UPDATE!!! New Lawyer appointed! Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Katherine Jackson's battle for control of her pop star son's estate is about to take a "new direction" based on "new evidence" uncovered by the family, a Jackson family lawyer said.


Katherine Jackson, with Michael in 2005, is challenging the appointment of Michael's estate trustees.


The revelation came from attorney Londell McMillan, who also corrected a report that he was one of the lawyers Katherine Jackson replaced Thursday.

McMillan pointed to questions about the authenticity of the signature on Michael Jackson's will as reported this week by celebrity gossip Web site TMZ.

Randy Jackson said his brother could not have signed the will -- which was dated July 7, 2002, in Los Angeles -- because he was in New York that day, according to the TMZ report.

Until now, the Jacksons have not challenged the will's authenticity in court.

Katherine Jackson's objections, instead, have centered on what her lawyers said were possible conflicts of interest by the two men named in the will as executors.
She replaced the two lawyers who were handling the probate case Thursday with Adam Streisand, an estate litigation lawyer whose past clients have included the estates of Marlon Brando and Ray Charles.

"The case is now moving in a different direction, and the family thought it was best to bring on Adam Streisand's law firm," McMillan said. "The evidence precipitated the change and the need to take it in a new direction."

Contrary to statements made at court Thursday, McMillan was not one of the lawyers replaced, Katherine Jackson said Friday.

"Londell McMillan remains my personal attorney and counsel," she said in a written statement. "Despite false reports, he was never replaced or terminated."

The Jackson estate is currently controlled by John Branca and John McClain, who would become permanent executors unless Jackson's will is challenged.

Katherine Jackson's legal team has asked that a member of the Jackson family "have a seat at the table" as a third executor.

Under the 2002 will, Michael Jackson's three children and his mother are the chief beneficiaries of his estate, while unnamed charities will share in 20 percent of the wealth.
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

LOL, get out of my head!!! I was just going to write the same thing b4 I saw your post...
Back when get hired Londell on to represent him during the AllGood case or either RB's lawsuit, he was being praised, now you guys are throwing him into the fire.... What's up with that??
Maybe he estate business is not his strong suit... And I see Mrs. Jackson went and got a her a someone that specializes in estate business, and from his list of past dealings, he isn't no joke...
I just hope everything eventually gets resolved and works out for the best


See? This is why I like you. Folks seem to dislike him for no real reason.. he seemed like a perfectly good guy to me... but apparently Katie wants to play hardball and she got herself a lawyer than knows how to do that... one that specializes in the kind of law she is involved in.

Londell is a cool dude.


Papa can you hear meeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! :lol:
Get your facts straight!

MJ DID not fire Branca in 2006...Branca resigned because of the "crazies" that surrounded MJ during that time.

He resigned and MJ accepted his resignation. MJ ASKED Branca back a mere 2 weeks before his death. He was obviously cleaning house, and wanted his team from the '80's back in place.

McClain has been MJ's friend since they were young kids...and as far as we know, there has never been any issue with them.
I herd that michael fired branca and I herd that branca resigned. but michael supposed to have fired branca back then and brian oxman say he has documents that michael fired branca , believe it or not. all this is going to come out as you know dr thome admitted he was doing the hiring and firing of michael staff. sound like dr thome could have hired branca back. thats one reason the jackson family are suspicious of all the people that were around michael when he died. they dont trust branca, or dr thome etc.
I herd that michael fired branca and I herd that branca resigned. but michael supposed to have fired branca back then and brian oxman say he has documents that michael fired branca , believe it or not. all this is going to come out as you know dr thome admitted he was doing the hiring and firing of michael staff. sound like dr thome could have hired branca back. thats one reason the jackson family are suspicious of all the people that were around michael when he died. they dont trust branca, or dr thome etc.

That is why i wrote to get YOUR FACTS straight!!!

Branca was fired in 1990 because of David Geffen , then REHIRED 3 years later....Branca RESIGNED in 2006...then REHIRED in 2009. Twisting FACTS will not support your argument.

And I find it funny that you are quoting Oxman, a proven leech, while you claim to not trust Branca because he was fired in 2006 (which is a lie) but you are quoting Oxman, who has ABSOLUTELY no relation to MJ and WAS ACTUALLY fired. Go figure!!
Michael Jackson's rightful heirs are Prince, Paris, and Blanket. Their father left all his wealth to them.
I hope the other Jacksons never get another dime of Michael Jackson's money.
Katherine is 79 years old. She should just be concentrating on keeping Michael Jackson's children
safe and well
That is why i wrote to get YOUR FACTS straight!!!

Branca was fired in 1990 because of David Geffen , then REHIRED 3 years later....Branca RESIGNED in 2006...then REHIRED in 2009. Twisting FACTS will not support your argument.

And I find it funny that you are quoting Oxman, a proven leech, while you claim to not trust Branca because he was fired in 2006 (which is a lie) but you are quoting Oxman, who has ABSOLUTELY no relation to MJ and WAS ACTUALLY fired. Go figure!!

Brian Oxman is the same lawyer who sold out Blanket to the tabloids 2 days after he was born.

A BABY. SOLD, like a commodity.

And this is MJs babiest of babies.

My nephew was sold out by Brian Oxman.

Your Nephew, by default - as an "Army of Love" MJ fan - was sold by Brian Oxman.

Please, don't sully the MJJC board with quoting a man who sold out MJs baby for fame.

Oh gawd! what are these people planning? why didn't they question Michael when he was alive? I do not know what will happen next week? Randy why are you Michael's Brother? why????
Well cant do much about it just wait and watch. And see what the courts have to say about the will.
That is why i wrote to get YOUR FACTS straight!!!

Branca was fired in 1990 because of David Geffen , then REHIRED 3 years later....Branca RESIGNED in 2006...then REHIRED in 2009. Twisting FACTS will not support your argument.

And I find it funny that you are quoting Oxman, a proven leech, while you claim to not trust Branca because he was fired in 2006 (which is a lie) but you are quoting Oxman, who has ABSOLUTELY no relation to MJ and WAS ACTUALLY fired. Go figure!!
do you really think that michael hired branca back? when dr thome was the one changing his staff? by hiring and firing michael previous staff. michael and branca were not on good terms was'nt he the lawyer that wanted michael to file for bankruptcy? and londell worked for michael he would have some inside knowledge, its a reason that michael family dont trust branca .
the family does not trust Branca because he made FUN of them after MJ died . he went and told them only three things about the will :

40 % to the kids , 40% to katherine and 20 % to charities. he said he could not count how many jacksons were in that room waiting to hear to whom the money went . he said after each name was mentioned there was great applaud and cheers from the family .

Obviously they believed first indeed they got 40% of the estate.
the family does not trust Branca because he made FUN of them after MJ died . he went and told them only three things about the will :

40 % to the kids , 40% to katherine and 20 % to charities. he said he could not count how many jacksons were in that room waiting to hear to whom the money went . he said after each name was mentioned there was great applaud and cheers from the family .

Obviously they believed first indeed they got 40% of the estate.[/QUOTE Speakig for myself I dont trust branca, dr thome, aeg, dileo, or sony are anyone in that circle, and I know the jackson family have a lot more reasons not to trust branca. they knew that branca and michael were not on good terms, and then he was hired back by dr thome and weeks later he dies. and this will surface stating michael was in los angeles when he was in new york
dr tohme was there in the hospital when mj died . you seem to forget that, he was there beside jermaine all the time .
UPDATE BELOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mother Katherine gets TOUGH! Good for her.

And message to Londell McMillian, STFU. Your mismanagement and ill advice has put Katherine under a lot of stress. She was THISCLOSE to losing her inheritance her son left her thanks to you.


Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

Posted Oct 22nd 2009 9:56AM by TMZ Staff

Katherine Jackson has gotten rid of her probate legal team, TMZ has learned.

Multiple sources tell us Katherine Jackson will be substituting new lawyers in her probate case. She has fired Burt Levitch. Family members also told us Londell McMillan will no longer be involved in the probate case.

Katherine will be hiring new lawyers and we're told she'll ask for a continuance today when the court hearing convenes so she can seal the deal with new lawyers.

We spoke with Londell McMillan, who acknowledges Katherine is moving on and hiring new probate lawyers. McMillan says he was never Katherine's probate lawyer, even though we know he was actively negotiating with lawyers for the estate.

McMillan tells TMZ, "I am not completely out." He says he does not know if he is still Katherine's general counsel and continues to represent her.

(edit: Uh, yes you are out. You can't rep Katherine & do Joe & Randy's bidding.)

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0UfoWsI5Q

UPDATE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO BRIAN OXMAN!!!!!!!!!!

Katherine's New Lawyer -- Britney Connection

Posted Oct 22nd 2009 6:09PM by TMZ Staff
Katherine Jackson's new probate lawyer has a Britney Spears connection.

Attorney Adam Streisand from the high-powered law firm of Loeb & Loeb will be repping Katherine -- this, after she fired Burt Levitch and Londell McMillan from probate duties.

Streisand -- a cousin of Barbra Streisand -- was involved early on in the Britney Spears conservatorship case. He had several meetings with Britney but says he realized she was not competent to hire a lawyer on her own so he backed out.

Here's the new attorney info - Barbra's cousin!​

10100 Santa Monica Boulevard
Suite 2200
Los Angeles, California

Adam F. Streisand
Partner and Chair, Trust and Estate Litigation Practice Group​

Adam Streisand is a trial lawyer who focuses his practice on disputes involving trusts, decedents’ estates and conservatorships; the obligations of fiduciaries such as trustees, executors, conservators, attorneys and other professionals; accountant and legal malpractice; tax litigation; and copyright and intellectual property disputes.

Trusts & Estates Magazine says Mr. Streisand "is a trial lawyer renowned for his courtroom victories in celebrity estates." The Daily Journal says Mr. Streisand's C.V. "is a lawyer's resume on steroids." He is named as one of the Top 100 Attorneys in Trusts and Estates in the country by Worth magazine.

Representative Experience

Mr. Streisand is well known for his victories in courtroom battles over celebrity estates, including the estates of Ray Charles, Marlon Brando, Rodney Dangerfield and Barry White. Mr. Streisand represents Larry Birkhead in the Estate of Anna Nicole Smith.​

This man is a crook. He will not help Katherine you will see.