Update: Behind the Scenes on Jan 28th 8PM ET OWN Channel / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

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Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

^Like I posted before I feel someone forgot/ignored Michael's wishes when the kids were allowed to talk to Oprah. I seriously hope they are not going air that part and it was just a random discussion moment with her and not an actual interview.

That is the HOPE that I am holding on to at this point.

The HOPE that when Oprah and Company arrived, they were introduced to ALL of the minor children living in the Encino home and none of that was filmed. Even though I feel sick that Oprah was even allowed in the home. Right now, I'm just holding out hope that the children will not be interviewed by Oprah.
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

That is the HOPE that I am holding on to at this point.

The HOPE that when Oprah and Company arrived, they were introduced to ALL of the minor children living in the Encino home and none of that was filmed. Even though I feel sick that Oprah was even allowed in the home. Right now, I'm just holding out hope that the children will not be interviewed by Oprah.

This is what i'm hoping for too. I just can't wrap my head around the idea that Katherine would actually let something like that happen. It would just be such a 180 for her.
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

And once again. Kids cannot wear masks till the rest of their lives. When Michael was alive it was one thing and he had to hide them from the media. The situation has changed with his passing. Don't you understand it?

show me where I once mentioned masks please. we heard that Michael planned to take the kids to the stage during TII and once the kids masks were off at the memorial and everyone saw their faces, masks become a moot point.

I'll leave this back and forth discussion by saying : Michael's passing doesn't nullify his wishes. Dead or alive his wishes has to be respected and "but he's dead now" isn't an acceptable reasoning for me. In my heart I feel like he's turning in his grave. and that's my prerogative.

However if you feel like everything is peachy and dandy, all the more power to you.
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

show me where I once mentioned masks please. we heard that Michael planned to take the kids to the stage during TII and once the kids masks were off at the memorial and everyone saw their faces, masks become a moot point.

I'll leave this back and forth discussion by saying : Michael's passing doesn't nullify his wishes. Dead or alive his wishes has to be respected and "but he's dead now" isn't an acceptable reasoning for me. In my heart I feel like he's turning in his grave. and that's my prerogative.

However if you feel like everything is peachy and dandy, all the more power to you.

Fans should to be worried about LMP giving interview to Oprah, not about Katherine and kids being interviewed.
He is dead, means not ignoring his wishes. It just means that situation has changed with his sudden death and priorities has changed as well. The main priority now for Katherine and kids is to tell the world how MJ was used and what kind of pressure he was dealing with.
Fans have to trust Katherine and respect her choice without just jumping to conclusions.. His mother obviously would not do any harm for MJ kids, MJ legacy and his reputation. Simple as that.
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

So let me get this straight : you are expecting a "AEG killed him" talk from the children?

side note :with criminal and civil trial in the future that wouldn't be a really wise move.

edit: Perhaps it's just me but I would be really disturbed if they were to discuss their father's death on national TV simply because they are kids.
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I agree. I will :angel: for the children and the family.:unsure:


Wow, I'm truly disgusted and sickened by this. I'd like to know who is behind this and why. This is totally against everything Michael stood for with his children. I just can't believe this blatant disregard of that, and with OPRAH! No, just no.

Maybe.... Joe? :fear: It seems to me that this interview in Encino was planned/negotiated secretly. If Taj knew before, I'm sure it would have prevented. I do not know, but I feel that things are not working right in that house. :unsure: :(

What upsets me most is what Mike would be thinking about all this. This certainly wouldn't be happening if he was here :(
Yes... :( Michael would never let that happen.
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Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Fans should to be worried about LMP giving interview to Oprah, not about Katherine and kids being interviewed.
He is dead, means not ignoring his wishes. It just means that situation has changed with his sudden death and priorities has changed as well. The main priority now for Katherine and kids is to tell the world how MJ was used and what kind of pressure he was dealing with.
Fans have to trust Katherine and respect her choice without just jumping to conclusions.. His mother obviously would not do any harm for MJ kids, MJ legacy and his reputation. Simple as that.

I see it differently - the main priority is for those kids to grow up beautifully, safe, surrounded by love. To remember the father they had, and to learn even more about him. Michael wishes regarding them, should be respected, should not be disregarded.. If he wanted those kids to be home schooled that would have been best for them, if he didn;t want them to collect awards, Grammies, to give speeches or interviews, that should have been respected.

I bet if he could have said his last wishes, among would have been for his kids to be protected, to not be pushed into limelight too soon.

