Transitioning from the Support Forum

On June 25th, 2009, I was on my way to a birthday party - my birthday party. As I was in my car, my mobile phone rang. It was Victoria83...

Me: Hello?

Victoria83: Trish?? It's Victoria. Hun, I don't know how to tell you this....

Me: What's wrong? What's going on?

Victoria: Sweetheart, Michael was rushed to the hospital. It doesn't look good.

Me: Are you sure? Are you serious? This can't be happening it must be a mistake!

Victoria: No it's not a mistake. I know it's your birthday and I wouldn't call you like this if it wasn't important. Trish it's not good. I knew you would want to know this. I'm sorry hun...

We hung up and I was gutted.

I rushed home and jumped on MSN and contacted Gary and the staff. Victoria consoled me when I knew she was in just as much pain as I was. But she got it together for the staff and for the members and implemented plans to console the fans. This woman is amazing and it's truly been an honor to work with her.

Victoria, I've known you since 2003 and asked you to be on staff shortly thereafter. You wrote amazing articles about the trial and have done stellar research about Michael Jackson. Words cannot express how much you will be missed here. It will be a major void. I'm just glad that I can call you and bug you when I want to lol :lol:

I wish you love, peace and success. You know where to find me!

p.s., If anyone should write a book about Michael Jackson and his fans, it should be you. I'd be the first in line to buy it... (or you can hook me up with a free signed copy :lol:)
On June 25th, 2009, I was on my way to a birthday party - my birthday party. As I was in my car, my mobile phone rang. It was Victoria83...

Me: Hello?

Victoria83: Trish?? It's Victoria. Hun, I don't know how to tell you this....

Me: What's wrong? What's going on?

Victoria: Sweetheart, Michael was rushed to the hospital. It doesn't look good.

Me: Are you sure? Are you serious? This can't be happening it must be a mistake!

Victoria: No it's not a mistake. I know it's your birthday and I wouldn't call you like this if it wasn't important. Trish it's not good. I knew you would want to know this. I'm sorry hun...

We hung up and I was gutted.

I rushed home and jumped on MSN and contacted Gary and the staff. Victoria consoled me when I knew she was in just as much pain as I was. But she got it together for the staff and for the members and implemented plans to console the fans. This woman is amazing and it's truly been an honor to work with her.

Victoria, I've known you since 2003 and asked you to be on staff shortly thereafter. You wrote amazing articles about the trial and have done stellar research about Michael Jackson. Words cannot express how much you will be missed here. It will be a major void. I'm just glad that I can call you and bug you when I want to lol :lol:

I wish you love, peace and success. You know where to find me!

p.s., If anyone should write a book about Michael Jackson and his fans, it should be you. I'd be the first in line to buy it... (or you can hook me up with a free signed copy :lol:)

Trish sweetie,you sure know how to write.
I agree 100% with you.
Victoria83 is an amazing person,and someone who has the chance to be her friend,is very very lucky because she is unique.
Thank you victoria83,for allowing me to be your friend,and for being mine.
Bless your heart and sould always.
On June 25th, 2009, I was on my way to a birthday party - my birthday party. As I was in my car, my mobile phone rang. It was Victoria83...

Me: Hello?

Victoria83: Trish?? It's Victoria. Hun, I don't know how to tell you this....

Me: What's wrong? What's going on?

Victoria: Sweetheart, Michael was rushed to the hospital. It doesn't look good.

Me: Are you sure? Are you serious? This can't be happening it must be a mistake!

Victoria: No it's not a mistake. I know it's your birthday and I wouldn't call you like this if it wasn't important. Trish it's not good. I knew you would want to know this. I'm sorry hun...

We hung up and I was gutted.

I rushed home and jumped on MSN and contacted Gary and the staff. Victoria consoled me when I knew she was in just as much pain as I was. But she got it together for the staff and for the members and implemented plans to console the fans. This woman is amazing and it's truly been an honor to work with her.

Victoria, I've known you since 2003 and asked you to be on staff shortly thereafter. You wrote amazing articles about the trial and have done stellar research about Michael Jackson. Words cannot express how much you will be missed here. It will be a major void. I'm just glad that I can call you and bug you when I want to lol :lol:

I wish you love, peace and success. You know where to find me!

p.s., If anyone should write a book about Michael Jackson and his fans, it should be you. I'd be the first in line to buy it... (or you can hook me up with a free signed copy :lol:)

AWWW.. This was too sweet. Vic you're amazing. And I'm so thankful for your presence here. You are always so calm and wise!
I think this all for the best anyway. And good luck on your endeavors. :clapping: I hope you do lurk here, though cause I like hearing your posts.:yes:
On June 25th, 2009, I was on my way to a birthday party - my birthday party. As I was in my car, my mobile phone rang. It was Victoria83...

Me: Hello?

Victoria83: Trish?? It's Victoria. Hun, I don't know how to tell you this....

Me: What's wrong? What's going on?

Victoria: Sweetheart, Michael was rushed to the hospital. It doesn't look good.

Me: Are you sure? Are you serious? This can't be happening it must be a mistake!

Victoria: No it's not a mistake. I know it's your birthday and I wouldn't call you like this if it wasn't important. Trish it's not good. I knew you would want to know this. I'm sorry hun...

We hung up and I was gutted.

I rushed home and jumped on MSN and contacted Gary and the staff. Victoria consoled me when I knew she was in just as much pain as I was. But she got it together for the staff and for the members and implemented plans to console the fans. This woman is amazing and it's truly been an honor to work with her.

Victoria, I've known you since 2003 and asked you to be on staff shortly thereafter. You wrote amazing articles about the trial and have done stellar research about Michael Jackson. Words cannot express how much you will be missed here. It will be a major void. I'm just glad that I can call you and bug you when I want to lol :lol:

I wish you love, peace and success. You know where to find me!

p.s., If anyone should write a book about Michael Jackson and his fans, it should be you. I'd be the first in line to buy it... (or you can hook me up with a free signed copy :lol:)

Aww, Trish. This made me cry, but thanks, SO much. That phone conversation is absolutely accurate. See, I KNEW it was your birthday before I called, but what else could I do? Better to hear it from me than on a car-radio?

We go WAY back, to the accusations against Michael, the prelude to the trial, and the trial itself. There was a small research team, and I wrote the articles and put them out there. But really, it was a team effort. I thought, for about five minutes? about doing a book about the trial and presenting the other side. . Michael's side. . .clearly. But by then I was emotionally worn out. Maybe someday?

Yup, I know exactly how to find you.

love to Trish, and everyone,

Oh, yeah, and "carry on,"

thanks for the hard work and time you have put into the board Victoria! Best wishes in your creative work!

I have been on this board since 2004 - often times more a reader than a poster and I have always thought you to be a great credit to this board. I have a great deal of respect for you and your posts are ALWAYS of high quality!
Thanks for everything Victoria :hug: You are truely an amazing person
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*Gets Victoria a Friends-Style comfort recliner armchair* ;) Enjoy ;)


Love the armchair, and thanks! I won't be resting, though. I've got a lot of catching up to do with my own creative work.

Everyone, here is the thread in the Support Forum where you can sign up if you're available to talk to someone and provide comfort. This material won't be up for much longer, though. So, sign up if you want to, but also copy and paste to your desk-tops?

I'll mention again, though, if someone seems to be in serious distress, also urge them to seek professional help. I know five months doesn't seem like a lot, but really, it's possible to get stuck in a downward spiral of depression, and it might take a boost like that to make a change?

Carry on,

It’s so sad for me. :(
I really enjoyed reading your posts very, very much!
I think they are among the very best here (best for me). I can say it now openly. :yes:

I'm a 'newbie' here but it is strange that I had feeling like I knew you, and I will miss your thoughts and words on the many subjects you wrote.

Thank you for everything and wish you all the best. :)


I hope you can tell us the name of your book when published, I would love to read your writings!

Thanks for loving and helping Michael!
Victoria, I wish you all the best and LOVE. thank you for everything you have done and all the support. I too love reading your posts and am very appreciative of what you have done. I know I haven't been on here for very long but I can tell you are a very loving, kind soul!

Best of luck to you in your writting endevours :D
It’s so sad for me. :(
I really enjoyed reading your posts very, very much!
I think they are among the very best here (best for me). I can say it now openly. :yes:

I'm a 'newbie' here but it is strange that I had feeling like I knew you, and I will miss your thoughts and words on the many subjects you wrote.

Thank you for everything and wish you all the best. :)


Thank you SO much. You know, I really didn't expect much of a response when I posted my resignation, like maybe I was kind of like a "fixture" here. . . like a chair or couch? LOL LOL Seriously. I really didn't KNOW. It's kind of overwhelming?

I'll try to post here when I can? Yeah, I know what you mean. I feel like I KNOW people on here, even though I don't, in "real life?" The character of a person shines through in his/her posts, and a sort of consistency develops? A personality comes through?

The name of my novel is Mystik. I'll be looking for a literary agent now, and hopefully then a publisher. It's an . . . unusual book. . . . .

I hope everyone here takes care of one-another. I really do. . .
Oh :( I'll miss you cause you're kind and positive. Good luck and hope we'll see you again hanging aroung here. :) I must agree that I feel really bad when someone leaves a forum which he or she has been for a long time in because everything changes and you feel like a piece of your home is gone
I understand the need for you to move on with your life..
but i really hate to see you leave..I read more than i post and i really love your posts..
I dont like what im feelin now..its like a family member of mine is goin overseas for a very long time..
but you promise you will still be here pls..? :cry:

I wish you nothin but the very best in everythin you do.
Thanks for spreadin the love..and the contribution to mjjc.
I understand the need for you to move on with your life..
but i really hate to see you leave..I read more than i post and i really love your posts..
I dont like what im feelin now..its like a family member of mine is goin overseas for a very long time..
but you promise you will still be here pls..? :cry:

I wish you nothin but the very best in everythin you do.
Thanks for spreadin the love..and the contribution to mjjc.

I promise, I'll still be here when I can, and you, or anyone, can always PM me? No problem in reading more than you post! We each do what we can, in the ways that are best for us?

Remember the joy, ok? Focus on that?


Hi, thanks for all your contributions :)
I think you're a great mediator and I respect you as an educated woman. Just wanted to add that I've doen some anthropology this year at Uni and it's been amazingly insightful. Would you mind if I pm'd you a little about that aspect of your life?

Best of luck with your future :)
Vic you will be missed so darn much.

Please visit us every now and then.

As for the support forum, I agree that it really needs to shut. It's having a terrible affect on the fanclub. We gotta support one another without the support forum as we shall forever miss Mike but we have to now focus on his legacy and fight for it and Michael with all our hearts and souls.

Let's make the world a better place and let it forever cherish our precious Mike.

Keep the faith.

That's sad...but I hope you will still be around, even if it's not that much.
One question, can I still read your articles about the trial somewhere...?

You did a great job, thanks for everything...
You've done a great job, Victoria. This is kind of sad :cry: Thank you for everything. Lots of love to you :huggy:
That's sad...but I hope you will still be around, even if it's not that much.
One question, can I still read your articles about the trial somewhere...?

You did a great job, thanks for everything...

I wanna Victoria's articles about the trail seeing that I can't find any, the only sources I had at the time was the media ( I didn't like it and I felt that they sensationalized it so much in my taste) I would love to read more about it without the sensationalism and lies about Mike.
Hi, thanks for all your contributions :)
I think you're a great mediator and I respect you as an educated woman. Just wanted to add that I've doen some anthropology this year at Uni and it's been amazingly insightful. Would you mind if I pm'd you a little about that aspect of your life?

Best of luck with your future :)

Sure, PM me. Anthropology, especially cultural anthropology, draws together some other disciplines and can, indeed, bring wonderful insights. I'd be happy to talk to you about it.


Vic you will be missed so darn much.

Please visit us every now and then.

As for the support forum, I agree that it really needs to shut. It's having a terrible affect on the fanclub. We gotta support one another without the support forum as we shall forever miss Mike but we have to now focus on his legacy and fight for it and Michael with all our hearts and souls.

Let's make the world a better place and let it forever cherish our precious Mike.

Keep the faith.


I hope everyone understands that we are not abandoning anyone by closing the Support Forum. . just making the conversations more private. There is a long list of people willing to talk by IM, PM, or email. I suggest for anyone who needs this, that you find a chat-buddy, or several. Conversations can continue, but just in a more private setting and not on the open board. We've heard from quite a few people that they are trying to move on, and the more severe threads in the Support Forum are re-opening the wounds.

So, I hope everyone understands? We are choosing more privacy, now.


Thankyou Victoria for all of your support. I fully support your decision to move on to other things. It has been nearly five months since michael leaving us, and those of us who are finding our grief unbearable should remember, As much as we miss michael, Our lives cannot stop because Michaels did. He would not want it that way.

I think that everyone here should take inspiration from Victoria, and use our L.O.V.E to create better lives for ourselves and others. More than anything, Michael would have wanted us to live happy fulfilled lives, remembering that even the smallest step in the right direction can contribute to a better world.


Firstly I would like to thank you for all you have done, please know and this heart felt that I have appreciated every single thing you have contributed to this community, it is with out doubt you are legandary.

Secondly I full understand and support your decison, its plainly evident since Michael's passing we are now in a completly different world to that we are used to, if I am honest I actually think it was inevitable once our very reason for all being here passed on to the heavens,

Vic please know that I wish you my very best and hope you gain peace in your life to which you rightly deserve.



Thanks, Gaz. MUCH appreciated! I've been associated with MJJF, and then MJJC, for SIX years! I've made wonderful friends, and have had some extreme joys and sorrows. It's time to reflect on all this, and move forward in different ways. I'll be around, sometimes .. . . . . .

We will begin to lock threads in the Support Forum today. I really, really don't want anyone to feel that you are being abandoned, because you are NOT. There are FIVE pages of names and contact info of people who will comfort and support others, one-on-one, in addition to any professional help you may choose to seek. If you want to add your name to that contact list and feel that you have something to offer, please do so. If you need a shoulder to cry on, please do so. That can be done by IM, PM, or in group chats. You all have a right to your feelings. It's just that now, these discussions will be done privately, ok?

The list can be found here:

carry on,

Wow, we've both been on the boards for about six years. Good luck with all your future endeavours and thanks for all your contributions to MJJF and to MJJC. :flowers:
Thank you for all your support you have given Victoria. I will miss you but I hope to see you posting still.
Thank you Victoria for all you've done. I joined only last year and didn't read as many of your posts as others did, but I did get an impression you're a good listener with kind soul. I'm sure it was felt by many others here. That is probably why I feel sad about you leaving the staff even though I've been here just for a lil more than a year.

About the support forum, as much as I hate to see it go, I understand the decision and will keep doing my best to comfort others and myself.
How can I say what i m feeling inside ..i m sad
Things has changed after Michael passed away :( I do respect your decision and wish you all the best in your work and life. You really did a good job :) Thank you so much Victoria
Come around here OK? :yes: