update i went to see mt doctor today:(


KFC.... :lol: I remembered Michael now. :blushing: :heart:

I love birthday cake! :hungry: I hope you get more birthday presents on Sunday. :wild: :punk:

And Happy Birthday :birthday: .... a little late! :doh: :blushing:


I hope you are better. :hug: :angel:


Well, probably because we're in June... you know... :cry:

hi Ashtanga

thanks what you say to me :) :hug:

thank you for the happy belate birthday & :yes: i'll get cake & presents :jump:

right know is 1:00am i'm going to bad know :yawn:
Gets ready to have a slice of RockStars cake :hungry: :D

I hope you are feeling better. :) :better:
Hello Rockstar ..Happy Birthday...:hug:...I hope you are feeling better..:D.....I hope you enjoy your cake and you get lots of great presents...:hug:
Yeh pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee share us your cake ?????
emilia... :)
how are you ? I hope you are fine and happy :hug:

hi smile4mj :waving:

i'm o.k in way i had ice cake for my bday on the weekend but my tummy is not happy on that i think it had corn in it cause corn makes me sick
but in the way i'm o.k my doctor give me something for it cause i'm having hives :(

i have been wirtting some news & typing it up on my compture to post it i'll do that sometime this week

but :yes: i'm feeling happy in way :yes:
thanks :)

my body got very badly to corn there was corn in the brownies me & my mother made :( so i feel sick & wream & having hives very bad

Yes, unfortunately corn is not very well assimilated by the body, especially by more sensitive ones like yours... Make sure you won't have any corn any time soon, perhaps never, for it can cause acidification and things and obviously is not good for you... Honey is a wonderful gastroprotective, you could try that, it's sweet and good for the health, as opposed to other bad sugars. You can also always ask your doctor about it, Rockstar, he'll tell you best what's good for your tummy. ^..
Yes, unfortunately corn is not very well assimilated by the body, especially by more sensitive ones like yours... Make sure you won't have any corn any time soon, perhaps never, for it can cause acidification and things and obviously is not good for you... Honey is a wonderful gastroprotective, you could try that, it's sweet and good for the health, as opposed to other bad sugars. You can also always ask your doctor about it, Rockstar, he'll tell you best what's good for your tummy. ^..

hi Alma

my doctor is she & she doesn't want me to have no sugar at all too but i can't live out sugar is woman thing we love are sugar but iis not good for my health :no:

she wants me to get just vegetable & Fruit & :yes: i do eat alot of that stuff too but other stuff she say no wheat too i'm o.k with that & also she wants me to eat flax sends & prunes too