His children duty is not to defend him. Not now. Only when they grow up. They should not be stimulated and encouraged to want to go to those shows. Adults can do that subtly, then they come saying ' but the children asked for it'.... Of course they would gonna ask if all they are hearing are plans, and how to do it, what shows to attend, what awards to collect, make your father proud, etc etc

As for Mike wanting to present to his world his kids on TII tour, we cannot be sure about that. AEG folks said it in interviews and implied that Mike wanted that. I sincerlly doubt MIke would have done that.
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Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

So let me get this straight : you are expecting a "AEG killed him" talk from the children?

side note :with criminal and civil trial in the future that wouldn't be a really wise move.

edit: Perhaps it's just me but I would be really disturbed if they were to discuss their father's death on national TV simply because they are kids.

Those kids saw their dad's body in the casket. Sorry for saying that.:( Giving an interview to Oprah does not change anything for them imo. They are constantly being involved in this no matter what.
I am not expecting them to say "AEG killed him" but I assume they will say something about how misirable he felt emotionally before his passing.

EDITED: Ivy it is very strange that you seem to be OK with MJ kids testifying in court but you are against of them talking the same about MJ death on national TV. I find it VERY strange.
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Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Michael's children are still too young to fully understand what happened in the past and how everybody treated their father...............

..........Just wait till they get older and then it'll be interesting to see what they will make of everything that has passed...........they are clever and very intelligent so won't turn out to be the usual spoilt rich kids (cough paris, cough hilton)............

...........So to me............this Oprah ordeal will just make them stronger!!!!!!.........

...........And its very unlikely that they will do any other interviews in the coming years..........so it'll be interesting to find out their views (on current/past events and certain individuals), their attitudes (towards life) and how they have survived without Michael :( ............

...........More interestingly will to be to find out exactly what a wonderful father Michael was to them.............

..........I still don't like Oprah nosing in Michael's affairs and acting like she is the authority in everything concerning Michael Jackson.......

..........But the interview is done so we'll just have to wait and see.......

..........In the meantime..........We need our American fans to:
1.) Contact Michael's family in any way possible to remind them what Oprah is really like and how she stabbed Michael in the back!!!!
2.) To organise a petition and protest to get Oprah to at least acknowledge on air to how she stabbed Michael in the back.........We could protest about the showing of the upcoming interview but TV bosses will never cancel it with all the extra attention it will be getting!!!!!!!!!
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

No petition is going to get Oprah to say she stabbed him in the back. Oprah has said she doesn't know the truth, nobody does, That is her position and she owed no apology for that.

As for the interview....first we dont now that the kids were interviewed. Taj said they spoke to Oprah. And if they did I am willing to bet it isnt going to be them defending him. It will be maybe them sharing a memory, how they are doing today, etc. It is ridiculous to jump to conclusions before it airs. But thats the course here. If they were interviewed depending on how it was done I dont think it will be a horrible thing. So I will wait and see. I will be watching. I am thinking if it will be airing soon they may show a preview tomorrow. Once the promo is out we should at least know more.
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

i think these kids understand a hell of a lot more then you think they do. Im just sayin.
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

EDITED: Ivy it is very strange that you seem to be OK with MJ kids testifying in court but you are against of them talking the same about MJ death on national TV. I find it VERY strange.

Court testimonies usually aren't broadcasted on national television, that may be where some of the problem lies.
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

If they were interviewed depending on how it was done I dont think it will be a horrible thing. So I will wait and see.

Well, the question is that it was Oprah who talked with them. The wrong person talked with them and we know what's the deal with Oprah and what she said about Michael in the past. Well, not really a nice thing. They are too young to go around giving interviews to Oprah and everyone else. It is unnecessary to expose them in this way. In my opinion, is not the appropriate moment, but if (now) they were 18 years old... would be ok. Why would they have age to decide for themselves. I really hope it was just a conversation and not an interview and which have not been filmed.
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Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

EDITED: Ivy it is very strange that you seem to be OK with MJ kids testifying in court but you are against of them talking the same about MJ death on national TV. I find it VERY strange.

Do understand what you just posted?:doh:

A court of law is hell of a lot different from national TV!
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

EDITED: Ivy it is very strange that you seem to be OK with MJ kids testifying in court but you are against of them talking the same about MJ death on national TV. I find it VERY strange.

why? they are two different things happening in different conditions.

testifying in court (if they are called) will be a needed thing to convict their father's killer. (no reasonable lawyer would call a kid to testify unless they feel that it's necessary. )

talking about the same thing (if that's what they talk about - I highly doubt it) on national TV would be first of not necessary - because everyone knows that Michael Jackson's death is a homicide and the lawsuits filed already tells the claims about the parties involved and it would be just ratings for Oprah.

So in other words I'm okay with them in taking a part in convicting their fathers killer but not okay with them being used for ratings. Really it shouldn't be that hard to grasp my point of view.

court of law and national TV are two very distinct things. They are apples and oranges. I personally find not knowing this distinction very strange.

And do not kid yourself that public opinion about Michael's death will have an effect on the trial. I gave the example before : 90% US public watched the verdict, 70-80% believed that O.J. Simpson was guilty - yet he was found innocent.

Yet a better and perhaps more relevant example during the 2005 trial Oprah pushed molestation angle and hinted that Michael was guilty in her opinion over and over again. What happened? Michael is found innocent. So apparently Oprah's can make a book best seller but she (and her audience) cannot determine the outcome of a trial either.
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Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Do understand what you just posted?:doh:

A court of law is hell of a lot different from national TV!

Ivy said this:Perhaps it's just me but I would be really disturbed if they were to discuss their father's death on national TV simply because they are kids.

And I answred because I do not see a logic cos in one situation they cannot be interviewed about Mj cos "simply because they are kids" but on another hand they can deal with MJ death questions in court still "simply because they are kids"
I do not see a logic.

Edited: Ivy, MJ kids are NOT being used for raitings period. I do not care if Oprah gonna get her raitings. Katherine wants kids to speak up for another reason but NOT for Oprah's raitings. Katherine does not give a damn about Oprah's show..
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

And I answred because I do not see a logic cos in one situation they cannot be interviewed about Mj cos "simply because they are kids" but on another hand they can deal with MJ death questions in court still "simply because they are kids"
I do not see a logic.

go back and read my original post where I said that the court testimony is an action "necessary for justice" . It's like a necessary evil. I never painted it as a nice thing that you expose children to, on the contrary I said that it's a bad thing but necessary to convict their father's killer. You cannot say the same for a talk show. Here's your logic.

so I don't care about public (well oprah's audience) opinion but want to see people who commit heinous crimes (such as murder) behind bars , sue me !
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

why? they are two different things happening in different conditions.

testifying in court (if they are called) will be a needed thing to convict their father's killer. (no reasonable lawyer would call a kid to testify unless they feel that it's necessary. )

talking about the same thing (if that's what they talk about - I highly doubt it) on national TV would be first of not necessary - because everyone knows that Michael Jackson's death is a homicide and the lawsuits filed already tells the claims about the parties involved and it would be just ratings for Oprah.

So in other words I'm okay with them in taking a part in convicting their fathers killer but not okay with them being used for ratings. Really it shouldn't be that hard to grasp my point of view.

court of law and national TV are two very distinct things. They are apples and oranges. I personally find not knowing this distinction very strange.

And do not kid yourself that public opinion about Michael's death will have an effect on the trial. I gave the example before : 90% US public watched the verdict, 70-80% believed that O.J. Simpson was guilty - yet he was found innocent.

Yet a better and perhaps more relevant example during the 2005 trial Oprah pushed molestation angle and hinted that Michael was guilty in her opinion over and over again. What happened? Michael is found innocent. So apparently Oprah's can make a book best seller but she (and her audience) cannot determine the outcome of a trial either.

I agree with and affirm this, completely. They are two DIFFERENT things. The trial has to do with justice for a homicide, of the children's FATHER. It would be very rough for these precious children, but if they know something that could help get a conviction, then that is exactly what they must do. Life is not always easy, and some things are MUCH more important than others. I expect that if they testify, or if Prince does, the judge will provide as much support as possible. It's possible to have the testimony in judge's chambers, for example, to reduce the stress on a child.

Oprah's show is ONLY for ratings
.. for Oprah. What reason Katherine has for doing such a thing, I have no idea. Oprah has said/hinted that she does not pay for interviews? Is this really true? Don't know, for sure. . . . .
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

go back and read my original post where I said that the court testimony is an action "necessary for justice" . It's like a necessary evil. I never painted it as a nice thing that you expose children to, on the contrary I said that it's a bad thing but necessary to convict their father's killer. You cannot say the same for a talk show. Here's your logic.

so I don't care about public (well oprah's audience) opinion but want to see people who commit heinous crimes (such as murder) behind bars , sue me !

Without publicity and the truth being told in the media MJ case will remain a drug overdose lie based of MJ addiction. Murray's defence will take care of it going to the media and making sure that MJ being blamed for everything what happened to him. You do not care about public but I DO. I think it is very important. If you do not agree, fine. I agree with every step what Katherine does. God bless her. I am out of here.
Asedora;3025278 said:
Without publicity and the truth being told in the media MJ case will remain a drug overdose lie based of MJ addiction.

I could have agreed with this if other family members especially siblings, friends and family lawyers hadn't gone to public and painted Michael as an addict in denial. If this was the case Katherine should have started with those people and put a stop to their negative publicity first.

In case you forgot what Janet had said on Oprah

“When you heard that he was gone, and gone because of drugs, were you shocked, or were you feeling like somewhere in the back of your mind, you always felt that that day could come?” Oprah asked.

“I felt that day could possibly come. I think everyone thinks that who has a family member or a friend…” Janet said.

“That’s why you’re having an intervention,” Oprah interjected.

“Exactly,” Janet continued.

Janet told Oprah about repeated attempts to save Michael from his addiction to prescription medications, including full on Jackson Family interventions.

“And how did he receive that?” Oprah asked.

“He was very much in denial,” Janet said.

“He didn’t think he had a problem?” Oprah asked.

“No,” Janet said.

“Were you all worried that something like this could happen?” Oprah asked.

“Of course,” Janet answered. “I mean that’s why we did what we did. I mean, we tried it several times and he was very much… in denial.”
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I could have agreed with this if other family members especially siblings, friends and family lawyers hadn't gone to public and painted Michael as an addict in denial. If this was the case Katherine should have started with those people and put a stop to their negative publicity first.

In case you forgot what Janet had said on Oprah

Ivy, did Janet say this nonsense before the autopsy report was released?
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Ivy, did Janet say this nonsense before the autopsy report was released?

No this was 2 months after the autopsy report release. Autopsy report was released at February, Janet did the interview at April.
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

they shouldnt be in a position of even having to think about talking to that woman. the family should have never invited her into mikes house.did katherine explain to them that this is the woman who called your daddy a child molester and slagged him off every chance she got. of course the family wouldnt tell the kids such a thing cause then the kids would start asking the question of why are you even talking to her or inviting her into her house in the first place after the things shes said about daddy.all it proves is that certain ppl in that family dont care about mjs wishes. and the kids will be used to make money for the rest of them just like their dad was. and the circle of explotation continues.whos next a interview with bashir.

Well said.

Yes, seriously! Defending their dad does not mean that they need to learn about all past mess he went trough. This is not about that. This is about the situation before his death and how AEG used him. Paris has already spoken about it and have read an article a few months ago.
There will be no question asked about past child molestation trial. I am 100%c positive. Katherine would not allow Oprah to ask such crap. If you do not trust Katherine, your problem. I do, Just like Michael trusted her when he was alive.

And once again. Kids cannot wear masks till the rest of their lives. When Michael was alive it was one thing and he had to hide them from the media. The situation has changed with his passing. Don't you understand it?

I cannot wait to read your reaction after the interview. If you think Katherine will defend MJ or discuss AEG....good luck. She will probably spend more time plugging her book than discussing AEG.

Wow...It will be a rude awakening.

Yes, maybe the kids will tell the world how his family was using him constantly for money and never stopped pestering him to go on a family tour until he died, causing him, no doubt, a lot of stress on top of all the other stuff he had to deal with.

SMH. I can't believe someone actually thinks the kids will be talking about AEG. lol That's the last thing they will be talking about. I mean, even the Jacksons can't be that dumb to show such a blatant exploitation of the kids on national tv. DUH.

Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

The main priority now for Katherine and kids is to tell the world how MJ was used and what kind of pressure he was dealing with.

Yes, maybe the kids will tell the world how his family was using him constantly for money and never stopped pestering him to go on a family tour until he died, causing him, no doubt, a lot of stress on top of all the other stuff he had to deal with.

SMH. I can't believe someone actually thinks the kids will be talking about AEG. lol That's the last thing they will be talking about. I mean, even the Jacksons can't be that dumb to show such a blatant exploitation of the kids on national tv. DUH.
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

No this was 2 months after the autopsy report release. Autopsy report was released at February, Janet did the interview at April.

This just make her responses more vindictive than ever.
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

This just make her responses more vindictive than ever.

She just came off as clueless and angry at MJ in that interview and gave Oprah exactly what she wanted!
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

She just came off as clueless and angry at MJ in that interview and gave Oprah exactly what she wanted!

Exactly.... And clueless Janet even said that the propofol was used for pain.. wtf??? Janet didn't even read the autopsy.. I still don't think she has any clue what's going on or that Murray is charged with MJ's death. I lost a lot of respect for Janet Jackson over these past 16 months.
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Those kids saw their dad's body in the casket. Sorry for saying that.:( Giving an interview to Oprah does not change anything for them imo. They are constantly being involved in this no matter what.
I am not expecting them to say "AEG killed him" but I assume they will say something about how misirable he felt emotionally before his passing.

EDITED: Ivy it is very strange that you seem to be OK with MJ kids testifying in court but you are against of them talking the same about MJ death on national TV. I find it VERY strange.

They are completely different things. Testifying in court will hopefully help their father's killer behind bars. Going on TV giving an interview to Oprah Winfrey justifies nothing.
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Yes, maybe the kids will tell the world how his family was using him constantly for money and never stopped pestering him to go on a family tour until he died, causing him, no doubt, a lot of stress on top of all the other stuff he had to deal with.

SMH. I can't believe someone actually thinks the kids will be talking about AEG. lol That's the last thing they will be talking about. I mean, even the Jacksons can't be that dumb to show such a blatant exploitation of the kids on national tv. DUH.
no the kids wont be talking about that :doh: