Update: TV ALERT: Michael & Bubbles - Animal Planet Documentary 6/22 - 6/24

It was a cute documentary, they got some info wrong like they called latoya michael's younger sister(probably on her request lol... just joking)

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Latoya told some cute stories about michael and bubbles, like how michael wanted bubbles to speak and he used to mimic michael.
just think of that!!!

They don't show bubbles images of michael because they don't want to upset him.

there you go.
this is what we were wondering.
their separation must have been so difficult to both Michael en poor Bubbles :cry:
We really don't know what Michael did or didn't do. I can picture him donating money to care for Bubbles and visiting him from time to time. Michael had such a big heart. Bubbles was like his own child and I am sure it broke his heart to have to give him up to this santuary without much choice.

I understand you very well, but our words are not speculations, but facts, as the centers where the animals currently live have confirmed the information. If Bubbles is "expensive", just think how expensive Sabu and Thriller are.

In their case, they currently live at Shambala Preserve and you can find further info on them (and even info to "adopt" them and support them) here http://www.shambala.org/pages_adoption/tiger_sabu.htm

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]When Michael Jackson decided to close his zoo at his Neverland Valley Ranch in Los Olivos, California and place his animals at other facilities, he consulted with his animals’ long time zoological Veterinarian, Dr. Martin Dinnes and asked him which Sanctuary would make the best home for his tigers, “Thriller” and “Sabu”. A quality facility was Jackson’s priority. Dr. Dinnes took little time in suggesting The Roar Foundation’s Shambala Preserve. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]In common with all the other animals Shambala takes in, which now total 70 non-domestic felines including leopards, lions, other tigers, servals, cheetah, mountain lions. These tigers from Neverland came with no endowment for their future care. Acceptance of these beautiful animals by The Shambala Preserve could not be taken lightly as it costs a great deal of money to properly care for them the rest of their lives. The lifetime commitment for these animals is over 20 years, therefore taking in these 7 year old tigers is more than a 13 year commitment. In any case, sadly, it is rare that support money comes with any of these animals. [/FONT]

This is not meant to trash Michael. I would never publish any info to do that. As you said, and as we all say, there is no way for us to understand this, since it was only up to him :)
They don't show bubbles images of michael because they don't want to upset him.

In addition the psychologists that talked said that as Michael got Bubbles as a baby, he had become a surrogate mother in Bubbles eyes. (they said that the baby apes nest with their mothers, and Bubbles doing the same things as Michael -such as sleeping in a bed etc - was his way of nesting and a sign that he thought Michael as his surrogate mother). They added that as Bubbles was used to not seeing Michael for a time now, they didn't show him any pictures or videos of Michael because they believe that if they do so Bubbles will definitely remember his earlier years with Michael and get depressed.
they harped to much on Michaels career then they talked about Michael and Bubbles. Especially that crack about Bubbles fall off the A list. I found some of the comments rude and hurtful. but thats just me.
Michael Jackson's chimp, Bubbles, focus of documentary


WAUCHULA - La Toya Jackson made an emotional visit to the Center for Great Apes near Wauchula to visit her late brother Michael Jackson's beloved pet chimpanzee Bubbles in late May.

She reunited with her brother's former pet for a new Animal Planet documentary which airs tonight at 9 p.m. and again at 11 p.m.

As the one-year anniversary of the death of legendary pop star Michael Jackson approaches, the documentary, "Michael Jackson and Bubbles: The Untold Story" tells the story of the late singer's relationship with his pet chimp and includes interviews with La Toya Jackson and her 20-year reunion with Bubbles.

She told "Animal Planet" she remembered him as a young chimp who sat at the family table and ate with them.

Bubbles' home since 2005 is a sanctuary in a remote area of Central Florida where there are hundreds of trees, 30-foot tall dunes and nearly a half a mile of elevated tunnels.

Bubbles was born in 1983 in a biomedical laboratory and lived with Michael Jackson from 1986 to 1992. During those years he toured with Michael to Japan, appeared in music videos and learned to moonwalk.

Despite his years in the entertainment industry, Bubbles is well adapted to the chimpanzee life.

When Bubbles turned 6 years old he was sent to live with other chimps in a training compound in California. While Michael Jackson made several visits to Bubbles, La Toya Jackson's visit was the first of the Jackson family to the sanctuary.

She toured the sanctuary for four hours and visited all the apes. Bubbles was her last stop.

"I miss you," La Toya Jackson said. "Do you remember me Bubbles?"

"I think you remember me, don't you?"

Later that day Patti Ragan, the center's sanctuary director, said that La Toya Jackson's emotional reunion with Bubbles reminded her of her late brother.

She said when she looked into Bubbles' eyes she saw the same child-like eyes she remembered from 20 years ago.

"She is still mourning her brother's death and Bubbles reminded her of Michael," Ragan said.

There are 43 great apes at the facility, including14 orangutans and 29 chimpanzees.

All of the rescued apes were former pets, entertainers used in advertising, films and in circus shows or from research laboratories. In captivity their life span is about 50 years.

Although it was popular to have chimps as pets 20 to 30 years ago, the demand has declined because people are more knowledgeable about them and their needs.

"We are hoping that people stop using them for entertainment because within the industry their shelf life is six to eight years at the longest," Ragan said.

Having a chimp as a pet is also an expensive venture averaging $10,000 a year. Currently there is a waiting list at the Great Apes Center, which relies solely on private donations for support.

They urge people who are considering owning a great ape as a pet to think about the effects of raising a great ape as a human. Ragan said many ex-pet great apes have trouble interacting with their own species because they have not learned the necessary behaviors and are confused.

Their strength as adults can also be dangerous to people.

"She LaToya Jackson said that while they love Bubbles very much she knows now that it is not right to have chimps as pets because they grow so strong," Ragan said.

Now at 27 years old Bubbles is enjoying his retirement. One of his friends is Sam, a 40-year-old chimp, who met Bubbles in the California training compound where he lived for 15 years.

"He's adjusted beautifully," Ragan said.

Most mornings he's hanging out with his friends on a branch that overlooks some orange groves.

He spends his time playing tag and running through the center's 500 feet of elevated tunnels. When he's not doing that he likes to fills his backpack with stuff he collects from his handlers.

"He has lots of places to explore in this habitat," Ragan said.

For more information on Bubbles the chimp visit www.centerforgreatapes.org

I am uploading a copy of the full program now for anyone who did not get to see it or if it did not air where they live - here is the thread:


THank you for this!!

I had animal planet on all night last night, but they didn't show it here in The Netherlands. I really wonder how Bubbles would have reacted if Michael had visited him.
Didnt know mike had a tiger named "thiiler" , that is so cool! :wild:
I saw the show and was amazed at the History about Michael and Bubbles.I got emotional when Latoya asked to speak to him alone.I saw that Bubbles did kind of remembered her and That it was like He was listening to her every word and then when she said "you know don't you ?",I broked down. You know that Apes know when a loveone dies and is gone.They hold their heads down or show emotion in their own way.Michael wasn't around him for more then a couple of years but I believe Bubbles would have sensed that his Surrogate Mommy was gone and maybe Michael's Spirit came to see Bubbles to let him know.It said in the show that Michael was planning to see Bubbles either before he left for his concerts or after he returned from them. I'll have to look at this again.Otherwise, the show was interesting,Now for CNN's Version with Bob Lennon. Just a reminder, "THIS IS IT" IS ON THE CABLE CHANNEL STARZ ALL THIS WEEK. Being that I have the DVD and saw it 3 times already,I'll wait until after the Anniversary to see it again.
Unfortunately the documentary wasn’t aired on Animal Planet in my country, so I must download it first to judge :)
Dang! I set this up on DVR a few weeks ago.
Forgot all about it til I saw this thread again.
I finally watched it last night......it was OK.
LaToya really made me laugh at times.
I liked it and I didn't. A lot of the "facts" were really badly researched and some comments were in bad taste. The only part that got me, as mentioned in an earlier post, was when LaToya asked to speak with him alone and you could see in bubbles' body language that he understood what LaToya was saying especially when she broke down :cry:
Even back in the 80's the media was calling MJ a freak and W*** J***. Alot of people say that the media's negetivity towards MJ started after the 93 allegations but looking at those articles from the 80's proved that the media talked crap about him long before the allegations. The allegations was just the icing on the cake for them.
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Even back in the 80's the media was calling MJ a freak and W*** J***. Alot of people say that the media's negetivity towards MJ started after the 93 allegations but looking at those articles from the 80's prooved that the media talked crap about him long before the allegations. The allegations was just the icing on the cake for them.

Oh, It start LONG before 93.. I was a fan all through the 80's and saw it all. Poor Michael, They never left him alone. :no:

I missed this, I wonder if it will be repeated. :unsure:
MJ said it best himself

''I broke Elvis's records, i broke Beatles records. Overnight! They called me a freak, they called me a homosexual, they called me a child molester, they said i bleeched my skin. They made everything to try and turn the public againts me''

I hate to play the race card (And i'm white) but i do think that the media hated the fact MJ who was a black man became more popular than Elvis Presley and The Beatles who are the media darlings
Some parts I found kind of interesting, some I thought were complete bull. It was an okayish documentary that I wouldn't really bother watching again.