UK TV Alert! 27/11/08 - Jackson documentary in Devon

Hey, that sure will push the sales. I bet because of this docu they've spred the rumour of a reunion again.

But what about: They (the fans) try to sue Micheal for injuries? Is there anything people would not sue him for? Greedy MF's.
And to the part with Tito having the intention to being the godfather of Matt's new baby, I'd say he'd better not even think about it. It's Michael anyway who has to pay the money, even Michael's parents live from his money.
Thanks for putting the docu on Youtube StarTrader. Ugh, it was awful seeing Tito being treated that way.

Do we even know if it's true that fans have tried suing Michael because of injuries?
Wow, Tito and Jackie look wonderful, Tito's sons are a spitting image of him. Mrs. Jackson looks fantastic for her age and I am so glad she is able to travel. I want Claudia to let Tito know what's up, watching them was like watching a soap opera,lol.
Now on to that guy Matt, all I see is a guy that wanted free publicity for his karate studios. I mean why would he tell the press about the family coming to Devon and he knows how nasty they can be and dangerous. I mean for the love of everything, if he doesn't respect Tito then at least have some respect for Mrs. Jackson. A damn snake in the grass, but Tito showed pure class by not going off on him infront of the cameras, but had it been me I would've tore him a new one(if you know what I mean).
CTFU@Tito cooking steak & eggs, I would've just found a Waffle House. LMAO@ the camera showing his undies. In the end I think it was a good piece on them for a change.
Tito is a true Libra, just like me, calm for the most part but when backed in a corner we will get
LOL@Joe Jackson... Show him the $$$$
Does Fiddes only have the one suit? He needs a fashion advisor, pronto!
OMG,LMAO...You are so dead on with your statement..Millionaire with only 1 suit?? Man I will become his friend, pick him out 2 more suits and then get pissed off at him becuase he didn't make me famous and then sue him and leak out to the press that he didn't pay me for picking out to suits for him..Hmm taste of his own medicine..
Well the phone call was set up by Tito, who was sitting in some back office with Taj and TJ. They put MJ on speaker phone and Taj held a microphone to it, so that Michael's voice would be heard in the main party room where all the fans were. It went like this:

Tito: Hi Michael!
MJ: Hello Tito!
T: Lots of fans are listening to you right now... What is the weather like in Las Vegas right now?
MJ: It's very nice and I'm gonna be doing some studio work today, doing some composing, so I'm looking forward to that.
T: Everyone is looking forward to seeing you again on stage.
MJ: But that's gonna be soon! Sooner than they think.
TJ: We love you, Uncle Michael!
Taj: We love you!
T: We love you, Michael...
MJ: I love you more, I love you more! And God bless you, I love you all!
T: Ok, bye Michael, take care baby...
MJ: Bye bye!
T: Bye now!
Lady near Tito (a Jackson relative I guess): Bye, talk to you soon!
T: Bye!

Otherwise, the only relevant mention of MJ is when the journalist explained Katherine called him to warn him not to come to Devon because they were being harrassed by the paparazzi there, and she was obviously upset about that. She actually went back home to LA with Jackie and his son just after a few days. Tito, his sons and his friend Claudia were the only ones to stay in Appledore the whole five weeks.

thank youvery much...
But what about: They (the fans) try to sue Micheal for injuries? Is there anything people would not sue him for? Greedy MF's.
Tito: Hi Michael!
MJ: Hello Tito!
T: Lots of fans are listening to you right now... What is the weather like in Las Vegas right now?
MJ: It's very nice and I'm gonna be doing some studio work today, doing some composing, so I'm looking forward to that.
T: Everyone is looking forward to seeing you again on stage.
MJ: But that's gonna be soon! Sooner than they think.
TJ: We love you, Uncle Michael!
Taj: We love you!
T: We love you, Michael...
MJ: I love you more, I love you more! And God bless you, I love you all!
T: Ok, bye Michael, take care baby...
MJ: Bye bye!
T: Bye now!
Lady near Tito (a Jackson relative I guess): Bye, talk to you soon!
T: Bye!

Thanks for typing this up. This is so cute. Aww.

But what about: They (the fans) try to sue Micheal for injuries? Is there anything people would not sue him for? Greedy MF's

What? Why, for some reason, I am not shocked by this? MJ didn't hurt these people and these people made a choice to follow Mike. If they hurt in the process, that is not Mike's problem.
theres only that case from brazil that has ever been reported about lawsuits due to injuries substained and i think that got thrown out. fans dont sue that story where ever it came from is B.S
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I was actually trying to give Matt the benefit of the doubt throughout the whole thing but then he just had to end it with that statement in the end that just proved that hes a money hungry, back stabbing, ass. Its a real shame to be betrayed by a friend. I can't imagine how it must be for them to always have to question people and their motives.

Claudia is a cutie and she seems really sweet. I don't think she realizes that Tito is a little more interested in her than she is with him. And lets face it, he is much older than she is.

Hopefully that all works out and they can at least continue to be friends. I was kinda surprised that they didn't mention how they met one another.
I was actually trying to give Matt the benefit of the doubt throughout the whole thing but then he just had to end it with that statement in the end that just proved that hes a money hungry, back stabbing, ass. Its a real shame to be betrayed by a friend. I can't imagine how it must be for them to always have to question people and their motives.

Claudia is a cutie and she seems really sweet. I don't think she realizes that Tito is a little more interested in her than she is with him. And lets face it, he is much older than she is.

Hopefully that all works out and they can at least continue to be friends. I was kinda surprised that they
didn't mention how they met one another.

Actually I know Claudia a bit more than you guys, Her real name is shaghayegh and she is an Iranian model who lives in USA . She has a boyfriend, his name is Kamran and he is an MJ fan . He is a persian singer who sings with his brother. you can see the MJ's footage in their video musics and they are famous in Iranian music market. Here is her boyfriend
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Actually I know Claudia a bit more than you guys, Her real name is shaghayegh and she is an Iranian model who lives in USA . She has a boy friend, his name is Kamran and he is an MJ fan . He is a persian singer who sings with his brother. you can see the MJ's footage in their video musics and they are famous in Iranian music market. Here is her boyfriend

The only reason why the girl is friend with Tito is to just closer to MJ! BTW its Kamran and hooman, they are obsessed with MJ!
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The only reason why the girl is friend with Tito is to just closer to MJ! BTW its Kamran and hooman, they are obsessed with MJ!

that's what I thought too. and to me it was obvious she didn't want to get involved with Tito...I felt sorry for him he seems like such a nice guy almost too nice. it must be a family treat the "niceness"
and they were all so excited to meet "humble, down to earth people" and then to be treated like the Freak Circus the way the local paper called them that was beyond cruel :ermm:
I was really annoyed the way Fiddes kept telling Tito to call him sir. I mean the man is way older than he is. And it just wasn't respectful, geez leave Tito alone, I mean he kept calling him out and it's like okay man there is other people in the room. Even if it is martial arts ettiquite I just thought it was annoying.
I was really annoyed the way Fiddes kept telling Tito to call him sir. I mean the man is way older than he is. And it just wasn't respectful, geez leave Tito alone, I mean he kept calling him out and it's like okay man there is other people in the room. Even if it is martial arts ettiquite I just thought it was annoying.
I agree with you Dreamy. Tito should've been like wait for it, wait for it, wait for it:timer::timer::timer::timer:..
um NO!!!:D:D:D:D:D
fiddes is a bad seed. starting out saying friend, and then saying's about opportunity, not for his health even tho he said he has much money already. what a cracked skull he has..and making those threats against tito?
That's what surprised me too. It seems like an obvious question to ask.

I was actually trying to give Matt the benefit of the doubt throughout the whole thing but then he just had to end it with that statement in the end that just proved that hes a money hungry, back stabbing, ass. Its a real shame to be betrayed by a friend. I can't imagine how it must be for them to always have to question people and their motives.

Claudia is a cutie and she seems really sweet. I don't think she realizes that Tito is a little more interested in her than she is with him. And lets face it, he is much older than she is.

Hopefully that all works out and they can at least continue to be friends. I was kinda surprised that they didn't mention how they met one another.
Hopefully that all works out and they can at least continue to be friends

Be friends? Please. Matt destroyed that opportunity when he wanted to play the family and sued them. Matt is a loser and should have gotten his ass kicked by all of them, including Katherine.
I was kinda surprised that they didn't mention how they met one another.

They kinda did. "Matt's friendship with the Jacksons started with Michael but now he's closest to Tito". :)
Be friends? Please. Matt destroyed that opportunity when he wanted to play the family and sued them. Matt is a loser and should have gotten his ass kicked by all of them, including Katherine.

They kinda did. "Matt's friendship with the Jacksons started with Michael but now he's closest to Tito". :)

I was referring too Tito and Claudia.:doh: haha.