Tue 24th June 08..new publicist?... Breaking... Feldman says MJ DID NOT ABUSE HIM

What do you suppose this is? Is it new? I like the word INSPIRING. Sounds promising.


Oasis International Closes Major Deal With Hallmark International
Posted on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 - 11:28 AM

OASIS INTERNATIONAL, one of North America’s largest independent distributors of television and filmed entertainment, has announced an eleven-title deal with the major television network, Hallmark International for the United Kingdom, Poland, Hungary, Turkey, Benelux and Middle East and Russian feeds.

The closing deal includes some of OASIS INTERNATIONAL’S top titles such as the Lifetime/CTV movie Murder on Her Mind, a true crime drama that leaves one woman mistakenly behind bars; three inspiring unauthorized life stories, Celine, Shania and Michael Jackson that all uniquely tell their true accounts ‘from rags to riches’; the romantic comedy The Wedding Wish starring Katee Sackhoff (Battlestar Galactica) and the Barna Alper produced series Show Me Yours for the new DIVA channel. Show Me Yours is made for Showcase in Canada and airs on Oxygen in the USA. The Toronto-and LA-based distributor also included in the deal Mail Order Bride, which was produced for Hallmark USA by BLUEPRINT ENTERTAINMENT. Mail Order Bride stars Daphne Zuniga (Melrose Place, One Tree Hill), Greg Evigan (Desperate Housewives, 100 Million BC) and Cameron Bancroft (24, Beautiful People).
Is the Feldman story that really big deal??? This is the first time of me hearing anything about that, Plus i don't even watch his show...
Published: June 24, 2008
I don't trust anyone with the first name Lois.

Nah, actually I have a close friend of 15 years whose name is Lois and she's great. And come to think of it I've worked with a few Lois' in my past, too, who were very nice. So just kiddn'. ;)

I hope Ms. Najarian O'Neill shines as his publicist and that all her efforts in this area for Mr. Jackson will please him. :)

Thanks for the news today!
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Well He and the other Corey should not have said anything in the beginning to make people think it would be Michael . I still remember that Trial and Corey Feldman was not on Michael's side.That's how rumors start and A Man's career who is about to make a Grand Entrance get ruined again. Anything to keep Michael Back from making a new start after what he's been through. This was a ratings thing and It was so wrong to discuss something like that on TV. It should have been in Court and Since he said that it wasn't Michael,This should not have been brought up in the first place on Cable reality show or regular TV.
Let's hope his retraction will stay in the minds of many and that He's not giving any false signals to Michael to get back into his good graces again just to Bring him down. The Media will love that.
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I didn't even think it would come to that. I knew the Coreys were talkin' about someone else, but I had no ideal Michael Jackson would be the first thing to come to people's mind. Or that MJ even had a friendship with one of them in the past. and I figured nobody even gave a damn about the Coreys anymore to be worryin' bout them.

Anyway, since Feldman said something, it's better that we just put this to rest. :yes:
What do you suppose this is? Is it new? I like the word INSPIRING. Sounds promising.


Oasis International Closes Major Deal With Hallmark International
Posted on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 - 11:28 AM

OASIS INTERNATIONAL, one of North America’s largest independent distributors of television and filmed entertainment, has announced an eleven-title deal with the major television network, Hallmark International for the United Kingdom, Poland, Hungary, Turkey, Benelux and Middle East and Russian feeds.

The closing deal includes some of OASIS INTERNATIONAL’S top titles such as the Lifetime/CTV movie Murder on Her Mind, a true crime drama that leaves one woman mistakenly behind bars; three inspiring unauthorized life stories, Celine, Shania and Michael Jackson that all uniquely tell their true accounts ‘from rags to riches’; the romantic comedy The Wedding Wish starring Katee Sackhoff (Battlestar Galactica) and the Barna Alper produced series Show Me Yours for the new DIVA channel. Show Me Yours is made for Showcase in Canada and airs on Oxygen in the USA. The Toronto-and LA-based distributor also included in the deal Mail Order Bride, which was produced for Hallmark USA by BLUEPRINT ENTERTAINMENT. Mail Order Bride stars Daphne Zuniga (Melrose Place, One Tree Hill), Greg Evigan (Desperate Housewives, 100 Million BC) and Cameron Bancroft (24, Beautiful People).

It is all old stuff that has been shown in the U.S. for years. Lifetime plays movies that were originally developed by ABC, CBS, and NBC. Everyone here refers to Lifetime as the Chick Flick Network. They play movies that weren't that good when they were on the big three. Halmark has been buying up the rights to the movies when Lifetime is tired of them.
I totally agree. It is only because he associate with Michael back then. If Corey would had associated with anyone else, the same thing would have been said about that person.

Probably, but because of what Michael has been accused of in the past and b/c of his star status as well, the media and others are gonna point the finger at him and it's gonna get much more media coverage, which is unfair. It is just plain wrong to speculate that it's Michael. That is a very serious accusation. These people really need to leave Michael alone already.
Fans should realize the two vile Coreys knew that the association would be to Michael they did this on purpose. Don't you get it NOBODY was hardly talking about their pathetic piece of crap then they mention molestation and BAM they knew it would bring about Michael's name and what did it get these two clown scum??? PUBLICITY for their tired pathetic show! As far as i am concerned Feldman didn't do shit for MJ but drag his name further in the gutter in a backdoor way then tries to come off like oops we didn't mean it was him that's a bunch of pure B.S. you can smell the fake meter on this a mile away both of these washed scummy has beens are beyond pathetic! the victim here is Michael not these two asswipes!
Fans should realize the two vile Coreys knew that the association would be to Michael they did this on purpose. Don't you get it NOBODY was hardly talking about their pathetic piece of crap then they mention molestation and BAM they knew it would bring about Michael's name and what did it get these two clown scum??? PUBLICITY for their tired pathetic show! As far as i am concerned Feldman didn't do shit for MJ but drag his name further in the gutter in a backdoor way then tries to come off like oops we didn't mean it was him that's a bunch of pure B.S. you can smell the fake meter on this a mile away both of these washed scummy has beens are beyond pathetic! the victim here is Michael not these two asswipes!

^^Exactly!! Feldman has no dignity. And to hell with that AOL poll.
It is all old stuff that has been shown in the U.S. for years. Lifetime plays movies that were originally developed by ABC, CBS, and NBC. Everyone here refers to Lifetime as the Chick Flick Network. They play movies that weren't that good when they were on the big three. Halmark has been buying up the rights to the movies when Lifetime is tired of them.

Thank you for that info.
oh a new publicist.. hope that means we get more of Mike now... lol
Fans should realize the two vile Coreys knew that the association would be to Michael they did this on purpose. Don't you get it NOBODY was hardly talking about their pathetic piece of crap then they mention molestation and BAM they knew it would bring about Michael's name and what did it get these two clown scum??? PUBLICITY for their tired pathetic show! As far as i am concerned Feldman didn't do shit for MJ but drag his name further in the gutter in a backdoor way then tries to come off like oops we didn't mean it was him that's a bunch of pure B.S. you can smell the fake meter on this a mile away both of these washed scummy has beens are beyond pathetic! the victim here is Michael not these two asswipes!

I agree completely. It could also be seen as an underhanded way of hurting or blackmailing Michael. Sort of "look how much power I have to hurt you", Mark Schaffel and Dieter and Universal style. it is tragic because the media is the real cause of this victimisation of Michael Jackson. It is because they want this why it is possible. it is almost as if the media wants MJ to be a molseter, and they would even provide the kid just to have it happen.
I will never forget the question the media posed to Sneddon after the trial. They asked him if he got the wrong family.
I took that to mean that the family wasn't a good lyer.
While I am very happy that Corey Feldman came out and said who abused him, and that we knew all along that it wasn't MJ...part of me is saddened that Mr. Feldman got abused at all as a child. No child should have to live with that for the rest of their lives. I hope that Mr. Feldman can move forward from that part of his life that was so traumatic....and heal himself.. I pray for him.
Feldman has always said MJ didn't molest him.. but he did say a few short years ago that MJ showed him books that pics of venereal diseases and such... pretty gross. Who knows what to believe. Feldman seems pretty screwed up himself.
If MJ showed him books on VD that could have only have been for one reason only. To warn him of the effects of havinbg unprotected sex. MJ should have been commended for that, as any other person would have. It should never have been twisted and used as a sinister thing. What is wrong with the people of the world today. Are we so sick that we do not see good deed any more?
Maybe this was mentioned before, but this season of ABC's America's Got Talent has been using plenty of MJ's music throughout its segments. The first episode last week used "Can You Feel It" to open up, then played "Bad" during several montages of failed performances. Tonight they played "Beat It" at the montage of rejected performers, etc. :)
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Well now, a new publicist.....well at least this should make some fans happy now.

I'll always love Raymone.....you go gurl!!!!

As for the two Corey dickheads......they should just be erased from everyones consciousness as they serve not one darn purpose!
Maybe this was mentioned before, but this season of ABC's America's Got Talent has been using plenty of MJ's music throughout its segments. The first episode last week used "Can You Feel It" to open up, then played "Bad" during several montages of failed performances. Tonight they played "Beat It" at the montage of rejected performers, etc. :)

I noticed that! I was shocked to hear so much MJ on a show like this. It made me really happy...
The so called new publicist came on board for Thriller 25. We do not know that it is any more than that and it doesn't seem to be.

Now for a new tidbit... I found one person who hadn't already said he/she was working with Michael and guess what?


Heidi Montag Releases Another Song
Written by: Hillary Frazier

The Hills star Heidi Montag released another single, “Fashion.”

The Hills star Heidi Montag has released a new song that is destined to hit the floor along with her last single and video release, “Higher.”

People reported, “Heidi has started her own record label with Super Producer RedOne. RedOne will write and produce with Heidi an entire album of 13 songs.”

RedOne has been credited for Shakira’s “Hips Don’t Lie,” and is currently collaborating with Michael Jackson. People even revealed that Akon will make a cameo appearance in the album.
Fans should realize the two vile Coreys knew that the association would be to Michael they did this on purpose. Don't you get it NOBODY was hardly talking about their pathetic piece of crap then they mention molestation and BAM they knew it would bring about Michael's name and what did it get these two clown scum??? PUBLICITY for their tired pathetic show! As far as i am concerned Feldman didn't do shit for MJ but drag his name further in the gutter in a backdoor way then tries to come off like oops we didn't mean it was him that's a bunch of pure B.S. you can smell the fake meter on this a mile away both of these washed scummy has beens are beyond pathetic! the victim here is Michael not these two asswipes!


Well He and the other Corey should not have said anything in the beginning to make people think it would be Michael

I agree with the both of you! These two losers got EXACTLY what they wanted: Publicity! They knew that MJ was the friend. Anyone that followed their shitty "careers" knew that shit. These losers didn't give a eff what they were doing to MJ. All they cared about was promoting their shitty show and once again making MJ look like a bad dude. I hate these trash people and I wish the fan community would stop giving a damn about these losers. This news was not being spread in the entertainment shows and such. It was spread on the Internet. Anyone with a brain knows that both Coreys are hasbeens and neverbeens and their careers died 20 damn years ago. These bitches got what they wanted: ATTENTION. Let's do the right thing and not give them anymore. Michael is the VICTIM! Both Coreys are not victims, they are perps! I wish MJ never gave two shits about Feldman. He should have just left him to hang himself some 20 years ago.
Bee everything u said was totally SPOT ON!!
But what i dont understand is it took feldman two yrs to say it?!
somethin is not right if u ask me
Wait a sec- Perez was the one to bring Mj's name into it right? Not the coreys. :unsure:
Wait a sec- Perez was the one to bring Mj's name into it right? Not the coreys. :unsure:
True, they never brought MJ's name into it nor were they actually referring to him. But, it was a no-brainer that the public would immediately begin to speculate that the "best friend" who molested Corey was MJ, based on the common knowledge that they hung out together. From what I know of the show, it is as scripted as WWE or any other fake reality show and in my opinion that segment appeared just as rehearsed and planned as any. It was used as a 'bombshell' teaser to garner interest for the new season and, long before it ever aired, people had already begone speculating about this inference--including MJ fans themselves. Perez wasn't the first to bring MJ's name into it, I saw lots of comments from bloggers etc. beforehand wondering the same.

Corey Feldman (and Haim for that matter) has long been grasping for the attention and fame he once held, and has often used Michael's name/image both directly and indirectly to get some of it. He came up with that mess of a story about Michael in 2001 after 9/11. He wrote a song about Michael based on that alleged incident. On the eve of the trial in 2005, Corey decided to conduct an interview with Martin Bashir where he suddenly had "realizations" about a medical book that Michael allegedly showed to him at one point countless years previously, and later claimed that Bashir twisted the interview. He has always denied that Michael did anything inappropriate, but at the same time he has done some really asinine things to stir up controversy and get some of the spotlight for a little longer.

What pisses me off most about this latest controversy is that people first speculated, "Did Michael molest Corey Feldman?!" Then, as soon as it is confirmed by Feldman that he was absolutely not referring to Michael and that he never did anything of the sorts, the same idiots turn around and start asking, "So did Michael molest Corey Haim?!" with not one single ounce of evidence to support such a claim. :rolleyes:. Ignorance....
Well at least Feldman cleared that up. What I don't get is why people even THOUGHT they were talking about Michael when Haim was referring to himself being molested, not Feldman, and Feldman had denied that Michael ever did anything to him. And what's this about people thinking Michael molested Haim? Michael doesn't even know Haim. As far as I know, he's never even met him, let alone hung out with him. Am I right? I'm so sick of this crap.
If MJ showed him books on VD that could have only have been for one reason only. To warn him of the effects of havinbg unprotected sex. MJ should have been commended for that, as any other person would have. It should never have been twisted and used as a sinister thing. What is wrong with the people of the world today. Are we so sick that we do not see good deed any more?

yes i totally agree. to be more precise (according to what hes said) he found the book himself on a coffee table and then michael saw him and he sat down with him and explained to him what those things (diseases and stuff) meant. so yeah it was obviously a nice and kind thing to do. he said that he was about 13 or 14 when that happened so michael was 25 or 26. the guy though tried to twist things around when he said "i didnt give it a second thought at the time but now after these allegations im having second thoughts". that was such a stupid thing to say. :*****: he seems like hes still a junkie
Michael Jackson Turns Clothing Designer!

Michael Jackson hasn’t had a hit in a while, but instead of working on his next platinum album, he’s turning his eye towards fashion! The King of Pop has teamed up with Ed Hardy designer — and pal — Christian Audigier to launch a new line this fall. Audigier tells PEOPLE of the collaboration, “It’s the merging of the King of Pop with the king of fashion. Something explosive is going to happen.” As for Kitson owner Fraser Ross, who has already committed to carrying the line exclusively at launch, he tells PEOPLE that he has faith in the new line because “Michael Jackson is an international pop icon who has had a huge following throughout his career. I think people will think it’s hip to wear his line. Through all his ups and downs people still love him. He still has a huge fan base.” Tell us: Will you wear Michael Jackson’s new clothing line?

I venture a guess that this is not coincidence and that Sony or MJ's people have had some influence in this. Planning for a comeback much?

Maybe this was mentioned before, but this season of ABC's America's Got Talent has been using plenty of MJ's music throughout its segments. The first episode last week used "Can You Feel It" to open up, then played "Bad" during several montages of failed performances. Tonight they played "Beat It" at the montage of rejected performers, etc. :)