TV ALERT..Michael Jackson Crime Scene......Friday 9pm..VH1

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Proud Member
Feb 28, 2009
I seen the commercial and it looks a little scary they were showing images of Michael on a stretcher on life support..he was being rushed in to the hospital...They also showed Murray...I was quite taken back when I seen it.....My mind didn't want to see those almost caught me off guard....I dont know if I will be able to watch it.
i seen the commercial and it looks a little scary they were showing images of michael on a stretcher on life support..he was being rushed in to the hospital...they also showed murray...i was quite taken back when i seen mind didn't want to see those almost caught me off guard....i dont know if i will be able to watch it.

Hopefully someone will record and upload this. PLEASE !

i dont think im watching. i cant handle being reminded of that day and to see the whole thing be re-inacted is just too much. i dont think i can handle it.
I am not going to watch it, Michael would not have wanted people see him deceased, and we know that he was before he left his house.

Have these people got no sence of decency putting that on, if they had done it with Princess Diana there would have been an outcry, it seems even in death Michael is not allowed privacy or dignity.

Follow LAPD detectives in their investigation of the sudden and shocking death of the King of Pop. Toxicology reports confirm he died from a combination of prescription medications and a heavy-duty anesthesia drug called Propofol, all administered by a mysterious physician who was treating Jackson at home in the last month of his life. But other doctors were also giving Michael drugs up until his final days, some administered through his various aliases. Will this ongoing homicide investigation turn into a criminal case? Who will be responsible for this music legend's tragic and controversial death?

The summery from
Someone said last week that it was meant to be a reenactment no?
And that right there should tell you what this profile will focus on, drugs, drugs and more drugs! You can look out for the usual suspects if you want to 'cause I sure won't!

This will have to pass me, don't care to relive that horrible day especially with the spin thats gonna be made throught this programme.
That picture on the stretcher on life support is fake. Dont let it upset you.
Ridiculous! Something tells me some complaints are coming.
I don't think I'd better watch it. They don't know half as much as we know. Prince, Paris and Prince Michael II my prayers are with you and your family. I don't care how much I disagree with the Jacksons at times, they shouldn't have to go through this shit.
Well, I just DVR'd it (thanks for the alert btw) but i'm not sure if i'll watch it...
I seen the commercial and it looks a little scary they were showing images of Michael on a stretcher on life support..he was being rushed in to the hospital...They also showed Murray...I was quite taken back when I seen it.....My mind didn't want to see those almost caught me off guard....I dont know if I will be able to watch it.

I don't think I could watch it with ugly Murray in there! Thanks for the heads up.
uhm...i don't remember any cameras being there at the scene to film any moving pictures for vh1 or anyone else..
Okay, I shouldn't looked at it. Saw 2 seconds of it . Hell to the No. I cannot watch this. I am not ready to watch. I don't think I will ever be. Must take a break to pray and cry.
This is insane. How can they be doing this even before the case goes to trial?

And coming from VH1 you can count on plenty of mistruth.

Let's send them emails of protest. Utterly ridiculous.
saw the trailer.. that reenactment is way disturbing. the actor looks like Michael.
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