Transitioning from the Support Forum

Autumn II

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Appalachians in the U.S.
It is now approaching five months since Michael’s passing. We have all come a long way together, but now it's time to face the future and the joy it can still bring. We have Michael’s legacy to preserve, and we need to continue to heal from what was a terrible shock to the entire fan community, and to the world.

As President/Owner of MJJC, Gary has decided to phase out the Support Forum
, and I fully agree with this decision. It has reached the point where those still suffering terribly from grief should seek professional counseling, face-to-face. Also, there is a list of names and contact information in the Support Forum of those who will be there for you if you need to talk to someone more privately . . . but as fellow-fans, and not for professional counseling. I hope everyone understands that it’s possible to reach a plateau in grieving, and it’s very important that those who need to reach out to those closer to home, understand that professional counseling can be a positive thing.

I would suggest that if any of you would like to keep the links to hotlines and grief counseling, that you copy and paste to your desktops as the Support Forum is phased out. The same applies to any of the inspirational writings in the Support Forum, and anything else you would like to preserve for yourselves. I'd like to thank everyone who has offered support and shoulders to cry on. Thank you for your strength. You have truly been amazing! We have not been offering "professional counseling," but "peer support" among people who have experienced the same trauma and who understand. It has now reached the point where the continued desperation of some is causing its own form of trauma, and I urge those who are still suffering greatly to seek grief-counseling to try to begin to heal.

With that said, I’d like everyone to know that I’ve decided to leave staff at MJJC
. I have been a member since 2003, have made many lifetime friends, and have had many incredible experiences here. I was active during the trial, and I hope that my articles (investigative reporting, published on alternative news sites and many fan boards, in many languages) made a positive contribution to justice for Michael. I felt it was necessary for me to remain on staff during the aftermath of Michael’s passing, to offer what comfort I could. It is approaching five months since the fateful day of June 25. I will now move forward in my own creative work. I wish you all the best. I’ll be around, if you need to PM me, but will no longer be spending the long days (and nights) on the board as staff. In other words, I will have the freedom to move forward in my own life, now. I do hope you understand?

One thing I’d like to emphasize is the preservation of Michael’s legacy. His legacy means much more than his artistry in music, dance, his short-films and videos, and the memories those have who met him. His is also a legacy of healing the world – in how we treat one-another and resolve our differences. Michael respected those of all religions, races, ethnicities, and embraced all of our beautiful differences. I think that everyone should try even harder to live up to this standard of peace and healing. I’ve been discouraged by the ways some of you on here treat each other. If we have learned anything from Michael, the respectful treatment of other people should be primary. . . and the L.O.V.E. Please make him proud of how you live your lives.

Peace and love,

Its sad to hear your leaving Victoria, i haven't been here long but i read your posts and find you to be a great comfort to everyone, me too.
Good luck with what ever you will be doing with your time and new found freedom.
you will be missed.
Its sad to hear your leaving Victoria, i haven't been here long but i read your posts and find you to be a great comfort to everyone, me too.
Good luck with what ever you will be doing with your time and new found freedom.
you will be missed.

Thanks for your kind words. I do creative writing, and have projects I can now take up again. I'll be around . . . . but not as much?

Take care,

Thank you for all you have done. Best wishes with your creative work!
:cry: Thanks for everything Victoria. Thanks for helping me and everyone else here. I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of helping people out at this dreadful time.
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I totally understand and would like to thank you for all you did the last years!

All the best for you in the future and hope to see you again on the board.....

