UK TV Alert! 27/11/08 - Jackson documentary in Devon

He was only MJS security once and that was when Smelly Gellar conned MJ to go to Exeter.

These people have no respect
I agree JO is money obsessed he is old i noticed that last night how frail he is beginning to look
yeah he met mj in 2002 cause mj was involved with geller and going to exeter for a charity event.fiddes did the "security" for the event and ended up working for mj for a few days while he was in london. hes never worked for mj again. and tmk the claim about meeting mj through geller in or around 97 is B.S the first time he met him was in 02 when he went to gellers house. i dont think mj even knew geller on a personal level back in 97/98.

Yeah, that is exactly what I thought. As a matter of fact, Matt said that he met MJ in 2002. I remember reading the article. This clown is now saying that he met MJ when he was 17. He is 28 now, (I even read somewhere that he was 29 so he can't keep his story straight or his age straight) so it had to be over a decade ago. So, which one is it? LOL. Matt is a damn liar and the Jacksons smelled him. They got rid of his ass quick. Matt, like so many losers that get highly upset when the Jacksons cut them off, took it so hard. What a damn fool. Also, if I was Tito, I would have popped Matt for tell him to call him "sir". What kind of nonsense? Let's see if he did that to Joe. LOL. Joe would have beat him like he did to his children. Even 100 times harder. LOL.
Watched this documentary last night. It was good to have the tables turned for once to show how people do use the jackson family for their own purposes-mostly for money. It was also good timing for this programme to be aired so close to the courtcase between Michael and the Prince. This programme may have made people go "i wonder if its the same case with their brother Michael and that prince that i've heard about on the news". It did show the Jackson family as being down to earth the only thing I didn't like was how the editors constructed a story of how Tito was going on holiday to get together with Claudia. I also felt bad that even in a small village the Jackson family were treated like animals in a zoo when they sat inside the fish and chips shop. Can't people understand that this is wrong and that manners still apply with celebrities. I know I wouldn't like people watching me eat and taking photos of me eating. However by showing how others behave towards the family maybe it will prevent viewers from doing the same and thinking the next time they grab their phone or camera, "do they really want me doing this?"
i wouldnt give him the attention. so he can run to the media are talk about crazy mj fans

Hey Elusive, I have to give you credit... I believe you were one of the 1st fans on this board that called Matt Fiddes out for what he is from the very beginning............... an a********h****

as someone said.. anyone associated with weary.............
I watched this last night without without any prior knowledge about Matt Fiddes suing Tito, until a mate told me during it. The Jacksons, as always, showed themselves to be a lovely, respectful family. I have much respect for this family who manage to deal with these situations with such dignity. As for Matt Fiddes and his little rant at the end, he screwed up royally, professing to be a genuine mate whos seen how much they get taken advantage off, yet at the same time has his own agenda and is doing exactly that! I was literally seething at the way he spoke to Tito in the martial arts class, totally uncalled for behaviour in the way he acted all superior to him. Did no one tell him to respect his elders?

Nice to hear MJ though and I hope the whole experience didnt put the family off Devon, its a nice area.
I love how Tito calls everyone baby... Even MJ "Bye Michael, take care, baby" lol... Now that we've seen how the phone call was set up, I get why it sounded so odd to me back when it was first put online.

Fiddes has been using the Jackson name for publicity since 2002, although it's very likely he hasn't seen MJ at all since the Killer Thriller visit. And seriously, he'd better cut the hallucinogen diet, because when you've spent the past 10 years "or so" believing you've been Michael Jackson's personal (and free) bodyguard although you've only been seen like 3 times with him, then you should know that the pink elephants stage is just around the corner... Either my math's really bad or the man's just flipping crazy... Btw, wtf was he on about wanting to give Tito a one-on-one martial arts lesson after going to court and making sure all the media would be there to see it?
I didn't like it because it was soo damn depressing! It was all about friends & betrayal! I was looking for something much more light hearted...

But it put the Jacksons in the good light though.
As soon as i heard MJ was friends with Uri i was suspicious and then hireing this joker as MJs security
i knew shit was going to happen. The whole Devon experience with MJ was bad, security my ass Mike had to walk the whole platform pratically on his own at Paddington that just shows you what a holes Uri and Matt are.

And then the whole Bashir fiasco this is all down to the a holes Uri knows
Glad Papa T called his bluff

Conspiracy its so obvious now
To be honest i thought that was the Jacksons idea until Fiddes was found out to be the back stabber he is

Threatening Tito on camera was not a good move
I love how Tito calls everyone baby... Even MJ "Bye Michael, take care, baby" lol... Now that we've seen how the phone call was set up, I get why it sounded so odd to me back when it was first put online.

Fiddes has been using the Jackson name for publicity since 2002, although it's very likely he hasn't seen MJ at all since the Killer Thriller visit. And seriously, he'd better cut the hallucinogen diet, because when you've spent the past 10 years "or so" believing you've been Michael Jackson's personal (and free) bodyguard although you've only been seen like 3 times with him, then you should know that the pink elephants stage is just around the corner... Either my math's really bad or the man's just flipping crazy... Btw, wtf was he on about wanting to give Tito a one-on-one martial arts lesson after going to court and making sure all the media would be there to see it?
I adore your siggy :wub:

And yeah, Matt just plain used Michael back then. Ugh.
Matt used his one time connection with Michael, as a volunteerbodyguard to worm his way into the brothers life.
He has lied in just about every story he told. Notice thaat suddenly his age has changed to 17 when he met Mj, even though he only met Mj in 02. he should have been 22 years oldat that time. I have been saying for a long time that I do not trust this guy. i still do not trust him.
I think it was a good documentary, quite revealing and worth seeing. Basically what I expected. Jane Preston did a good job.
Now that we've seen how the phone call was set up, I get why it sounded so odd to me back when it was first put online.
What do you mean " how the phone call was set up"? Can you tell the details cause my internet is very slow and I can't watch it. I'll be grateful.
please can anyone tell me how the phone call with Michael started........what was it about and who was acyually talking to MICHAEL............ well,....ehhm....i mean tell me every thing about him in that doc ........
What do you mean " how the phone call was set up"? Can you tell the details cause my internet is very slow and I can't watch it. I'll be grateful.

Well the phone call was set up by Tito, who was sitting in some back office with Taj and TJ. They put MJ on speaker phone and Taj held a microphone to it, so that Michael's voice would be heard in the main party room where all the fans were. It went like this:

Tito: Hi Michael!
MJ: Hello Tito!
T: Lots of fans are listening to you right now... What is the weather like in Las Vegas right now?
MJ: It's very nice and I'm gonna be doing some studio work today, doing some composing, so I'm looking forward to that.
T: Everyone is looking forward to seeing you again on stage.
MJ: But that's gonna be soon! Sooner than they think.
TJ: We love you, Uncle Michael!
Taj: We love you!
T: We love you, Michael...
MJ: I love you more, I love you more! And God bless you, I love you all!
T: Ok, bye Michael, take care baby...
MJ: Bye bye!
T: Bye now!
Lady near Tito (a Jackson relative I guess): Bye, talk to you soon!
T: Bye!

Otherwise, the only relevant mention of MJ is when the journalist explained Katherine called him to warn him not to come to Devon because they were being harrassed by the paparazzi there, and she was obviously upset about that. She actually went back home to LA with Jackie and his son just after a few days. Tito, his sons and his friend Claudia were the only ones to stay in Appledore the whole five weeks.
Oh see, that's why that phone call didn't make much sense when we heard it. We didn't hear Tito asking the questions, lol.

So you hear that, Michael said he would be back on stage sooner then people think. That's what he was referring to.
star trader - the uploads are much appreciated. Thanks! :)

Im still at part 1 and im alreasdy getting sick of this Fiddes loser. why? why? must a perfectly brialliant documentary of the Jackson's have to get ruined by some punk who juxtaposes his insane ideas into the documentary. blegh.
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