Transitioning from the Support Forum

Dear Vic,

I too have enjoyed your posts on this forum. I wish you the best of luck in your new endeavors and I hope you'll drop by when you can and continue to post here. Thank you for all your hard work as a staff member.

Take care and God bless.
Victoria, forgot to say that I hope you hang around and post a lot, even if you aren't on staff anymore. :) I think we need your calm demeanor and wisdom here. :D
Victoria, forgot to say that I hope you hang around and post a lot, even if you aren't on staff anymore. :) I think we need your calm demeanor and wisdom here. :D

Thanks! I'll be around sometimes, for sure.

Calm demeanor?????? :wild: LOL. Actually, I DO try for balance and calmness when posting?
Thanks! I'll be around sometimes, for sure.

Calm demeanor?????? :wild: LOL. Actually, I DO try for balance and calmness when posting?
YES you do... and it shows. :)

Course, compared to some of the posts around here yours look downright angelic. :angel:

All the best to you in your future projects! I've come to enjoy your posts here very much and it's nice to know you are not leaving the board for good :)
Oh :( I'll miss you cause you're kind and positive. Good luck and hope we'll see you again hanging aroung here. :) I must agree that I feel really bad when someone leaves a forum which he or she has been for a long time in because everything changes and you feel like a piece of your home is gone
I'd like to thank everyone for your kind words. Much appreciated! I have to go out for a bit, but will be back here this evening to answer any questions you might have about the closure of the Support Forum, etc.

Take care,

I'd like to thank everyone for your kind words. Much appreciated! I have to go out for a bit, but will be back here this evening to answer any questions you might have about the closure of the Support Forum, etc.

Take care,


Its no problem. You deserve all the praise you are getting. MJJC wouldn't be what it is without you and its extremely upsetting knowing that the torch has to be passed. You were here right from the get go and your dedication to helping people here is astounding. I wish you the best of luck in the future and I'm so glad you aren't going completely.
Ahh Vic, this is very sad :( I always thought of you as someone who was very level headed, approachable, calm and understanding - a very important person here. You really helped in the support forum, your posts helped me and a lot of other people I'm sure -so thank you for that. I also think of you as the 'peacemaker' when there are stressful issues posted on here. You have often seemed to be the neutral one trying to calm things, keep the peace and trying to make people see things from different points of view. I really hope I still see you here on mjjc. Enjoy your creative writing, maybe you could share a bit sometime :D

About the support forum - that has been a very useful area in the aftermath of June 25th and generally as a place to vent, share worries etc. There are a lot of us who do not know other fans offline and there are some members who are upset when they encounter 'haters' at school etc. and want somewhere to go to talk about it with fans to feel better. The support forum certainly helped me when I felt very low after Michael's death and I still like to visit there to try and help other people who are suffering.

I do agree though that there is only so much that can be done to help when we are just behind a screen and I understand that if we aren't helping to ease the pain then there comes a time when the person could benefit from talking to someone face to face to help them feel better. If people are in terrible grief they may benefit from talking to a professional, and they shouldn't fear doing that.

I respect that the staff feel that its time to move on, after all this isn't a counselling forum, but I do have to say that I did like being able to contribute to threads to try and offer support to people. It was nice to be a part of a group of people who were like a little 'support community' offering help to each other. It was a nice area of the forum to share feelings. I hope those who have been visiting recently do not feel lost or alone now.

If anyone wants someone to talk please PM me. If there is some list I can be added to as people who can be contacted to chat to, please add me to it.
Aw Victoria, I am sorry to read you're leaving staff. :( But saying that, I totally understand your reasons for doing so. When I first read the support forum was closing my initial reaction was :bugeyed but when you said grief can seem permanent if changes aren't made I realised you are so right and it is a really good move. I think it will help me and many others maybe move on in some sense.

Also, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the support you have given me and so many others here in these really really hard times. You have been a rock, and I'll never forget what you did for me. So thankyou! And good luck with everything you want to do, I wish you all the best.
Even if I am one of the "newbies" here who swamped this board after that fatal day in June you became familiar to me through your posts. You will be missed. But I know you are not out of the world. And I understand that sometimes it it time to move on.

If we wait for the moment when everything, absolutely everything is ready, we shall never begin.
(Ivan Turgenev)

Thank you for your great work on this board and all my best wishes for you!

Ahh Vic, this is very sad :( I always thought of you as someone who was very level headed, approachable, calm and understanding - a very important person here. You really helped in the support forum, your posts helped me and a lot of other people I'm sure -so thank you for that. I also think of you as the 'peacemaker' when there are stressful issues posted on here. You have often seemed to be the neutral one trying to calm things, keep the peace and trying to make people see things from different points of view. I really hope I still see you here on mjjc. Enjoy your creative writing, maybe you could share a bit sometime :D

About the support forum - that has been a very useful area in the aftermath of June 25th and generally as a place to vent, share worries etc. There are a lot of us who do not know other fans offline and there are some members who are upset when they encounter 'haters' at school etc. and want somewhere to go to talk about it with fans to feel better. The support forum certainly helped me when I felt very low after Michael's death and I still like to visit there to try and help other people who are suffering.

I do agree though that there is only so much that can be done to help when we are just behind a screen and I understand that if we aren't helping to ease the pain then there comes a time when the person could benefit from talking to someone face to face to help them feel better. If people are in terrible grief they may benefit from talking to a professional, and they shouldn't fear doing that.

I respect that the staff feel that its time to move on, after all this isn't a counselling forum, but I do have to say that I did like being able to contribute to threads to try and offer support to people. It was nice to be a part of a group of people who were like a little 'support community' offering help to each other. It was a nice area of the forum to share feelings. I hope those who have been visiting recently do not feel lost or alone now.

If anyone wants someone to talk please PM me. If there is some list I can be added to as people who can be contacted to chat to, please add me to it.

Thanks! You are very kind. Actually, there is a list of people offering to help. It's in the Support Forum. Be sure and add your name to the list.

Actually, I have a novel completed, and will just be formatting it now. Can't reveal the content here :ph34r: but it's a doozy! (not Michael-related). Hey! Anyone know any good literary agents? The book is ready to go.

Everyone, just because the Support Forum is closing, doesn't mean you can't continue to be supportive. Just reach out by PM to anyone who seems to need a little boost, or a lot? If anyone seems extremely troubled, please urge them to get professional help? It can make a difference.
Victoria83,I want to thank you,from the bottom of my heart,for everything you did for Michael,for the forum,and for Me.

I can live 100 years,i will never forget how wonderful,how caring,how giving,how supporting you are.
The forum will loose a precious help.A precious person really.But if you think and feel that it is time to move on,than i wish you all the best this life has to offer.
You will be missed here.You will be very very missed my friend.

Victoria83,i love you and admire you a lot,and if there's anything i can do for you,you know how to reach me.i mean it.
Thank you so so much for being who you are.
I want to stay in touch with you always.
You are one of kind friend,and friends like you are really hard to find these days.
Take very good care of you my dearest friend.God Bless you!
All my love,always,
Tight hugs
Thanks for everything, Victoria. You've been incredible with the support you've given all MJJC members! You're grieving yourself but still find time to help as many people out as you can and I hope that many members have seeked comfort in all that you have posted, no doubt they have. It's sad to hear you're leaving but will you still be an active member on the forum or are you moving away from MJJC? Good luck to you in the future, you deserve all the good that comes your way. :huggy:
Vic, I'm glad to hear that you do not shut down here permanently and will always be here visiting us - the family MJJC. I wish much luck in this new phase of his life. I hope that God enlighten increasingly their days and you can accomplish anything you want. God bless you! Good luck and success to you! :)
I'm just a newbie here. I enjoyed when you came in during a "discussion" and gave pertinent data or a wise viewpoint! You will be missed!

I hope you can tell us the name of your book when published, I would love to read your writings!

Thanks for loving and helping Michael!
Thank you Victoria for your hard work and support. L.O.V.E to you

it's terribly sad that they've decided to close the support forum. i think it's a mistake. but i'm glad though for those who were able to move on.
I know I'm a 'newbie' to the forum but its weird that I feel like I've been part of this forever. I want to commend you guys on the job you did with the support forum-I went in there to offer my PM box to anyone that wanted to chat and was in awe of you guys. I agree though that it is time to move on. Our main focus now is preserving Michael's legacy, whether it be through making sure facts are reported correctly in the media or organising charity events in honour of Michael. Michael taught us to make the world a better place and if we all do it together I'm sure we'll make Michael proud. L.OV.E. xxxxxx
I totally understand this decision and I just want to say that the entire support staff has been soldiers throughout the past months, always posting with love and respect and true support. I wish you guys the best in your future personal endeavors. To those who are still having trouble coping with the immense grief, I encourage you to seek the face to face interactions suggested by Vic. It does help and it will provide you with a different outlet. My heart is open to you anytime you need it.

With love always,
Aww thank you for your love and support.But please dont close the support forum as of yet. Michael has made an impact on our entire life and five months is nothing compared to that to be fully okay. If you know what i mean. For some of us its easier now than it was, but still there are days when its June 25th all over again. Thanks once again, and all the very best for your future. With Love.
well Victoria..I will miss you....It was some of your posts that helped me get through the roughest times since june 25th....I just want to say Thank you so very much..:hug:....I wish you all the luck in the world with your future en devours....I know that you will continue to make Michael proud.
It is now approaching five months since Michael’s passing. We have all come a long way together, but now it's time to face the future and the joy it can still bring. We have Michael’s legacy to preserve, and we need to continue to heal from what was a terrible shock to the entire fan community, and to the world.

As President/Owner of MJJC, Gary has decided to phase out the Support Forum, and I fully agree with this decision. It has reached the point where those still suffering terribly from grief should seek professional counseling, face-to-face. Also, there is a list of names and contact information in the Support Forum of those who will be there for you if you need to talk to someone more privately . . . but as fellow-fans, and not for professional counseling. I hope everyone understands that it’s possible to reach a plateau in grieving, and it’s very important that those who need to reach out to those closer to home, understand that professional counseling can be a positive thing.

I would suggest that if any of you would like to keep the links to hotlines and grief counseling, that you copy and paste to your desktops as the Support Forum is phased out. The same applies to any of the inspirational writings in the Support Forum, and anything else you would like to preserve for yourselves. I'd like to thank everyone who has offered support and shoulders to cry on. Thank you for your strength. You have truly been amazing! We have not been offering "professional counseling," but "peer support" among people who have experienced the same trauma and who understand. It has now reached the point where the continued desperation of some is causing its own form of trauma, and I urge those who are still suffering greatly to seek grief-counseling to try to begin to heal.

With that said, I’d like everyone to know that I’ve decided to leave staff at MJJC. I have been a member since 2003, have made many lifetime friends, and have had many incredible experiences here. I was active during the trial, and I hope that my articles (investigative reporting, published on alternative news sites and many fan boards, in many languages) made a positive contribution to justice for Michael. I felt it was necessary for me to remain on staff during the aftermath of Michael’s passing, to offer what comfort I could. It is approaching five months since the fateful day of June 25. I will now move forward in my own creative work. I wish you all the best. I’ll be around, if you need to PM me, but will no longer be spending the long days (and nights) on the board as staff. In other words, I will have the freedom to move forward in my own life, now. I do hope you understand?

One thing I’d like to emphasize is the preservation of Michael’s legacy. His legacy means much more than his artistry in music, dance, his short-films and videos, and the memories those have who met him. His is also a legacy of healing the world – in how we treat one-another and resolve our differences. Michael respected those of all religions, races, ethnicities, and embraced all of our beautiful differences. I think that everyone should try even harder to live up to this standard of peace and healing. I’ve been discouraged by the ways some of you on here treat each other. If we have learned anything from Michael, the respectful treatment of other people should be primary. . . and the L.O.V.E. Please make him proud of how you live your lives.

Peace and love,


Awww ur leaving :cry:...we will miss u!

wish u all the best for the future :hug:

I haven't made many (if any really) friends from here over the years but I always looked forward to all the inspirational and insightful posts you make.

Thank you for all you did during the trial, you put so much effort into that. Thank you.

Thanks for being on the staff and helping memebers out when they needed it. etc.

I'm glad you'll still be around.

I wish you all the best.

May God bless you, and hope to see you around!
