What are are your wishes/ thoughts/ideas for Lady Gaga in regards of the MJ Costumes?


Proud Member
Nov 18, 2012
As we know from today it was Lady Gaga who was the mysterious bidder 462 in the bidding at Juliens Auctions of Michael Jacksons costumes (and other signed bits). In which she purchased 55 iconic pieces.

Now, what we know so far is she is to "archive" and "expertly care for them". But what else would you like to see happen to them? She hasn't exactly made it clear if she is even going to put them into a museum yet so it will be interesting to see what you all think should happen?

Here are some ideas: Should some be donated to the estate? If there is a museum which country should it be in? Should her and the estate work together to make a huge museum with all of there things?
Maybe she's just a huge fan and loved his outfits and wants to hold onto it.
Offering to loan them out to the Estate for MJ fanfests, promotional tours etc around the world would be good. As long as they are properly looked after whilst in storage that is the main thing. Having invested so much money in them, I can't imagine that she would do anything other than look after them very well.
What the comment above me said..she can't just keep them stored at her house, even if they'll be "expertly cared for"..she said she did it in the spirit of Michael and the fans. Then, the obvious move for her would be sharing these wonderful treasures. IMO :trish:
I just saw all the stuff she bought.
Man! She got like all the Bad Tour stuff!

I bet she will try on some of the outfits and dance around in front of the mirror at least once :D
Who could resist?
She should donate them to me....You know, in the spirit of a fan :D
Anyone know where other Bad tour outfits are? (like, have they been sold before?)
I mean, there were several variations (and for all we know 2 or 3 backups of each).
On the website of the auction, it's interesting to read stuff about the outfits.

Here's a jumpsuit he was going to wear for "Bad" and it was going to be performed before BEAT IT:

A jumpsuit made from red and black parachute material with quick-change zip and Velcro front closures. Dennis Tompkins and Michael Bush originally created a "magic jumpsuit" for Michael Jackson to wear as he performed the song "Bad" before performing his disappearing act. The order of the show was changed during preparation for the show because the transition of singing "Bad" right into "Beat It" was too strenuous. Jackson instead performed "Working Day and Night," so Tompkins and Bush created the white jumpsuit. The panel of red fabric on the side of the jumpsuit is signed in black marker "Thanks Michael Jackson."

What's this I'm hearing about Michael's black leather jacket from the BAD TOUR
(didn't catch which one)being auctioned off next? :shock: If that's true, what did Gaga get?
I just heard this on the news last night but didn't hear the entire report.
If you go to the auction thread in news there are pictures posted showing some of the items gaga won the bid on
and How much she paid for them .. it will say bidder # 462 - starting on page 15

Here are some of the pieces she purchased Posted by morinen


$130,000 ($156,000) Bidder 462


$120,000 ($144,000) Bidder 462


$120,000 ($144,000) Bidder 462


$32,500 ($40,625) Bidder 462


$150,000 ($180,000) Bidder 462


$150,000 ($180,000) Bidder 462




$55,000 ($68,750) Bidder 462


Jacket $55,000 ($68,750) Bidder 462

$95,000 ($118,750) Bidder 462


$6,000 ($7,500) Bidder 462


Jeans $40,000 ($50,000) Bidder 459
Car plates jacket $170,000 ($204,000) Bidder 462


$150,000 ($180,000) Bidder 462


Dangerous tour jacket $180,000 ($216,000) Bidder 462


$70,000 ($87,500) Bidder 462
Personally I don't like this. My opinion is that the costums have to be given at his children. They are their father's clothes....It's a shame!! I don't want to see anyone to wear them...It hurts.
First, I would like to thank her for buying these items-I don't have Twitter. I really enjoyed watchng the auction yesterday and started rooting for 462 like crazy when they started buying the Bad costumes and I realized there was a possibility of things staying together.
I'd love to see them in a musuem in Las Vegas and have a traveling fan fest type thing around the world periodically-esp if done for charity. (I'd also like to see Hayvenhurst turned into a musuem one day if the kids don't want it-especially since Michael built and designed the new house after he bought it from his dad-and I think the costumes would look beautiful there). That house just screams Michael to me-much more so than Neverland.
She basically got the most iconic costumes from the BAD era and although some people think it's ok and are loving the fact she got them. I'm still not so keen on it, say what you will about my opinion BUT like someone else said on Tumblr, we see these items either belonging to or kept by Michael or a family member, no one else, either that or being shared with the rest of the world in a museum that gathers all of his amazing legacy for everyone to see..so yeah. :trish:
My only hope is that the costumes stay together and end up in some type of musuem setting-I was terribly upset this year when Debbie Reynolds auctioned off her costume collection this year-I remember when she started collecting it and I never understood why Hollywood didn't just band together and create some kind of official musuem in the Kodak Theatre for permanent display.
55 pieces.
Here's 15 of them:

(Yeah, i'd totally rock some of these in the mirror privately, and briefly, not even gonna lie.)















