Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - Abused her power as governor]

Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

Sarah Palin scares me. I can't imagine what would happen if we elected McCain into office, and Palin became president. George Bush looks almost tame next to her.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

ok that is just wrong

what planet does she live on?

WHOOPI!!! get her ass on the View and ask her why she thinks rape victims should pay for their ordeal.... I'm sorry but that's just fucked up
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

But wait..... there's more...

Palin now has her own action figures....


Pistol packing Palin

The others include "executive Palin, and .... flirty schoolgirl sarah" :ermm: :ermm:
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

Sarah Palin scares me. I can't imagine what would happen if we elected McCain into office, and Palin became president. George Bush looks almost tame next to her.

Lets hope that doesnt happen.. sorry but i dont know too much about politics.But Is it true she wants to ban books from Libraries, like little red riding hood, harry potter etc... My brother said his teacher was talking about this in his class today.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

I am posting every single thing you put here on Sarah Palin on my Yahoo 360 blog. I suggest others do the same....on Myspace, Facebook, etc. The word needs to go out. BIG TIME!!
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

If anything shows how much better a person Barack Obama is than Sarah Palin, it's this story about rape kits.

As a state senator, Barack Obama fought and passed legislation to stop the exact the same thing from happening in his state that Sarah Palin was doing in Wiscilla.

In 2001, Barack Obama sponsored an amendment to the Crime Victims Compensation Act to permit emergency awards; to extend the statute of limitations for filing for compensation from one year to 2 years; and to revise subrogation provisions to require deposits into a special fund for costs related to recovery efforts by the Attorney General. Provides that if the Comptroller offsets a claim, the individual or entity receiving the funds must credit the applicant's or victim's account and may not pursue payment from the applicant or victim for the amount. Amends the Court of Claims Act to permit emergency awards to be approved by the decision of one judge.

According to the University of Chicago, what this means for rape victims is:

According to the Sexual Assault Emergency Treatment Act, the Illinois Department of Public Aid will reimburse the costs of ER treatment if you do not have public aid or private medical insurance. Under the Illinois Crime Victim’s Compensation Act, if you report the assault to the police within 72 hours of the crime and if you file a claim application within two years of the date of the crime, you can be reimbursed for out-of-pocket medical expenses, loss of earnings, psychological counseling, and loss of support income due to the crime. Reimbursement can be up to $27,000.

So while rape victims in Wiscilla, during the time that Sarah Palin was mayor, were being billed up $1200 for the cost of a rape kit, Barack Obama fought and passed legislation to reimburse victims of crimes and extend the period of time during which they could file claims from one to two years.

If anything shows what a remarkable person and politician Barack Obama is compared to Sarah Palin, it's this.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

Never in the 37 years I've been a registered voter has anyone so infuriated me as much as Sarah Palin is now. After reading and trying to gain insight and knowledge about her, the things she stands for and against are so contradictory to what I personally believe and would vote for as a vice-president, or heaven forbid, stepping into the president's role in the event that McCain becomes incapacitated or dies. I'm sorry, but it boggles, frightens, and disgusts me to the very bone.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

Let's face it. McCain just sold his soul to get votes.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

"Disney movie" LOL... It's true, though.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

When Sarah Palin first surfaced I felt sure that the public would see right through her. She is being used as an OBVIOUS ploy.

However, I forgot America's fascination with celebrity. She is a good-looking woman who has borne 5 children and likes to hunt. And some members of the public go crazy . It is sad, pathetic and shameful. If this was one of those reality shows, that would be fine. BUT THIS IS AN ELECTION.

America needs to wean itself off this fascination with Palin and get back to the basics before it ends up with a horrendous mistake of a Prez and VP (and I mean McCain and Palin).
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

^ for every era there is a social control that helps certain folks keep the general public distracted from reality.
There's always been alcohol, then the tobacco industry and now celebrity.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]


And there is nothing better than a GOOD LOOKING celebrity. If Mrs Palin was butt-ugly and as shrill, deceitful and mean as she has been, her 'star' would not have risen as it has. She would have been dismissed.

Mrs Palin's looks are helping the GOP campaign.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

When Sarah Palin first surfaced I felt sure that the public would see right through her. She is being used as an OBVIOUS ploy.

