*** VOTE *** Is Justin Bieber Poised to Be the Next King of Pop? > No chance!

i remember in the 90's when Smash Hits magazine declared Ronan Keating as the new King Of pop......

No chance. Not in the slightest. Michael was legendary for years. Justin will drop out of the spotlight in time.
I am surprised that there's even a voting and an article on this,like seriously?
I just find this really really annoying, it's like mindblowing, you'd think they do it just to get a reaction out of people, which funnily enough is what they do to get more traffic, sales and revenue. But still, some of these things are rediculous.
This type of thing is just too ridiculous to even take seriously. Leave them to vote, they'll only be disappointed when the next teen idol takes over and everyones forgotten they existed. New King Of Pop, is he even old enough to be king of anything :lol:
i remember in the 90's when Smash Hits magazine declared Ronan Keating as the new King Of pop......


HAHA are you serious?

I voted "no chance". Kid sings with the help of auto-tune, that alone is along to make my mind up. Plus, the general population (not including early teen girls) doesn't take this kid seriously musically. It doesn't compare, not by a long shot.
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LOL I'm don't even wanna bother to vote. Hmmm I thought Justin Timberlake was the new King of pop! Or Usher...guess they failed lmao. I dont know why they bother with these kind of polls. You don't become a king through polls. You have to work your ass off for decades!
I couldn´t have said i better, Alina. These kind of polls are just ridiculous. The title King Of Pop is only for one person in the world: Michael Jackson. And that´s how he will be remembered forever. The King Of Pop is and stays Michael Jackson. Nobody can change that.
Eventually he'll lose support from the record label he's signed up to.........

And eventually it'll be a case of............Justin who???

People are already forgetting about Justin Timberlake................and a few years ago, he was being called the next King Of Pop!!!!
People won't even remember his name two years from now. He will be very short lived. Just because the kid is a Michael fan, doesn't mean he will be Michael. No one will be.

Whatever happened to Justin Timberlake, Usher and Chris Brown also being the "new King Of Pop?" Yeah, exactly...they aren't.
I hate how the media and general public want so bad to strip this title from Michael Jackson.
I'm shocked by the percentage of votes for "Time will tell" and "Yes".
What is wrong with these people!

I pray for those people
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People won't even remember his name two years from now. He will be very short lived. Just because the kid is a Michael fan, doesn't mean he will be Michael. No one will be.

Whatever happened to Justin Timberlake, Usher and Chris Brown also being the "new King Of Pop?" Yeah, exactly...they aren't.
I hate how the media and general public want so bad to strip this title from Michael Jackson.
Yes, it's annoying but eventually they'll see it won't happen. The "next king-of-pops" always fail.. because they aren't!

Nothing can take away the success from Michael. I wouldn't take these polls too seariously. :)
omg this is so annoying everyone knows there will never be another King of Pop NO CHANCE BEIBER!!! lol i like the kid but honestly people gotta stop comparing him to Mike....
They just wanna be startin something! I predict a few years from now they'll be calling someone else the new KOP. Just to annoy us. MJ is untouchable and they can't do anything haha
Justin Timberlake sounds more like it... RELEASE YOUR NEXT ALBUM GODDAMIT!!
But Bieber? Sorry I don't think so. If he can be, Aaron Carter can as well.
a few years ago, Rolling stone tried to give the title to Justin timberlake and I still remembered Justin's awkward face on their magazine cover named "the new king of pop". Now Justin Bieber? ha, it's quite laughable to me. who's next?
Ugh....Justin Bieber..... He will never ever become the king of pop. Just as Elvis is the king of rock and roll, MJ will always be the king of pop.
I think there is a bigger chance of Lady GaGa being the new Mother Teresa then there is of Justin Beiber being the next King Of Pop!!

There is only one Michael Jackson, one King of MUSIC... and we are all the lucky ones to have lived to see him as he graced his presence in our generation! You can't re invent the next MJ like you can't reinvent Jesus... they can do whatever they want it'll never work... in 200 years there will be kids talking about Michael and envying us to have been able to live to see him... cause there's no one that will compare to him, and no one will manage to take his magic! God Bless The True & Only King Michael Jackson =)
So far these people have been ''The new king of pop''

Justin Timberlake
Justin Beiber
Chris Brown
Ronan Keaton
Robbie Williams
and maybe a few more that i've missed

and guess what? None of them have come close!
Umm...what? Comparing Justin Bieber to Michael is plain stupid! Let's only think about comparing when JB sold as much recordings as Michael and won as much awards as Michael. A 17 years old teen who can barely sing, is completely controlled by his recording label and has a fan community which consists 99 % of screaming teenies (and you have to remember they won't stay teenies forever...and then, who are the fans then?) can reach the success of a man who had been hard working since the age of 5 and sold 800 million records? Guess when this will happen? ....Right, never.
Awwww, they're only doing this for the PR. They can't be serious. There is now and will always only be one King of Pop.
Why oh why are there these recurring attempts to 'dethrone' Michael? Well, let them have their fun and compare someone to him. The more they do, the more firmly Michael sits on the throne.
Michael will always outshine him. His is the brightest star in the firmament. His light shines with the intensity and brightness of a supernova. These others? Only tiny dots of light that will soon fade from view.

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To become a REAL king a person have to be humble and this kid isn't, so NEVER!