*** VOTE *** Is Justin Bieber Poised to Be the Next King of Pop? > No chance!


Proud Member
May 21, 2006
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I was afraid something like this would happen.. :/

But yeah, No Chance! Never will!
I'm shocked by the percentage of votes for "Time will tell" and "Yes".
What is wrong with these people!
Justin Bieber's target audience is young girls aged around 10-13. When the next ''cute'' teen boy comes along they'll drop Justin Beiber in a heartbeat and move onto him. It happened to The Jonas Brothers. In fact it wouldn't surprise me if Justin Beiber fans used to be Jonas Brothers fans and then when Justin Beiber came along they got rid of their Jonas Brothers posters and replaced them with Justin Bieber's
a cute boy comparing with a handsome man ,,,,so what's the point ????
Just when I think I can't get any more annoyed with all these Bieber comparison to MJ, they put up a voting system about it... :wtf: :doh:
Don't be scared, what Michael archieved in his life can't be taken away by a stupid poll.
Even if the whole world wants someone to be another king of pop, it doesn't matter, looking at the facts will tell you Michael is the one and only who can be the KING OF POP..
Seriously, how many times will folks be asking this same question when a NEW comer enters the game? LOL!

Let's see:

Is Justin Timberlake poised to be the next King of Pop? No.

Is Usher poised to be the next King of Pop? No.

Is Chris Brown poised to be the next King of Pop? No.

The lastest entry to the "King of Pop" contest is Justin Bieber. New name, same answer, i.e. NO!

To be honest, in my opinion, this young man is ALREADY beginning to lose some of his steam and that's why the media is trying to push him so hard, but it won't work, because the young girls who make up his fan base, either grow up and their taste change and/or another "cute" face will come along and steal Bieber's thunder. Nothing new, it happens all the time.

I remember way, way, WAY back (LOL) when the young girls were crying over Hanson. LOL!
Even the suggestion that Bieber could take Michael's or Elvis's place, is a huge insult to these great entertainers. Give Bieber a pacifier and put him in his crib for a nap.

why did people do that,tell me why ,they hurt him enough,they upset us enough,why they keep doing that......they can't find anyone like Mike,never, but they keep searching because they think its funny no its not funny.Don't ever comparison Mike to anybody,there'll be no result ok....Please stop doing that.... We love you Mike...:x