UpDate in Slash story, Slash Sets the Record Straight About Michael Jackson’s "Black or White

Re: UpDate in Slash story, Slash Sets the Record Straight About Michael Jackson’s "Black or White

I agree, Slash seems to have meant that he wouldn't play such a 'happy, upbeat' song. He has always seemed to respect Michael and has worked with him on multiple occasions.

And despite not liking the song, riff, guitar tone, whatever he still played it on several occasions with Michael... so doesn't that speak even more for his respect for Michael than him playing a song he likes!?
Re: UpDate in Slash story, Slash Sets the Record Straight About Michael Jackson’s "Black or White

I agree, Slash seems to have meant that he wouldn't play such a 'happy, upbeat' song.

Um, I seriously doubt that. The term "that's gay" or "that's so gay" usually means someone is making a comparison to male homosexuals and the associated stereotypes (wimpy, fruity, feminine). Especially coming from some supposed "macho" he-man rock 'n roller such as Slash. He was comparing Michael's music to the (ignorant) stereotypes of a gay man. My interpretation.
Re: UpDate in Slash story, Slash Sets the Record Straight About Michael Jackson’s "Black or White

Downers? As in medicines he means?
Re: UpDate in Slash story, Slash Sets the Record Straight About Michael Jackson’s "Black or White

Um, I seriously doubt that. The term "that's gay" or "that's so gay" usually means someone is making a comparison to male homosexuals and the associated stereotypes (wimpy, fruity, feminine). Especially coming from some supposed "macho" he-man rock 'n roller such as Slash. He was comparing Michael's music to the (ignorant) stereotypes of a gay man. My interpretation.

Aren't you doing the same thing then....
Re: UpDate in Slash story, Slash Sets the Record Straight About Michael Jackson’s "Black or White

Just to clear the 'Slash' mess here: HE DID PLAY A TRACK ON BLACK OR WHITE. THE INTRO PART. As for the well-known riff, it was played by BILL BOTTRELL.

Check your DANGEROUS SPECIAL EDITION booklets. ;) booklet notes clearly states:


Are we 'GAY' now??? Are we cool about the misleading??? Good. :p
Re: UpDate in Slash story, Slash Sets the Record Straight About Michael Jackson’s "Black or White

Um, I seriously doubt that. The term "that's gay" or "that's so gay" usually means someone is making a comparison to male homosexuals and the associated stereotypes (wimpy, fruity, feminine). Especially coming from some supposed "macho" he-man rock 'n roller such as Slash. He was comparing Michael's music to the (ignorant) stereotypes of a gay man. My interpretation.

I am about the same age as Slash and when I was a teenager PC had not been invented yet and we used the term gay to describe something that was not cool. It didn't necessarily mean gay, as in homosexual. It just meant something that cool people wouldn't do. Kind of like saying something is lame. That may not have been what Slash meant in this instance, but that is how it was used when we were teenagers.
Re: UpDate in Slash story, Slash Sets the Record Straight About Michael Jackson’s "Black or White

I am about the same age as Slash and when I was a teenager PC had not been invented yet and we used the term gay to describe something that was not cool. It didn't necessarily mean gay, as in homosexual. It just meant something that cool people wouldn't do. Kind of like saying something is lame. That may not have been what Slash meant in this instance, but that is how it was used when we were teenagers.

I come from the same generation.. and PC wasn't used and no..that is not an excuse for ignorance,it is just a word with no malice..a word used with malice comes from the user with feeling and intent to harm/hurt another and I don't feel Slash intented any hurt towards Michael,if he did he would not have talked about him with respect and went on record to make sure that those who label words down to stereotypes with or without malice intent..to show he did not mean any ill with what he spoke.
Re: UpDate in Slash story, Slash Sets the Record Straight About Michael Jackson’s "Black or White

Bickering, about this? Really? Thread cleaned.
Re: UpDate in Slash story, Slash Sets the Record Straight About Michael Jackson’s "Black or White

Come on guys, you were already warned about bickering with each other. if you do not agree that is fine. Please take it to PM to try to work it out. Or you could just agree to disagree. Please!

Re: UpDate in Slash story, Slash Sets the Record Straight About Michael Jackson’s "Black or White

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Re: UpDate in Slash story, Slash Sets the Record Straight About Michael Jackson’s "Black or White

^^^ :wub: :wub:
Re: UpDate in Slash story, Slash Sets the Record Straight About Michael Jackson’s "Black or White

I don't feel I was 'bickering' I was just trying to show that we all could either agree or agree to disagree...and things could be a whole lot worse than the 'mix-up' with wording. we've got bigger battles to fight with L.O.V.E
ps. I could have sworen that there was more posts after mine..? :scratch:

L.O.V.E to everyone*
Re: UpDate in Slash story, Slash Sets the Record Straight About Michael Jackson’s "Black or White

@souldream7, I don't think you were meant with the "bickering"... so don't worry! ;) And yes... some posts got deleted!
Re: UpDate in Slash story, Slash Sets the Record Straight About Michael Jackson’s "Black or White

@souldream7, I don't think you were meant with the "bickering"... so don't worry! ;) And yes... some posts got deleted!
yeah my replies to you were deleted, so feel protected... is not fair that they deleted my replies and not yours, but i guess i can do nothing, you won.

Sad, i dont see you as a fellow now, cause you put yourself against me(a fellow member) and i was just talking about Slash, not you... but i know you dont care, so, its all fine
Re: UpDate in Slash story, Slash Sets the Record Straight About Michael Jackson’s "Black or White

Serious bizniz
Re: UpDate in Slash story, Slash Sets the Record Straight About Michael Jackson’s "Black or White

Re: UpDate in Slash story, Slash Sets the Record Straight About Michael Jackson’s "Black or White

What is the point of this? Either post about the thread topic or don't bother. It's really not that hard.
Re: UpDate in Slash story, Slash Sets the Record Straight About Michael Jackson’s "Black or White

i'm post this update on page too

Slash Continues Backpedalling Over “Gay” Michael Jackson Comment by Voicing Support for Same-Sex Marriage
3/23/2010 By Josiah Hughes

Earlier this month, former Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash put his foot in his mouth when discussing his alleged Michael Jackson collaboration on the track “Black or White.” Quoted as saying, “That's gay, I would never play that,” the top-hatted chain smoker went on to do damage control by insisting he meant “happy” with his unfortunate word choice. Apparently, that wasn't enough, however, as he is now assuring fans that he supports gay marriage.

Speaking with The Quietus, Slash took a long time to explain why he supports gay marriage and opposes California's controversial Proposition 8 bill. “Now, I've been in Los Angeles for a lot of years and with West Hollywood being very close — and having lived in West Hollywood — I have a lot of gay friends; my wife especially has a lot of gay friends and when that was all going on we just felt that we should be supportive,” he explains. “At this point it's ridiculous that two people, regardless of their sex, can't get married. It just seems stupid.”

Continuing on the topic, Slash explains that he still won't be rallying too hard, saying, “I'm not a politician though, and I don't like to go out in a limb and become a ‘big advocate' kind of a guy; it's just not really my style.”

In fact, he doesn't even really believe in the institution of marriage to begin with, saying, “My wife might fucking shoot me for saying the wrong thing here! Personally — and this isn't the bigger picture, this is just for me personally — I never really believed in the institution of marriage as being necessary... But being told that you can't? I don't think that's right.”

So there you have it, folks: Slash has gay friends and supports gay marriage. In other words, he may not be homophobic, but he still uses slang reserved for white trash junior high kids.


here is link:http://www.exclaim.ca/articles/generalarticlesynopsfullart.aspx?csid1=115&csid2=844&fid1=45285
Re: UpDate in Slash story, Slash Sets the Record Straight About Michael Jackson’s "Black or White

So there you have it, folks: Slash has gay friends and supports gay marriage. In other words, he may not be homophobic, but he still uses slang reserved for white trash junior high kids.


Gay for happy. Oh please, what year is it, 1929???

Edit: My response above is to Slash. :)
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Re: UpDate in Slash story, Slash Sets the Record Straight About Michael Jackson’s "Black or White

sezynyc to let you know that i didn't write that :no: cause i don't how to write like that, that is not the i write is not me :no:
Re: UpDate in Slash story, Slash Sets the Record Straight About Michael Jackson’s "Black or White

sezynyc to let you know that i didn't write that :no: cause i don't how to write like that, that is not the i write is not me :no:

Haha, aww I did not think that was you. I was talking to Slash, lol. Sorry, I didn't quote the article correctly. :)
Re: UpDate in Slash story, Slash Sets the Record Straight About Michael Jackson’s "Black or White

Haha, aww I did not think that was you. I was talking to Slash, lol. Sorry, I didn't quote the article correctly. :)

that's o.k

cause that wasn't me i can't type like that in sectnes :thinking: :doh::smilerolleyes:
Re: UpDate in Slash story, Slash Sets the Record Straight About Michael Jackson’s "Black or White

God what a load of fuss over nothing lol