Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - Abused her power as governor]

Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

ok sorry i didnt know :blush:
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

The planet? yes... humans on the other hand... no.

Our planet is an amazing place and is fairly self maintaining. We would all die off from radiation poising etc and plants and that would too to an extent but they would eventually grow back and evolution would start a new cycle. :)

Oh, phew, that's a relief (feel the sarcasme here:smilerolleyes:)
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

they spend to much time talking about the pres candidates during the debate rather than focusing on the person next to them.makes the debate boring and pretty pointless. palin looked like a deer caught in headlights with her look.she never moves or blinks while she does her sex in the city impression .you could tell how experienced biden was compaired to her. how anyone can take her seriously with her crazy fundamentalist views is beyond me
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

Tina Fey and Queen Latifah - SNL last night....TOO FUNNY!!

Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

^ lmao
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

I never had a problem with John McCain, he seems ok to me (though I'd vote for Barak Obama if I was from the USA though I don't think he will deliver. Both McCain and Obama seem out of their depth to me), but why on earth has he used Sarah Palin as his vice president running mate.

Sarah Palin has a really nice body, LOL !!! But on a serious note her politcal views are too right wing (even though I have very conservative views) for me and she doesn't appear knowledgable and level headed enough to be a President if McCain passed away. She also appears to be a fantasist and war hungry. I also hate the fact she's an animal killer, those photos her and her daughter with a dead moose with blood draining from it, disgust me and fill me with anger. Because of her I really do hope Barak Obama becomes the next President of America as inexperenced as he is, he is level head and has a good team around him. The same can't be said of John McCain using a fantasist and religous nutter as his running mate.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

I never had a problem with John McCain, he seems ok to me (though I'd vote for Barak Obama if I was from the USA though I don't think he will deliver. Both McCain and Obama seem out of their depth to me), but why on earth has he used Sarah Palin as his vice president running mate.

Sarah Palin has a really nice body, LOL !!! But on a serious note her politcal views are too right wing (even though I have very conservative views) for me and she doesn't appear knowledgable and level headed enough to be a President if McCain passed away. She also appears to be a fantasist and war hungry. I also hate the fact she's an animal killer, those photos her and her daughter with a dead moose with blood draining from it, disgust me and fill me with anger. Because of her I really do hope Barak Obama becomes the next President of America as inexperenced as he is, he is level head and has a good team around him. The same can't be said of John McCain using a fantasist and religous nutter as his running mate.
Maybe he thinks he need her in order to get the votes from the "christian right wing" people who dosn´t think he is conservative enough (according to swedish media). What acctually really scares me is if John McCain wins and something happens to him so she will take over.John McCain is 72 years old after all. I really hope that Barack Obama will win and Joe Biden seems like a sensible and experienced person in my opinion.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

Do you really want to know something? The selection of Sarah Palin is an INSULT to me. Really. John McCain thinks that just because us women were so disenfranchised by Hillary dropping out, we are SO STUPID and willing to go along with practically ANYTHING FEMALE that we would actually VOTE for this clown. This woman is absolutely STUPID and RIDICULOUS. She makes me embarrassed to be a FEMALE. Really. It is JOHN McCAIN'S absolute DISREGARD and DISRESPECT for WOMEN IN GENERAL that made him choose this woman as a running mate.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

I'm not shocked by what I've read here about that woman. I could tell just by looking at her and hearing her voice that she's whack.

Honestly, I think she looks CRAZY!:yes:

The look in her eyes behind those glasses is MANIC. Has anyone ever noticed how crazed she looks?

I can see her making some of the most idiotic decisions to the American public and we'd all be doomed.

I can't see this woman with her SHAKY SOUNDING VOICE AND HER CRAZED LOOK making decisions for the United States. What are people thinking about?

This woman is a FLUKE and they should leave her in Alaska to her own doings. Why infest the rest of the American population with this insignificant individual.


Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

Just Remember!! A VOTE FOR McSAME is a VOTE FOR PALIN!! THINK ABOUT IT!! You would NOT want this woman with HER FINGER on the BUTTON. Believe me!
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

she frightens me, more than just 4 years of McCain! I'm from Australia, but even down here the US economic crisis has affected our country, our past Prime Minister supported Bush, so we have troops in all his wars too, and we really want a change up there!

You must register to vote, and then you must vote for Obama and Biden. It is the only real choice!
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

I'd rather have Bush for 4 more years than the possibility of Palin becoming president. Please America vote for Obama.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

I agree with raingirl ...that would be hella SCARY!!!Ahhhhhhh omg! Anyways I'll just keep my mouth shout, something is bothering me about this and making me annoyed..but yeah go Obama!!
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

Oooooh boy check it out:

Alaska panel finds Palin abused power in firing

By MATT APUZZO, Associated Press Writer 33 minutes ago

ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Sarah Palin unlawfully abused her power as governor by trying to have her former brother-in-law fired as a state trooper, the chief investigator of an Alaska legislative panel concluded Friday. The politically charged inquiry imperiled her reputation as a reformer on John McCain's Republican ticket.