I have to say I really don't like the fact that Michael's costumes are owned by totally random people. And I admit this is totally irrational, but I just hate the thought of somebody else wearing his iconic costumes. I wish Michael's own clothes were owned by the Estate, but what can you do, Gaga bought them and they belong to her now. She obviously has the right to do whatever she wants with them, but I really hope fans can see them in some sort of museum or exhibition or something. I think the pieces she bought are too iconic and too valuable not to be shared with others.
She bought them because she admired him and has promised to take good care of them. Good on her, just wish I could have afforded even one thing.
I have to say I really don't like the fact that Michael's costumes are owned by totally random people. And I admit this is totally irrational, but I just hate the thought of somebody else wearing his iconic costumes. I wish Michael's own clothes were owned by the Estate, but what can you do, Gaga bought them and they belong to her now. She obviously has the right to do whatever she wants with them, but I really hope fans can see them in some sort of museum or exhibition or something. I think the pieces she bought are too iconic and too valuable not to be shared with others.

I understand, and I know what you mean, but I really don't think Gaga will wear these costumes....It seems like it'd be the obvious thing to do, since she's so into fashion (she seems more known for that than her music), but I think she realizes the significance and history of these legendary pieces and will respect that :)
My personal opinion is that the costumes are now hers, and that she can choose to do whatever she wants with them. She says that she is going to take care of them, and that's all any of us can ask for. I don't think that she has any obligation to give these to the Estate, or donate them to a museum of some kind. After all, they're now hers and hers alone.
Personally I don't like this. My opinion is that the costums have to be given at his children. They are their father's clothes....It's a shame!! I don't want to see anyone to wear them...It hurts.

Agree! I wonder how it's possible the Estate hasn't tried to buy the things??
All i hope for is that she looks after the costumes and treats them with respect.
Not really sure about this, although remember the outcry that occurred when MJ bought the Beatles catalogue, there was this sense of " How dare he" and we supported him, so we should support GaGa's right to have made these purchases. Hopefully she is a good stewardess...
Not really sure about this, although remember the outcry that occurred when MJ bought the Beatles catalogue, there was this sense of " How dare he" and we supported him, so we should support GaGa's right to have made these purchases. Hopefully she is a good stewardess...

There still are people who are pissed off (thanks to Paul who basically lied on telly how MJ ended up with catalogue) with MJ buying the catalogue, anyway that is not the issue here.

It's only fair that Lady Gaga bought those costumes, MJ owns her music publishing rights:D

I believe she'll take good care of them, and hopefully someday, she'll display them somewhere where people can see them.
My personal opinion is that the costumes are now hers, and that she can choose to do whatever she wants with them. She says that she is going to take care of them, and that's all any of us can ask for. I don't think that she has any obligation to give these to the Estate, or donate them to a museum of some kind. After all, they're now hers and hers alone.

Then she would've said so..if they are hers and hers alone then she would've gotten them thinking of her own benefit and wouldn't have done it in the spirit of "Michael and the fans" you've got to realize that when she said those words, we MJ fans believe she knows how we feel about these pieces (given the fact she's a fan herself) what they mean to the MJ community, etc. and that she will do her best to share the blessing of having them with the world, especially his family and the fans. So, although she bought them I believe these items are to be shared with the world, not just her personal vault or something.
Seriously. It doesn't matter. Firstly, most of the tour stuff won't be unicates anyway. I'm sure there are plenty duplicate items still owned by the estate. And secondly, Michael gave them away. He didn't own that stuff anymore. He didn't care about that stuff, otherwise he would have kept on to them. So really, to say that the children should get it, is ridiculous. Nevertheless, I'm glad that a public figure bought many items, so the stuff will stay together and hopefully won't disappear in some private collector's closet never to be seen again. So if there ever will be a MJ museum or exhibiton and the estate, despite saying the got plenty of items, doesn't have enough items, they know where to look for.
Not really sure about this, although remember the outcry that occurred when MJ bought the Beatles catalogue, there was this sense of " How dare he" and we supported him, so we should support GaGa's right to have made these purchases. Hopefully she is a good stewardess...

Yeah, that double standard coming from fans is amazing, isn't it?