However, I forgot America's fascination with celebrity. She is a good-looking woman who has borne 5 children and likes to hunt. And some members of the public go crazy . It is sad, pathetic and shameful. If this was one of those reality shows, that would be fine. BUT THIS IS AN ELECTION.

America needs to wean itself off this fascination with Palin and get back to the basics before it ends up with a horrendous mistake of a Prez and VP (and I mean McCain and Palin).

The last child?? SHE didn't bear him - there was NO WAY she could have crossed the country with her water broke, delivered speeches, etc. This may be her daughters child. Look at the way her daughter holds him....
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

However, I forgot America's fascination with celebrity

That is the problem. The latest polls show McCain nearly beating Obama all because he put that complete nutcase, Palin on the ticket. This crazy fool wants to charge rape victims for a crime because they have to use a rape kit? Not only is this woman an exteremist but insane! If that happened to her daughters, would she do the same thing to them?

People who are not registered to vote have until October 3rd to register. They better start doing that. Palin does not need to be in the White House along with that old bastard, McCain. It is time for a damn change and a better life and Obama/Biden is the way to go. Just reading these things bothers me to the core because this is what I am worried about. It seems that many Americans and the American media are talking about Palin like she is Jennifer Aniston and not reporting these facts about her. The media and the public need to WAKE UP and see what is going on. Matt Damon told the truth about that monster. This laughable media made Jeremiah White look like Satan but can't do that same media treatment with Palin. Give me a break. On top of that, Palin pastor is a anti-semitic. My goodness.

And any of you, like me are registered to vote you BETTER VOTE!!
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Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

So I see the girls on the View are starting to pick up about Palin, with one hot topic dedicated to her going on about God's will,

the interesting point was made that she hasn't actually highlighted her policies, but rather they're just using her as a celebrity which is working for the republicans by the way :no: like Matt Damon said "who cares if she's a soccer mum, what are here policies???"
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

let her and the others act like this then theb usa will surely get obama for president
i for one would find thast very interesting to see how he can try change somethings like healthcare and so
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

When Sarah Palin first surfaced I felt sure that the public would see right through her. She is being used as an OBVIOUS ploy.

However, I forgot America's fascination with celebrity. She is a good-looking woman who has borne 5 children and likes to hunt. And some members of the public go crazy . It is sad, pathetic and shameful. If this was one of those reality shows, that would be fine. BUT THIS IS AN ELECTION.

America needs to wean itself off this fascination with Palin and get back to the basics before it ends up with a horrendous mistake of a Prez and VP...
AGAIN... I mean that's what I still can't grasp... I was so shocked when Bush was elected A SECOND PERIOD and now this... wow I've lost lots of faith in USamericans elections already.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

I'm inclined to agree with the loss of faith, it's kinda disenhearting to see so many of the wrong kind of people getting into the places where they can do the most damage for their own people.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

To me it's ridiculous how the republicans celebrate themselves while they've brought the biggest damage to THEIR VERY OWN economy... well probably it's not them who're suffering from it?!
Geeeeez they should feel so ashamed... I mean what... please really what good did the last presidency period bring good to the USamerican ppl???
I'd like to know.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

AGAIN... I mean that's what I still can't grasp... I was so shocked when Bush was elected A SECOND PERIOD and now this... wow I've lost lots of faith in USamericans elections already.

Correction. He wasn't ELECTED, He was SELECTED.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]


Despite denials by the Palin campaign, new evidence proves that as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, Sarah Palin had a direct hand in imposing fees to pay for post-sexual assault medical exams conducted by the city to gather evidence.

Palin's role is now confirmed by Wasilla City budget documents available online.
Under Sarah Palin's administration, Wasilla cut funds that had previously paid for the medical exams and began charging victims or their health insurers the $500 to $1200 fees. Although Palin spokeswoman Maria Comella wrote USA Today earlier this week that the GOP vice presidential nominee "does not believe, nor has she ever believed, that rape victims should have to pay for an evidence-gathering test...To suggest otherwise is a deliberate misrepresentation of her commitment to supporting victims and bringing violent criminals to justice," Palin, as mayor, fired police chief Irl Stambaugh and replaced him with Charlie Fannon, who with Palin's knowledge, slashed the budget for the exams and began charging the city's victims of sexual assault. The city budget documents demonstrate Palin read and signed off on the new budget. A year later, alarmed Alaska lawmakers passed legislation outlawing the practice.

News of the controversial policy has leaked slowly into the press this week as the presidential campaign has heated up and Palin's record has been subject to increasing scrutiny. The practice of charging rape victims has called into question Palin's stated commitment to women's issues, her judgment as an executive and her honesty about her record.

The story of the Wasilla policy has made its way from comments on Daily Kos to the pages of USA Today. But clear evidence suggesting Palin knew Wasilla was charging the victims of sexual assault has been hard to find. Placing the city budget records, however, alongside a timetable of Palin's firing Chief Stambaugh and hiring Chief Fannon makes it clear the policy was put in place as a direct result of Palin's leadership.

The mayor of Wasilla before Sarah Palin, John C. Stein, was also a Republican, though the office was and continues to be non-partisan. Mayor Stein was defeated by Sarah Palin in a campaign that brought in the NRA, Republican partisans, and a whisper campaign that Mayor Stein was Jewish (he is a Christian, but is "proud of such a reputation"). He now runs the Sitka Sound Science Center, a marine research facility in Sitka, Alaska.

Mayor Stein told OffTheBus that he didn't "think victims were billed while [he] was mayor," but that he wasn't certain. He did mention that "Wasilla participated in establishing a Sexual Assault Response Team to set-up a one-stop forensic exam room for victims," evidence of a pro-victim police department. In order to confirm his assertion about the billing policy, he recommended I contact current police chief Angella Long for confirmation. She did not return my request for comment.

However, I was able to eventually track down Irl Stambaugh, police chief of Wasilla from the founding of the department until Sarah Palin fired him for "not fully supporting her efforts to govern." Stambaugh sued for breach of contract, but lost when a federal judge ruled that "police chiefs serve at the behest of the mayor unless otherwise specified." He later served as the executive director of the Alaska Police Standards Council.

It turns out that Wasilla did not bill sexual assault victims for the cost of rape exams while Irl Stambaugh was chief of police. As chief, he had included a line item in the budget to pay for the cost of such exams. He had only just heard about the Mayor Palin/Chief Fannon policy today, and was just as shocked to hear about it as I was.

Checking the budget confirmed former Chief Stambaugh's claim. He had included a contingency of $15,000 in his budget for the department's 1st year of existence (1993-1994), $5,000 for 1994-1995 and 1995-1996, and $13,000 for his final year as police chief in 1996-1997, spending $11,625.
Duwayne Charles Fannon, his replacement, halved the budget request in 1997-1998, with a request of $7,298, spending $3,454. However, it seems he began the "victim pays" policy in the 1998-1999 fiscal year. That year, he requested $3,000 but spent only $205. This data can be found in the Document Central section of Wasilla's website.

The Document for the 1998-1999 fiscal year begins with a message "To the Citizens of the City of Wasilla:"
The comprehensive annual financial report of the City of Wasilla for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1999, is hereby submitted. The City's Finance Department prepared the report. Responsibility for both the accuracy of the data, and the completeness and fairness of the presentation, including all disclosures, rests with the City. To the best of our knowledge and belief, the enclosed data is accurate in all material respects and is reported in a manner designed to fairly present the financial position and results of operations of the various funds and account groups of the City. All disclosures necessary to enable the reader to gain an understanding of the City's financial activities have been included. ..
At the end of the letter, under the words "Respectfully submitted," is the signature of Sarah Palin. Unless she made a false claim about the data being accurate to the best of her knowledge, she was aware of the change in billing policy orchestrated by Police Chief Fannon. The McCain/Palin campaign did not respond to requests for comment.

Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

well well...

now since the neo cons love to degrade both Obama and Islam and link him to it like some sort of extremist, you have Palin now showing remarkable similarities with Islamic fundamental states' position on rape (a la Saudi).

they both have perverted and unjust ways to handle rape victims.

thanks Allison for the updates, i've completely lost the will to keep up with political news these days. disgusted every which way i look.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

well well...

now since the neo cons love to degrade both Obama and Islam and link him to it like some sort of extremist, you have Palin now showing remarkable similarities with Islamic fundamental states' position on rape (a la Saudi).

they both have perverted and unjust ways to handle rape victims.

thanks Allison for the updates, i've completely lost the will to keep up with political news these days. disgusted every which way i look.

Not a problem arXter. The truth must get out about this woman.

::::Breaking News::::

Sarah Palin advocates the brutal hunting practices of aerial shooting of animals. Warning - Video is GRAPHIC!

Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

I posted this on my yahoo blog. Thanks Allison..
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

well well...

now since the neo cons love to degrade both Obama and Islam and link him to it like some sort of extremist, you have Palin now showing remarkable similarities with Islamic fundamental states' position on rape (a la Saudi).

they both have perverted and unjust ways to handle rape victims.

thanks Allison for the updates, i've completely lost the will to keep up with political news these days. disgusted every which way i look.

For your information Arxter, here is Obama's Record on Rape and Violence. Read this, THEN tell me if you still stand by your statement!

From the WOMEN for OBAMA website - http://www.womenforbarackobama.com/Obama_s_Record.html


Obama Passed Law to Help Combat Violence Against Women. Obama co-sponsored a bill that would authorize increased appropriations for FY2006-FY2010 for grants to combat violent crimes against women, revise provisions specifying purposes for grants to include use for under served populations and for forensic medical exams of sex offense victims, increase set aside amounts for grants to Indian tribal governments and U.S. territories and possessions, prohibit law enforcement officers, prosecutors, or other government officials from requiring sex offense victims to submit to a polygraph examination as a condition for proceeding with an investigation or prosecution of a sex offense. The bill would establish a sexual assault services program, directing the Attorney General to make grants to states, territories, and tribal entities for rape crisis centers or other programs and projects to assist those victimized by sexual assault, culturally specific community-based organizations for various services on behalf of sexual assault victims, and state, territorial, and tribal sexual assault coalitions. The bill would also award grants to accredited schools of medicine to develop interdisciplinary training and education programs that provide health professions students with an understanding of, and clinical skills pertinent to, domestic violence, sexual assault, and dating violence. [109th, HR 3402 (S. 1197), Passed by Unanimous Consent, 12/16/05; PL 109-162, 1/5/06]

Obama Passed A Law To Create The Victims Economic Security And Safety Act (VESSA), Which Helps Victims Of Abuse Seek Treatment Without Losing Their Job. Obama was the chief sponsor and voted to created the Victims' Economic Security and Safety Act. The bill provided that an employee who is a victim of domestic or sexual violence, or who has a family or household member who is a victim of domestic or sexual violence, may take leave from work to address domestic or sexual violence by seeking medical attention or obtaining health or legal services. The Chicago Tribune reported, "But VESSA, as it is known, allows time off for personal issues not covered by the FMLA and is designed to help victims keep their jobs." Obama said he sponsored the bill after being approached by several advocacy group for battered women. "They came to me and indicated how difficult it is for victims of physical and sexual abuse to deal with the repercussions of an assault and then try to balance it with work and everything else." [93rd GA; HB 3486; 3R P 58-0-0, 5/20/03; Signed into law 8/25/03, PA 93-0591; Chicago Tribune, 8/20/03; University Wire, 8/22/03]

Obama Passed Law To Increase Penalties For Repeat Domestic Offenders. Obama was the chief co-sponsor and voted for House bill providing that domestic battery or a violation of an order of protection is a Class 4 felony if the defendant had a prior conviction for certain enumerated offenses, including first degree murder, aggravated domestic battery, and criminal sexual assault. A person commits stalking if he or she has been previously convicted of stalking another person and knowingly (on one occasion) follows that same person or commits certain threatening acts against that person or that person's family. [92nd GA; HB 4081; 2002; Signed into law 8/22/02, PA 92-0827]

Obama Passed Law To Increase Penalties For Committing Battery In Or Near A Domestic Violence Shelter. Obama was the chief co-sponsor of and voted for bill providing that a person commits aggravated battery if he or she (or the person battered) is in a domestic violence shelter, or if the person battered is within 500 feet going to or from the shelter. [92nd GA, SB 0175, 3/29/01, 3R P; 55-0-0; P.A. 92-0516, 1/1/02; 91st GA, SB 1406, Session Sine Die, 1/9/01]

Obama Passed Law Improving "No Contact" Court Procedures in Domestic Abuse Petitions. Obama helped amend the Civil No Contact Order Act, including simplifying the forms for filing a petition. The law allows for the court to appoint counsel to represent the petitioner if the respondent is represented by counsel and changes what a civil no contact order may contain. [93rd, HB4395, 3R: 57-0-0, 5/5/04; PA 93-0811, 7/26/04]

Obama Passed Law Requiring Clear Language be Included in Emergency Orders of Protection. Obama co-sponsored and helped pass a law that requires the government be specific about the restrictions placed on the recipient of an emergency order of protection. This legislation prevents perpetrators of domestic violence from claiming ignorance of the law. [93rd GA, SB2495, 3R: 57-0-0, 3/25/04; Concurrence: 53-0-0, 5/26/04 PA 93-0944, 8/17/04]

Obama Passed Law Raising Standards Related to Domestic Violence. Obama sponsored a bill and voted to amend the Nursing Home Care Act and the Hospital Licensing Act to require licensees under those Acts to comply with standards relating to domestic violence established by the Joint Committee on Accreditation or other accrediting organizations approved by the Department of Public Health. [91st GA, SB0850, 1999, PA 91-0163, 99-07-16]

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Why Women Support Obama

“I support Barak Obama because he is an honest man with a vision for this country that exceeds our wildest dreams. He is kind, compassionate, brilliant, articulate and tough when necessary. He will restore divided ideologies and we will be the 'United' States once again.”

-- Terrie, California


Obama Passed The Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public Database Act of 2005. Obama co-sponsored a bill that would require the Attorney General to make publicly available in a registry via the Internet, from information contained in the National Sex Offender Registry or in state sex offender websites, specified information about sexually violent predators and persons convicted of a sexually violent offense or a criminal offense against a minor, who are required to register with a minimally sufficient state sexual offender registration program; and allow registry users to identify offenders who are currently residing within a specified radius of a given location. Requires registry information to include the offender's name, address, date of birth, physical description, and photograph, the nature and date of commission of the offense, and the date on which the offender is released from prison or placed on parole, supervised release, or probation. Linda Walker, Dru Sjodin's mother, said that Dru's Law "is a step in the right direction, but more work needs to be done to protect women and children. 'I think it has to stay in the forefront of our nation's agenda.' she said." [109th, S. 792, Passed by Unanimous Consent, 7/28/05; Referred to House Subcommittee, 9/19/05; Aberdeen American News, 10/6/06]

Obama Passed A Bill To Protect Children From Known Sex Offenders. Obama co-sponsored a bill to improve the national program to register and monitor individuals who commit crimes against children or sex offenses. The bill would require the Attorney General to maintain a National Sex Offender Registry at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, as well as a National Sex Offender Public Registry. The bill would also require adults or juveniles who are convicted as adults of sexually violent offenses, certain offenses against minors, or other specified crimes (covered individuals) to provide specified information to designated persons in their domicile, work, or school states for the rest of their lives (with specified exceptions). The bill would require such an individual, initially and thereafter as specified, to register with and appear before such designated persons to provide identification, home, work, school, and vehicle information and to have a photograph and fingerprints taken. [109th, S. 1086, Passed by Unanimous Consent, 5/4/06; Held at desk, 5/8/06]

Obama Passed Law Expanding Rights Of Alleged Victims of Sexual Assault. Obama sponsored a bill and voted to amend the Criminal Code of 1961 to eliminate the 48 hour time requirement after the collection of the sample in which an alleged sexual assault survivor must return to the hospital performing the sample analysis of all controlled substances and alcohol ingested by the alleged victim a signed written authorization in order to have the sample analysis performed. [93rd, HB4771, 2004, Third Reading: 5/19/2004, PA 93-0958 8/20/2004]

Obama Passed A Law To Make Administering A Date Rape Drug Aggravated Battery As Well As An Aggravating Offense To Criminal Sexual Assault. Obama sponsored a bill and voted to amend the Criminal Code of 1961 to provide that administering a controlled substance to a person without his or her consent for nonmedical purposes constitutes aggravated battery. The bill provided that delivering a controlled substance to a victim without his or her consent as part of the same course of conduct as the commission of criminal sexual assault or criminal sexual abuse is an aggravating circumstance that enhances these offenses to aggravated criminal sexual assault or aggravated criminal sexual abuse. Further amends the Criminal Code of 1961. [90th GA, SB 1224, 3R P 54-0-0, 3/24/98; HA 1 Concur P 55-0-1, 5/20/98; PA 90-0735, 8/11/98]

