noone of this b-stars (personally i would not even describe someone like her a star, when i see that she's jumping around like a whore in the videos. but hey, her "big"(was it big????) time is over, like with perry. and in a few year noone talks about here anymore, only when someone talks about the mj items. same like timberfake, backstreet boys, nsync, black eyed peas,... ;) all these label, media created "stars")
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She is a big pop star. Weird how you won't even give her that.
What a rude thing to say, calling her a whore.
Awesome, awesome artist. She can sing, dance, puts on a spectacle of a live show.
Born This Way and Fame Monster were amazing pop albums. And her videos are great, especially in a time when most artists aren't making videos at all, let alone good ones worth re-watching.

God forbid a popstar show some skin. At least she has the talent to back it up, not like some of these other "whores", as you put it.

And Timberlake may have started out in manufactured boyband, but I think he's made his mark as a talented solo artist in his own right.
He needs to get off the acting thing and make his 3rd album to follow up the flawless FutureSex/LoveSounds.

She is a big pop star. Weird how you won't even give her that.
What a rude thing to say, calling her a whore.
Awesome, awesome artist. She can sing, dance, puts on a spectacle of a live show.
Born This Way and Fame Monster were amazing pop albums. And her videos are great, especially in a time when most artists aren't making videos at all, let alone good ones worth re-watching.

God forbid a popstar show some skin. At least she has the talent to back it up, not like some of these other "whores", as you put it.

And Timberlake may have started out in manufactured boyband, but I think he's made his mark as a talented solo artist in his own right.
He needs to get off the acting thing and make his 3rd album to follow up the flawless FutureSex/LoveSounds.


she is not a pop star. weird is that people believe that. she is only acting and showing herself in the business an the world like a whore. and thats a fact, and a lot time proven. for her, only sex sells. thats all her talent.

and about timberfake. in europe for example you dont hear anything about him. not in the charts. nothing. noone talks about him.
but its simple that the items DOES NOT belong to her. gaga & mj items = horrible!!!!

Well, it seems they do, considering she paid for them :scratch:

I mean, I understand your right to an opinion, but I just don't understand the anger here...
but its simple that the items DOES NOT belong to her. gaga & mj items = horrible!!!!
the estate should have them. noone else.

Yes and no. You're right. It is simple. But what you got wrong is, the items belong to her now. She bought them. They didn't belong to Michael anymore, as otherwise the estate would have them and they wouldn't have been sold. But they where put up for sale and Gaga bought them. So, yeah, it is simple. The stuff belongs to her now.

Or do you say that Michael was wrong for buying the Beatles catalog?? That is totally the same principle. Something belonged to McCartney once, through whatever reason he lost ownership, the new owner put them up for sale and Michael bought them. Totally the same thing. But MJ fans seem to be too deluded to see that.
she is not a pop star. weird is that people believe that. she is only acting and showing herself in the business an the world like a whore. and thats a fact, and a lot time proven. for her, only sex sells. thats all her talent.

and about timberfake. in europe for example you dont hear anything about him. not in the charts. nothing. noone talks about him.

Hmm. I don't really like Gaga, but last time I checked, she is a singer, she is musician, she is a songwriter, she performs, she does concerts, she sells albums... so yeah, she is a pop star. I don't see how anyone could deny that.
she is not a pop star. weird is that people believe that. she is only acting and showing herself in the business an the world like a whore. and thats a fact, and a lot time proven. for her, only sex sells. thats all her talent.

and about timberfake. in europe for example you dont hear anything about him. not in the charts. nothing. noone talks about him.

Um, she is a popstar. I don't know what your standards are for a popstar...
(i guess you have to be fully clothed at all times, never have been in a boyband, and have to be popular in every country in the world....it doesn't count if your huge in the U.S. and not as much in Europe, apparently...)

Have you even heard actually heard any of her music aside from her tons of hit singles? Lot's of good stuff that weren't singles.
And she's not a whore. Using sexuality as part of your shtick doesn't make you a whore.
She writes her own music and plays instruments as well.

I get the vibe you saw one music video or one live performance and made a judgement.

And Timberlake was big in Europe as well as the states. There hasn't been much word on him musically because he hasn't put out new music since 2006/07.

Well, it seems they do, considering she paid for them :scratch:

I mean, I understand your right to an opinion, but I just don't understand the anger here...

i dont mean that in the way to pay for it. i mean "connection". the estate or the jackson family belong to this items. thats how i mean that.
I'm against insulting women with such derogatory misogynistic words but the day she CREATES ART, I'll call her ARTIST. The things she does is not art whatsoever, she's just a manufactured pop product.
i dont mean that in the way to pay for it. i mean "connection". the estate or the jackson family belong to this items. thats how i mean that.

Well ok, but I guess that's not the case considering the clothes were put up for auction...I would think the estate or Jackson family would have stepped in if they really wanted to...
Well ok, but I guess that's not the case considering the clothes were put up for auction...I would think the estate or Jackson family would have stepped in if they really wanted to...

we dont know if they had the chance for this.
I'm against insulting women with such derogatory misogynistic words but the day she CREATES ART, I'll call her ARTIST. The things she does is not art whatsoever, she's just a manufactured pop product.

sorry, but nude videos (completely naked in her videos) have nothing to do with pop. thats something for the porn sites on the web.
You obviously haven't seen all her videos.

Bad Romance alone is flawless!
And I love when she does her songs on just the piano.

I'm against insulting women with such derogatory misogynistic words but the day she CREATES ART, I'll call her ARTIST. The things she does is not art whatsoever, she's just a manufactured pop product.

Manufactured? If anything, she's the one manufacturing all the moves in her career, not her label.
She stands out because she's not your average one hit wonder who comes and goes within a year with all the garbage out there.
And she's also a big supporter of LGBT rights. The more straight people in the media who have a big audience to speak to, the better. But I'm getting off topic.

Everyone can have an opinion, but I feel you all just are basing this one one or 2 videos and don't really know about her as an artist.
Lady Gaga is the only mainstream artist i like that's around now a days. Edge Of Glory has been one of the best songs i've heard on mainstream radio in a long time and i've always loved the fact that her songs are very melody driven.
CatherineNZ;3749009 said:
stop spending money on costumes and rather spend on charity

Lady Gaga has contributed money and time to these organizations:

Alzheimer's Association
Artists for Peace and Justice
Born This Way Foundation
CLIC Sargent
GRAMMY Foundation
It Gets Better Project
Lupus Foundation of America
Robin Hood
Stand Up To Cancer
The Trevor Project

CatherineNZ;3749009 said:
and make your own outfits

The Haus of Gaga is the name used by Lady Gaga to describe her behind-the-scenes creative team.

Gaga and her team create the outfits, stage props, and hairstyles for live shows, photography, and public appearances.

sorry, but nude videos (completely naked in her videos) have nothing to do with pop. thats something for the porn sites on the web.

When "You are not alone" is porn...:rofl: Oh my.

Entertaining thread. Michael can grab his crotch = genius. Woman - 'whore'.

Her thing is totally not my thing. I don't even like her voice, to be honest.
Apparently a lot of people like 'manufactured' pop label stuff. :cheeky:

Whenever people have to lower themselves to misogynistic name calling - they already lost the argument.

Michael bought TONS of interesting paraphernalia (Edward Scissorhand, ET and many millions more of STUFF), the hypocrisy is indeed kind of stifling.
Btw, I'd give half an arm for a sweet little something like this - and you bet I'd wear the living daylight out of it - MY WAY. :woohoo::woohoo:
When "You are not alone" is porn...:rofl: Oh my.

Entertaining thread. Michael can grab his crotch = genius. Woman - 'whore'.

Her thing is totally not my thing. I don't even like her voice, to be honest.
Apparently a lot of people like 'manufactured' pop label stuff. :cheeky:

Whenever people have to lower themselves to misogynistic name calling - they already lost the argument.

Michael bought TONS of interesting paraphernalia (Edward Scissorhand, ET and many millions more of STUFF), the hypocrisy is indeed kind of stifling.
Btw, I'd give half an arm for a sweet little something like this - and you bet I'd wear the living daylight out of it - MY WAY. :woohoo::woohoo:

you will really compare that?
3 seconds. wow. ^^ she is doing that all the time. she is known for that.

and is he naked? and you dont find is plausible that this is choreograpy?
or would you say, when she allways gets naked its choreography too?????
then i would think i'm living on the false planet
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Ok, I see this thread has gone off road :lol: I can't help it but i have a feeling that many are dissing Gaga just because she bought the clothes.. I have to admit I'm not a fan of hers but I do respect her as an artist, I think she has certain uniqueness and style.

Back to the topic: I'd love to see the costumes displayed, and if not, I really hope Gaga keeps her promise and takes good care of the clothes. They deserve loooooots of love ;) Don't be mad at her for this, she had the money and bought them, so what?

She is a huge fan of Michael's, so I don't get what all the fuss is about.
I'd buy them too if I had the money and I'm sure many of you would do the same if you had the chance, be honest, people!!!

p.s. I'm sure she'll at least try them on, I'm sorry, but who could resist that?? :D
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I don't know if she charges money to clients to have sex with her, to me, that's a prostitute or a who... but what she does in some of her videos and concerts is tacky and it's clearly to get more attention and cause controversy on purpose.

Manufactured? If anything, she's the one manufacturing all the moves in her career, not her label.
She stands out because she's not your average one hit wonder who comes and goes within a year with all the garbage out there.
And she's also a big supporter of LGBT rights. The more straight people in the media who have a big audience to speak to, the better. But I'm getting off topic.

I'll never gonna trust someone who used the flag of being bullyed, misunderstood and tormented when she was a student and the reality is that she was popular and a privileged girl who attended the same highschool Paris Hilton did. If that's not manufactured, then what is it?

If she really was one of a kind or original, she wouldn't have the need to copy aclaimed TRUE ARTISTS.

Like I said, if she really takes good care of the items, if she's respectful, I won't be mad at her.