Walmart "Exclusive Limited Edition 2 Disc" - Complete Details / Features (US Release)

It is worth buying..I would recommend the Best buy exclusive blu ray. I am sure the BB exclusive will sell out ...Walmart exclusive would be my second choice.

I find it funny that people say that..because Michael is all of the features. Even when Travis or Kenny or Michael Bearden are talking, you often see Michael going around & doing his thing.

I loved the features, especially Dancing Machine, because of that. And they all (AND I DO MEAN ALL) of them had great stories to tell about MJ and heir interactions with him.

Thanks for sharing that. I've got to run and pick up the BB Blu-ray tonight. I think I might end up buying both though.

Thanks to the OP for creating this thread. I'm glad I read it before I opened the one I bought at Target. :D
I watched extras from BB 2-disc bluray version. Dancing Machine with MJ & TP in front of mirror is on 2nd disc which also includes a digital copy of the movie for ps3. Disc1 has the complete segments of smooth criminal/thriller meant for showing at the concert, Staging the return is broken into 2 parts, MJAir made an appearance in that segment, other stuff on that disc are Memories of MJ, Gloved one (customs) and the trailer. Now, MJ is shown much pretty in all these segments, but they keep using some of the same footage over and over which is a bit annoy, but still pretty good package overall.

BTW, there is NO unfinished rehearsals on this version of the disc, I had volume muted so if I missed it, someone correct me.
Are there TWO different BluRay Versions from BestBuy? I pre-ordered the Exclusive Bluray w/ the steel case does that have two discs? I've not recieved it yet..I am concerned it won't have 'Dancing Machine' on it.. Please help?
I preordered the Best Buy version with the steel case and it has two discs.
i bought and own the blu ray, from best buy..... is the wal mart version with unfinished rehearsal worth buying for me?
Bestbuy has 4 diffrent bluray packages,

All have the same footage

1 regaler
the other 3 have diffrent backstage passes inside.

The bluray does have more footage than the DVD by the way, 30 mins vs 90 minutes i believe.

and yes all are 2 bluray disks.
'Thriller' and 'Smooth Criminal' Vignettes

Guess fans who don't own Blu-ray will not be able to see these ... thanks SONY for looking out for fans ... guess they win both ways ... buy Blu-ray disc then by a Blu-ray player ... which is SONY !!! YEA !!!!!!!
I went walmart today after class to get the DVD and first of all was shocked at how much they want for the 2-cd set. Then I got confused as to what was different about the two. I don't have a blueray player so I am not intrested in that one. Anyway as a result of being confused I left with nothing, I wanted to be sure of what I am getting. I just went to the offical website for the DVD and at the top under the big letters THIS IS IT it says over 1 1/2 hours of never seen before features on blu-ray. So I take it that it means all blue-ray dvd's no matter where you purchase them have the same thing on them, and it just leaves all of us without blueray players without the 1 1/2 hour extras. Hopes this helps to clear things up.
'Thriller' and 'Smooth Criminal' Vignettes

Guess fans who don't own Blu-ray will not be able to see these ... thanks SONY for looking out for fans ... guess they win both ways ... buy Blu-ray disc then by a Blu-ray player ... which is SONY !!! YEA !!!!!!!

Actually, that is the standard for movie releases now. All blu-ray discs come with much more content than a regular DVD, if the regular DVD has any special features at all. I'm an avid DVD buyer, and I realized movie companies started doing this a couple of years ago now. From a business perspective, it makes sense since blu-ray discs and their players are significantly more expensive (consumers wouldn't buy it if it didn't have more content than the regular DVD version) and the industry wants blu-ray to become the new standard and DVD to be obsolete (like VHS in the past). Its not uncommon to have 2-disc standard DVD either with different content. That's just the way it works. :/

Anyway, as for the special features, I have the 2 disc blu-ray from Best Buy. I watched them all last night and I think the content is great. Michael doesn't talk a lot, but when does he ever? I agree with everyone here that Memories of Michael is a beautiful piece and I cried. I saved it for viewing last because I knew by the name that it would be tough to watch. I really enjoyed the Dancing Machine segment too. You can't see Michael clearly because the room is dark (when they're dancing in the mirror), but this is the feature you'd hear him most. Honestly, I loved it all though, even the ones where Michael wasn't really shown at all.

I am going to buy the 2-disc DVD from Walmart as well for that content.
btw bestbuy played michael jackson music on their radio all day long yesterday the day of the release in all their stores, and today they played one michael song then a random artist then michael again and so on all day.
The Memories part had the tears rolling down my face, that's for sure.

Me too. They all said such nice things and I felt like some wanted to cry. One producer said how Michael was portrayed over the years and how it was not true. He was the sweetest and kindest person you would meet. It make me so mad how he was treated when he was alive.

Just seeing everything shows how much work and effort Michael put in these shows. He really wanted it to be special. I wish he had the chance to do these shows.
What I'd like to know is : how much new footage of MJ is there in all of those extra features? About 1 minute? 10 minutes? That's the only thing I'm interested in, I couldn't care less about interviews with the cast and crew.

There isnt much MJ at all.

btw bestbuy played michael jackson music on their radio all day long yesterday the day of the release in all their stores, and today they played one michael song then a random artist then michael again and so on all day.

awesome: do u work there or did you spend the entire day there becuase the mj music just kept you in.
Thanks to everyone who described what each edition has. I have a Blu-Ray player, so I went with the Best Buy 2 disc Blu-Ray version.
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i got the walmart limited edition 2 disc. What's Best buy's DVD version like? Does it have the same footage as the walmart one?