(TV ALERT) VH1- Making of Michael Jackson's "This is it"

For years MJ toured the world and never stopped in the USA. I don't feel bad at all that we are getting a 30 minute TV special that everyone else isn't getting.

We again should be the ones getting it first because he was coming here so why you lot are getting it first is beyond me.
And another thing maybe there was a reason why he didnt tour the USA.
Have you ever thought about that?
I am looking forward to seeing this, even though I know its going to be really tough to watch. Anything that talks about Michael after he's gone leaves me bawling. Guys does it really matter what country gets it first, we're all friends here :flowers:
Lets not go there with the USA talk please.
Was this stuff off the extras then or what?
We again should be the ones getting it first because he was coming here so why you lot are getting it first is beyond me.
And another thing maybe there was a reason why he didnt tour the USA.
Have you ever thought about that?

-_- :doh:

Why are you still complaining about it almost a full week since it aired? I wish the U.K. would have had it too. Then I wouldn't have had to go through the emotions I did, while I watched it. Because when I watched it, I didn't feel good watching it. I felt pain and sadness all over again. I bawled my eyes out the entire time.

Another thing, I'm really getting tired of the whole "let's hate the U.S. for what they did to Michael." FYI it wasn't the whole country, it wasn't every person here. I have been holding my tongue long enough now, and it's just gettin' on my last nerves. I can't help what others say about Michael here. I can't travel all over the country telling people to be nice to Michael. There are some people who just won't listen even if you give them facts on everything. They still won't listen, their "opinion" is set and it's hard to change it. I wish I could do something about it but I can't. I'm sure there are "haters" of Mike in the U.K. as well as in every other country just like the U.S. Also, in every country there are people who love Michael.

So let's stop the bashing of the U.S. k? No bashing of any country at all, because each country has Michael fans there. There is LOVE for Michael in every country around the world.
OK, enough of that now, lets move on. :flowers: Bashing of any country/nationality will not be tolerated at MJJC.
I don't have VH1 where I live but when I got the walmart special edition I saw what I heard was on the special there. It should be on the dvd.
-_- :doh:

Why are you still complaining about it almost a full week since it aired? I wish the U.K. would have had it too. Then I wouldn't have had to go through the emotions I did, while I watched it. Because when I watched it, I didn't feel good watching it. I felt pain and sadness all over again. I bawled my eyes out the entire time.

Another thing, I'm really getting tired of the whole "let's hate the U.S. for what they did to Michael." FYI it wasn't the whole country, it wasn't every person here. I have been holding my tongue long enough now, and it's just gettin' on my last nerves. I can't help what others say about Michael here. I can't travel all over the country telling people to be nice to Michael. There are some people who just won't listen even if you give them facts on everything. They still won't listen, their "opinion" is set and it's hard to change it. I wish I could do something about it but I can't. I'm sure there are "haters" of Mike in the U.K. as well as in every other country just like the U.S. Also, in every country there are people who love Michael.

So let's stop the bashing of the U.S. k? No bashing of any country at all, because each country has Michael fans there. There is LOVE for Michael in every country around the world.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
Great post, couldnt agree more:yes:
I wasnt 'bashing' as you put it any country,In fact far from it I was simply making a point and expressing my own personal opinion which is what I thought message boards were all about.
I was trying to step on anyones toes either.
I was also making a point on behalf of Michael as he must have hadhis own personal reasons for not touring the USA.
I wasnt 'bashing' as you put it any country,In fact far from it I was simply making a point and expressing my own personal opinion which is what I thought message boards were all about.
I was trying to step on anyones toes either.
I was also making a point on behalf of Michael as he must have hadhis own personal reasons for not touring the USA.

OK, whatever. Back on topic now please.
I wasnt 'bashing' as you put it any country,In fact far from it I was simply making a point and expressing my own personal opinion which is what I thought message boards were all about.
I was trying to step on anyones toes either.
I was also making a point on behalf of Michael as he must have hadhis own personal reasons for not touring the USA.

yea then why don't you go ask Mike himself about 'why' before running your mouth. Go ask why he live in the US too then. Please grow up and get some common sense.

I'm just expressing my opinion too and speaking on behalf of the members that thinks your post is doodoo.

don't dish out what you can't eat and eat what you dish out.
Anyway just wondering if anyone has any YT links to this yet? Really would like to see it and cannot find it anywhere. I don't think its going to air on VH1 UK.