Wembley DVD Critique /Quality and other prefered concerts over Wembley go here

But the thing is, why The Estate don't have film tapes? Whose fault is it? Or if they have, why don't they release them...

In the 24 years since the Bad Tour, much of the film footage has obviously gone missing/has been destroyed. It's not the Estate's fault. Everything that possibly could have got turned over to them at the time of Michael's death, will have been turned over. If they had the film for the 16th July Wembley show, they would have used it.

Whose fault is it? No one will know. As the guy who worked on footage of the European leg of the Bad Tour said in his blog post some months ago, after each show the film was sent back for storage in California. But in the many years since then, proper records were obviously not kept for all of the concerts - which leaves us at the point we are at now: having the 16mm/35mm film for some shows, but not for others (and clearly not for Wembley, 16th July 1988). Hopefully more film of the Bad Tour exists somewhere out there and the Estate manage to find it.

However, I'm just glad that we have a full 2nd leg Bad Tour concert now on DVD. It's what we've wanted for years, and MJ's performance is simply breath taking. The video quality isn't perfect, but the sound quality is pristine (which is more important for a live DVD, in my opinion).

What I'd love now is for DVD releases of the Triumph and Victory tours. But do they have the film for those tours? Judging by the way the Bad Tour film has gone missing, I'm not holding out too much hope.
At the very least, there are multiple film reels of footage for Man In The Mirror, Another Part Of Me, and countless crowd shots.
Whether there's more or not...
But the thing is, why The Estate don't have film tapes? Whose fault is it? Or if they have, why don't they release them...
well im sure you have been replied to, but please go to the top post and read the messageto the fans from the estate about the reason for the VHS footage being restored instead of film. They told everyone upfront what was going on months ago.
well im sure you have been replied to, but please go to the top post and read the messageto the fans from the estate about the reason for the VHS footage being restored instead of film. They told everyone upfront what was going on months ago.

I know the reason why they did not use film reels :) My thought was to point out the problem of storing those recordings. As we know that film reels are rather expensive, why they didn't care about them and store them in a proper way? That's the saddest and most annoying thing...

The film reels may lie somewhere in the warehouses without any label on them. :(

And that's sad...
Then you have greedy collectors like Lounis or MJ Italian Fan Club :(...
I just finished watching and loved it from beginning to end- perfection and that includes the quality- it was just fine. We all knew it wasn't going to be in HD. The estate did the best they could and they succeeded imo. It is very nice quality. My nephew also watched it and he thought the quality was fine. Why complain - the estate was very upfront about all this. Just enjoy!!
Hmm, and what should this mean?

thats the same as the comments I read in forums about new tv's and blu-rays. Something like: "My girlfriend, who doesn't know anything about quality and doesn't pay much attention about such things, said its horrible/great quality".

Should this mean how a noob judges the quality of something, is how good or bad really is?

well perhaps you should have paid attention to the discussion and what I quoted. It was about non-fans the people who do not know the event with the VHS tape and how did they commented in regards to the quality. We had differentiating examples that's all. But I'm curious as to how you concluded that my parents were noobs in regards to quality, did you just ASSume it? If you have to know they are pretty knowledgeable about video quality, do have a Blu-Ray player and HD TV, quite interested in 3D movies but also watch a lot of 60s French movies (not restored) without any complaints as well. So what if their evaluations are based on old stuff versus new stuff?
Well I am rather dissatisfied with the way they mixed the audio. The MITM error is not in the CD version, why are they sloppy enough to still have it on the DVD audio?

I also miss some parts like the yelling backup singers at the end of Billie Jean as he walks around and does the dance moves. The only part they had was the "ho!" when MJ jumps and points from side to side. That part also sounds suspicious because it sounds like the drums "double up" like it could have been edited from another concert.

Another thing missing or muffled up is the CLACK drum sound that is clearly heard in this other 1988 performance (likely Wembley or maybe Barcelona)

Another possibility is they decided to take most of it off because the drums may have been heard on the background singer's mic at that point, and would not align properly.
You didnt get what was i about. I wasnt directing your parents.
I wanted to tell that such comments are very common and I dont take them serious at all. The 'noob' thing was the wifes and girlfriends in general, that are offen used as 'if the none picky person can see how good/bad it is, then the geeks judge wrong.
I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't have a clue where they were. They admitted themselves they nearly missed Abortion Papers, so obviously Jackson's storage was sporadic at best. It's a real shame, we'll never get anyone as special as Michael, and we need to enjoy him in absolutely pristine quality. The DVD we have atm is absolutely fine for me, but it'd obviously be great to have the Blu-Ray like Moonwalker, as we know that Wembley was indeed shot on film, then edited onto 1'' tape.
I think the red shirt footage is that what Warren was talking about. It was given to the people that made this docu, thats why its only 2-3 angles. I dont think is press material or filmed by the docu people. Press just take pictures of the first 3 songs. And the promo videos that was send to tv stations, is from the jumbo feeds.
lol, watching DVD again, this part looks like Sheryl's leg was drawn in.

I think the red shirt footage is that what Warren was talking about. It was given to the people that made this docu, thats why its only 2-3 angles. I dont think is press material or filmed by the docu people. Press just take pictures of the first 3 songs. And the promo videos that was send to tv stations, is from the jumbo feeds.

