Walmart "Exclusive Limited Edition 2 Disc" - Complete Details / Features (US Release)

So Far I've Gotten The 2 disc limited DVD from Wal-mart and The exclusive BluRay DVD w/Steelcase from BestBuy.. I'm thinking I'll have to make another purchase for all footage.. Jeeze Sony!

When I pre-ordered from BestBuy I saw no option for a 2 disc so maybe it's in the store?
There's also two version at Walmart the one I bought and another thats says 90 min. of extra never b4 seen footage.
You know, I'm kind of wondering about the 2 disk from Best Buy also. I just ordered their Blu-Ray version online and I don't see it mentioned anywhere that it is 2 disks. But I ordered one of their special versions (#1 - Smooth Criminal) so I'm hoping this is the 2 disk set or I'll be sending it back!
This just makes me not want to buy anything at all. I don't even know what the hell to get? I know I can't buy the bluray one because I don't have a bluray player. But I am thinking 'should I buy the 1 disk version or the 2 disk version and what the hell is the difference?'. Now I see the mirror dance footage is only available at best Buy 2 disk bluray and not even on the regular blueray. What a wonderful way to f*ck over fans Sony. No wonder Michael hated you so much.

And I don't even have a Walmart where I live so I would have to take the chance to order it at wamart's website IF they even have it in stock tommorow.
There are far too many versions out there it's really a shame Sony would do this to fans.
Who really wants to have to buy 4-5 different DVD/Blu-ray just to have all the footage.
I just went to Wal*Mart and was going to buy the 2-disc set but the special features dont really add much compared to the single disc. I really could care less about the dancers, vocalists extras. The 60min bonus footage seems to be unclear at this point to me.The single disc says over 1hr of unreleased footage, which means what? The same as on the 2-disc from Wal*Mart?

As far as Blu-ray goes, how many versions we got there?
This is whats called 'double dipping' to those who buy movies and companies like Sony get to laugh all the way to the bank when they release so many copies on ONE MOVIE !!
This gets fans to purchase several copies and they probably will and Sony knows this.
I'm a huge fan of Michael but I cant plunk down the amount of cash it would take to get all footage.

I'm at a loss as to which one to buy.
Also.The Wal*mart 2-disc was still $24.95 and not on sale. I only went to one though so it may have been cheaper as said in this thread at another but don't know.

Only special feature I really want are the Smooth Criminal and Thriller features in full.
I'm sure the other so called unreleased footage is nice though.
lol same here I only have the regular version , even the blueray special features don't interest me is there a dirty diana Rehearsal on any of them??? If not I won't be buying another dvd i'm content.
So Far I've Gotten The 2 disc limited DVD from Wal-mart and The exclusive BluRay DVD w/Steelcase from BestBuy.. I'm thinking I'll have to make another purchase for all footage.. Jeeze Sony!

When I pre-ordered from BestBuy I saw no option for a 2 disc so maybe it's in the store?
There's also two version at Walmart the one I bought and another thats says 90 min. of extra never b4 seen footage.

I think the mistake ppl are making is looking at the extra minutes. Ignore that. Flip it over and see what's actually listed on the back of the cover. The reason the Walmart 2 disc limited edition is the better of the DVDs is becuz it has the Unfinished rehearsals on it. And the reason some ppl are after Best Buy's 2 disc blu ray is becuz it has Dancing Machine on it. If you're specifically looking for that content, those are the discs you have to least at this point. I've not seen that particular content offered anywhere else on any other discs yet. Now, if you are ordering online, it may be difficult becuz for some reason they don't all list exactly what's on each disc. I think this is part of the confusion. It might be best if you can actually get into a store and physically flip the covers over, look at the back and see the list of differences. It would be nice if they would show the back cover of these discs online so ppl could have a better idea of what they are ordering. If it wasn't for the fans who came on earlier who actually had their discs I would have bought the Target combo pack...and been madder than a mug right now. :aggressive:

Imma watch the movie in about 20 minutes so might be able to give more details as far as what the DVD extras are. No blu ray player yet so gonna have to watch MJ dance in the mirror a little later.

Btw...when I went to Best Buy after work the salesgirls there were slightly complaining becuz they'd been listening to MJ's music since noon. The store has been playing his music non-stop to promote the TII release and they were like "I swear Imma have MJ dreams tonight from hearing his music so much today." :lol: I got there about 6pm so they'd been listening to him for SIX straight hours by then. :chillin:

I believe it's been said some Dirty Diana stuff was seen in the Unfinished that would be the Walmart lmited edition DVDs.
You know, I'm kind of wondering about the 2 disk from Best Buy also. I just ordered their Blu-Ray version online and I don't see it mentioned anywhere that it is 2 disks. But I ordered one of their special versions (#1 - Smooth Criminal) so I'm hoping this is the 2 disk set or I'll be sending it back!

That is definitely the 2 discs. You should be fine. :yes:
This just makes me not want to buy anything at all. I don't even know what the hell to get? I know I can't buy the bluray one because I don't have a bluray player. But I am thinking 'should I buy the 1 disk version or the 2 disk version and what the hell is the difference?'. Now I see the mirror dance footage is only available at best Buy 2 disk bluray and not even on the regular blueray. What a wonderful way to f*ck over fans Sony. No wonder Michael hated you so much.

I know it sucks, but for a minute we all thought only Europe would be getting that footage. So, in a way, I'm a little relieved that we do have the option to purchase it in the USA as opposed to not having the option at all.

And I don't even have a Walmart where I live so I would have to take the chance to order it at wamart's website IF they even have it in stock tommorow.

I just went to the site to look at what else they had and NOW they have some available for online orders. Better hurry cuz earlier I tried to order one to pick up in the store and there were none to be had.

It's the one with the black cover.

Is it two disc or one? sry. whats 'BB' stand for..?

BB = Best Buy

Okay, time for me to get off here and go have some Michael time with the DVD.
is this DVD worth really buying? I want to get it. does the unfinished rehearsals show much? I mean bout the other songs? this movie was really ruined for me. I got arressted the day I went to go see it the night it opened. got the tickets bought the soundtrack and right after walkin to the car. got stopped searched and arressted. my whole day was ruined n didint see the movie til 2 weeks later and I think you know why. all this happened while waitin for the movie. man my day was runied.
I know it sucks, but for a minute we all thought only Europe would be getting that footage. So, in a way, I'm a little relieved that we do have the option to purchase it in the USA as opposed to not having the option at all.

BB = Best Buy

Okay, time for me to get off here and go have some Michael time with the DVD.

I have no choice but to order it tommorow. I have no money in by debit card and have to add money in tommorow morning. I swear to god if they were open right now I would have ran across the street (it's 10:00PM where I live) and added the money in my card.

I hope by tommorow there's still some. *prays*

is this DVD worth really buying? I want to get it. does the unfinished rehearsals show much? I mean bout the other songs? this movie was really ruined for me. I got arressted the day I went to go see it the night it opened. got the tickets bought the soundtrack and right after walkin to the car. got stopped searched and arressted. my whole day was ruined n didint see the movie til 2 weeks later and I think you know why. all this happened while waitin for the movie. man my day was runied.

why were you arrested? That's a terrible ordeal.
I had a warrant for a long time over something very stupid. I could not afford the fine.
I bought it as a souvineir but after I bought it that happend literally within minutes. I was stopped for no reason either.
I went to Walmart on my break from work and got the limited edition dvd. I just got home and will watch it soon. I swear as soon as I walked into the store I could hear Michael. He was on every tv in the entertainment section. I could have stayed there all day and watched it but I had to go back to work lol.
I just watched Dirty Diana and Smooth Criminal from the special edition (walmart),they were talking about how its gonna be on stage and show som stuff,dancers and bad(Dirty Diana) on stage,but Michael is not in it.
I just watched Dirty Diana and Smooth Criminal from the special edition (walmart),they were talking about how its gonna be on stage and show som stuff,dancers and bad(Dirty Diana) on stage,but Michael is not in it.

I bought the Wal-Mart "Exclusive Limited Edition 2 Disc" today. In my opinion, yes, it is worth purchasing. Even though Michael is not performing in the Dirty Diana segment, it was definitely interesting to watch how it was coming together and what was to take place during this performance. I'm disappointed with the idea of so many versions of "This Is It." They are trying to suck all the money out of us and they know the fans will spend whatever amount of money to have anything of Michael. I don't have a Blu-Ray player either and the "Dancing Machine" Featurette sounds interesting. I don't expect to purchase it. But, overall, I am proud of my purchase from Wal-Mart. It is a treasure and worth having.
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I just watched Dirty Diana and Smooth Criminal from the special edition (walmart),they were talking about how its gonna be on stage and show som stuff,dancers and bad(Dirty Diana) on stage,but Michael is not in it.
That's all I needed to know .. saved my money thanks lol
I have both the walmart 2-dvd exclusive & the Best buy blu ray...for those that only want the most features...go with the Best buy exclusive blu ray. I think it is the best...even though Dirty Diana is not on it.

the features on the blu ray are amazing, breathtaking..inspiring.

The dancing machine featurette alone is worth the price of the blu ray...and MJ is all over the feature. Dancing in front of the mirror...him & Travis trying to come up with new moves.

Dancing Machine, Memories of Michael....are some of my faves.
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Ok guys, I got my blu-ray disc today, couldn't play it due to not having the player. But I had pre-ordered it from Blockbuster's back in early December. So, I hopped in my hoppty and drove over there to pick up the DVD and the TII ROCK'ed. I watched ecery part twice. Then when my husband came home, I made him wait until I watched it but I just had to let you all know that I loved it although it mad e me sad at the end and I cried.
I feel know I will have to make a visit to FL Gendale this weekend. Gosh, this is so very, very hard on so many levels.
I just wish he were still here... :(
is this DVD worth really buying? I want to get it. does the unfinished rehearsals show much? I mean bout the other songs? this movie was really ruined for me. I got arressted the day I went to go see it the night it opened. got the tickets bought the soundtrack and right after walkin to the car. got stopped searched and arressted. my whole day was ruined n didint see the movie til 2 weeks later and I think you know why. all this happened while waitin for the movie. man my day was runied.

It is worth buying..I would recommend the Best buy exclusive blu ray. I am sure the BB exclusive will sell out ...Walmart exclusive would be my second choice.

There are far too many versions out there it's really a shame Sony would do this to fans.
Who really wants to have to buy 4-5 different DVD/Blu-ray just to have all the footage.
I just went to Wal*Mart and was going to buy the 2-disc set but the special features dont really add much compared to the single disc. I really could care less about the dancers, vocalists extras. The 60min bonus footage seems to be unclear at this point to me.The single disc says over 1hr of unreleased footage, which means what? The same as on the 2-disc from Wal*Mart?

As far as Blu-ray goes, how many versions we got there?
This is whats called 'double dipping' to those who buy movies and companies like Sony get to laugh all the way to the bank when they release so many copies on ONE MOVIE !!
This gets fans to purchase several copies and they probably will and Sony knows this.
I'm a huge fan of Michael but I cant plunk down the amount of cash it would take to get all footage.

I'm at a loss as to which one to buy.
Also.The Wal*mart 2-disc was still $24.95 and not on sale. I only went to one though so it may have been cheaper as said in this thread at another but don't know.

Only special feature I really want are the Smooth Criminal and Thriller features in full.
I'm sure the other so called unreleased footage is nice though.

I find it funny that people say that..because Michael is all of the features. Even when Travis or Kenny or Michael Bearden are talking, you often see Michael going around & doing his thing.

I loved the features, especially Dancing Machine, because of that. And they all (AND I DO MEAN ALL) of them had great stories to tell about MJ and heir interactions with him.
I find it funny that people say that..because Michael is all of the features. Even when Travis or Kenny or Michael Bearden are talking, you often see Michael going around & doing his thing.

I loved the features, especially Dancing Machine, because of that. And they all (AND I DO MEAN ALL) of them had great stories to tell about MJ and heir interactions with him.

So you are saying that Michael is in all the features? He may not be talking but he's still in the shot doing his thing?
I really do think its unnecessary to have different versions of the dvd. It's so obvious they're milking us. I don't shop at walmart and i refuse to contribute to that evil monster corporation. Hopefully i can download their footage some where someday. I have the blu-ray, but not the bb. sounds good, i'll definitely get that one too.
I just watched Dirty Diana and Smooth Criminal from the special edition (walmart),they were talking about how its gonna be on stage and show som stuff,dancers and bad(Dirty Diana) on stage,but Michael is not in it.

what the hell? so the only recording of "dirty diana" rehearsed is that amateur audio recording on youtube?!?!
I got the Walmart special edition and I loved it. They did show Michael a lot because they people were talking about Michael and you see him laughing with them or hugging people etc. The memories of Michael section really got to me the most. I really felt they were all genuine in how they felt about him.
So you are saying that Michael is in all the features? He may not be talking but he's still in the shot doing his thing?

Yes, he's in all the features...In some form, he doesn't speak a lot, but he's there, and it's just good to see HIM...:wub:

I got the Walmart special edition and I loved it. They did show Michael a lot because they people were talking about Michael and you see him laughing with them or hugging people etc. The memories of Michael section really got to me the most. I really felt they were all genuine in how they felt about him.

I haven't been able to watch the Memories of Michael part....I don't think I can handle it yet...I was pretty emotional watching the whole thing anyways....My jaw dropped during Billie Jean...I've seen it twice in theatre, but of coures, it never ceases to amaze me....I miss him, I love him!