*Update Post 61-Teddy to Tweak BN Again* All Teddy Here


Sorry if it's already been posted.


"This is for everyone that wanna point fingers…you asked me questions I gave my answer in what I can disclose. Here’s my quote and forever whoever don’t believe me, f*ck you!!!!
I was called on this project by the estate, Sony, and the family co signed it. These songs are created by the Cascios. I did not write the Songs, I was called in to mix and finish what I was given, Without compensation only cause of Michael. Only cause of Michael and the jackson family, who felt I should be on the project, cause of my relationship with Michael. All of the producer that worked on this project got paid before they worked. At the last minute of working on this project.
These issue about MJ vocals not being real came into par. The vocal yes I feel they are MJ vox…they are very processed.. The vocals I was given to me from the Cascios was all I had to work with. I can’t and no one can prove anything but MJ.
I’ve worked with MJ 4 times…we spent 1 yr 2, months together working on dangerous, 6 months on history, 2 months on Adam family. 6-8 months on invincible…all of these projects in the pass 20 yrs.
Michael is not hear to voice himself and let you know the truth. I asked the company to bring in everyone. Professionals, friends, family, and the people who worked with Michael many year and before me. Everyone said it is Michael except the family who says its not because there’s no proof.
All I’m gonna say here is that I believe its MJ. The truth of this of it all no one knows be MJ and god knows.
I have nothing more to say and I can’t prove anything…I did not original produce his vocals nor these songs. I remix, made the tracks different from what they had which would have been unacceptable. I’ve answered all that I can answer for MJ fan. The Cascios have a tweeter page…they have your answers.
If you don’t have anything pleasant to ask or talk about don’t hit me page. In fact, don’t follow me…I’ve been very nice… I apologize to MJ fan for not having the answers. Blessing to you all."

I still don't think it's 100% Michael but yea.... I don't know.
I just wish this whole thing could be all about joy, and happiness of hearing his music again but I guess not this time.:no:

Much love to all of you here who keeps me sane through this whole mess, well as much as possible =)
Re: Teddy Riley makes detailed statement on Twitter.

thank you for posting that.

i think Teddy is speaking from his heart. i read it over a few times and he is saying that the vocals he used are the 'produced' vocals supplied by the Cascio's.

he didn't record them or change them, he re-produced the song meaning, the music, to make it better........

right ?
Re: Teddy Riley makes detailed statement on Twitter.

thank you for posting that.

i think Teddy is speaking from his heart. i read it over a few times and he is saying that the vocals he used are the 'produced' vocals supplied by the Cascio's.

he didn't record them or change them, he re-produced the song meaning, the music, to make it better........

right ?

Yea, that's what I'm thinking too. That stuff was given to him and he did the best out of that. If it's Michael or not he really can't know I guess.
Re: Teddy Riley makes detailed statement on Twitter.

thank you for posting that.

i think Teddy is speaking from his heart. i read it over a few times and he is saying that the vocals he used are the 'produced' vocals supplied by the Cascio's.

he didn't record them or change them, he re-produced the song meaning, the music, to make it better........

right ?
and this makes me feel it's neither the fault of Riley, The Estate or Sony, but the Cascios. Throw those songs into the trash and replace those songs with some real kickin' ass tunes. We know there are some around...
Re: Teddy Riley makes detailed statement on Twitter.

Indra;3061722 said:
I’ve worked with MJ 4 times…we spent 1 yr 2, months together working on dangerous, 6 months on history, 2 months on Adam family. 6-8 months on invincible…all of these projects in the pass 20 yrs.
Forgive my ignorance but was that the soundtrack to the film?
Teddy Riley Radio Interview About "Michael" Album !!

LISTEN FROM 1 HOUR 33 MIN !!! Teddy Riley = Producer of Michael Jackson for the last 20 years !!
Re: Teddy Riley makes detailed statement on Twitter.

Yeh, but they never got used, I think it included is it scary.
Re: Teddy Riley makes detailed statement on Twitter.

if this is teddy,

then I wonder what sony is going through now....

are they just going to have other people speak for them???? come out and make an official statement!! this is BIG news and sony's president, who owns many media sources, is keeping this news off the media.

But I don't care what anyone says. In that song, I can't feel Michael.
Re: Teddy Riley Radio Interview About "Michael" Album !!

There must be something wrong with Teddy...
Re: Teddy Riley Radio Interview About "Michael" Album !!

Unless somebody is forcing Teddy to say it's MJ......
Re: Teddy Riley Radio Interview About "Michael" Album !!

I'm losing respect for you Teddy. Come out and admit it now and I wont lose any respect for you.
Re: Teddy Riley makes detailed statement on Twitter.

isnt he being PAID by SONY ? hmmmmmmmm
Re: Teddy Riley Radio Interview About "Michael" Album !!

The JM he refers to, isn't that John McClain?

music exec John McClain - executor

He says that he was brought in to produce. Of course Sony would have a right to as they are the ones who provided the contract and wanted to get the best result. McClain also brought his own producers to produce.
Sony seems to have picked Teddy Riley's songs over McClain and so McClain began defaming the record as fake.

No wonder a certain columnist was quoting a source as saying the sound is not MJ.

The sheer coordinated assault on fan forums that this record is fake also was surprising.

As i have long thought, their are "fans" here or a PR agency simulating fans that is used by some of the executors to drive their influence among fans. It's what's called infiltrate and influence. They have infiltrated the forums and are very vocal on certain issues.

Teddy Riley goes further by saying their are people who are in it for the wrong reasons, all about money and that some are concerned about MJ's kids welfare while others could care less.

He also highlights the tensions and fights between the executors, Sony and the family that are harming MJ's legacy, which actually we have seen in the last days boil over and fans have asked "isn't this fighting not harming MJ's legacy?" Sony - Executors - family - fans all fighting each other.

At times it takes someone like Teddy Riley who has been in the centre of it all, Sony, executors, family, to actually give a good view of the tensions he has seen and the harm they will create as compared to Elvis' legacy.
Re: Teddy Riley makes detailed statement on Twitter.

Does anyone know the Cascio's twitter account?
Re: Teddy Riley makes detailed statement on Twitter.

Teddy Riley is a sell out if he believes that mj in bn so **** him right back!
Re: Teddy Riley Radio Interview About "Michael" Album !!

The JM he refers to, isn't that John McClain?

He says that he was brought in to produce. Of course Sony would have a right to as they are the ones who provided the contract and wanted to get the best result. McClain also brought his own producers to produce.
Sony seems to have picked Teddy Riley's songs over McClain and so McClain began defaming the record as fake.

No wonder a certain columnist was quoting a source as saying the sound is not MJ.

The sheer coordinated assault on fan forums that this record is fake also was surprising.

As i have long thought, their are "fans" here or a PR agency simulating fans that is used by some of the executors to drive their influence among fans. It's what's called infiltrate and influence. They have infiltrated the forums and are very vocal on certain issues.

Teddy Riley goes further by saying their are people who are in it for the wrong reasons, all about money and that some are concerned about MJ's kids welfare while others could care less.

He also highlights the tensions and fights between the executors, Sony and the family that are harming MJ's legacy, which actually we have seen in the last days boil over and fans have asked "isn't this fighting not harming MJ's legacy?" Sony - Executors - family - fans all fighting each other.

At times it takes someone like Teddy Riley who has been in the centre of it all, Sony, executors, family, to actually give a good view of the tensions he has seen and the harm they will create as compared to Elvis' legacy.

rsw22 that was very well written but may I say pop'py cock'

Sony would loved to shift the blame for whatever scheme they concocted that is falling apart. They are the reason that fans are up in arms and distressed about the single and new CD.

I heard the rumors that it was not Michael singing Breaking News but I took it as nothing more than rumors because I did not expect Sony to attempt to sabotage Michael's CD. AFTER heaqring breaking news all I knew as that if it was Michael's voice someone had either screwed up or deliberately supressed his vocals. If it wasn't Michael then Sony is the biggest bunch of coniving liars I want to sede. There is no excuse for that track not bto be up to par!

Explain to me why the music comes through great but the vocals sound altered or compressed?
I hve more questions and suspicions than I care to type right now.

Teddy Riley was to be paid by Sony so it seems he is saying what sony wanted him to say and it's sadly NOT the first time Michael was screwed over by his friends.

The single Breaking News needs to be proven to us that they are Michael's vocals, and if so the botch job they did in compressing and altering his singing needs to be corrected. If it's not Michael then sony needs to have ameeting with all of their execs and bang their heads on the meeting table while their secretary reads off the list of our ultimatums because we'll be darned if we let them stand while trying to make Michael's legacy fall.

Either Sony can let us in where we can assure things are up to par or we will launch a boycott of all things Sony. Michael's fans are disgusted with te way they treated him when he was here and no amount of fintger pointing will cause us to not fight for him now that he is gone.

Teddy Riley should be ashamed!
Re: Teddy Riley Radio Interview About "Michael" Album !!

But what does he mean when he repeat over and over "read between the lines" :scratch:

And It seems they did this interview the day before Sony release Breaking News?

And what was that "JM" mention about? I didn't get that part.
Re: Teddy Riley makes detailed statement on Twitter.

Yea, that's what I'm thinking too. That stuff was given to him and he did the best out of that. If it's Michael or not he really can't know I guess.

Yeap, that's why he said "This is for everyone that wanna point fingers"
saying basically that it's not his fault.
Re: Teddy Riley makes detailed statement on Twitter.

Teddy knew of the infighting going on and people saying that ain't MJ on some songs for months! That right there would have made me back off if I were him! At least with the questionable songs!

They can't prove it to him that it was MJ and he can only say he believes it is mike?! O_O Sorry, not good enough! First he says it was.... now he says he "believes!?"
Re: Teddy Riley makes detailed statement on Twitter.

Riley knew how MJ rolled musically. He has worked with him enough over the years. MJ accepted nothing less than perfection with his music; Riley knows that. It begs the question, why would Riley work on this track if not up to snuff? It's his rep as well as Michael's if there weren't enough of MJ's vocals (especially lead) to use it and put it on the album? Just a few ad-libs here and there. I know Michael would not have approved of this song for release, no way. Seems like a really shady thing to do to MJ if only for the controversy. I only had to listen to the song once to know it's bogus. So trying to pass BN off as an authentic Michael Jackson song is whack! Everyone who has control over his name is to blame for this....and that is more than just one person. There does seem to be a lot of infighting going on, but that's politics as usual in MJ's world.
Re: Teddy Riley makes detailed statement on Twitter.

Teddy's been Tweeting again...

I'm still here and I'm will never run from the truth. You will see a series of statements and the truth will be told.

I wanna thank everyone on here for the support and knowing I sincerely did this for my best friend and mentor.

Some people don't how to face the truth even if it hurts them. I'm from Harlem N.Y., I've faced the truth everyday of my life.

Michael taught me well...all I can do is be still. Haters minds will change, the loving people will love more.

Michael did so much for so many people, including family. He pulled away from them all, except the true ones. This is about to get ugly!!
Re: Teddy Riley makes detailed statement on Twitter.

Lol, don't be surprised if Teddy never works on another MJ project again. Apparently, Riley was only trying to do the right thing with what he was given by the estate/Sony and now he's getting burned by some MJ fans who are never satisfied.
Poor guy.
Re: Teddy Riley makes detailed statement on Twitter.

Teddy's been Tweeting again...

I'm still here and I'm will never run from the truth. You will see a series of statements and the truth will be told.

I wanna thank everyone on here for the support and knowing I sincerely did this for my best friend and mentor.

Some people don't how to face the truth even if it hurts them. I'm from Harlem N.Y., I've faced the truth everyday of my life.

Michael taught me well...all I can do is be still. Haters minds will change, the loving people will love more.

Michael did so much for so many people, including family. He pulled away from them all, except the true ones. This is about to get ugly!!

All we been getting since before the song even came out was statements that cause this Sh*t in the first place! So we getting more?! :mello:

What true family MJ kept around? The ones he put on his will seem to be the ones who started it all...3t no?:doh: I can't wait until this month is over!:(
Re: Teddy Riley makes detailed statement on Twitter.

Will.i.am was right all along.....f**ck this album..they are destroying MJ's legacy!!
Re: Teddy Riley Talks on Twitter - All Teddy Here

Teddy posted on twitter that the truth will come in statements & its going to get ugly
Re: Teddy Riley Talks on Twitter - All Teddy Here

Riley is just another broke sell out, if he really gave a shit he would say it straight that it aint michael....