*Update Post 61-Teddy to Tweak BN Again* All Teddy Here

Re: Teddy Just tweaked BREAKING NEWS AGAIN

Yet again... I don't hear any change.

All I hear is the cr*p they put out on Monday.
Re: Teddy Just tweaked BREAKING NEWS AGAIN


A song has never been edited and changed this much from the first time it was release to the album edition.
Has Teddy said on Twitter that a new version would be out on mj.com ? or where do you know that from?
Re: Teddy Just tweaked BREAKING NEWS AGAIN

Listen Now he is working hard on the track to refiine it
from the crap the casocos made of it. He is bringing us Michael
He told me he was :)

BREAKING NEWS http://breakingnews.michaeljackson.com

Holy cow! Really?!?!

I just listened to this again at 10pm, and by 5 after it friggin changed again?!?!?!

Am I correct in that he tweaked the ending a little bit? Added some extra random vocal's at the end, along with some other things?

I can tell Teddy or someone's trying to bring out Michael's voice as much as possible, and getting the other vocalist as much in the background as possible. I've also come up with a skeleton format of where Michael sings. I do believe he's in this song, just not as much as we'd desire. There IS another voice on here. 1st verse: Mostly Michael from what I can tell. Chorus 1: Michael and another vocalist. Verse 2: Not Michael. Sounds too different to me from verse 1. Chorus 2: same as C1. Bridge: 80% Michael, 20% backing vocalist. Chorus/Ending vocals: Mostly Michael, some background vocalists.

What do ya think? Or have I simply tried to break this down waaaaaay too much, lol!
A new version again, it is getting more and more crazy.

Does someone have this new 3rd version as mp3 for download ?
I'm listening to it again now, and it's definitely changed. Definitely. The vocals seem clearer, and I'm sure there's far more Michael in there now than there was originally.
I'm listening to it again and it sounds the same to me. :lol: I'm TRYING to get my ears to accept it's MJ but I'm not really succeeding at it. :lol:
My big question now is, it's obvious that some of the trademark MJ accents like the ouhs, wooos and breaths are lifted from other songs. Why use released material? They have had months to perfect these tracks, why didn't they use Alternate takes or unused takes? I dunno it would have at least given the song a bit of uniqueness. Now I obviously hear parts of other songs that take me right out of the track. I guess the figured no one would notice, hell they probably just ripped the vocal tracks from the dvds lol.
Did someone have this 3rd edition for download?

Please PM.

I would like to have the new version as mp3.
can someone please PM me the mp3 link to the latest version of BN?? id really appreciate it! already have the album preordered along with the Vision DVD set! Thanks!!

God damn, guys - calm down finally, will ya???!!!
You all are expecting answers but then again finally when the answer's there you don't believe it anyway like you all know everything! You act like you know everything perfectly and like you know that this what you think is definitely true, but how can you know that? How can you be so sure that it's true what you are thinkin' and not what Teddy's saying or all the other people are saying who made the statement for example?
If y'all are expecting some answers then please take them and accept them when they come out! Now you are all expecting an official statement straight from Sony but in the end if Sony makes one you guys still won't believe it anyway! You're definitely still gonna say, 'I just still don't believe it's Mike...'!

So where's the sense in all of that??
I would like the new BN version too.

Please PM if you have the new 3rd version.
LOL Sounds the same to me! And I still have a problem with the lead it's not all Michael IMO! Not saying MJ ain't on the song, just saying that the other dude on there is dominating the song for me way too much! Especially, as the song progress! So, it is what it is and it's on the album now so....
If someone have the BN as mp3 please PM me with a link.

I would like to compare the versions.
Where's your proof? The burden is on you to prove that you're right, not that I'm wrong.

I'm tired of reading posts from people like you that dishearten everyone else. Cheer-up or piss off.

I do miss the Thank You buttom. But + 1 rep for you.