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Investigator Stephen Branchflower, in a report by a bipartisan panel that investigated the matter, found Palin in violation of a state ethics law that prohibits public officials from using their office for personal gain.
The inquiry looked into her dismissal of Public Safety Commissioner Walter Monegan, who said he lost his job because he resisted pressure to fire a state trooper involved in a bitter divorce with the governor's sister. Palin says Monegan was fired as part of a legitimate budget dispute.
The report found that Palin let the family grudge influence her decision-making even if it was not the sole reason Monegan was dismissed. "I feel vindicated," Monegan said. "It sounds like they've validated my belief and opinions. And that tells me I'm not totally out in left field."
Branchflower said Palin violated a statute of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act.
"I disagree," said Palin attorney Thomas Van Flein. "In order to violate the ethics law, there has to be some personal gain, usually financial. Mr. Branchflower has failed to identify any financial gain."
The statute says "any effort to benefit a personal or financial interest through official action is a violation of that (public) trust."
Palin and McCain's supporters had hoped the inquiry's finding would be delayed until after the presidential election to spare her any embarrassment and to put aside an enduring distraction as she campaigns as McCain's running mate in an uphill contest against Democrat Barack Obama.
But the panel of lawmakers voted to release the report, although not without dissension. There was no immediate vote on whether to endorse its findings.
"I think there are some problems in this report," said Republican state Sen. Gary Stevens, a member of the panel. "I would encourage people to be very cautious, to look at this with a jaundiced eye."
The nearly 300-page report does not recommend sanctions or a criminal investigation.
The investigation revealed that Palin's husband, Todd, has extraordinary access to the governor's office and her closest advisers. He used that access to try to get trooper Mike Wooten fired, the report found.
Branchflower faulted Sarah Palin for taking no action to stop that. He also noted there is evidence the governor herself participated in the effort.
Wooten had been in hot water before Palin became governor over allegations that he illegally shot a moose, drank beer in a patrol car and used a Taser on his stepson.
In proceedings revealed by the report, former Alaska State Trooper Col. Julia Grimes told investigators that Sarah Palin called her in late 2005 to discuss why Wooten hadn't been fired, and Grimes told her the inquiry was confidential by law.
"Her questions were how can a trooper who behaves this way still be working," Grimes said. "I asked her to please trust me, that because I can't tell her details I would ask her to please trust me that I would take the appropriate action if and when I knew what the findings were. ... I couldn't have another conversation with her about it because, again, it's protected by law."
Grimes said Todd Palin also contacted her by telephone in late 2005 to discuss the confidential investigation of Wooten.
Wooten's disciplinary case was settled in September 2006 — months before Palin was elected governor — and he was allowed to continue working as a trooper.
After Palin's election, her new public safety commissioner, Monegan, said he was summoned to the governor's office to meet Todd Palin, who said Wooten's punishment had been merely a "slap on the wrist." Monegan said he understood the Palins wanted Wooten fired. "I had this kind of ominous feeling that I may not be long for this job if I didn't somehow respond accordingly," Monegan told the investigator.
For months afterward, Todd Palin filed complaints about Wooten, saying he was seen riding a snowmobile after he had filed a worker's compensation claim and was seen dropping off his children at school in his patrol car. Monegan said Wooten's doctor had authorized the snowmobile trip and his supervisor had approved his use of the patrol car. Monegan said Alaska's attorney general later called him to inquire about Wooten, and Monegan told him they shouldn't be discussing the subject.
"This was an issue that apparently wasn't going to go away, that there were certainly frustrations," Monegan said. "To say that (Sarah Palin) was focused on this I think would be accurate."

Oh well... looks like she's only following President Bush's example when it comes to abuse of power....
Well you're getting what you're sewing... they wanted Palin to catch 'short-minded' white ppl and 'short-minded' women from Obama with that stupid (and let's be honest most short-minded it seems) Mrs. Palin!

How stupid do these self confinced overrich republicans in the head of the party really think US-Americans are???

They get exactly what they deserve! :tease:

She was supposed to be his 'hype' and now she turns out to show exactly his ablity to make a 'fast' decision... she turns out to be one of his biggest mistakes in choice ever!

Well good for Mr. Obama!!! :clapping:
I hope Barak Obama wins the election, but I really do hope that John McCain replaces Sarah Palin because it's obvious she's unfit to be Vice President of America if he does win. She comes across as disturbed, there really is more than 1 screw loose in her brain.
Sarah Palin denies abuse of trust

VICE-PRESIDENTIAL hopeful Sarah Palin denied wrongdoing today after a probe found she had abused voters' trust as Alaska governor, in a new blow to John McCain's trailing White House campaign.

Republican Mr McCain was also embroiled in turmoil of his own, after he was booed late yesterday by supporters and appeared to undercut his own campaign strategy by calling time on personal attacks on Barack Obama.

Alaska Governor Palin rejected the findings of a bipartisan legislative probe which found she violated ethics rules by letting husband Todd pressure top officials for the firing of her ex-brother-in-law, a state trooper.

Asked by a reporter in Pennsylvania if the charges were true, Mrs Palin replied: "No, and if you read the report you will see that there was nothing unlawful or unethical about it. You have to read the report."

The report said Mrs Palin had "the authority and power to require Mr Palin to cease contacting subordinates, but she failed to act."

But in a phrase seized upon by the McCain camp, the report also said she acted within her "constitutional and statutory authority" in the case.

The probe was the latest blow to Mrs Palin, who electrified the Republican Party when she was first picked, but has seen her impact, especially among undecided voters and women diminish amid questions about her qualifications.

Read the rest here