Transitioning from the Support Forum

Here's a

Aww that's sad, too se another old member leave the staff.. but I wish all the best for you, Victoria :) I enjoyed reading your posts though I never really commented on them, and you're very intelligent person :) L.O.V.E.
Thank you for everything and good luck in all you do.
Thanks, everyone, for your kind messages. Those who need to, please watch the Support Forum about developments about the launch of a private forum for those who still need to provide and receive comfort and support.
Vic, thank you so much for everything you've done, you've been a tremendous help through this difficult time and I appreciate you very much.
Please keep us updated on your projects, and of course may the L.O.V.E. be always with you! :)
Best of luck!
Since I'm leaving staff soon, no later than next Wednesday, I'm feeling a responsibility to see that everyone is taken care of, as best they can be? We've all been through an extraordinary and wrenching experience. People recover from grief at different rates, and I fully understand that.

The Support Forum will be taken down soon. I'd like to share a piece of writing that I did for it, which is stickied in there, for how much longer.. I'm not sure? I know it helped some. I just want to be sure everyone sees it, if it will help?

love you all,


Here's the essay, and I hope it helps those who are still struggling?:

Finding meaning in tragedy. Please read. Hope it helps.

The memorial was exquisite, and soul-wrenching. In addition to my own terrible grief about the passing of Michael, I’ve been trying to help so many who have contacted me, wanting to die, not knowing how they will live without him. I have tried to help them, but I feel the grief, too, and have not really had the answers. I’ve done the best I could, and I will keep trying.

But for my own sake, too, I have needed to find meaning in his death. My grief is NOT less than yours. “God wanted him back” is not enough for me. That is too cruel for the living, and for our pain at his loss. “His music will live on,” is too abstract, in his absence. “We will carry forward his legacy?” Of course we will, but that is not enough. I have worked through many possibilities for finding meaning in this terrible tragedy. I think I may have found it, and would like to share it with you. I hope this helps you.

Most of us never met Michael, never had contact with him. Yet in so many ways, he felt like a close family member. Others might not understand, but he was everything to us. A father, brother, lover, and friend. A protector. For some, he walked with them to school in the mornings. For many, he was the last person they thought of at night, and the first they said “good morning" to, upon awakening, even though he was not physically there. He was like a bright light, that allowed us to see through any darkness. He saved some from taking their lives. He was THAT important.

He was someone who understood us – and we knew that -- even though most had never spoken to him in person. His voice had an intimacy where we all felt that he was speaking, or singing, just to us – to you and me, alone. He offered himself up to us. He held nothing back. He gave all he could of his physicality in performances and short films, and in his lyrics and music, and especially of his emotions. He was sacrificial for us, in that way, but he knew and accepted that. Michael LOVED his fans, more?

So where is the meaning in his death? It is, of course, love, but in a very special way. Not only his love for us, but the love that we felt, and still feel. The FANS knew him best. Not the media commentators, not the so-called biographers, but the FANS. We learned something amazing from him. We learned, from him, how to love deeply, and unconditionally. The meaning is in the love we learned how to feel, for someone most had never met. That love was huge, global, and yet personal. WE are the people who have learned how to love, and we have learned what that kind of unselfish love feels like. We are the lucky ones, to have loved that much? Even in our pain, I think that is his gift to us? To discover our emotional depth?

Our grief is overwhelming, but that is because of the extent of our love. We are lucky, to have had that in our lives. Most people live safe and careful lives, but WE are the ones who gave our hearts away. And now, we bear the pain of the loss. That was always the risk? But, that is better than not to have loved at all? We were not careful. We dared to live and love deeply. How can we bear this loss? I think we can bear it by being proud of ourselves, by applauding ourselves, as complete, and emotional, human-beings who have learned how to love. . . . We have learned something important from Michael. We have learned how to risk to love, that much, and THAT is incredible. It fuels our pain, but can also fuel our survival. Such a love is universal.

So here is what we must do. We must recognize and honor that capacity in ourselves, and then, when we are ready, we must share our gift of knowing how to love that much. We must love our families that much; we must love our friends that much; we must love people across the globe from us whom we have never met, that much; we must LOVE people as we loved Michael, and as much as he loved us. Because, we have already learned how to do it, and we already accepted the risk of giving our hearts away.

We are the ones who love the most. Michael taught us that. And now, it is our responsibility, when we are ready, to share it. Love is profoundly healing, for the world. Your responsibility now, and mine, is to preserve ourselves, to take care of ourselves, and to understand that our great capacity for love is unusual in this modern, media-driven world. When you are ready, your responsibility, and the meaning to be found in this loss, is to share your gift of the capacity to love, that you learned from Michael. I challenge you to do that. I can, and I think you can, too.

peace, and Keep the Faith,

Victoria, that was a wonderful read and was beautifully written.

I have been a lurker here for many years, but decided to join after June 25th and have enjoyed your posts. I can't believe Shannon has left and now you, its just a shame really. I miss the old days but we all have to move on, that's life I suppose.

Good Luck with everthing :)
Victoria...beautiful post...I believe you said it all....Michael showed us how to love unconditionally....and now we must move on ...and take that love with us and apply it where it is needed the most...I believe that is in the world.....I believe your words have done Michael proud..thank you will be very sadly missed..:hug:
Beautiful post Victoria. Michael taught us to love each other unconditionally and that is what we should all be doing. There is not enough love in this world, only hate, and now Michael is no longer physically here is is still with each and every one of us, continuing to spread love. We need to do it for Michael.
I wish you the best Victoria even if I don't know you that well. What you write is true. We must move on from this.
The grieving process is a long one and one that will take quite some time to heal, if one can really heal fully. I don't know what I'll do in the future, but it will be something dedicated to what Michael Jackson believed in and his legend will continue on in each and every one of us forever.

What you wrote is so well said...I couldn't add wishes and good luck with whatever you do in life.:yes:
God bless you Victoria .. you have been a real hero through this tough time.. you carried on Michael's legacy through actions rather than just patronizing words.. may you have success and happiness in all aspects of life..
you will be missed greatly, but we wish you the best of luck.

love and peace x

Feel free to PM me if you have questions about the new offsite forum. :)
For those of you doing "friend requests" and messages to me, thank you for the love and messages and support, but I only have time for PMs, or it would be endless. Please understand? Also, I'm not staff anymore, so please don't ask me to "fix things" for you? LOL. There are plenty of competent staff who can do those things for you.

I was staff for six years, but am now only a "regular" poster, when I have time. Please direct any technical requests to those who ARE on staff?

With that said, I'm devoting my time to the independent Support Board and to other endeavors. Keep up the great work of keeping Michael's legacy alive, ok?

peace and love,
