VOTE for MJ - Michael is the greatest black musician of the past few decades

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lmao! I cant believe some of you are actually supporting Prince over the KOP MJ on this forum.. Are you kidding me? Go join a Prince forum then, what the hell are u doing here? GO MJ!!!

Edit-- Good Job MJ Army-- MJ is now in the lead ;)
You guys I swear, I keep voting and refreshing and voting and refreshing, and it looks like the rate we're going at is 10 fans are voting every 1 second for MJ. It's truly beautiful.. Luv u guys!! :hug:
The fans in Poland also voting. I posted the thread on our forum :)
You guys I swear, I keep voting and refreshing and voting and refreshing, and it looks like the rate we're going at is 10 fans are voting every 1 second for MJ.

More like 50 votes per zealous fan every minute - whether it's camp MJ or camp Purple. Such agendas render these polls completely meaningless.

And yet again, fans are being attacked here for having different taste preferences, as if that takes away from all that we admire and love about MJ and the reason why we're here in the first place.

Such rabid attitudes just add to our community's already damaging stereotypes.
Was gonna vote for Michael but then I read through this thread and voted for Stevie Wonder out of spite. It was the "everyone vote vote vote vote 500 times" that got me, and seeing that the same type of thing was going on on Prince's forum. The "I would vote for Michael even if this was a 'who is the best polka player?' poll" attitude also helped me reach said spiteful decision. I just now realized that all of these polls are completely and utterly fake. Well, I guess I always knew it but it's different when it's right in your face like it is here. It's just a "whose message board has less shit to do?" contest. Lame.
Don't vote then if you're gonna vote out of spite! That's what's lame. I wouldn't mind if you truly thought Stevie was the best but...oh whatever. That's why I never read these kind of threads. Some people here just want to ruin everything. I usually just go vote for whoever I think deserves it.

Voted for MJ :)
Guys thats enough. Vote for who you want to vote for but don't insult anyone or the board if you want to vote for someone else. This is getting ridiculous.
Voted for MJ. To me, he will always be the most influential artist/musician in modern music history. Glad he has a healthy lead over the others.
Prince is 80%? hahahaha. ok, that just made my day;) I can't even get mad at that, 'cause it's too hillarious;P Don't have anything against Prince, but Michael Jackson is far bigger than anybody in this business in the past few decades. It's not my opininion - numbers just speak for themselves;) (album sales and so on)
It's not my opininion - numbers just speak for themselves;) (album sales and so on)
Going by this logic, Lil Wayne is the greatest contemporary black act, Miley Cyrus is the greatest pop act, and McDonald's is great food that's good for you. I don't know why people always think sales equals quality or influence. Sales only happen because of a promotional department that has lots of money to spend. Polls are stupid anyway, especially since people can easily stuff them. The people running the polls can just as easily block/delete votes of acts they don't want to win. The acts themselves don't care about them and probably don't even know they exist.
You know guys when I see the list of people they have there, it would be really difficult to pick MJ. I mean I love him to death, but, let's face it, Stevie himself was a huge influence on MJ. And Marvin Gaye... Aretha...

I think it is a matter of what you like the most about each one. There are all so indicative of different phases and attitudes and parts of black music. They are all so important. Whoever put that list together put a wish list of black music. If I look at it objectively, I find it really hard to pick. They really need to narrow the criteria. it's too broad to pick.

That's just MHO.
The King of Pop is the greatest black musician of all time!

You need to update the first message because I almost had an heart attack when I saw the first results!
james brown should be on that list...endless amount of things that man did..No one on that list invented a credible musical genre or was sampled more than anyone else in anothr genre..There are things james brown did that noone on tht list can surpass or better

But maybe he was too many decades ago
I hate these polls, there pointless, especially when people are gonna cheat like this (regardless if MJ or Prince or whoever). Would you not feel better if Michael won this stuff just from a majority vote of people from all around instead of the same couple of 100 people clicking the refresh button all day? Personally I would vote Stevie, but thers no point now is there?
I truly believe it has to be Michael. Think of all the artists he influenced - the list is limitless, he was a pioneer, a trailblazer - if not for him the music video of today would not exist- he broke the color barrier, etc, etc, etc. The other artists in that poll are very talented no doubt, but as an overall musician as a singer, songwriter/composer, arranger, producer, entertainer and even though he wasn't a prodigy in any type of instrument, he did play different types of instruments (check record credits). He truly paved the way and openend the doors to all black musicians of today. I can't even imagine the music industry w/o Michael Jackson- just think about that.

Hands down Michael for me - no doubts whatsoever!
Love prince and he's a musician michael wasn't, he didn't play instruments on records or live but then again he was an instrument of nature. I'm being biased and voting for michael of course lol yay he's winning 71% :)
Love prince and he's a musician michael wasn't, he didn't play instruments on records or live but then again he was an instrument of nature. I'm being biased and voting for michael of course lol yay he's winning 71% :)

Michael Jackson played instruments on his albums, look at album covers.
He played piano, keyboards, guitar, drums, and other instruments and even beatboxes using his voice to simulate instruments
Michael Jackson played instruments on his albums, look at album covers.
He played piano, keyboards, guitar, drums, and other instruments and even beatboxes using his voice to simulate instruments
I don't think michael played instruments on his albums, he had other professionals do it. I never said he couldn't play and instrument but that wasn't his thing. I know he beatboxed and that's one of he reasons why i called him an instrument of nature because he could do alot of things withh his body that many can't.
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Here we go again about musician=somebody who plays instruments. I disagree with that. Somebody who plays instruments is an instrumentalist. So if the question is if Prince is a better instrumentalist than Michael was, of course he is. But a musician is anybody who writes and plays music (whether if the mean is an isntrument or his voice). "Musician" is not equal to "instrumentalist" - otherwise we wouldn't have two seperate words for the two.
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