UK fans! Win tickets all day today on Londons Captial FM 95.8


Well, I've just called and it's always busy! They're not even playing any MJ songs!

I know, I've been trying a few times randomly the past few hours and it's been constantly busy and I haven't gotten through once :(
I got through twice but I hung up cos it's wasn't Thriller lmao! The man was just like "hello, capital?".

I shoulda spoken and told him to give me the tickets :angry: :rofl:
I got through twice but I hung up cos it's wasn't Thriller lmao! The man was just like "hello, capital?".

I shoulda spoken and told him to give me the tickets :angry: :rofl:
LOL! Yeah, you could say you've placed a bomb in the station and they should give you all their MJ tickets... or else...

I don't think it helps if everyone just calls in randomly....
its not fair that the radio stations get all the front rows first !!!
it's ringing for me and no one is answering :rofl:
By the way, has anyone heard of any VIP tickets becoming available? I know they must be really expensive but how do you go about purchasing one? The radio station is now giving normal tickets, right?
It rang for about 2 and a half minutes and then the call disconnected with the message call failed: no answer :rofl:

damn! :timer:
By the way, has anyone heard of any VIP tickets becoming available? I know they must be really expensive but how do you go about purchasing one? The radio station is now giving normal tickets, right?

To become a VIP O2 member you gotta join them which costs £3,750.00 per annum and you get good seats etc for upto 10 concerts per year
Actually, I think i've got better chances of winning the jackpot in the lottery this Wednesday than getting an MJ ticket... Grrrrr!!!
Ive been listening since 6 this morning and all day I havent been able to get through,and whats worse,yoiu only have the length of the song too cool.

Im trying everything possible to get tickets.
Ive lost count how many times Ive signed up to

Trying not to think negative is the key!!!
To become a VIP O2 member you gotta join them which costs £3,750.00 per annum and you get good seats etc for upto 10 concerts per year
:bugeyed *chokes on her Coke* Whhhaaattt...???
Yep! Ok! As I said I'm playing the lottery this week... LOL
I don't understand what it helps to ring if the song doesn't play.
It's not like they give you the tickets just for getting through...
You will only get picked if the song plays you should listen out for.
That's how I understand it.
I highly doubt they will keep you waiting on the line for like 30 mins until the song plays.
It just blocks the lines...
the trouble is people are calling in all the time blocking the lines, then when the song plays, the person that happen to be on line 8 wins. Unfortunately that means you have to call even before the song is on the radio, because otherwise the line is already blocked an you have no chance. They should refuse calls until the second the song starts, that way it would be fairer for everybody!
Oh, I see.
Well, that sucks in deed!
I thought they open a special line when the song plays or something....
You doesn't make sense to ring if the song isn't on.
That poor woman just said she was on the phone the whole day already and now they talked to her while "Leave me alone" plays...just to let her know it's the wrong song.
Yeah, I think they'll always answer a call during an MJ song, regardless of the song...
Anyway, this is one of my fave songs at least! Leave me aloooonee..!!!
"If you like it, then you should've put a ring on it....."

The video is even ten times worse. I always laugh when it's on MTV. SO ridiculous!
You doesn't make sense to ring if the song isn't on.
That poor woman just said she was on the phone the whole day already and now they talked to her while "Leave me alone" plays...just to let her know it's the wrong song.

Yeah, I would agree normally. But in this case, if you wait for the song to play it's too late. the lines are already full.
I have had my mobile on redial all day today and yesterday and it has ALWAYS been met by an engaged tone. The lines have been too busy.
Even the DJs have said on air that this is the biggest demand for tickets they have seen! It's all good PR for Mike, but bad for us fans who have been waiting for years for concerts. Now we are having trouble getting tickets, just like everybody else.
Mike really should have come to an arrangement with some online clubs/boards to allow us to get the best seats first. After all, I'm sure he would prefer to have the hardcore fans at the front.
I know Gaz is working on a deal with AEG, but will it be sorted out in time? Or will the tickets already be on sale??