Obama Passed A Law to Expand the Definitions of "Sex Offender" and "Sex Offense" and Mandate Offender Disclosure. Obama sponsored a bill and voted to amend the Sex Offender Registration Act to include in the definition of "sex offender" a person who is convicted or adjudicated for a sex offense under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. The bill included in the definition of a "sex offense", a 3rd or subsequent conviction for public indecency or a conviction for custodial sexual misconduct or permitting sexual abuse of a child if these offenses are committed on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act. The bill provided that the sheriff shall disclose sex offender information to the boards of institutions of higher education or other appropriate administrative offices of each non-public institution of higher education located in the county where the sex offender is required to register, resides, or is attending an institution of higher education. [92nd GA, HB 5874, 3R P 55-0-0, 5/7/02; Adopt CC Report P 54-0-1, 5/31/03; PA 92- 0828, 8/22/02]

Obama Passed Law to Require EMS For Sexual Assault Survivors To Include Coverage For Emergency Contraception. Obama was the chief co-sponsor and voted for adding, as an additional criterion for IDPH approval for a hospital's plan for emergency services for sexual assault survivors, that the plan must provide sufficient protections from the risk of pregnancy by the sexual assault survivor. Bill requires that hospitals providing such services develop and implement protocol that ensures that each sexual assault survivor receives medically and factually accurate information about emergency contraception. [92nd GA; SB 0114; 2001; Signed into law 7/25/01, PA 92-0156]

Obama Passed a Bill Eliminating Good Behavior Time For Sex Offenders. Obama sponsored and passed a bill to amend the County Jail Good Behavior Allowance Act by stipulating that any convict may not receive time off for good behavior if he has been incarcerated for sexual assault or aggravated sexual abuse. [91st GA, SB 0485, 3/11/99, 3R P; 54-1-2; P.A. 91-0117, 7/15/99; Senate Floor Transcript, 3/11/99, p. 74]

Obama Passed Law to Extend Statute Of Limitations On Certain Sexual Offenses. Obama was the chief co-sponsor and voted for bill extending the statute of limitations for several criminal sexual offenses, including aggravated criminal sexual assault. [91st GA; HB 0329; 1999; Signed into law 8/11/99, PA 91-0475]

Obama Sponsored Illinois Senate Version Of The Bill That Would Seal Sexual Assault Victim's Records. Obama sponsored a bill that would amend the Criminal Identification Act to provide that the victim of criminal sexual assault, aggravated criminal sexual assault, predatory criminal sexual assault of a child, criminal sexual abuse, or aggravated criminal sexual abuse, may request that the State's Attorney file a petition with the trial judge to have the court records of the case sealed. The bill provided that, upon order of the court for good cause shown, the records may be made available for public inspection. [91st GA, SB 943, 1999, 3R P 58-0-0, 3/23/99, Total Veto Stands, 11/18/99]

SB 943 Was Amended To Include The Exact Bill Language Of HB 854 Before Obama Signed On As A Sponsor. Obama was the chief co-sponsor of and voted for SB 943, which would amend the Criminal Identification Act to provide that the victim of criminal sexual assault, aggravated criminal sexual assault, predatory criminal sexual assault of a child, criminal sexual abuse, or aggravated criminal sexual abuse, may request that the State's Attorney file a petition with the trial judge to have the court records of the case sealed. The bill provided that, upon order of the court for good cause shown, the records may be made available for public inspection. Obama signed onto the bill after the original language was amended to include the same language of HB 854. [91st GA, SB 943, 1999, 3R P 58-0-0, 3/23/99, Total Veto Stands, 11/18/99]

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Obama Passed Equal Pay Act In Illinois To Give 330,000 More Women Protection From Pay Discrimination. Obama co-sponsored and voted for the Equal Pay Act which provided that no employer may discriminate between employees on the basis of sex by paying ages solely on the basis of the employee's gender. According to the AP, the "Illinois Equal Pay Act expands the federal Equal Pay Act of 1963 to give about 330,000 more women in the state protection from gender-based discrimination in pay" by applying the law to companies that employee 4 or more people, rather than the federal standard of fifteen. Obama attended the bill signing on Mother's Day of 2003. [93rd GA; SB 0002; 2003; Signed into law, 5/11/03, PA 93-0006; AP, 5/11/03; Chicago Tribune, 5/8/03; Chicago Tribune, 5/12/03]

Obama Passed A Law To Create The Victims Economic Security And Safety Act (VESSA), Which Would Help Victims Of Abuse Seek Treatment Without Losing Their Job. Obama was the chief sponsor and voted to created the Victims' Economic Security and Safety Act. The bill provided that an employee who is a victim of domestic or sexual violence, or who has a family or household member who is a victim of domestic or sexual violence whose interests are not adverse to the employee, may take leave from work to address domestic or sexual violence by: seeking medical attention for, or recovering from, physical or psychological injuries caused by domestic or sexual violence to the employee or the employee's family or household member; obtaining services from a victim services organization for the employee or the employee's family or household member; obtaining psychological or other counseling for the employee or the employee's family or household member; participating in safety planning, temporarily or permanently relocating, or taking other actions to increase the safety of the employee or the employee's family or household member from future domestic or sexual violence or ensure economic security; or seeking legal assistance or remedies to ensure the health and safety of the employee or the employee's family or household member, including preparing for or participating in any civil or criminal legal proceeding related to or derived from domestic or sexual violence. The Chicago Tribune reported, "But VESSA, as it is known, allows time off for personal issues not covered by the FMLA and is designed to help victims keep their jobs." Obama said he sponsored the bill after being approached by several advocacy group for battered women. "They came to me and indicated how difficult it is for victims of physical and sexual abuse to deal with the repercussions of an assault and then try to balance it with work and everything else." [93rd GA; HB 3486; 3R P 58-0-0, 5/20/03; Signed into law 8/25/03, PA 93-0591; Chicago Tribune, 8/20/03; University Wire, 8/22/03]

Obama Passed Into Law a Requirement that Women And Minority Scientists/Engineers Be Represented And Consulted on Specific Technology and Science Efforts. In 2007, Obama sponsored an amendment, which became law, to the America Competes Act requiring that minorities and females be represented and consulted during the development of innovation/competitiveness strategies at the National Science and Technology Summit (NSTS), on the President's Council on Innovation and Competitiveness, and elsewhere. [S.Amdts. 923, Agreed to by unanimous consent, 4/25/07; S. 761, Incorporated into H.R. 2272, which became P.L. 110-289, 8/9/07]

Obama Passed Into Law An Amendment Creating A Mentoring Program For Women And Underrepresented Groups At DOE. In 2007, Obama sponsored an amendment, which became law, to the America Competes Act that established a mentoring program to support women and underrepresented groups as they progress through education programs proposed by the Department of Energy. The amendment was included in the final version of the bill that passed Congress and was signed into law. [S.Amdts. 905, Agreed to by unanimous consent, 4/25/07, S. 761, Incorporated into H.R. 2272, which became P.L. 110-289, 8/9/07]
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

Linda what are you on?
i never criticised Obama's stance - i'm talking about Palin and her likeness to the backward Saudi views of their rape victims.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

Linda what are you on?
i never criticised Obama's stance - i'm talking about Palin and her likeness to the backward Saudi views of their rape victims.
Oh sorry. I reread what you wrote and basically you are saying that the SAUDI views on their rape victims are backward, just like Palin. Please accept my apologies...I'm tired..
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

no harm done, any excuse to plug Obama propaganda eh Linda? :p
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

Thank you for this information. I had no idea. I don't think that most people have an idea of what kind of a woman this Sarah Palin is. I've read some info about her in the papers but it's all covered with the hype that she has caused. It's like people are mesmerized and don't see the real danger here yet.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

I enjoyed Jamie Lee Curtis's post on the huffingtonpost too: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jamie-lee-curtis/do-you-think-im-stupid_b_124635.html

"When the Republicans had their convention and there were signs held high with the monikers...."G.I. John and Superwoman" I knew we were in trouble. They were selling a fantasy!"

I think Joy on the View made a great point in that Palin has done next to NO interviews so far and doesn't appear to be doing it anytime yet.... my thoughts is that how can anyone feel comfortable voting for an unknown quantity?

I have to say... one thing that I do love about Palin and that is that she looks very similar to Tina Fey :D which I'm sure SNL are just thrilled to bits with :rofl: