Tue 24th June 08..new publicist?... Breaking... Feldman says MJ DID NOT ABUSE HIM

What pisses me off most about this latest controversy is that people first speculated, "Did Michael molest Corey Feldman?!" Then, as soon as it is confirmed by Feldman that he was absolutely not referring to Michael and that he never did anything of the sorts, the same idiots turn around and start asking, "So did Michael molest Corey Haim?!" with not one single ounce of evidence to support such a claim. :rolleyes:. Ignorance....
TSCM, who cares what some blogs think on the internet. That is typical for idoits to act crazy. To me, when people want to dwell on mess like this is trying to label someone, it is only a reflection on themselves. SOund to me like many of those idoits maybe molester. Remember, real pedos hang out in blogs and hide behind certain comments. I do not see this getting much attention and the bottom line, Corey cleared it up; and if there is anyone who want to think Michael did something, that is their problem and gives an insight to their own demons.
I do not see why this is even news about Corey. I do not see too many people in the media covering it so I guess it is no big deal regardless to the FEW outlets that want to make it new. I can careless about the internet blg comments overall. Many people on the internet love dirt and to talk trash behind a computer about others. Even USATODAY posters love to degrade all people for no reason.
Corey Feldman is such a has-been he has to drag Michael's name into the mess just to have his 15 minutes. Clutching straws if you ask me...

Well He and the other Corey should not have said anything in the beginning to make people think it would be Michael . I still remember that Trial and Corey Feldman was not on Michael's side.That's how rumors start and A Man's career who is about to make a Grand Entrance get ruined again. Anything to keep Michael Back from making a new start after what he's been through. This was a ratings thing and It was so wrong to discuss something like that on TV. It should have been in Court and Since he said that it wasn't Michael,This should not have been brought up in the first place on Cable reality show or regular TV.
Let's hope his retraction will stay in the minds of many and that He's not giving any false signals to Michael to get back into his good graces again just to Bring him down. The Media will love that.
The trial outted all the hangers-on, opportunists & scammers who want a bite on the cherry on his gravy train. You can bet on your last dollar Michael won't be near him with a ten foot pole.
Corey Feldman is such a has-been he has to drag Michael's name into the mess just to have his 15 minutes. Clutching straws if you ask me...

The trial outted all the hangers-on, opportunists & scammers who want a bite on the cherry on his gravy train. You can bet on your last dollar Michael won't be near him with a ten foot pole.
Too right. He has definately burned his bridgs now, I wouldn't be surprised if 3 years down the line he comes out with an allegation against MJ. That is how they do it when they no longer has his attention.:(
The whole 'conversation' between the two Coreys didn't look natural at all. It was scripted and acted if you ask me. If that is indeed the case, there was only one reason to do it: suggest something and get publicity from it. Twice. One for the suggestion, one for the denial of that suggestion. So basicly using MJ's name to gain some momentum for their show.
Thanks a TON 4 all the news!!!!!
I wanna see "The Lives of Quincy Jones". I dont think i've seen it!!! POO!

ok, time to go back and read the rest of the news. lol
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You know I have watched the 2 coreys thing, and I think in the beginning when corey is talking about
sliting his wrist , he like makes a smirk like this is all an act and to me.

The thing is, I have never heard that corey haim was ever around mj, I know feldman was, Ive not
seen any pictures or remeber anyone asying haim was with MJ ever. It never came up in the trial
that haim was one of them, and I think it came up that feldman was.

Do u remeber that bashir 20/20 interview that feldman did during the trial, where he kinda leaves
it open for u to believe something happened, very creepy, its like feldman felt left out that he didnt
get molested , it was odd
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The whole 'conversation' between the two Coreys didn't look natural at all. It was scripted and acted if you ask me. If that is indeed the case, there was only one reason to do it: suggest something and get publicity from it. Twice. One for the suggestion, one for the denial of that suggestion. So basicly using MJ's name to gain some momentum for their show.
Well, it did not work. Foxnews posted about the abuse but they did not say anything about Michael nor did Fox give any "implication" of Michael's name being mentioned. No one of substance care about this mess no more.
I am flabergasted and bewildered at how creepy and disrurbed some of the people were that were around MJ. I have to say that MJ excaped with his life. I hope he has his eyes wide open now and have learnt some commonsense. When you are that rich and that famous you cannot be friends with everyone and you cannot let them into your life.
Re: Tue 24th June 08..new publicist?... + Community News update

Feldman Puts An End To Jackson Abuse Rumours

By WENN, June 24 2008

Former child star COREY FELDMAN has put an end to rumours he was once molested by pop superstar MICHAEL JACKSON - insisting the singer is innocent of any abuse claims.

Feldman was a close friend of the Thriller hitmaker throughout his childhood and was subpoenaed as a witness during Jackson's 2005 child abuse trial.

And because the actor, now 36, was placed under a strict gagging order, he was forbidden from talking about the case - even to defend his former pal.

Feldman has now revealed that while he was the victim of childhood abuse - the perpetrator was definitely not Jackson.

He tells GQ magazine, "People can say whatever they want, but it wasn't Michael. He and I have our own issues, but that wasn't one of them. The guy that did this to me was my assistant. I was still a virgin at the time. I hadn't even had sex with a girl. So for me it was just kind of bewildering."

Jackson was tried on a variety of accusations of alleged abuse in 2005 but was eventually acquitted of all charges.


its really beautiful to hear :heart:Michael being supported by his friends :)

great news, thanks for posting. :flowers:

can someone post a picture of this boy, im not quit sure if he is the one i think.
I am flabergasted and bewildered at how creepy and disrurbed some of the people were that were around MJ. I have to say that MJ excaped with his life. I hope he has his eyes wide open now and have learnt some commonsense. When you are that rich and that famous you cannot be friends with everyone and you cannot let them into your life.

I totally agree with this statement. Mike being who he is, should definitely be more careful with who he surrounds himself with. He can't be friends with everyone
I am flabergasted and bewildered at how creepy and disrurbed some of the people were that were around MJ. I have to say that MJ excaped with his life. I hope he has his eyes wide open now and have learnt some commonsense. When you are that rich and that famous you cannot be friends with everyone and you cannot let them into your life.

It ain't Michael's fault if people are willing to take his kindness and throw it back in his face. It's people being afraid for themselves that causes so much selfishness in the world. Michael should be commended for being brave enough to allow his ideals to dictate his actions rather then fear for his own well being. If everyone were like that, the world wouldn't be so screwed up. He gives people the benifit of his beliefe that we are all good. He isn't jaded and that's something special. So again, it's not his fault that people are willing to use his want to help against him, it's their fault for being so greedy and selfish and Michael shouldn't be chastised for it. When we live in a world where it is frowned upon or we are punished for being kind, then it is a sad world we live in indeed.
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r people actually blaming feldman for this? lol blame a&e who KNEW it'd be perceived the way it was...who edited it to look as bad as it did, and for allowing that specific 'confrontation' to be the season promo running every commercial on the statoin as well as giving that clip to the notorious losers at et.

corey cleared itup. he didn't have to. he could have let it fester and not a damn thing could be done to him since he's not the one who filmed or edited the content.

be upset that both feld and haim were abused and no one cared enough to stop it nor did sneddon care to see what could be done to th eman woh did it when feld told him the identity of his abuser.
You know, I agree with Katie and everyone else though who says we shouldn't hate Corey Feldman or talk so much trash about him. I don't hate him. Sure, he's a little bi*ch in a lot of ways and he's talked some trash about Michael, but he's also said a lot of nice things about Michael too. I remember when he went on Larry King, after his fall out with Michael, and he praised him to high heaven, calling him wise and things of that nature. He hasn't been friends with Michael for 7 years, since 2001, but he's never once accused Michael of hurting him in any way and I'm 100% certain he never will. Every time the subject gets brought up, he defends Michael on it, so there's no reason to think he's ever going to turn around and say the opposite, when he's never done that before. Feldman may have issues and he may be a total jerk sometimes, but he isn't going to stab Michael in the back like that. He totally admires Michael, it's obvious.
I could care less about Corey Feldman there have been a number of people that Michael has met and probably been hurt he doesn't associate with them now and they've never sought to trash him the way Corey has and that's my final view and for those who don't like it, your problem.
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r people actually blaming feldman for this? lol blame a&e who KNEW it'd be perceived the way it was...who edited it to look as bad as it did, and for allowing that specific 'confrontation' to be the season promo running every commercial on the statoin as well as giving that clip to the notorious losers at et.

corey cleared itup. he didn't have to. he could have let it fester and not a damn thing could be done to him since he's not the one who filmed or edited the content.

be upset that both feld and haim were abused and no one cared enough to stop it nor did sneddon care to see what could be done to th eman woh did it when feld told him the identity of his abuser.

I know I'm not, I actually feel sorry for him. I mean he still a cornball but he ain't the reason why MJ was brought up in this. EVERYONE know MJ and FELDMAN knew each other so when he says he was molested by "someone", who do y'all think they would refer to? HELLO!
Excatly he knew ppl would presume he was talking bout mj!- ITS NOT ROCKET SCEINCE!!!!
He should have stated in uneqouvical terms that MJ did do nothing to him a long time ago, I dont feel sorry for him one bit. He raised serois doubt about Michael's innocence during the trial, he is just like Slash, he might say a couple of good thing here and there but when the situation suits him he can say things that would lead a person who doesnt know any better to assume Michael did inapriate things to him. Remember Slash saying he wont let Michael near his kid? Remember that? If Slash was genuinly not wanting to take chances as a parent he shouldv kept it too himself and not blurt it out on t.v in the middle of that brewing storm.I dont care for this little brat, he can go join Bashir. Weisner and Bob Jones will get their day too in time, they all do..
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He should have stated in uneqouvical terms that MJ did do nothing to him a long time ago, I dont feel sorry for him one bit. He raised serois doubt about Michael's innocence during the trial, he is just like Slash, he might say a couple of good thing here and there but when the situation suits him he can say things that would lead a person who doesnt know any better to assume Michael did inapriate things to him. Remember Slash saying he wont let Michael near his kid? Remember that? If Slash was genuinly not wanting to take chances as a parent he shouldv kept it too himself and not blurt it out on t.v in the middle of that brewing storm.I dont care for this little brat, he can go join Bashir. Weisner and Bob Jones will get their day too in time, they all do..

Completely agree :flowers: