update i went to see mt doctor today:(


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i have not feeling well since demember 2010 til know 2011 cause i miss my period :(
my mother is so scary that is my pancreas :yes: today i feel more ill my so ices cold that i'm shaking like hell
i have not eatting very much too can't sleep well

so do you think my mother is right? that it's my pancreas
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Re: Please help me i'm not feeling well :(

How long has it been? Have you been under any stress as of late? I know sometimes a lot of stress can cause someone to miss 'that time of the month.' I once went almost three months without it, despite being a natural regular, and this was because I was under an almost superhuman level of stress. So, back to the original question, have you experienced anything like that?

Having said that, you should definitely go see a doctor, at the very least to tell them what you feel.

I don't know whether or not it's the pancreas. The whole feeling cold/not eating could also be due to stress--I've suffered from that in the past, and recently, I have taken to going entire days without eating a thing. I just can't swallow food for some reason--even if I want it. I'll start eating a little bit, and then feel disgusted (by that, I mean, I feel like it's going to be stuck in my throat and suffocate me)--is that similar to your experience, or are you feeling something else?

As for the shivers, is this an 'all over' coldness, or is it limited to certain parts of your body, like arms and legs. My hands and feet are the first thing to go when I'm shivering. I wonder if this is also the case with you.

Like I said, though--regardless of what anyone here says, none of us here [as far as I know] are licensed medics. Although we may be well-educated, or well-experienced, none of our posts should ever replace sound medical advice--and we worry for you, so get to a doctor as fast as you can, ok?
Re: Please help me i'm not feeling well :(

How long has it been? Have you been under any stress as of late? I know sometimes a lot of stress can cause someone to miss 'that time of the month.' I once went almost three months without it, despite being a natural regular, and this was because I was under an almost superhuman level of stress. So, back to the original question, have you experienced anything like that?

Having said that, you should definitely go see a doctor, at the very least to tell them what you feel.

I don't know whether or not it's the pancreas. The whole feeling cold/not eating could also be due to stress--I've suffered from that in the past, and recently, I have taken to going entire days without eating a thing. I just can't swallow food for some reason--even if I want it. I'll start eating a little bit, and then feel disgusted (by that, I mean, I feel like it's going to be stuck in my throat and suffocate me)--is that similar to your experience, or are you feeling something else?

As for the shivers, is this an 'all over' coldness, or is it limited to certain parts of your body, like arms and legs. My hands and feet are the first thing to go when I'm shivering. I wonder if this is also the case with you.

Like I said, though--regardless of what anyone here says, none of us here [as far as I know] are licensed medics. Although we may be well-educated, or well-experienced, none of our posts should ever replace sound medical advice--and we worry for you, so get to a doctor as fast as you can, ok?

thanks for the help

i also have ibs too so is very hard when i got ill or get sick is very hard to tell

but today is very badly i'm feeling so ice cold & shaking so much

i'm not get very much at all :no:

maybe i have to go see my doctor :doh:
Re: Please help me i'm not feeling well :(

Please go and see your doctor! I have to go to my doctor a lot for health problems, but it's necessary. It's just something we have to do. Take care of yourself. :hug:
Re: Please help me i'm not feeling well :(

hi.Rockstar..I am sorry that you are not feeling well...I dont know what it is that is making you sick...but I think your mother is right....you probably should go and see a doctor....I am sure they will be able to tell you if it is your pancreas. ..please get better soon....:hug:
Re: Please help me i'm not feeling well :(

thanks everybody

is hard to go to the doctor cause is hard what date to go cause my father works at
Re: Please help me i'm not feeling well :(

Go and see the Doctor:yes:
Re: Please help me i'm not feeling well :(

Hi Emilia- Please go and see a doctor and feel better soon xx
Re: Please help me i'm not feeling well :(

Take care dear... :better:
Yeash, GO to the doctor... If he's someone you 'trust' ... GO and ask for help...
I know the feeling of being :puke: all too well... spend too much time in Hospital lately...
Don't be afraid of the outcome as its a 'weight' of your shoulders when you finally know what it really is... good or bad... and then you can start to 'heal' or to learn how to 'cope' with whatever you have...
Re: Please help me i'm not feeling well :(

Take care dear... :better:
Yeash, GO to the doctor... If he's someone you 'trust' ... GO and ask for help...
I know the feeling of being :puke: all too well... spend too much time in Hospital lately...
Don't be afraid of the outcome as its a 'weight' of your shoulders when you finally know what it really is... good or bad... and then you can start to 'heal' or to learn how to 'cope' with whatever you have...

thanks my firend

my doctor is she & she is great doctor i had her since i was 3 years old :yes::doh::smilerolleyes:

my mother told me that she'll call her on tuesday cause monday is family day :yes:

i just eat bowl of soup or dinner feeling little better :scratch:
Re: Please help me i'm not feeling well :(

You're so sweet, Rockstar. ...

You have a way with conveying your innocence and humility that is disarming...

Go see your doctor and get well, will you?. Take care..
Re: Please help me i'm not feeling well :(

You're so sweet, Rockstar. ...

You have a way with conveying your innocence and humility that is disarming...

Go see your doctor and get well, will you?. Take care..

thank you for saying that :cheeky:

:yes: i'll go to the doctor
Re: Please help me i'm not feeling well :(

No idea what's wrong but ill mention you in my prayer

hi Nirvana

i have call IBS & Pancreaus

some years i'm o.k some years i feel so ill

like today i feel so ill that my whole body takes over that thing works for me & i haven't sleep for weeks :(:(
puls on top of it i have call pms all woman have it :doh: i miss it the whole month of jan & Feb :yes: k:yes:now i have deal with it :baby::baby::bugeyed:bugeyed
Re: Please help me i'm not feeling well :(

I pray you get better soon.

I hope your doc's a good one.
Re: Please help me i'm not feeling well :(

I pray you get better soon.

I hope your doc's a good one.

thanks i heard your prays inside of me

:yes: she is good doctor to me i know her sinces i was 3 years old
my mother told me that she'll make apportment with her on wednesday cause my is holiday cause is family day here in canada :yes: & she doesn't work on tuesday but i'll see her on wednesday
Re: Please help me i'm not feeling well :(

Oh, rockstar, I feel so bad that you're not feeling well. Please don't do anything to hurt yourself and get well soon. Your doctor's got to do something to help you!
Re: Please help me i'm not feeling well :(

^ I don't think she'd do anything to hurt herself. People who want to hurt themselves usually don't tell anyone about it--and the fact that she's asking us for help kind of tells us that she has no intention of hurting herself.
Re: Please help me i'm not feeling well :(

i'm not going to hurt myself :no: i'm not that kind person would do that :no:

i'm so much in paim sinces dec know it's almost march i still don't have my woman thing

& :no: i'm not pregnant :no: i have health problems i'm single i have no man in my life at all :no:
Re: Please help me i'm not feeling well :(

May God watch over you, Rockstar, and may you feel better real soon. ...
Re: Please help me i'm not feeling well :(

thanks agent M

some day i'll

on march 21 i'm going to see my doctor
Re: Please help me i'm not feeling well :(

& :no: i'm not pregnant :no: i have health problems i'm single i have no man in my life at all :no:

Not yet, maybe, but one day I think you will be quite the catch for a lucky gentleman.:yes:

that's right, it'll happen soon. Focus on your positives, you're a good person who does neat stuff that everyone loves like making cards.

I help as much as i can but I'm a guy, sometimes you'll need another gal's help. Just PM my friend wendi. I swear you guys look the same you could be sisters. she'll help you anytime. you gals will have a precious friendship.:)
Re: Please help me i'm not feeling well :(

that's right, it'll happen soon. Focus on your positives, you're a good person who does neat stuff that everyone loves like making cards.

thank you my friend i love you more :wub::doh:

I help as much as i can but I'm a guy, sometimes you'll need another gal's help. Just PM my friend wendi. I swear you guys look the same you could be sisters. she'll help you anytime. you gals will have a precious friendship.:)

that is the sweets thing you say :wub: