Update: Alejandra responds /MJ Estate asking court to remove Alejandra and her kids from Hayvenhurst

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I agree Twinklee... they all have this sense of entitlement. That woman has lived in that house for almost 26 years. She has a lot of nerve to be asking Michael's estate to put her up and feed her children. This family is terrible! Again why isn't Steven and Jermaine taking care of this woman and their children? why is Michael responsible for this? That is why MJ probably was cash poor, taking care of himself, lawsuits, fighting liars over false allegations and taking care of his mother, father, brothers and nieces and nephews. Mike is gone forever and none of them give a damn. They are not fighting for him after everything that he did for that family..
It angers me so much to see what the poor man had to deal with!. All kinds of shyte not just from the outside but from his own so called family. He took too much, I'm amazed how he was able to take this amount of nonsense?! Michael may have had his flaws, but so do all of us - that's what makes us human, Michael by all accounts was a good man, a man who died way to early, and seeing all these people, who after his death want to continue leeching like they did before, tjis only confirms the saying and my personal belief; that the good ones go way too early while the bad ones get a long life, in the case of this 'family' that's definitely true.
Remove all the food, and then spray with "poison." I'd say that woman is a little slow on the uptake?
That's a bit MORE than a hint?

:hysterical: this just too funny !! the fumigation/starvation thing is just ..... :eek::bugeyed:doh:

It comes from TMZ, so , it's probably exaggerated, still, I can't help thinking ..... and laughing.....
I don't want to sound offensive, but I have been thinking about all the reasons why the estate would fumigate / starve her out of the house....

Thanks to whoever invented that story, that's really funny !
:hysterical: this just too funny !! the fumigation/starvation thing is just ..... :eek::bugeyed:doh:

It comes from TMZ, so , it's probably exaggerated, still, I can't help thinking ..... and laughing.....
I don't want to sound offensive, but I have been thinking about all the reasons why the estate would fumigate / starve her out of the house....

Thanks to whoever invented that story, that's really funny !

TMZ is reporting from the court documents so I'm pretty sure that's actually what Alejandra claims. Her claims are too funny. I wished that TMZ posted the documents so that we could read them.
TMZ is reporting from the court documents so I'm pretty sure that's actually what Alejandra claims. Her claims are too funny. I wished that TMZ posted the documents so that we could read them.

Then maybe the fumigation/starvation is beginning to work ? It seems that she can't think properly .... and her lawyer might have been contaminated .... Ooch, collateral damage...
Oh dear whatever next. Newsflash Alejandra Michael aint the father of your kids. Its not up to him to provide this extravagant lifestyle for them. Gees.
Re: MJ Estate asking court to remove Alejandra and her kids from Hayvenhurst

Exactly, she and Jermaine never was officially and legally married so she was never a Jackson (legally).. so why does she still keep Jackson in her name?

the same reason pesleys ex does more chance of $$$$

well thats how u get rid of parasites do abit of fumigating lol shes as pathetic as her baby daddies
"to advance ulterior and pompous interests, which are not consistent with the wishes and values of Michael Jackson."
stupidity is in their blood those Jerksons
Alejandra's goal is to become a "Reality TV Star" and she does not care what she has to do to become one, including draging Michael Jackson's name and his children through the media.
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Re: MJ Estate asking court to remove Alejandra and her kids from Hayvenhurst

Alejandra: MJ Executors Tried to Starve Me Out!

by TMZ Staff

Alejandra Jackson -- the baby mama of multiple Jackson offspring and ex of two of Michael Jackson's brothers -- claims in new court papers the Executors of Michael's Estate threatened to fumigate the Jackson family house while she was living there and remove all the food.

TMZ broke the story ... Katherine Jackson is trying to evict Alejandra from the residence, but Alejandra won't leave.

In her legal papers objecting to the eviction, Alejandra claims the Executors of MJ's estate are trying "to advance ulterior and pompous interests, which are not consistent with the wishes and values of Michael Jackson."

Alejandra claims Katherine doesn't even want her evicted, but says she was "pressured by the Estate" to get her out.

Alejandra claims the Estate is trying to divide and separate the Jackson family.

Alejandra says the Executors threatened to fumigate the house on January 3, 2011 whether she and her kids were in the house or not.

Alejandra also alleges the Executors shut off the gas and began changing the locks while she and the kids were there. She says the Executors even had all the food in the house packed up.

Estate lawyer Howard Weitzman tells TMZ, Alejandra's allegations are "preposterous."

Wait, were they trying to fumigate insects/rodents or just Alejandra?:D Lady, thats more than a hint! thye want your ass the hell gone!!!! and what does MJ's wishes and values have to do with anything, shes acting like she was his damn ex! good lord!

This woman needs to step up and stop spunging off of other peoples goodwill.
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Re: MJ Estate asking court to remove Alejandra and her kids from Hayvenhurst

Wait, were they trying to fumigate insects/rodents or just Alejandra?:D Lady, thats more than a hint! thye want your ass the hell gone!!!! and what does MJ's wishes and values have to do with anything, shes acting like she was his damn ex! good lord!

This woman needs to step up and stop spunging off of other peoples goodwill.

I agree..and it was always Michael's goodwill...she needs to step up and then step off..
Re: MJ Estate asking court to remove Alejandra and her kids from Hayvenhurst

Wait, were they trying to fumigate insects/rodents or just Alejandra?:D Lady, thats more than a hint! thye want your ass the hell gone!!!! and what does MJ's wishes and values have to do with anything, shes acting like she was his damn ex! good lord!

This woman needs to step up and stop spunging off of other peoples goodwill.

They didn't really specify whether the problem was insects (including roaches), rodents, bats-in-the-attic, :tease:eek:r . . . . . "other." She's been parasitic for over a quarter of a century! (How DARE she bring Michael's name into it, anyway?)
I would like to see the Estate fumigate Randy, Jermaine, Janet ...

Janet says that she supports Randy and has his back 100% to take Michael's kids money and spend it on the memebrs of the family !

why did not Janet give Randy's kids some support , she is very rich and she has a billionaire boytoy ...how come she support him to steal MJ's money but do not help him to put a ceiling above his kids?

the Jacksons belive that they all can have Michael's money , but non of the family memebers have to pay a penny to anyother memeber....why MJ is an exception for them is beyonde me ?

Janet and the rest of the family even asked the estate to pay for their clothes and shoes during the memorial and funeral ????

Janet did not give MJ 27 Million that caused him to be enslaved for AEG ! but she fight him in his house to join her failed tour.....

this family is the real reason why MJ is dead , Murray starred in the last episod !

this family members show no shame !

Alejendra sleep with every Jackson and MJ the one who must pay ! do we really know whos Donte's father, i'm afraid he is her son with Joe !?
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I wish Michael and his children would be left alone. The estate own the house she lives in and want her out. I don't see what rights she has. Do you notice that they say "Michael Jackson's brothers"?Jermaine and Randy are responsible for this mess. 3 of her children are adults I think. They can find jobs and leave. It's not up to Michael to pay for all these people. I never realized how much Michael did for these people. No wonder he kept a distance. The only values and wishes of Michael to be respected and upheld are the ones he provided in his will and the best interests of his children. This woman has no credibility to me and should be told to leave by a judge.
Janet says that she supports Randy and has his back 100% to take Michael's kids money and spend it on the memebrs of the family !

why did not Janet give Randy's kids some support , she is very rich and she has a billionaire boytoy ...how come she support him to steal MJ's money but do not help him to put a ceiling above his kids?

the Jacksons belive that they all can have Michael's money , but non of the family memebers have to pay a penny to anyother memeber....why MJ is an exception for them is beyonde me ?

Janet and the rest of the family even asked the estate to pay for their clothes and shoes during the memorial and funeral ????

Janet did not give MJ 27 Million that caused him to be enslaved for AEG ! but she fight him in his house to join her failed tour.....

this family is the real reason why MJ is dead , Murray starred in the last episod !

this family members show no shame !

Alejendra sleep with every Jackson and MJ the one who must pay ! do we really know whos Donte's father, i'm afraid he is her son with Joe !?

One word: perfect.
The problem with these people is, that they were leeching so many decades that they forgot to even THINK about the possibility of the money train being gone one day, they were all busy living superstar lifestyles while at the same time neither having a dime to their name, nor jobs. They never imagined such a situation, I wish I was in their heads to exactly know what's going on in them, what the heck did they think? That they could continue leeching for the lest of Mankind? That they could go one producing and abandoning children, while dumb would Michael pay all their bills?

AMEN!!! Ive been thinking about this myself alot. Didnt they for once even imagine that the money train was gonna be cut off one day and what would they do then? We all saw what happened with the Chandlers and Arvizos when the money train stopped. Im not trying to compare these two with the Jackson, Im just saying that people will get frustrated and desperare when the money stops and if you dont have a backup plan, the shit will hit the fan.

I just cant wrap my head around that adults needs to leech on other people to by themselves food, clothes or whatever. Alejandra has humiliated and belittled herself for decades now. How embarassing to have to ask your inlaws for money!! Whats wrong being an independent woman Alejandra?? Ughh

Bravo to Margaret Maldonado who moved out and started on scratch and who today is a very successful businesswoman. If Margaret could do it, I dont see why Alejandra couldnt do it..

The estate own the house she lives in and want her out. I don't see what rights she has.

Exactly, this is nothing out of order.. this is not the first time an estate of someone has had people people living in a house, which the estate owns, to move out
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March 15th is the court date for the evition let see if the father show up to support Alejandra and her children.
I wish Michael and his children would be left alone. The estate own the house she lives in and want her out. I don't see what rights she has. Do you notice that they say "Michael Jackson's brothers"?Jermaine and Randy are responsible for this mess. 3 of her children are adults I think. They can find jobs and leave. It's not up to Michael to pay for all these people. I never realized how much Michael did for these people. No wonder he kept a distance. The only values and wishes of Michael to be respected and upheld are the ones he provided in his will and the best interests of his children. This woman has no credibility to me and should be told to leave by a judge.

Exactly. I don't see how she has any chance of winning this case, anyway. She has no dignity and neither do her adult children who still live with her. If that were my uncle, I'd respect his dying wishes and get out so grandma can focus all her attention on her de facto orphaned grandchildren.
Exactly. I don't see how she has any chance of winning this case, anyway. She has no dignity and neither do her adult children who still live with her. If that were my uncle, I'd respect his dying wishes and get out so grandma can focus all her attention on her de facto orphaned grandchildren.
not to sound illiterate but was does de facto mean..I tried to translate it but was unsuccessful.
All of them want a piece of the pie none of them is gonna leave without creating a huge scene before. This woman along with her offspring deserves to be thrown out on the streets. If Jermaine the raisin and Randy the ex con had an ounce of dignity in them they wouldn't even have dumped her at the baby mama dump and ran away.
not to sound illiterate but was does de facto mean..I tried to translate it but was unsuccessful.

"De facto orphaned grandchildren" means that the children may not technically be ophans (as their mother is still alive) but in practice they are (as they do not have parents to take care of them).
in actuality/in fact
oohhh...well thank you very much...:D
"De facto orphaned grandchildren" means that the children may not technically be ophans (as their mother is still alive) but in practice they are (as they do not have parents to take care of them).
I kept putting it in google translater and it kept telling me how to pronounce it..I was talking to the stupid computer saying..yeah I know how to pronounce it..I just dont know what it means..:lmao:
All of them want a piece of the pie none of them is gonna leave without creating a huge scene before. This woman along with her offspring deserves to be thrown out on the streets. If Jermaine the raisin and Randy the ex con had an ounce of dignity in them they wouldn't even have dumped her at the baby mama dump and ran away.
those two guys REALLY should be embarrassed that they DID dump their children and baby mama off on Katherine...they have no class..its obvious.
What kind of self-respecting woman acts this way? Sleeps and has kids with 2 brothers...then proceeds to live in the house their mother lives in and refuses to leave when asked? This is something else...she's an embarrassment.
What kind of self-respecting woman acts this way? Sleeps and has kids with 2 brothers...then proceeds to live in the house their mother lives in and refuses to leave when asked? This is something else...she's an embarrassment.
one with no dignity.
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