UPDATE!!! New Lawyer appointed! Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

Her religion would not prevent her from divorcing her husband if she so chose to. Where do you all make this crap up from?

No one said her religion prevented her from getting a divorce. As I said, I read that that they talked her out of it. She could have ignored their advice and gone ahead and done it. No one said she wasn't allowed to get a divorce.

Also, I am not making up anything. I said that I read a report. This is just one reference online. There are many others:
Joseph and Katherine's marriage reached shaky terms during their sons' rise to fame due to Joseph's infidelity. In 1973, it was confirmed that Joseph had cheated on Katherine with groupie (name Cheryl Terrel) during a Jackson 5 tour, and had daughter (Joh'vonnie Jackson, born 30 August 1974) with her. Katherine filed for divorce that year but later recanted. A similar incident of Joseph's infidelity came to light in 1979 when Joseph was rumored to have been seen with a Motown executive. Katherine again filed for divorce and again recanted. Both divorce recants were because the Jehovah's Witnesses organization counseled Katherine to not divorce Joseph. Also it is said that Katherine recanted because Joseph refused to leave Hayvenhurst.

stop acting like Janet is some sort of saint , she is as greedy as everyone in that family .
I want thes people to respect MJ's will...whichever one they want. The 1997 or the 2002 will.

The judge must realized, with everything that has gone on since MJ's passing, if he were to put a family member in charge, it would go against everything MJ has ever wanted. This is a highly dysfunctionnal family, they will never agree with anything.

I am sure before the judge decides to add a family member, they will have to go through an hearing. And I am positive, there will be many witnesses that will testify that MJ did not want his family ANYWHERE near his business.

On a side note, I am pissed that these high power lawyers couldn't draw an iron clad will for MJ. All these little mistakes, give the family arguments to contest the will. I am scared of what other mistakes will be revealed.

stop acting like Janet is some sort of saint , she is as greedy as everyone in that family .

Unless you know something we don't, Janet does not strike me like she wants her brother's money. I hope not...but she is a Jackson. She might surprised me.
On a side note, I am pissed that these high power lawyers couldn't draw an iron clad will for MJ. All these little mistakes, give the family arguments to contest the will. I am scared of what other mistakes will be revealed.

That's what the trust is there for - MJ left all his assets to the Michael Jackson Family Trust, which is the 40% Katherine, 40% kids & 20% charity.

The will is valid - because there are three witnesses to corroborate that. I highly suspect that there's even a video tape of MJ signing the will - as is now normal practice as well as a backup.

Anyone who challenges the will/trust will be disinherited. And I surely hope this is why Katherine sought new counsel so she can stop Joe/Randy from pushing her to challenge the executors.
the only way the jacksons would not have any ground to argue over the will if MJ did not provide Katherine with anything , if he blocked her completely from his will . well, he was a good son , that was his mistake , he knew but was in denial about his mother . maybe she is not as good as he thought .
the only way the jacksons would not have any ground to argue over the will if MJ did not provide Katherine with anything , if he blocked her completely from his will . well, he was a good son , that was his mistake , he knew but was in denial about his mother . maybe she is not as good as he thought .

I think Katherine has her heart & soul in the right place, but she needs to stop her husband and kids from telling her what to do.

I want Katherine to do what Michael wants her to do with his money and his kids.
"Streisand said when he met with Katherine Jackson and the children to discuss the case, they were united"

WTF. why are they involving the children (i hope it's not MJ3) in this madness? the brainwashing has started !!!
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and please don't start the katherine worshiping thing , my opinion of her was formed long time ago . she was joe and the siblings means to get mj's money during his life time and after his death nothing changed .she is making sure his estate ends shared among the siblings .
"Streisand said when he met with Katherine Jackson and the children to discuss the case, they were united"

WTF. why are they involving the children in this madness? the brainwashing has started !!!

my thoughts exactly, why did this man have to meet the kids ? he is not representing them , unless they plan to make the kids testify against THEIR FATHER .
"Streisand said when he met with Katherine Jackson and the children to discuss the case, they were united"

WTF. why are they involving the children in this madness? the brainwashing has started !!!

I think he meant Katherine grown kids...not MJ3.

That's what the trust is there for - MJ left all his assets to the Michael Jackson Family Trust, which is the 40% Katherine, 40% kids & 20% charity.

The will is valid - because there are three witnesses to corroborate that. I highly suspect that there's even a video tape of MJ signing the will - as is now normal practice as well as a backup.

Anyone who challenges the will/trust will be disinherited. And I surely hope this is why Katherine sought new counsel so she can stop Joe/Randy from pushing her to challenge the executors.

I thought it might have been early on, but after Randy accused the executors of forging MJ's signature, I thought their attorney would mention a videotape. Weitzman did not ...

Knowing MJ's family, they should have videotaped the whole thing. I find it hard to believe that neither witnesses thought it might be wise to tape the signature of the will

What a mess!!!

The new attorney already confirmed he will challenge the executors.:no:
I think he meant Katherine grown kids...not MJ3.

I thought it might have been early on, but after Randy accused the executors of forging MJ's signature, I thought their attorney would mention a videotape. Weitzman did not ...

Knowing MJ's family, they should have videotaped the whole thing. I find it hard to believe that neither witnesses thought it might be wise to tape the signature of the will

What a mess!!!

The new attorney already confirmed he will challenge the executors.:no:

This is going to be a HUGE mess if Katherine + her greedy kids get her way. NASTY nasty nasty mess. :mad:

It's like Mike's Will means nothing.
Streisand said when he met with Katherine Jackson and the children to discuss the case, they were united.

Streisand said the three Jackson children are doing "absolutely wonderful."

Please tell me the children mentioned in the first phrase are not MJ3.
I think this is so depressing. I mean I feel as if he was used by everyone even his own family. ARe they upset he is dead or that the money train has ended. Poor michael and now his children. Mike's will should stand. If those brothers get on board they will spend the money and use it for themselves.
Just because you read an online reference doesn't mean it is true. They do NOT talk people out of getting divorces esp if adultery is committed. The elders would be in serious trouble if that was the case.
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

it could be for the worst. randy & joe could bring shady lawyers who tell all absurd theories from Randy & co

I hope 2 god that doesnt happen :pray:
only Katherine Jackson can be credited with "why" she didn't go through with the divorce.
my guess is it has to do with her own "values, beliefs, and principles". I know her faith is a great source of strength and guidance. but its not like she is a "troll".

i realize she is not a SAINT to us. but she doesn't have to be the spawn of Lucifer either.
and since katherine has other 8 children and many adult grandchildren , why no one of them is paying for the electricity .

I mean why does she feel that MJ should pay MORE for her electricity bill? I'm disgusted . she can't watch this is it , but she wants money from his estate to pay the electricity bill .
Just because you read an online reference doesn't mean it is true. They do NOT talk people out of getting divorces esp if adultery is committed. The elders would be in serious trouble if that was the case.

Not in the case of my cousin who was one of the JW elders and he beat the crap out of her.

After years of abuse, she pressed charges against him & the other JWs told her that if she gets a divorce, she'd have to leave the JWs.

So she did.
and since katherine has other 8 children and many adult grandchildren , why no one of them is paying for the electricity .

I mean why does she feel that MJ should pay MORE for her electricity bill? I'm disgusted . she can't watch this is it , but she wants money from his estate to pay the electricity bill .


Why doesn't she have all 15 lazy Jacksons that live there help her with some of the bills?

Oh, that's right, she has to support all of them.
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

Well I can see why Michael left John Branca and John McClain in charge of his estate. Because it looks like the Jackson family are creating a mess they can't win (if this story is true), due to the bad advice of lawyers only intersted in getting to control Michael's estate for their own prestigue. Which is what I think Londell McMillan is only interested in.

from the beginning ... I always thought Londell was giving the wrong signals when saying all those negative things about Branca and McCain...

Michael has known both of them for over 20years....the whole approach was just wrong...IMO..

i've supported branca and Mccain being chosen as executor....ive given them the benefit of the doubt....

if Michael wanted his family to run his estate ..he would have chosen them
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

from the beginning ... I always thought Londell was giving the wrong signals when saying all those negative things about Branca and McCain...

Michael has known both of them for over 20years....the whole approach was just wrong...IMO..

i've supported branca and Mccain being chosen as executor....ive given them the benefit of the doubt....

if Michael wanted his family to run his estate ..he would have chosen them

That's exactly what I've said all along. Londell McMillian is a grandstander, and hindering Katherine's stake in the trust.

She's been THISCLOSE to losing her inheritance. And why did Londell have to have this long drawn out press conference each time they went to court?

Wouldn't a simple "no comment" do?

Oh, that's right, he's Joe & Randy's friends/lawyer too.
the new lawyer said he will fight the executors , so stop blaming Londel . he was acting on behalf of the family . Londel did not tell Randy , Latoya and Marlon to spread rumours about the kids not being mj's bio kids , THAT WAS THEIR CHOICE , Londel did not tell them to reject the offer from AEG , for the sake of a starting up company from the middle east . Londel did not tell them to say MJ was a junkie. Londel certainly did not hire Rowe and Randy as Katherine financial advisors .
the new lawyer is an expert in probate matters and challenging executors based on the "undue influence" .

He met the kids , why? why did this man meet mj's kids when he does not represent them at all? because the family is preparing to prove MJ was not of sound mind during the last 12 years of his life . they need Grace and the kids to prove that . and that's why they allowed Grace again in those kids life . She will pay the "price " soon by testifying to what Randy wants the world to believe .
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

the problem is that he's acting as Joe & Randy's spokeperson.

No, he was not. McMillian was never really involved in this probate business. People really need to be clear on the facts before lumping everyone in the same boat.
Who has this Sterisand represented in the past? Why does he want to speak to Katherine and the Jacksons? What does he plan to do? Is he the head Honcho now? If Michael wanted the family in the will he would of put them there. Also, if the will was faked then why would (they) give Katherine 40% whilst she is alive? does that make sense?
I think the family want to get katherine's share when she dies and get rid of the charity. I Have never seen so much conspiracy in one family? Michael did not get a childhood so that these theives can have his money? Michael sacrificed everything for his children..
the new lawyer is an expert in probate matters and challenging executors based on the "undue influence" .

He met the kids , why? why did this man meet mj's kids when he does not represent them at all? because the family is preparing to prove MJ was not of sound mind during the last 12 years of his life . they need Grace and the kids to prove that . and that's why they allowed Grace again in those kids life . She will pay the "price " soon by testifying to what Randy wants the world to believe .

good luck to them. it's impossible to proove that he was undue influence for the last 12 years.