Love, it,s all for L.O.V.E
One thing I’d like to emphasize is the preservation of Michael’s legacy. His legacy means much more than his artistry in music, dance, his short-films and videos, and the memories those have who met him. His is also a legacy of healing the world – in how we treat one-another and resolve our differences. Michael respected those of all religions, races, ethnicities, and embraced all of our beautiful differences. I think that everyone should try even harder to live up to this standard of peace and healing. I’ve been discouraged by the ways some of you on here treat each other. If we have learned anything from Michael, the respectful treatment of other people should be primary. . . and the L.O.V.E. Please make him proud of how you live your lives.
Those are very true words! Good you're making that clear again. :)

Thanks for all you've done and good luck with everything you're going to do!
I hope to still see you here now and then. :hug:
Thank you for everything you've done, Victoria. You've put in a lot of hard work. It hasn't gone unnoticed! :flowers: I love reading your posts and look forward to more in the future. ;) Good luck with everything you've got ahead of you, I'm sure it will be brilliant. :D
Thank you so much for everything you've done, Victoria. I wish you all the best for the future. Hopefully we'll all still see you around, every now and then. :flowers:
Great choise and initiative. Im very proud of you and I understand your decision completely. I think the Support Forum was a great idea in the beginning but perhaps it is time to move on, or phase ourselves out of the state we've been in. Its time to celebrate and not mourn.
It is now approaching five months since Michael’s passing. We have all come a long way together, but now it's time to face the future and the joy it can still bring. We have Michael’s legacy to preserve, and we need to continue to heal from what was a terrible shock to the entire fan community, and to the world.

As President/Owner of MJJC, Gary has decided to phase out the Support Forum
, and I fully agree with this decision. It has reached the point where those still suffering terribly from grief should seek professional counseling, face-to-face. Also, there is a list of names and contact information in the Support Forum of those who will be there for you if you need to talk to someone more privately . . . but as fellow-fans, and not for professional counseling. I hope everyone understands that it’s possible to reach a plateau in grieving, and it’s very important that those who need to reach out to those closer to home, understand that professional counseling can be a positive thing.

I would suggest that if any of you would like to keep the links to hotlines and grief counseling, that you copy and paste to your desktops as the Support Forum is phased out. The same applies to any of the inspirational writings in the Support Forum, and anything else you would like to preserve for yourselves. I'd like to thank everyone who has offered support and shoulders to cry on. Thank you for your strength. You have truly been amazing! We have not been offering "professional counseling," but "peer support" among people who have experienced the same trauma and who understand. It has now reached the point where the continued desperation of some is causing its own form of trauma, and I urge those who are still suffering greatly to seek grief-counseling to try to begin to heal.

With that said, I’d like everyone to know that I’ve decided to leave staff at MJJC
. I have been a member since 2003, have made many lifetime friends, and have had many incredible experiences here. I was active during the trial, and I hope that my articles (investigative reporting, published on alternative news sites and many fan boards, in many languages) made a positive contribution to justice for Michael. I felt it was necessary for me to remain on staff during the aftermath of Michael’s passing, to offer what comfort I could. It is approaching five months since the fateful day of June 25. I will now move forward in my own creative work. I wish you all the best. I’ll be around, if you need to PM me, but will no longer be spending the long days (and nights) on the board as staff. In other words, I will have the freedom to move forward in my own life, now. I do hope you understand?

One thing I’d like to emphasize is the preservation of Michael’s legacy. His legacy means much more than his artistry in music, dance, his short-films and videos, and the memories those have who met him. His is also a legacy of healing the world – in how we treat one-another and resolve our differences. Michael respected those of all religions, races, ethnicities, and embraced all of our beautiful differences. I think that everyone should try even harder to live up to this standard of peace and healing. I’ve been discouraged by the ways some of you on here treat each other. If we have learned anything from Michael, the respectful treatment of other people should be primary. . . and the L.O.V.E. Please make him proud of how you live your lives.

Peace and love,


Nothing but respect for you, Victoria.
I totally understand and respect your decision Vic. God bless you. I wish you well in whatever you do.

Good decision Victoria83.
It was an honor to 'work' with you.
Good decision to close the support forum and move on probably also. It got obvious we couldn't go on the way we did so there has to be change.

I want you to know, you've been brilliant with your work and I'm convinced you'll be brilliant with what you will do from now on... creative writing IS one of your many talents for sure.
Please take always also good care of yourself!
Thank you for everything you've done so much!
Great choise and initiative. Im very proud of you and I understand your decision completely. I think the Support Forum was a great idea in the beginning but perhaps it is time to move on, or phase ourselves out of the state we've been in. Its time to celebrate and not mourn.

Thanks. I agree. To close the Support Forum was a consensus among Senior Staff and I fully support this decision. Nearly five months later, I understand that some are still swamped with grief. We have in no sense been giving "professional counseling," and it's to the point where I'm quite concerned about some. I urge anyone who is still in an agony of grief to seek grief-counseling with someone, one-on-one. I'm sure Michael would not want anyone to suffer so terribly, and there IS help available.
Good decision Victoria83.
It was an honor to 'work' with you.
Good decision to close the support forum and move on probably also. It got obvious we couldn't go on the way we did so there has to be change.

I want you to know, you've been brilliant with your work and I'm convinced you'll be brilliant with what you will do from now on... creative writing IS one of your many talents for sure.
Please take always also good care of yourself!
Thank you for everything you've done so much!

Thanks, Mechi, for the kind words and for your incredible support, especially during a time when you'd experienced a major loss in your own life, in addition to the loss of Michael. You've been heroic. Truly. I know we will stay in touch.

To close the Support Forum was a decision that was carefully made, and I hope everyone understands. The support offered there was amazing, but there comes a time when grief can seem permanent, if there are not significant life-changes made. Again, I urge everyone who is still struggling terribly to make positive choices for yourselves, and seek grief-counseling. Online support can only do so much.

Thanks again, everyone.

Good luck Victoria. You'll be missed on here. Hopefully, you'll still check in once in a while. All the best to you :flowers:.
Hi Victoria
The support forum has been great but I agree it is time to forge ahead and celebrate Michael's life and campaign for justice.
Your posts have been a great support and help to me and I will miss your presence on the forum and wish you lots of luck in your writing.
It was lovely to discover a fellow Unitarian!
One thing I’d like to emphasize is the preservation of Michael’s legacy. His legacy means much more than his artistry in music, dance, his short-films and videos, and the memories those have who met him. His is also a legacy of healing the world – in how we treat one-another and resolve our differences. Michael respected those of all religions, races, ethnicities, and embraced all of our beautiful differences. I think that everyone should try even harder to live up to this standard of peace and healing. I’ve been discouraged by the ways some of you on here treat each other. If we have learned anything from Michael, the respectful treatment of other people should be primary. . . and the L.O.V.E. Please make him proud of how you live your lives.

Peace and love,


Well said!:clapping::clapping::clapping:
Victoria.. I was just getting to know who you were. You are very nice and fair here at MJJC. I understand though that you must live your life..and I wish you the very best!! I hope that I'll see you around here from time to time.
Peace & Blessings to you.

I can totally understand the need to move on and to start creating again, which can be healing and inspiring in its own. I have always enjoyed your posts very much so I really do hope that you will continue to post here, time allowing.
awww this is actally quite sad, it seems like a end of a era. I wish you all the best victoria

Actually, it seems like the end of an era to me, too. Yes, it's sad, but I have a lot of writing I want/need to do. I didn't feel that I could devote much time to that in the aftermath of Michael's death, but now some time has passed and we each must find our own ways to heal. This is a positive choice, for me.

I joined the board (back when it was MJJF) in 2003 and became staff soon after. So many of the people I knew back then are gone from the board now, but I made some wonderful friends, from then, and recently.

People, if there are things you'd like to save from the Support Forum, I suggest you copy and paste to your desktops soon. We will retain the resource URLs and some other things, but we are transitioning away from the forum now.
Good luck with everything you'll be doing from now on.
Thank you for the lovely posts and support to everyone.
I hope I'll be seeing you around here :hug:
Darn Victoria. I was just getting to know you too. :cry: I enjoyed reading your posts, and I REALLY enjoyed how level-headed your posts always were. Your writing was easy on the eyes too. ;)

I wish you the BEST in your writing and any other endeavors you wish to tackle. :cheers: