Tue 24th June 08..new publicist?... Breaking... Feldman says MJ DID NOT ABUSE HIM

I agree with Katie and everyone else though who says we shouldn't hate Corey Feldman or talk so much trash about him

As far as I am concern, Feldman should go to hell. MJ did so much for thsi mofo and instead of being blessed that someone was there for him and being thankful, he bit the hand that fed him. No one told Corey to do a reality show. No one told Corey to ruin his life. No one told him to do an interview with that asshole Bashir and put MJ's name in that mess. Corey did this because he wanted that "instant" fame again. He didn't realized that no one gives a eff about his ass. I hate ANYONE that has called MJ names that THEY KNOW he is not and not even try to publically apologized to him. I wish MJ never knew any of these people. He was better off hanging out with his family.

He raised serois doubt about Michael's innocence during the trial, he is just like Slash, he might say a couple of good thing here and there but when the situation suits him he can say things that would lead a person who doesnt know any better to assume Michael did inapriate things to him. Remember Slash saying he wont let Michael near his kid? Remember that? If Slash was genuinly not wanting to take chances as a parent he shouldv kept it too himself and not blurt it out on t.v in the middle of that brewing storm.

Exactly. MJ's only true mistake is giving a damn about straight up losers! MJ was better off catering to his family.
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He should have stated in uneqouvical terms that MJ did do nothing to him a long time ago, I dont feel sorry for him one bit. ..
he did...he did that many times. if bashir and sneddon and a&e want to twist things for their own benefit, is that his fault?

as for slash andhis comments...im sorry but ive heard many a jackson fan screaming from the hills saying they'd love for mj to share a bed w/ their child....if they had one i mean, but suuuuure, of course, y not?

sorry but slash and mj had a business relationship. he was never invited over for tea. so if he says he doesn't want mike around his kids, that's his perogative. have a child and then see how u feel about it. doesn't make u any less of a fan, it just means ur a damn parent and you're concerned w/ your childrens' well being.

everyone here wants to condemn a man they don't know and the funny thing is, they actually think they can do it. they can wish him somewhere bad or this and that....

sorry but if i did interviews about how much i hated mac & cheese and then did a show where the promo clip was of me talkingabout how much cheese went on my clothes and how i started feeling pukey...wouldn't u ASSume it's about mac and cheese? well honestly folks, it wasn' t m ac&cheese....it was fondue:no:
he did...he did that many times. if bashir and sneddon and a&e want to twist things for their own benefit, is that his fault?

as for slash andhis comments...im sorry but ive heard many a jackson fan screaming from the hills saying they'd love for mj to share a bed w/ their child....if they had one i mean, but suuuuure, of course, y not?

sorry but slash and mj had a business relationship. he was never invited over for tea. so if he says he doesn't want mike around his kids, that's his perogative. have a child and then see how u feel about it. doesn't make u any less of a fan, it just means ur a damn parent and you're concerned w/ your childrens' well being.

everyone here wants to condemn a man they don't know and the funny thing is, they actually think they can do it. they can wish him somewhere bad or this and that....

sorry but if i did interviews about how much i hated mac & cheese and then did a show where the promo clip was of me talkingabout how much cheese went on my clothes and how i started feeling pukey...wouldn't u ASSume it's about mac and cheese? well honestly folks, it wasn' t m ac&cheese....it was fondue:no:


Ain't it funny when the shoe is on the other foot, they wanna claim that it was wrong for a person to say how they feel (regardless of how he did it) and yet it's logical here to condemn someone for saying something he didn't really say. "I guess I despair of human nature at times myself." :mellow:
he did...he did that many times. if bashir and sneddon and a&e want to twist things for their own benefit, is that his fault?

as for slash andhis comments...im sorry but ive heard many a jackson fan screaming from the hills saying they'd love for mj to share a bed w/ their child....if they had one i mean, but suuuuure, of course, y not?

sorry but slash and mj had a business relationship. he was never invited over for tea. so if he says he doesn't want mike around his kids, that's his perogative. have a child and then see how u feel about it. doesn't make u any less of a fan, it just means ur a damn parent and you're concerned w/ your childrens' well being.

everyone here wants to condemn a man they don't know and the funny thing is, they actually think they can do it. they can wish him somewhere bad or this and that....

sorry but if i did interviews about how much i hated mac & cheese and then did a show where the promo clip was of me talkingabout how much cheese went on my clothes and how i started feeling pukey...wouldn't u ASSume it's about mac and cheese? well honestly folks, it wasn' t m ac&cheese....it was fondue:no:

If you read my post properly you would have seen that I didint have a problem with Slash being a concerned parent per se, I have a problem with him saying it to the media. That was a careless thing to do.
As for Feldman how come you didnt adress the issue about his comments during the trial? Like I said, he created great doubt in the minds of the general public regarding Michael's innocence.Its one thing to say somebody didnt molest you but you say something that would lead to an inference that that same person probably did molest you
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Forget all this "read my post carefully", if no one's gonna get the point of what you're saying, no use trying. Don't lose it over some washed-up child star, lol.
Forget all this "read my post carefully", if no one's gonna get the point of what you're saying, no use trying.
That was actually a tounge in cheek way of saying: "READ!!!" She pretty much ignored what I was saying in my post. The post is not brain surgery, you just have to read, plain and simple.
what did this corey feldman do for a living or better yet what does he do now....I assume he was a child star of some sorts.

while we are all spreading our sympathy and goodwill for Feldman and our distaste for conniving media editing, we might as well forget about these losers.

Being a mum and dad and not wanting to let your child sleep in the same bed as MJ is understanding..but the circumstances would never be like that and Michael himself has vehemently said it wasn't like that -- I am 120% sure that he doesn't go up to parents as say ' Hey mum, would you like to let your son sleep in my bed tonight'. NO. they were people/ families Michael befriended over a period of time and the circumstances led to sleeping in the same room or possibly even sharing a large bed.

The juxtapositions are sickening. Please at least make an attempt to not to justify equally ambiguous comments that come across as irrational behaviour by Michael or wise parenting by others or vice versa... we as fans should be able to think in more logical terms.

and gold stars and props to all good parents out there.
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That was actually a tounge in cheek way of saying: "READ!!!" She pretty much ignored what I was saying in my post. The post is not brain surgery, you just have to read, plain and simple.

Bongani I totally agree with you, there are certain posters who always protect and defend certain slime who have hurt Michael in the last 15 years and their posts constantly reflect that whether it's Chandler or Feldman, in any event I hope the reality show bombs so these laters losers can go away into oblivion never to be heard from again.
Bongani I totally agree with you, there are certain posters who always protect and defend certain slime who have hurt Michael in the last 15 years and their posts constantly reflect that whether it's Chandler or Feldman, in any event I hope the reality show bombs so these laters losers can go away into oblivion never to be heard from again.

Reality show IS their oblivion...unless they're doing a judging contest, then in that case it's alright, but that fool is already in the oblivion. It ain't a big news topic as people would expect, lol!

BON-DIGGY, I get what you're saying, lol. :yes:
Bongani I totally agree with you, there are certain posters who always protect and defend certain slime who have hurt Michael in the last 15 years and their posts constantly reflect that whether it's Chandler or Feldman.

it's posts like this that incite drama for no reason whatsoever....if you want to mention my name or if it's directed to me, please state it as such. a blanket bashing of someone just b/c they are who they are w/o looking atthe facts or digging deeper is something that saddens me.

just like fans asking haters to look beyond what's presented at face value, i ask the same of fans. yet that always seems to fall on deaf ears.

anyone can defend whomever they want but i guess it's apparently ok and the status quo to bash anyone that doesn't align themselves on the michael jackson side of the alliance.....

i did read your post *bogani* and my issue was that slash could feel however he wants to BUT he can't tell the media how he feels....that's h is perogative and he can do what he wants. it's okay to preach love about mike but people can't preach any thing else is what's being said here....that's what i got from your post....u can question him but justdon't tell the media you're doing it.

the way the clip was edited was used to make this firestorm of questioning on who molested the coreys....a&e knew what they were doing just like bashir kndew what he was doing w/ feldman.

he's a fmr child star w/ a thirst for fame and a feeling of importance so it's only natural that during the trial he said things to draw attention on himself...much like lisa marie did w/ her half assed leading comments. both lisa and feldman drew b ack and clarified their remarks once mad dawg sneddon came looking for them and both had egg on their face.

what's this really about? fans needing to bash someone today? ray mone yesterday, feldman today, i wonder who tomorrow's going to be. :fortuneteller:can't we be doing more constructive things as a community than this?