UK TV Alert! 27/11/08 - Jackson documentary in Devon

I'm looking forward to this one because its cutting edge, there docs are known for getting the story out as truthfully as is possible, no way will they damage there credability. I think it will be well worth watching, I just hope I can be home in time.
looking forward to this show. its defo gonna be pro jackson and anti matt fides so enjoy
I've been disappointed so many times, I'll wait to see what the fans who can watch it have to say before I get happy.
I hope that this documenatry comes to the States. The way you guys are saying about the docu and the articles regarding it, I really want to see this.
They show the trailor all the time. Looks so cool Katherine is so sweet. To bad I cant watch it cause i m back at home. could someone upload it on youtube please? I m sure the docu will push the sales!
the guy that sued them Matt Fides I read an interview about him where he was talking about being MJ's bodyguard and the way he talked he looked like he was trying to promote himself then he said he befriended Michael that they would watch bruce lee movies while sitting on the floor eating curry. I thought he was full of crap and trying to take advantage of Jackson's name now it turns out I was right
watchin now.....
tito doin all the talkin so far
very sweet person
lots of the jacksons headin to devon, katherine, tito, jackie, tito's 3 sons, and jackie's son, and a friends of tito's..... so far......
a little boring so far but we will see, only 20 mins into it....

Michael's not even in it lol.

And also.. Who is that girl? Is she Tito's girlfriend?

It's really boring!
really dont know why they bothered to go to devon with this guy matt, ...!???

yeah mike aint gonna be in......

im sure that is his girlfriend but its just not been said....

very boring tv

they shudda come to brighton lol
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really dont know why they bothered to go to devon with this guy matt, ...!???

yeah mike aint gonna be in......

im sure that is his girlfriend but its just not been said....

very boring tv

they shudda come to brighton lol

Lolz, yeah they should have, half the people here wouldnt have recognised them lol!

Is Tito the eldest son?

Damn, Mikey's dad looks like a gangster hahaha! He is well grumpy!
Katherine called Michael and warned him not to come over at that time because of the high media coverage and press hanging around all the time... aww bless her :wub:
I hate it this Matt, how people can be soo false!? He not shouldn't invited them to Davon, totally joke . I don't really enjoyed this document because of Matt. People ....
Lolz, yeah they should have, half the people here wouldnt have recognised them lol!

Is Tito the eldest son?

Damn, Mikey's dad looks like a gangster hahaha! He is well grumpy!

tito is the third eldest, rebbie (real nane maurreen i think) was first born, and jackie second......

yeah daddy looks a little like a gangsta alright
what a Banker fiddes is. its shame cause we could have told tito exactly what this fool was like years ago because of his claims about mj and being his "bodyguard" is fiddes gonna sue channel 4 now for showing him up for the media whore that he is. id say his comments at the end were rather threatening to tito. he didnt sound to bitter and twisted did he. there goes your 15 mins of fame you media whore. hayvenrhurst was gorgeous as always. more footage of that would have been nice.

but most importantly of all YOU CAN SEE ME IN THE PROGRAME LOL my mum was laughing her head off, now she sees what i get upto in the middle of main roads in London lol
what a Banker fiddes is. its shame cause we could have told tito exactly what this fool was like years ago because of his claims about mj and being his "bodyguard" is fiddes gonna sue channel 4 now for showing him up for the media whore that he is. id say his comments at the end were rather threatening to tito. he didnt sound to bitter and twisted did he. there goes your 15 mins of fame you media whore. hayvenrhurst was gorgeous as always. more footage of that would have been nice.

but most importantly of all YOU CAN SEE ME IN THE PROGRAME LOL my mum was laughing her head off, now she sees what i get upto in the middle of main roads in London lol

whereabouts are you? lol

i really feel like punching fiddes, what a wanker.
That fiddes guy is a right dick head, where the fuck does he get off with saying he's gonna beat Tito up? who and what the fuck is he anyway? a nobody