Update: Estate sends cease and desist to Murray / From Estate Of Michael Jackson, Re: Conrad Murray

It appears many, if not most, here support the Estate's efforts, believing Murray violated HIPAA. I'm still unclear why you view it with suspicion, as some sort of toothless publicity stunt.

I understand most support this letter. We have access to the alleged violation(s) with the transcripts of these interviews so it is unclear to me why it is repeated that there is a violation(s) without quoting the actual violation(s).
I understand most support this letter. We have access to the alleged violation(s) with the transcripts of these interviews so it is unclear to me why it is repeated that there is a violation(s) without quoting the actual violation(s).

Murray is discussing Michael's medical history. The Estate has not provided written authorization for him to do so as required under HIPAA. He is therefore in violation. (It doesn't matter if information is in the public domain as that HHS Corrective Action I posted illustrates.) His interviews are readily available to view or read. You are free of course (and I'd be interested) to explain why you feel he isn't in violation.
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This guy has been making me sick. I'm just staying off TMZ, combined with them paying this so much attention, and the comments from the haters, I just can't.

One thing I know for sure, only the rotten will believe what this man is saying. Once calling Michael his "bestfriend" to now implying he was a pedophile among other things. What would that make him for befriending such an individual? I'm just glad Michael is finally free from all this, and I feel for the children. Hopefully the Estate can do a better job at shutting Murray up than Michael's own family has.
Valerie obviously wanted to deflect the attention from Murray's BS by saying "Look, the family doesn't care either". Who cares? Murray is breaking the law and trashing Michael - He sucks, and everybody who throws Michael under the bus for money and fame sucks. that argument is BEYOND invalid. The estate can proceed.
The estate want Murray to stop his crap. Nothing unusual or wrong with that. This isn't just anyone that is saying they don't like Michael or his music or something like that. This is from the man who killed Michael and degrading Michael with what he says. The things he says and talks about is disgusting and he thinks he did nothing wrong.

At least it is something legally that can be done against Murray. He only served 2 years for killing Michael. Not much punishment to me.
What he says about Michael to some will never be a problem to some. Only when he starts trashing the family will there be outrage
Back to the estate... I wonder how the media will respond. Could the media be sued also... I mean who makes questions about such patient-doc relation stuff or who prints or airs stuff which the estate letter is about? Or will it always be only Murray who can be targeted? Karma surely is a bitch.
The family has never shown one bit of outrage at Murray... I am glad the Estate is doing something
It is easier to repeat that the doctor is in violation than to prove he is indeed in violation. We all have access to that evidence. As I said before, I would prefer to see the estate sue this killer however, there has to be a violation first or else it is a publicized threat where they are the only party receiving gain.

Yes we do (the bolded) and it's pretty obvious to most of us but again, feel free to explain otherwise. (Earlier you stated he hadn't violated anything because it was in the public domain but the Privacy Act says otherwise.

Where's your proof it was for publicity? A cease and desist letter is a typical first response in these situations; nothing sinister about it. We also have no idea what steps they've taken behind the scenes and what may be in motion.
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^^I like it.

Now the thing that Muarry does not get is that, if you are going to petition for your medical license back, you do not continue Wrong Medical Behavior/Regs/Practices. He goes and talks about his patient's medical information or lies about it in interviews and he and his lawyer still do not understand why this in wrong. This is just like him not adhering to at least 10 standards of medical care and still believing he did the right thing. Therefore, Muarry's own actions prior to Michael's death and after Michael's death will be the "death" of his practice and his ability to keep feeding the tabs with trash about .

It is astounding that he doesn't get this detail.
Tygger, the Estate explains quite well how Murray is in violation. They are even siting cases and stuff. And no, the fact that some info was made public does not matter. Additionally he is speaking about stuff that has not been made public. If you can't understand that, it's your problem.
Tygger, the Estate explains quite well how Murray is in violation. They are even siting cases and stuff. And no, the fact that some info was made public does not matter. Additionally he is speaking about stuff that has not been made public. If you can't understand that, it's your problem.
What did the doctor say that was not public information? Should be simple to post from the transcripts if it is obvious and he indeed did so. The problem is it is not as simple as some repeated stated or that post would have been done immediately in an effort to prove me wrong.
Now that the estate is working on shutting down CM's only way of making money (interviews about MJ), it scares me hell out of me that "family" might make another offer to CM that he cannot refuse (money) to testify against AEG if they get this new trial.
What did the doctor say that was not public information? Should be simple to post from the transcripts if it is obvious and he indeed did so.

How about the disgusting and humiliating stuff that I won't repeat here? I don't remember any such things being discussed publically. And once again, the fact that some info may be public does not allow him to violate a doctor-patient confidentiality. What is so hard to understand about that??
Murray's violation of confidentiality and the Estate's cease and desist letter are a separate issue from restitution entirely. Murray leaked the letter in an attempt to influence public opinion but that will have no bearing on the actual legalities of the situation. HIPAA doesn't care if information is in the public domain.
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Why can't Michael be protected at all? Why he has no rights at all it feels that way. I am so frustrated with this conversation going round and round. I don't want to hear from Murray at all. Maybe the estate can't do anything but at least they tried something. His family should try too. Sometimes you can't just ignore things and be silent all the time. Murray killed Michael and what he is doing is crossing a line. It's just wrong and I can't accept that nothing can be done to stop this.
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the estate did very good sending that letter and if Murray continues, they should sue!
Re: From The Estate Of Michael Jackson, Re: Conrad Murray Interview.

Well said.. super agree to that. :punk: as I fan continue to share to non- MJFANS his legacy and his music. I just ignore tabloids and other negativities about him...KEEP MICHAELING.....