Toxicology Tests Indicate Lethal Amount of Propofol, Xanax


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
London, UK
I thought this needed to be posted in the main discussion, since it's now getting widespread coverage...

Michael Jackson Toxicology Tests Indicate Lethal Amount of Propofol, Xanax

Multiple law enforcement sources report that the toxicology reports in the Michael Jackson case shows that the late music star had a lethal amount of the anesthetic Propofol in his system, as expected - and that wasn't the only drug.
The toxicology findings show there was also alprazolam - also known by the brand name Xanax - in Jackson's system. Xanax is used to treat anxiety.
Sources say Propofol is "front and center in terms of why [Jackson] died."
Despite the suspicions surrounding his untimely demise, a third Jackson autopsy will not be performed, according to people connected to the case.

R.I.P. Michael Jackson (1958-2009).​
The center of the investigation into Michael's death remains his personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, who police believe gave Jackson Propofol.
DEA agents and police have raided his offices in Houston and Las Vegas in search of evidence. The doctor has been interviewed multiple times.
Law enforcement sources say Jackson received IVs of Propofol regularly, and may have even died in Murray's bed as it was being adminstered.
hes taken that for many years. its used for depression panic attacks etc.hopefully this info from tmz is true. ruins the media druggie theory
Okay - I'm confused. We now know for sure that Propofol was the reason. Didn't Murray admit to administering it? And isn't it illegal to administer Propofol outside a hospital or surgery? If this is the case why hasn't Murray been arrested??
im not shocked by the xanax alot of people suffer from bad anxiety.
i didn't know the results were in already. .
Okay - I'm confused. We now know for sure that Propofol was the reason. Didn't Murray admit to administering it? And isn't it illegal to administer Propofol outside a hospital or surgery? If this is the case why hasn't Murray been arrested??

My thoughts exactly.....why hasn't Murray been arrested???? I want to believe this with all my heart...I dont think Michael was a druggie in anyway shape or form. I just want the truth to come out so that the pain of all this can be dealt with for the family and for us the fans. I dont know how much more of these reports I can take...meaning one news outlet says this and another one says the report will show that. I am just exhausted with all this media speculation and alot of it is on my part also. So lets hope that this one is accurate.
Well SH!T!!!'m speechless. He had anxiety then?...:(
Wouldn't you have anxiety if everytime you stepped out the door, unfamiliar people would be storming towards you? Just look at the TMZ videos and the videos of his his last stay in London. Not to mention what happened to him during the trial, the fact he had anxiety doesn't shock me at all.
what are they trying to say? they just found xanax or that combined with propofol it was lethal? jfc.

I think they found both - I don't think it was the combo that mattered - just the propofol. Too much or administered without oxygen and heart monitoring. I think this is just hearsay at the moment, it's not official is it?
My thoughts exactly.....why hasn't Murray been arrested???? I want to believe this with all my heart...I dont think Michael was a druggie in anyway shape or form. I just want the truth to come out so that the pain of all this can be dealt with for the family and for us the fans. I dont know how much more of these reports I can take...meaning one news outlet says this and another one says the report will show that. I am just exhausted with all this media speculation and alot of it is on my part also. So lets hope that this one is accurate.

Yeah me too... As if what's happened isn't painfull enough, it's just going on for ever and hanging over us all the time. i dread to think what it must be like for the family :(
My thoughts exactly.....why hasn't Murray been arrested???? I want to believe this with all my heart...I dont think Michael was a druggie in anyway shape or form. I just want the truth to come out so that the pain of all this can be dealt with for the family and for us the fans. I dont know how much more of these reports I can take...meaning one news outlet says this and another one says the report will show that. I am just exhausted with all this media speculation and alot of it is on my part also. So lets hope that this one is accurate.

Exactly what I thought. Rightly said. The Media want to paint him as some of the ppl. who died with a drug over dose. He loved life too much to do that to him self. He was sooo Selfless that that wouldn't have been in his thoughts, well I don't think so.

thanx 4 if this is true:

well we knew that..not the xanax part tho
Im glad the tox reports are out. Yes, we all knew about the propofol and yes, Murray did allegedly administer it. Theres just too much going on to charge JUST Murray. They need to find out if Murray actually picked it up himself or whether it was delivered to the mansion in which case, they need to find the doc who signed the slip etc etc etc. Its a long paper trail me thinks.

Its a shame that he was getting so anxious about the concerts he took a few too many xanax tho.

Look at it this way tho. No third autopsy means a quicker burial. Im hoping they will do it asap before anyone is aware it has happened.
I wish this was official. I really do. I'm hoping that this is what really was in the tox reports so the damn rumors of raging drug addict can finally rest. I just wanna know why Murray isn't in handcuffs already.
Is this really true,or just another crazy rumour?
Rule of thumb: if it's from 'sources' but doesn't actually say exactly who those sources are, it's not 'really true'. It might be true, but so might anything anyone might make up.
I think everyone already knew this but seeing it out makes it different. The sadness is a bit overwhelming.
I think they found both - I don't think it was the combo that mattered - just the propofol. Too much or administered without oxygen and heart monitoring. I think this is just hearsay at the moment, it's not official is it?

I agree with you, I take alprazalom for anxiety and I'm fine Been on it for over 8 years. The Propfol is the culprit here and MURRAY will go down . Damn as addmitting to administring it. Such a dick.
I don't know how many autopsies they have to have to find something, gettin' so tired of reading and knowing they're still doing that. :sleep:
Xanax didn't kill Michael. It's not a strong medicine. Propofol however...
I have a really hard time believing any doctor, or any person could be this stupid...

Michael should still be with us. :(
Did you guys notice this misleading headline? I used to write headlines, among other things, for a university newspaper, and this never would have gotten through even on our little paper with a distribution of 12K. It implies that the levels of both propofol and xanax were "lethal," whereas the content seems to suggest that it's the level of propofol that is lethal, and xanax was also found. I think it could very easily make people think it was the combination of drugs, or that both were equally "lethal." Now whether the whole article is true or not is another question, but this sloppy, misleading headline makes me seethe.