UPDATE!!! New Lawyer appointed! Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

no my apology was in the wrong thread lol. i fixed it now thank you though lol

Ok, sorry about that. I was wondering why you were apologetic. That's why I felt compelled to reply. :D
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

NOW wait just one minute here!!!!!!!! Since when did londell become the shyster/devil in this whole thing here:doh:? THere was nothing but positive things that came from him and folks was acting like he was the best thing since sliced bread up in here. He didn't screw mike over while he was alive ( not to my knowledge) so what the HECK are some of yall talking about. I'ma need some proof of shaddy-ness because alot of yall are talking out of yall neck. Please show & tell me how he is joe and co.'s spokesperson and how he wants glory out of it all and all that other jabber jabber that some of you have been saying about him.??????????????? cuz im straight LOST, right now :ermm:

Also what two lawyer just released a song with out gettin permission from wANKA and then had to apologize like crazy, we will give you whatever you want blah blah blahhh, and then went and said "and they know that michael didn't right something this good" or some crap like that and basically diss michael. Hmmm not L. Londell McMillan. It sure wasn't him. :smilerolleyes:
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

Her religion would not prevent her from divorcing her husband if she so chose to. Where do you all make this crap up from?
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

anyone know why Katherine didn't file for divorce??? Its not like she could never afford it.
probably P.R. doesnt fit with the whole some image of the family. why would the elders talk her out of it. joe had serial affairs and a child. certainly enough to justice divorce.

not sure why ppl are turning on londell. did i miss something? he did a great job for mj and is the one lawyer who knows the details of the last few years
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

I don't understand why everyone is hating on Londel , he is not the problem, he was not even active in the probate thing, we only heard from him once or twice . and some like TSCM were questioning his absence from those hearings .

I think Randy and katherine want to go all the way , and are being advised by Londel not to do such a stupid thing. that's why he is out . do you think for one moment it was the lawyers idea to call Randy and Rowe to testify as financial experts , NO WAY .

Do you think it was Londel's idea to offer a deal with a starting up company from the Middle East to do the memorabilia tour instead of AEG , NO WAY .

Do you think it was Londel's idea to spread rumours about the kids parents issue , NO WAY .

the family think they are smart , and have all the goods and can get control over the estate . Londel's is out because he tried to use some dirty tactics with the executors because he was forced to do so by katherine and Randy . Now, they are blaming him for their strategy's failure .

No attorney worth the money he is getting will do the things the jacksons have been asking the lawyers to do .

Randy yesterday talked with Harvey about the signature on the will not being mj's , do you think katherine woke up this morning and decided to fire Londel . the family wants to go further , and obviously Londel's is not encouraging them that's why he is out .

so prepare yourselves for the worst now
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

the family looks more desperate than ever .
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

Please God,

PLEASE don't let Katherine's new lawyers be Brian Oxman.


Oh lawd, that would just be TERRIBLE!!! He ain't even working for them still is he? That man makes me wanna::puke:

I don't understand why everyone is hating on Londel , he is not the problem, he was not even active in the probate thing, we only heard from him once or twice . and some like TSCM were questioning his absence from those hearings .

I think Randy and katherine want to go all the way , and are being advised by Londel not to do such a stupid thing. that's why he is out . do you think for one moment it was the lawyers idea to call Randy and Rowe to testify as financial experts , NO WAY .

Do you think it was Londel's idea to offer a deal with a starting up company from the Middle East to do the memorabilia tour instead of AEG , NO WAY .

Do you think it was Londel's idea to spread rumours about the kids parents issue , NO WAY .

the family think they are smart , and have all the goods and can get control over the estate . Londel's is out because he tried to use some dirty tactics with the executors because he was forced to do so by katherine and Randy . Now, they are blaming him for their strategy's failure .

No attorney worth the money he is getting will do the things the jacksons have been asking the lawyers to do .

Randy yesterday talked with Harvey about the signature on the will not being mj's , do you think katherine woke up this morning and decided to fire Londel . the family wants to go further , and obviously Londel's is not encouraging them that's why he is out .

so prepare yourselves for the worst now

I hesitate to agree. Truth is there's no way for any of us to know, but the fact that he doesn't even know if he's still general counsel points to he and the family butting heads.

Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

When I heard that Londell was repping Katherine - this sent a red flag up for me. He's a good attorney, but he media whores WAY too much.

And I hope that Katherine has the common sense to NOT hire Brian Oxman like Joe & Randy would want.

Please, God & MJ, talk to Katherine & help her make a wise decision!

I don't understand why everyone is hating on Londel , he is not the problem, he was not even active in the probate thing, we only heard from him once or twice . and some like TSCM were questioning his absence from those hearings .

I think Randy and katherine want to go all the way , and are being advised by Londel not to do such a stupid thing. that's why he is out . do you think for one moment it was the lawyers idea to call Randy and Rowe to testify as financial experts , NO WAY .

Do you think it was Londel's idea to offer a deal with a starting up company from the Middle East to do the memorabilia tour instead of AEG , NO WAY .

Do you think it was Londel's idea to spread rumours about the kids parents issue , NO WAY .

the family think they are smart , and have all the goods and can get control over the estate . Londel's is out because he tried to use some dirty tactics with the executors because he was forced to do so by katherine and Randy . Now, they are blaming him for their strategy's failure .

No attorney worth the money he is getting will do the things the jacksons have been asking the lawyers to do .

Randy yesterday talked with Harvey about the signature on the will not being mj's , do you think katherine woke up this morning and decided to fire Londel . the family wants to go further , and obviously Londel's is not encouraging them that's why he is out .

so prepare yourselves for the worst now
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

ut he media whores WAY too much.
never saw him do that once when he was repping mj. he was always held in high regard for doing his job and nothing more. sorting out all the lawuits mj was facing at the time
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

never saw him do that once when he was repping mj. he was always held in high regard for doing his job and nothing more. sorting out all the lawuits mj was facing at the time

I'm not saying he's a bad attorney, but he's not the one to preside over the probate case for Katherine's behalf.

Not only does he (IMO) love the spotlight, but he's waaay too close to Joe & Jackson boys.

Katherine needs an independent and competent counsel, someone who's never handled a Jackson case in the past & will act in the interest of Katherine and the children - and NOT Joe Jackson & Jackson boys.
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

Not only does he (IMO) love the spotlight,
never seen any evidence of that in all the time he worked for mj and now. and whats the evidence of him working for joe etc.did i miss something?
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

You are right. I wouldn't want to know how that feels at all. Maybe, I am to critical of her sometimes. After all she has old school beliefs and she is eighty. To late to change. I am praying for her though. If we are hurting I know she is in agony.

I don't think your criticism is based on malice but love for MJ... we are in the same boat:better: You have stated a lot of things I agree with:better:
our big toe is clearly marked with the name MJ...:D anytime we feel like someone is stepping on our big toe... we react and we don't care who we are reacting towards. :D

I think to the vast majority of fans especially here.... our loyalty is with one and only one person. That is Michael Jackson. I am in complete agreement about that.

Say what people will about what has been rumored, reported, katherine herself has said... all of that is in some ways insignificant.

I realize I don't know Katherine jackson personally, but from the documented footages of MJ and his mother there is NO DENYING that THEY had a SPECIAL and LOVING relationship. You can see how much he LOVED, RESPECTED, ADORED, CHERISHED Katherine. I think if you look at an interactions between them... it is reciprocated by Katherine.

Therefore I choose to believe what Michael believed and expressed to the world. That his mother was exceptional (he said his mother was a saint and perfect) .

Gawd:bugeyed lately... every time I think of Katherine I can't get the image of her at the Burial out of my head, clearly she was/ IS devastated.

I am devastated .... it has to be 100000000000% worst for Katherine.

I just pray that she can make it to her 90th birthday. By then MJ3 will be of adult age.

As far as to Londell..... I liked him. Based soley on what I heard and saw him say on interviews. But since I am not immersed in it as a part of my life... i can only support Katherine right now and hope and pray for the best for MJ3.:angel:
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

Michael Jackson left his money to his children: Prince, Paris, and Blanket, not to Randy Jackson or any of the other Jackson siblings.
That is what the Judge has told them over and over again.
Even if there was not a will, any court in the United States would
rule that Michael Jackson's money should go to take care of his children.

Michael Jackson saw to it that Randy Jackson and all his other brothers, and Katherine, and Joe each got at least a million
dollars from the Victory tour. Randy could have put that money in a trust for any of his current or future children. Did he do that?
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

shimar, the problem is not Londel, Londel did a great job for MJ, but the jacksons wanted him to act certain way . he went and played their game , obviously nothing worked with Branca , so they are saying to Londel it was your fault .

the jacksons are going in a totally different direction now, I believe Londel did not agree with what the family is preparying to claim next .

I'm telling you , Randy is gonna do everything to be put in charge of the estate. and when I say everything , I mean everything .
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

shimar, the problem is not Londel, Londel did a great job for MJ, but the jacksons wanted him to act certain way . he went and played their game , obviously nothing worked with Branca , so they are saying to Londel it was your fault .

the jacksons are going in a totally different direction now, I believe Londel did not agree with what the family is preparying to claim next .

I'm telling you , Randy is gonna do everything to be put in charge of the estate. and when I say everything , I mean everything .[/QUOTE]
:angel: dear Lord please don't let this happen:angel:
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

the jacksons are going in a totally different direction now, I believe Londel did not agree with what the family is preparying to claim next .

I'm telling you , Randy is gonna do everything to be put in charge of the estate. and when I say everything , I mean everything .

what are they claiming next ?
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

nothing. stop being such a drama queen loakim
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

shimar, the problem is not Londel, Londel did a great job for MJ, but the jacksons wanted him to act certain way . he went and played their game , obviously nothing worked with Branca , so they are saying to Londel it was your fault .

the jacksons are going in a totally different direction now, I believe Londel did not agree with what the family is preparying to claim next .

I'm telling you , Randy is gonna do everything to be put in charge of the estate. and when I say everything , I mean everything .

Dear God, please put a leash and a muzzle on Randy Jackson. He will destroy MJ's legacy if he pursue this further.

Can any of the other level-headed siblings, Janet, Rebbie, reason with him?
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

it if was just greed it would be one thing

but couple greed with incompetence .... HOUSTON WE HAVE A MAJOR PROBLEM!!!!

sorry! i hate being critical of the family members.
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

UPDATE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO BRIAN OXMAN!!!!!!!!!!

Katherine's New Lawyer -- Britney Connection

Posted Oct 22nd 2009 6:09PM by TMZ Staff
Katherine Jackson's new probate lawyer has a Britney Spears connection.

Attorney Adam Streisand from the high-powered law firm of Loeb & Loeb will be repping Katherine -- this, after she fired Burt Levitch and Londell McMillan from probate duties.

Streisand -- a cousin of Barbra Streisand -- was involved early on in the Britney Spears conservatorship case. He had several meetings with Britney but says he realized she was not competent to hire a lawyer on her own so he backed out.

he is very good at dealing with letigations regarding estates and trusts , I told you this was not the end .
Here's the new attorney info - Barbra's cousin!


10100 Santa Monica Boulevard
Suite 2200
Los Angeles, California


Adam F. Streisand
Partner and Chair, Trust and Estate Litigation Practice Group

Adam Streisand is a trial lawyer who focuses his practice on disputes involving trusts, decedents’ estates and conservatorships; the obligations of fiduciaries such as trustees, executors, conservators, attorneys and other professionals; accountant and legal malpractice; tax litigation; and copyright and intellectual property disputes. In addition to his law practice, Mr. Streisand is active in charitable work. He founded the Fund for the Future of Sri Lanka's Orphans, which helped to build an orphanage for the victims of the 2004 tsunami.

Trusts & Estates Magazine says Mr. Streisand "is a trial lawyer renowned for his courtroom victories in celebrity estates." The Daily Journal says Mr. Streisand's C.V. "is a lawyer's resume on steroids." He is named as one of the Top 100 Attorneys in Trusts and Estates in the country by Worth magazine. He was named one of the top 100 attorneys in Los Angeles by the Los Angeles Business Journal. He is named in The Best Lawyers in America published by Woodward/White, Inc. He was named one of the top 500 trial lawyers in the country by Lawdragon 500. He is a Fellow of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel, the former Executive Editor of the California Trusts and Estates Quarterly, a member of the Executive Committee of the California State Bar Trusts and Estates Section, an attorney member of the National College of Probate Judges, a member of the Advisory Board of the UCLA/CEB Estate Planning Institute, a member of the CEB Estate Planning Advisory Committee, a member of the Planning Committee of the USC Probate and Trust Conference, a faculty member of the National Institute for Trial Advocacy (NITA) where he teaches trial skills to practicing attorneys, and a frequent author and speaker on topics related to trust and estate litigation. Representative Experience

  • Mr. Streisand is well known for his victories in courtroom battles over celebrity estates, including the estates of Ray Charles, Marlon Brando, Rodney Dangerfield and Barry White. Mr. Streisand represents Larry Birkhead in the Estate of Anna Nicole Smith. He represented Britney Spears in her conservatorship proceedings. Mr. Streisand also authored Senate Bill 771 on behalf of the Marilyn Monroe estate, establishing the descendibility of a celebrity's name, image and likeness to the celebrity's heirs. Mr. Streisand is equally well known for his success in some of the most complex cases in the probate courts. He won an eight-figure trial victory, including double damages, on behalf of the trustee, in a complex case over the ownership of 70 real properties and 25 bank and brokerage accounts, unwinding 40 years of fraudulent creditor and tax avoidance schemes (follow the link to the Court of Appeal opinion affirming in full the trial court judgment). In three successive trials against a former trustee, Mr. Streisand won judgments in each case for a total of more than $10 million, double damages, and attorneys' fees and costs. Mr. Streisand won a trial invalidating a trust amendment as the product of undue influence and a violation of the original trust terms, and a trial to remove the trustee involved in the procurement of the instrument. Winning in trial is the best leverage for obtaining favorable settlements. For example, Mr. Streisand obtained a $113 million settlement in an action by family members owning a minority interest in the Farmer Bros. Coffee Company against Roy Farmer who was controlling the company as trustee of family trusts owning a majority block of the stock.
  • On the defense side, Mr. Streisand has achieved equally outstanding results. He was victorious after a six-week trial in defense of a $25 million surcharge case, arising out of allegations of self-dealing by the trustee in redemptions of the trust's stock and options in a private REIT, among other claims. Mr. Streisand successfully defended corporate trustees in a $57 million surcharge and removal case, alleging self-dealing and irreconcilable conflicts of interest. Mr. Streisand won summary judgment for the trustees of the Mark Hughes Trust in an action to surcharge and remove them based on allegations that as trustees and as officers and directors of Herbalife, the company founded by Mark Hughes, they enacted poison pills, golden parachutes and other anti-takeover devices to entrench and enrich themselves at the expense of the beneficiary. Mr. Streisand won four motions in a row, until the case was dismissed in its entirety, for the primary beneficiary and fiduciaries of the nine-figure estate of a prominent British Lord. Plaintiffs claimed that the estate's representatives transferred assets through a worldwide web of trusts to deprive plaintiffs of their inheritance. Mr. Streisand successfully defended the National Parkinson Foundation in a trial of a will contest by disgruntled beneficiaries claiming that the decedent improperly revoked his participation in mutual wills. The case was affirmed on appeal by the Second District Court of Appeal at 2003 WL198712. Mr. Streisand won a trial of a will contest alleging fraud, undue influence and lack of testamentary capacity concerning the $60 million estate of a prominent Canadian businessman. Mr. Streisand successfully defended the estate of an octogenarian against a claim by an exotic dancer in her twenties that the decedent promised to leave half of his estate to her.
  • Some of Mr. Streisand’s other victories in celebrity and entertainment cases include his victory in obtaining the dismissal of palimony claims by Coco Johnson against comedian and talk-show host Bill Maher. Mr. Streisand won summary judgment in the U.S. District Court for the Beastie Boys and Capitol Records in a landmark copyright case involving digital sampling and affirmance on appeal in the 9th Circuit. Newton v. Diamond, et al., 349 F.3d 591 (9th Cir. 2003), 204 F.Supp.2d 1244 (C.D. Cal. 2002) (follow the link to see the 9th Circuit opinion). Mr. Streisand won a multi-million dollar judgment in an arbitration by proving that Franchise Pictures breached a distribution agreement for the motion picture "Plan B" starring Diane Keaton. On behalf of famed ocean explorer Jacques Yves Cousteau, Mr. Streisand obtained a permanent injunction in an action against his son Jean-Michel Cousteau to protect against the commercialization of the Cousteau name by its use in connection with a Fiji resort.

  • Panelist, Dealing with the Difficult or Impaired Client, American Bankers Association's Teleconference (November 5, 2009)
  • Speaker, Ethical Issues Affecting Estate Planners, ALI-ABA and American College for Trust and Estate Counsel (ACTEC) Webinar (October 7, 2009)
  • Speaker, Lawsuits Against Lawyers for the Plan You Do and the Plan You Don't, ACTEC Annual Meeting, Rancho Mirage, California (March 2009)
  • Author, The Marital Deduction and IRC 2511, 2519 and 2207A: A Three-Headed Hydra, California Trusts & Estates Quarterly (Winter 2008)
  • Speaker, Advanced Course on Trust and Estate Litigation, CEB, Los Angeles, California (December 2008)
  • Speaker, No-Contest Clauses: The Never Ending Drama (State Bar Annual Meeting, September 2008 and State Bar Road Show, November 2008)
  • Speaker, Getting into the Client's (Testator's) Head: A Lawyer's Guide to Diminished Capacity and Use of Medical Experts, ACTEC Fall Meeting, Savannah, Georgia (October 2008)
  • Speaker, A Lawyer's Guide to Diminishing Capacity, UCLA/CEB Estate Planning Institute, Los Angeles (May 2008)more

Media Mentions



  • Member, Executive Committee, Section on Trusts and Estates, State Bar of California
  • Former Executive Editor, California Trusts & Estates Quarterly
  • Fellow, American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (ACTEC)
  • Member, Long-Range Planning Committee, Fiduciary Litigation Committee and Professional Responsibility Committee of ACTEC
  • Member, Planning Committee of UCLA/CEB Estate Planning Institute
  • Member, CEB Estate Planning Advisory Committee
  • Member, Planning Committee of the USC Probate and Trust Conference
  • Faculty Member, National Institute for Trial Advocacy (NITA)
  • Former Chair, Trusts and Estates Section, Century City Bar Association
  • Former Board Member, Constitutional Rights Foundation (CRF)
  • Former Member, Development Committee, Project Angel Food
  • Former Member, Development Committee, Alzheimer’s Association
  • Volunteer Attorney, Bet Tzedek Legal Services, offering pro bono publico legal services to the poor and elderly

  • Named one of "L.A.'s Top 100 Lawyers" in the Los Angeles Business Journal’s “Who’s Who in LA Law” (2009)
  • Named one of "The 100 Top Attorneys" in Trusts and Estates, Worth magazine (2008 edition)
  • Named "Best Lawyer" in Trusts and Estates Law, The Best Lawyers in America, published by Woodward/White, Inc. (2008-2010)
  • Fellow, American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (ACTEC)
  • Attorney Member, National College of Probate Judges
  • Recipient, Wiley W. Manuel Award for Pro Bono Legal Services, Board of Governors of the State Bar of California
  • Named in Southern California Super Lawyers magazine in Trust & Estate Litigation by Law & Politics (2004-2009)
  • Leading Litigator, Lawdragon 500 America's Leading Trial Lawyers (2006)
  • Named one of the "Leading Lawyers in America," Lawdragon 3000 Leading Lawyers Guide (2006)
  • Highest "AV" Professional Rating, Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory
Katherine Jackson Needs More Power

Posted Oct 22nd 2009 6:32PM by TMZ Staff
Katherine Jackson's need for more power is not about her ability to control the estate -- she needs money for the electric bill.

Lawyers in the probate case just told the judge Katherine's allowance needs to be increased to pay the utility bills.

And, the lawyers say, Katherine made more money this year -- therefore, she needs to pay more taxes and needs more in the way of an allowance.

Katherine is currently pulling in $26,804 a month.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2009/10/22/katherine-jackson-needs-more-power/#comments#ixzz0Uhvz0oBk
So Randy is pulling out the big gun.

Is he declaring war....? Michael would be appalled.
So Randy is pulling out the big gun.

Is he declaring war....? Michael would be appalled.

I don't think Randy has anything to do with hiring Adam Streisand - I HOPE.

Londell was batting for Joe & Randy - as they are also clients & friends of his. None of them thought what was best for Katherine.

By Randy saying that the will was invalid, jeopardizes Katherine more than anyone else.
I don't think Randy has anything to do with hiring Adam Streisand - I HOPE.

Londell was batting for Joe & Randy - as they are also clients & friends of his. None of them thought what was best for Katherine.

By Randy saying that the will was invalid, jeopardizes Katherine more than anyone else.

I disagree. The Streisand lawyer specializes in "estate & trust disputes", this tells me they are ready for a big battle.

Mr. Streisand won a trial invalidating a trust amendment as the product of undue influence and a violation of the original trust terms, and a trial to remove the trustee involved in the procurement of the instrument.
I think they want to take this thing all the way until Randy is in power of the estate.

Poor Michael. Poor the kids.

I hope the trust is solid. Because these lawyers have made quite a few mistakes in the will, if the trust is not iron tight, this Streisand lawyer will do his best to invalidate the trust and put Randy in charge.

I shiver at the thought of MJ's money getting in the Jacksons' hands.
I don't think Randy has anything to do with hiring Adam Streisand - I HOPE.

Londell was batting for Joe & Randy - as they are also clients & friends of his. None of them thought what was best for Katherine.

By Randy saying that the will was invalid, jeopardizes Katherine more than anyone else.

and the plot thickens....Randy...hmmmm....why would he do this to Michael.....why would he do this to Katherine and the kids..one reason...Money...greed....so so sad...he is suppose to be Michael's brother...he should be ashamed of himself.