Well I know where this footage is from and how it leaked and all that good stuff. This is from a TV station in Australia. I don't know if they ripped it from a beta or film, but I think they put the film on beta and ripped that for this video. This is from an Australian documentary.
Then you have greedy collectors like Lounis or MJ Italian Fan Club :(...

Oh yes...there are people with these wembley dates on beta. They know where the film is. But these people of course don't share for many reasons, the biggest is owning it, it's illegal. :/
Re: Wembley DVD Critique /Quality - All discussion on the quality of Wembley DVD go here

sucks, but it was corrected in the live CD of MITM. You do hear another "hoo" in both versions as he falls to his knees again but it's very faint it's prolly background singer or audience.

Yeah, here is a excellent example of how they messed up editing the audio. I bet there are some parts of July 15th in there or that is July 15th. Shame! Poor editing! :/
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Re: Wembley DVD Critique /Quality - All discussion on the quality of Wembley DVD go here

Yeah, here is a excellent example of how they messed up editing the audio. I bet there are some parts of July 15th in there or that is July 15th. Shame! Poor editing! :/

Yep I noticed that the first time I saw the DVD, not sure how/why that happened. Slight mistake there, but if that sort of tiny error is getting you so hung up about this DVD then it's your loss.
Oh yes...there are people with these wembley dates on beta. They know where the film is. But these people of course don't share for many reasons, the biggest is owning it, it's illegal. :/

Is that confirmed?
although MJ himself edits audio like in Bucharest 92, it's not as sloppy as this which was inserted there for no reason :(

He was quite sick during Bucharest and in the unedited version of Human Nature you can hear his voice crack. So that is understandable that he would replace it with vocals from another concert.

Then again for Munich he was also sick and less vocal replacement (if any) was done. Of course the instruments were remixed and video combined from both concerts plus Leipzig bug scene. Some people like Birchey have speculated that there's a little bit of Leipzig audio in the music itself but not a lot.
They shouldn't release this concert, MJ means quality and this dvd isn't at his level. That's my opinion
All FYI, in 1987 Japan show I can see reel-to-reel film cameras. So even the first shows were shot on film, but the thing is each show would generate lots of reels of film because unlike video there isn't someone calling out shots that are being edited into a single master copy. With film, the editing of shots into one master is done in post production. So hopefully some one did a final post production for each show that would have one final show edited on to a single set of film reels.

Also, wasn't John Branca Michael's attorney/advisor during the Bad Tour? Shouldn't he know if the tours were filmed and what the final outcome or disposition was? I mean it seems that even if Michael was unorganized, his managers including Dileo, should have been managing these things and ensuring things were well kept. Someone should have at least advised Michael to film and save at least one of the 123 concerts for some future release even if Michael wasn't looking to release the tour commercially. It seems we keep blaming Michael for being unorganzied but I blame his attorneys and managers.

I know this is a lot, but if you all could respond to it all. Thx.
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In the underground world, yes.

Well, does the Estate know about this? Because those Italian insects own a master copy of Wembley! The future of a Bluray release is in their filthy hands! Makes me angry!

A thought that being a fan meant that we are here for each other and sharing our fandom.
Also, wasn't John Branca Michael's attorney/advisor during the Bad Tour? Shouldn't he know if the tours were filmed and what the final outcome or disposition was? I mean it seems that even if Michael was unorganized, his managers including Dileo, should have been managing these things and ensuring things were well kept. Someone should have at least advised Michael to film and save at least one of the 123 concerts for some future release even if Michael wasn't looking to release the tour commercially. It seems we keep blaming Michael for being unorganzied but I blame his attorneys and managers.

Maybe they did storage it properly back then, Branca admitted that he thought they had more BAD footage then they could actually find. And since the BAD tour, Michael had a lot of managers, lawyers and other staff changes and most of them were only interested in making as much money as they could instead of making sure everything was preserved for future generations.
In the underground world, yes.

Well, if that is true then there is hope for a future HD/Blue-ray/cinema release of the concert. They may keep it to themselves now, but things can change over time. The problem I see is a legal problem: if they illegally have it they cannot just go to the Estate and offer it to them because of fear of a lawsuit. Maybe the Estate should issue a statement and guarantee immunity for anyone who hands over the stuff they have to them.
Re: BAD 25 CD Live songs Wembley Stadium July 16, 1988 [Discussion thread]

MITM has some parts of the July 15th show included, so did the estate not notice this when reviewing the final DVD? just wondering, it doesn't really bother me but I'm just curious why this occurs
Since the Queen DVD got a lot of mention here: I have just read an interview about the making of it. It's on a Hungarian website (I'm Hungarian) and it is with one of the Hungarian producers of the concert: http://langologitarok.blog.hu/2012/...ink&utm_content=2012_09_24&utm_campaign=index

To shoot it on 35 mm film was the idea of the Hungarian organizers, as a concert by a Western performer was a big deal for the country at the time. The making of it was an effort by some of the best people of the Hungarian film industry at the time and there was a lot of money spent on it. So this is why Queen fans have such a material now. It's pointless to use it as a benchmark for Wembley'88.
Man In The Mirror from Los Angeles 1989 last night of the tour, January 27, 1989.
I still find it crazy that this is the same month I was born :)

I am so glad I am not one of those fans that sits and watches something and picks it apart finding every single thing wrong. How can you even enjoy watching something when you're doing that!? I do love how some fans think that they could have done a better job lol..